The grass on the front lawn was so long that mowing was a real slog. Don, in an inspired moment, grabbed the other lawnmower. He went at it from one end, and I went at it from the other. Even so, we had to take a break halfway through. When you have lots of dangerously hot days followed by a few days of rain – including torrential tropical storm rain – the grass and the weeds in the garden get out of control.
I did do a bit a weed trimming as well, but there’s much more to be done out there. Lots and lots of cleanup. The trouble is: this is the time I stop caring as much about the gardens. So I have to work against that and force myself to pull weeds.
I sat on the glider later in the day – it was such a lovely day – and listened to the bullfrog, who has been very vocal the last couple of days, Today is beautiful, as well. Don and I are going to resume our library walks, so later on this morning, we will head on over.
I started a book the other day that I had ordered from a library. A mystery. I know of the author, who is quite prolific. Boy, within the first three pages, I knew I did not like her writing. Not one bit. I don’t know how to describe it, but it’s too glib, too trendy…all style. Formulaic. It’s the kind of writing that has proliferated since Gone Girl and, if you remember, I threw that book across the room because it was manipulation for the sake of manipulation. I’ll return it today. Unfortunately, I have another one by the same author coming. Maybe I can cancel it.
So that was disappointing.
I’m still reading The Mirror and the Light, so I’m good. But because it’s historical fiction and pretty dense, I like to have another book going at the same time.
Loved the closing ceremony of the Olympics. Though, if I never see Snoop Dogg again, I’ll be fine. We felt there was way too much emphasis on celebrities. I’m relieved we can get back to our normal rhythms around here, but I will miss the Olympics. It’s always so inspiring.
Okay. Have to finish my coffee so we can take that walk.
By the way, I walked outside to take the above photo and the temperature was quite cool. Heaven!
Stay safe.
Happy Monday.
I couldn’t quite follow the closing ceremony so I switched to another channel to learn about Jim Henson and how he and his wife Jane developed the Muppets. Quite interesting!
I’m reading a series that I think I have read before. The stories are so familiar but I can’t remember the solutions to the crimes so I guess I’ll re-read them! ;)
I followed it okay, though I think the ending was sort of an anticlimax. We said “That’s it??”
Stay safe, Ellen.
wow … what a gorgeous view (and photo)! what are the purple ground flowers, please? thanks.
you and don work so well together. glad for you both.
nice to be able to go for a walk after your weather extremes, isn’t it? we’ve had lots of heat lately, a brief and tiny bit of rain overnight and today the high temperature is to reach 70. 70! in august and during the state fair? pretty much unheard of, but i will gladly take it. :) hope to get a walk in here, too.
wondering if the other book by that author was written later, if there’d be a chance the writing style had changed, grown to something you’d like better …? i am glad you have more books at hand. i’ve not thrown a book across the room yet, but i do have a rule: if i don’t like a book in the first ten pages, then i stop reading it. i’ve quit a fair number of books because (especially now that i am back to reading) i don’t want anything to spoil my love for books and reading.
hey … could wren arrive home today? whenever, she’s on her way! :)
hope you all have a great day. take it easy and stay safe.
That’s the gravel. The lighting at that moment makes it look purple.
Wren should be arriving today, but she is not. Delays getting her out of Minnesota, maybe due to the storms out here? She’s in Jersey City right now.
Stay safe, Kathy.
gravel? haha. guess i should have tried zooming in on the photo. thanks.
hopefully wren will be home tomorrow.
I agree with you on the Olympics, although I do like Snoop Dog. Why is it I feel no confidence in the US hosting the Olympics?? I think I’ve lost SOME admiration for our country with all the STUPID political fighting. We should be better!
I don’t dislike Snoop Dogg, there was just too much coverage devoted to him.
Stay safe, Darlene.
I agree with you, Claudia. Too much Snoop Dogg, though it was hilarious that he tried to rock a dressage uniform. I also have misgivings about the Olympics being held in LA. There was already too much celebrity at the Paris 2024. How overwhelming will it be in Tinseltown when so-called A-listers selfishly get the best tickets just to be seen. I’m sorry my cynical side is showing.
The Olympics that was held in LA in the 80s was fabulous. But with social media we have way too much exposure to celebrities as it is. It’s a different world now.
Stay safe, Wendy.
Another gorgeous shot from your yard! Such a conundrum of needing the rain, then getting lots, then to have the rain spur the grass growth! Nice that you and Don were able to tackle it together. I enjoyed the Olympic’s closing ceremony, except when they went to commercial during the one gentleman’s speech, that seemed rude. I did get a bit tired during the games when the camera focused on the celebrities in the audience…the athletes were the stars I wanted to see. Overall, however, I really enjoyed the Paris Olympics.
Yes. Enough of the celebrities. Who cares?
And of course, they especially loved to highlight the actors and celebrities who work for NBC and Peacock.
Stay safe, Barrie.
You usually tell us the names of authors you like, why tell us the names of authors you don’t like.
I don’t believe in negatively influencing your thoughts on an author just because I don’t like them. You might.
Stay safe.
Hello! Yep, I think you can tell a book right off. Unfortunately, I’ve had a few books lately I have not gotten past page 25 (the spot i read to before admitting it’s just not gonna happen). And when it’s an author I usually like!!! Erggggg. My husband asks why I always come home with 8 books. We know, don’t we!!
Lovely pic. Have a great walk!
Very frustrating when it’s an author you usually like!
Absolutely 8 books – because you never know!
Stay safe, Verna.
I hear you on the lawn. We got back from the lake yesterday and it is definitely time.
I didn’t see the whole of the closing ceremonies but what I saw I liked. Didn’t see the end. I agree about the celebrity. The focus should be the athletes. I did watch a bit more over the weekend so less to catch up on!
Mowing time, Jeanie!
We’re taking a break from it today. Pooped!
Stay safe.
I laughed at your comment about Gone Girl. I thought it was a terrible book. It’s been a while since I read it, but I remember thinking so much of it was implausible. And I agree with your remark about too much emphasis on celebrities in the Olympics. I can’t say I thought much of the red carpet the day of the opening ceremonies. The yard photo is really nice.
Thanks so much, Lynda.
Stay safe!
That’s a beautiful picture, Claudia. I used to think that if you started a book you had to finish reading it, no matter what. Where that belief came from, I do not know. Life is too short to read books you don’t enjoy with so many good books to choose from. Don’t overdo the garden work. Hugs, Elaine
Thanks so much, Elaine.
Stay safe.
You made me laugh. I like Snopp Dog but it was a bit too much. Also all the celebrities. Maybe they are the only ones who can get tickets.
The black eyed Susan’s are beautiful. Yep I remember slacking off on the weeding in August when the first frost wasn’t too far off.
Yeah, it just seems like too much in August!
Stay safe, Kay.
I usually will give 50 pages, but that is because I order Large Print Books from the library. So I figure the 50 pages are prob equal to about 20 or 30 pages. I hate to give up, but I know there are more books in the world than what I will be able to read the rest of my life.
I just assume the Olympics in 2028 will be a full blown red carpet event with celebrities abounding. That makes me sad. I truly got that feeling after watching the end of the ceremony and going from France to the US. Well, we shall see!
It was Primary Day in Wisconsin today. Hubs just got home from working the Polls all day. He said it was a big turnout for a Primary. I sure wish we could vote for the U.S. Supreme Court in Nov.
Hope you had a good day. Take care.
I can’t help feeling that we looked too slick and substanceless in that handover at the end of the closing ceremony.
Saw the results for the Primary: Hurrah!
Stay safe, Chris.