To say my sleep patterns have been erratic since I arrived in Hartford is putting it mildly.
Today I woke up at 5 am – too early for the long day that lies ahead.
It isn’t the bed, which is quite comfortable. It isn’t the noise because it’s fairly quiet here. All I know is that sometimes I wake up and it’s still dark, but I’m sure it’s later than it is – maybe around 6:30 – and my brain starts going or I get up to go to the bathroom and I look at the clock at it’s not even 5 yet. I try to go back to sleep but it’s too late, usually, because I can’t turn off my brain.
So I get up and make some coffee.
I wish it would all even out, but I don’t think it will, so I simply have to go with it.
We start early today, working through some key scenes, and eventually do our first stumble-through of the entire play. A mutual friend of ours from the Old Globe days is in town and we’re all going to dinner after rehearsal.
I’m not going home on my day off because there’s really not enough time make it worthwhile and I’m tired. I think I’ll be able to grab a couple of days back at the cottage at the end of the week, when we move onstage.
The Hartford Public Library, taken last Saturday, right before the snow arrived. If you look closely, you can see the café. I’ve never had the time to dine there, but maybe I will this time around.
There’s a Jazz series every Sunday afternoon.
Oh, and I wanted to share my new favorite hand cream with you.
Inexpensive and really lovely and smooth. And no animal testing. I really want to eliminate any products that are tested on animals from my life. It might take a while, but that’s my goal for 2016. I saw a photo recently of cats being tested and it sent a chill down to my very core. There’s no excuse for using a living being as a test subject. And I’m very firm on that one and no amount of debating will change my mind.
So I haven’t picked a ‘word’ for 2016, but I am vowing to do as much as I can to research the products I routinely use and throw them out if there is any animal testing involved. It’s time for me to step up.
That’s my goal.
I’m not preaching, except to myself.
Happy Sunday.
I really hate those mornings when I wake up to early and the brain starts going before I’m ready. I hope coffee helps you get through this long day. At lest there is a fun meal with friends to look forward to. I will check out that hand cream. I hate to think of testing done on animals, I will join you in that quest to eliminate items tested on animals. Hoping to make it to church but my back is hurting, we shall see.
I got through the long rehearsal day and now I have to go out to dinner, but that should be fun! Take care of your back, Linda.
I did make it to church and a short visit with my Mom. Then home and lots of rest as I read and napped! Hope you enjoyed your dinner out.
Not being able to sleep properly is frustrating. My worst night is always Sunday as I’m already mulling over work in my mind. On the other hand, after a 60+ hour work week you really don’t want to try waking me on a Saturday!
I applaud your efforts to read and research. Obviously the more we know, the better educated choices we can make. Much the same as checking for sodium, we try to buy “Fair Trade” groceries as much as possible. I love to collect miniatures, but after recently watching an online documentary about the manufacture of toys in China, I’m going to try to shop only for handmade or re-purposed pieces. I’ve never thought there’s any excuse to test things like cosmetics on animals, but I can’t oppose the testing of drugs or medical procedures as long as it’s done humanely.
I constantly check for sodium levels – good point about minis made in China, Barbara. Thanks for that reminder.
The documentary I watched is called “Santa’s Workshop”.
Claudia, one of the non-profits that I am proud to support is the Beagle Freedom Project. On their website, you can read about their handy smart-phone app, called “Cruelty Cutter.” You can scan items while shopping, to determine cruelty-free status.
I don’t have a smart phone, so I can’t vouch for this app, but it looks worthwhile. I believe it’s free. On the itunes website, there are other, similar, apps displayed at the bottom of the page.
This is an fyi. As I said, I haven’t tried it myself. Here is the website that I use on my desktop when deciding whether to purchase a product:
I could write a lot more, but I won’t.
Thank you, Claudia, for taking a stand on this. If you choose to not publish my comment, I will understand. It’s a hot issue.
P.S. Here is another resource that I like:
Thanks, Nancy.
Thanks for these links, Nancy. Peta also has a comprehensive list that I have used in the past. I’m happy to publish your comment.
I just though of a word for you ~ compassion, because you truly care about all living creatures. Now regarding sleep patterns, you and I are on the same roller coaster sleep ride. My solution is to start getting up at 5 am since I seem to have so much chatter going on in my brain at that hour anyway. Of course that will mean I will need to get to bed earlier at night, which means that the dinner hour will need to be earlier. Oh bother, I am headed to the “early bird special” I used to laugh about ;-)
Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley
Here’s my problem. I DO go to bed early. I’m usually asleep by 10. But it’s invariably those nights where I’m up a little later than usual where I wake up at a ridiculous time!
Love your ‘early bird special’ comment – I think Don and I are headed in that direction, too!
I agree testing on animals is so very cruel and unnecessary ( hope I spelled that correctly). I try very hard to buy products NOT tested on animals. You must read labels carefully, some say finished product not tested on animals . That can mean research testing on animals!…By the way I just finished In the Dark Places by Peter Robinson…don’t read if you are vegetarian. The descriptions in the slaughter house are gruesome. Enjoy your Sunday, here in RI already 46 degrees.
I just read about that today, Mary. If the unfinished product is tested on animals, I don’t want any part of it!
I read that book and commented about it here on the blog. I am a vegetarian and those slaughterhouse scenes were so horrific I couldn’t read them.
