Early morning, Sunday. Love the soft light in the kitchen. You can see our little cow on top of the hutch. We bought him several years ago and named him Monty in honor of Montrose, the town we were living in at the time. Monty keeps watch over all things in the kitchen.
I’ve received some awards lately that I will be posting throughout the week. A wonderful blogger named Susan of The T-Cozy gave me her Kindred Spirit award. She posted about it here. Both Susan and I love pottery and are ardent collectors. She has a wonderful collection and a lovely blog. Don’t you just love the words “kindred spirit?” It reminds me so much of Anne of Green Gables…. I have been lucky to find so many kindred spirits through blogging. What a wonderful world has been opened up to me. Thank you, Susan. Please stop by Susan’s blog – you’ll love it.
By the way, I’ve created another page that lists my awards. Just scroll down the right column to the Awards/roses photo and click.
Yesterday I mowed…you guessed it…another yellowjacket sting in the other ankle. This is getting extremely annoying. We had the original ground nest treated – but there’s another one about 5 feet away! All I’m trying to do is mow the lawn…give me a break, bees!
I’m off to take the dogs for a walk before it gets too hot. This afternoon I get to hear my husband play and sing in Woodstock (the town, not the festival!) Have a wonderful Sunday!
Thanks for visiting on Pink Saturday. I love the old clothes. What wonderful memories!
Oh Claudia honey, I am so sorry that you got stung. This is so painful. Two times now? What can you do to get rid of them? You have to mow for gosh sake. What is the purpose of watering if we aren’t going to mow it down? Thank you for your wonderful prayers for Amy. I updated the original post, there will not be a surgery until tomorrow. I can only guess this is the Lord’s day and we are to rest and trust in him on this day. We are holding on with our Faith. I so appreciate you, and I so love to see you come to visit. You are a joy to me. Thank you for everything my friend. I love you, Sherry
Ouch hate those bee stings. Congrats on your award. Also your white cupboard is just beautiful.
My goodness, you need to wear body armour when mowing!
Congratulations on your award.
Now I just LOVE that cabinet and Monty!!! Years ago I had cows everywhere in my kitchen and in a mini one too . . . . Have a super afternoon! Hugs, Marsha
The bees here are starting to turn nasty too.It must be the time of year. I can’t remember if I told you or not, but I just had an email sent to me that if you hold or tape a penny onto the bite area for 10 minutes after the sting, it takes away the pain, swelling and there is virtually no mark the next day. Who knew! Congratulations on your award. I love that you made a separate page for them. I’ve been wanting to put all of mine somewhere separate, but didn’t know this was an option. Can you tell me how you found out how to do this? I would be so grateful. Hope you have a great day.
I can’t wait to hear Don, bet he was terrific today.
Hi Claudia:
Love your sweet cow and cabinet…and that kind of light. You are a “kindred spirit”…what a perfect award for you!
Oh the sting. I am sorry!
love, kelee
i just got my very first bee sting! on the ankle by a yellow jacket! i was stunned. i thought the bees and i had a pact! grrrrrrr
how fun to see hubby perform. have a great time!
i am digging your blog button. very cute + cool! will add it soon but now i am off to zzzzzzz
Oh, that’s no fun getting stung! Love your white cupboard.
Hugs, Patti
Ahhh, I love that you were able to catch the light in your photo. Very pretty! The best light in my kitchen is at 5PM, and like you, I stop to enjoy it.
Hope the sting is just a bad memory by now.
Fabulous new header, Claudia!
Monty is so adorable. I clicked to make the photo bigger and was surprised by his cute little face!