I have a lot of those mornings, too where I wake up too darn early (usually it’s 3 or 4 a.m.!) and my mind is whirling, so I can’t go back to sleep. And since I don’t go to bed until 11:30 p.m., it’s very frustrating. I lie there for an hour or two before I finally go back to sleep. I also get up twice each night to use the bathroom, so yeah, my sleep is mostly rotten. Last year when my dr. asked me how my sleep was, I told her that I sleep in shifts.
I love that hand creme from TJ’s. One of my favorites. And I’m totally with you on the animal testing. I will not buy any products that are tested on animals. Did you know prescription drugs and vaccines (which I don’t get, but I know that’s highly controversial) are tested on animals? Back in the day (early 80’s), I worked for a major pharmaceutical company (G.D. Searle) in the research division. Since I worked in Purchasing, I was offered a tour of the animal testing facility and I declined. I did not want to see that.
Enough of that. Hope you have a good week.
Yes, I did know. Another reason to treat illnesses with herbs, holistically, spiritually…whatever.
Happy Sunday to you, take care.
The same to you, Doris. Have a great day.
I often think back to children, when we tell them to take a nap or at least a rest, and they cry and fuss and fight about it. Now what many would do to hear those words “Go take a nap or at least sit quietly and read or color”. Sleep is so important and can be so elusive at times. It is something that many take for granted.
I bet Don would enjoy the Sunday afternoon Jazz!
Oh, Claudia! We are in for a winter storm on Tues & Wed. I am praying it heads in a totally different direction. 49 days until Spring.
I hope it doesn’t hit you, Chris! And I hope it doesn’t head this way, either!
I can’t stand the fact that I’m probably using product tested on animals but sometimes it seems impossible to know. I’ve tried a variety of products said to be animal-safe but some of those products just haven’t worked for me.
I’m a cancer survivor and, for those of us who are…or for anybody…it’s particularly important to have paraben-free lotions, shampoos, etc. so I’m very glad to see your tip on the hand cream. Also because I had a doctor give me a couple of brands to use and they were really costly and hard to find.
Sleep. Elusive sleep. They say part of it is aging; who knows. I actually hardly know anybody who sleeps well at our age. It seems to be a lot of what we talk about when we get together. It’s hard to know why we wake up. Sometimes it’s as simple as a neighbor slamming a car door (or gunning up the engine) when they leave for work at 5am. (I’ve got a neighbor who does that with a motorcycle although he really does TRY to be quiet, but how??!) You wake up, wonder why, but the sound is already gone. I go to bed cold and wake up hot. I’m sure it’s a hormonal issue but I can’t do anything about it for having had cancer; any kind of hormone therapy is prohibited.
It’s noon here in SoCalif and we’ve had rain since 6am. It’s really only our second significant rain since I guess earlier in December. The wind is blowing a gale and it just blew down our patio canopy. My husband, literally in stitches since surgery on Tuesday, is having ‘stress’ with wanting to go out there and tie things down but, of course, he can’t, nor can I; I just don’t have the strength and I don’t want to slip on wet dirt/grass/pavers. The lights have been flickering so I’m thinking it’s likely we could lose power pretty soon. I think I’ll go make a lunch so that if we do lose electrical, the frig door will at least stay shut! We are SO unused to weather like this here but, clearly, we need every ounce of rain we can get. It’s not cold; we’re in the high 50s. The rain is slanting from the south; rather odd. (Wouldn’t you know, for having to keep my husband fed with high-protein foods for healing, and trying to tempt him to eat anything healthy, I have the frig stocked tight. One time in the high heat of summer a few years ago, we lost power for the entire day and night; lost the whole frig/freezer full of food. Was just too hot in the house and too many hours. Don’t want that to happen again. Food is EXPENSIVE!)
We’ve lost food because of a power outage. We had two of them last year, remember, both times a pole came down and we were without power for about 24 hours. It almost always happens right after we’ve been shopping!
You two stay inside. Things will be okay. It’s more important that your husband heals and you stay safe.
Kudos to you re animal testing. Me too. In addition to eating healthier, I’ve been eliminating products from my home that aren’t natural over the past few years too, including GMOs and plastics [my pantry and fridge have glass where they used to have plastic]. Cleaning house – and self – with natural soaps [no more detergents] baking soda, white vinegar, lemon juice etc. Not only much healthier, but FAR less expensive and bonus – ALL my cleaning supplies fit perfectly on a single small shelf now. I’m a firm believer that this century will show us that much of the today’s average supermarket contains products that are toxic in some way. To human beings, to animals and/or to the planet. That in many instances, older ways were healthier ways. And that life – in general- needs to be much simpler than it currently is to be healthier for all. End of soapbox. Have a lovely Sunday…☕️
I need to get rid of plastics, which is something I haven’t even addressed yet. Natural cleaning supplies are the best, the healthiest, and the least expensive!
Ahhhhh, I remember sleep…I think. Thanks for the hand cream tip. I’ve been trying to not buy anything sold in plastic for a while now ( not easy!) and this tube looks like it might make the cut. :)
It’s a good cream, Deb.
Just catching up on your latest posts….My word for 2016 is BALANCE….I have soooooo many interests on top of working a full time job at the Department of Social Services. I really want to dabble in ALL of my interests. So I’m trying to balance it all out so I don’t feel like I’m lacking in one area…it’s not as easy as I had hoped but I’m getting better at it…..thanks for sharing!
Balance is a very good word for 2016, Mamey.