Our late afternoon walks have been accompanied by the most glorious sunsets. This particular sunset was captured yesterday on my iPhone. The one the day before? Oh my. It was as if the sky was lit by fire. Almost a feeling of ‘at the dawn of creation.’
Of course, I didn’t have my camera with me, but at the same time, Don and I knew that it would be impossible to capture what we were seeing. We stood in the middle of the road for at least ten minutes; staring, in awe, humbled by its beauty. Our house is just over the horizon on the right. My friend Breida lives on this road, so she only has to look out her back windows to see this beauty on a daily basis.
Two nights in a row of less than adequate sleep. Feeling a bit edgy and cranky, along with the usual stinging sensation in the eyes.
Dave and me
I belong to a group on Facebook that centers on the nostalgia we all feel for growing up in our hometown. A more innocent time. We share lots of memories and lots of details (many of which I completely forgot) about what it was like there when we were kids. Yesterday, someone posted a photo of an elementary school in our neighborhood, which led to memories of days spent at the outdoor swimming pool that was nearby. One of the guys commenting, Brien, asked me if I was related to the Mr. Hill who was his Scoutmaster when he was in the local Boy Scout Troop. Yes, I answered, that was my dad. He mentioned that my dad and a man named Bob Slick were both Scoutmasters for that troop. I told him I remembered that time vividly. Bob Slick was a family friend as well as a fellow Scoutmaster. I used to attend some of the Courts of Honor, running around like the little kid I was, watching all the bigger-than-me-boys get their merit badges and honors.
I mentioned to Brien that my late brother was in the troop and was an Eagle Scout. He immediately responded that he remembered Dave fondly and really liked him. Suddenly, I was pulled up short by memories of my adored older brother, tall and handsome, Eagle Scout, a guy that many of my girlfriends had crushes on. Brien said that Dave and Jeff Slick (Mr. Slick’s oldest son) were mentors for all the younger guys and that it was tragic that both of them were gone too soon. Jeff died in a car accident when he was in college, he was in his early twenties. My brother died at the age of 44. Mr. Slick never got over the tragic loss of his son. He lost the sparkle in his eyes. I remember that. Likewise, we never got over the loss of my brother.
Amazing how a short back-and-forth on Facebook can immediately take me back to another time, fill me with memories and bring me to tears. I passed along Brien’s good wishes to my dad last night during our phone call. Dad, at the age of 90, remembered him quite clearly.
So long ago, all of this. And so wonderful and sad at the same time.
Happy Saturday.
What a lovely picture of you and your brother. The frame itself makes me think of the missing pieces in your family’s life without him. Thank you for sharing your happy/sad memories.
And it’s so true, the sunsets have been glorious.
That frame was a gift from an old friend. I like what you said about it, Sylvia.
Memories are so strong and powerful. So sorry about your brother, but I hope all the memories are wonderful. My son is working towards the rank of Eagle Scout, and I can tell you, it is a special kind of kid that can accomplish that. Your Dad is a wonderful man for guiding so many young men, and your brother was awesome for completing this prestigious award.
It always seems that memories from childhood surface around this time of the year, doesn’t it?
It sure does, Hope.
I’ve heard from a few of the guys in that troop over the years. I’m always sure to pass it on to my dad because it means a great deal to him to know he had a positive effect on those kids.
Hi Brenda,
I also grew up in a small town in CA. There is a Facebook page that people post pictures on and ask “Do remember…..?” I love the old memories and seeing pictures of old places. Nice when you meet up with someone you knew as a kid. I have 6 Eagle Scouts in my family and my grandson wants to be just like them. It is a wonderful honor.
Enjoy your day.
Six Eagle Scouts! Very impressive, indeed.
What a beautiful photo of you & your brother. Good looks definitely run in your family. Memories come quickly back for me, and it doesn’t take much to start the ball rolling. Usually it’s a scent of perfume or something baking, a song, or photo, etc. Very bittersweet!
Yes, it’s amazing what can conjure up a memory – perfume and scents definitely do that for me, Carolyn.
Love those glorious sunsets myself. Not so thrilled about all the sinkholes oppening around our area this year. You find yourself listening for noises you’ve never heard before. It’s so neat to hear that people we haven’t heard from in a while have wonderful memories of those we love isn’t it? I’ve been able to get in touch with two of the kids I kept when they were little thanks to Facebook. I know what you mean about your eyes stiniging. Mine are much worse when I don’t get enough sleep. Hope you enjoy your weekend. We have our windows open today despite a little rain.
I read about the one in Dunedin, Janie. That’s very close to my dad and sister, as well. They are very, very scary.
Love this post. I guess it is good that our memories recall happy times with the ones who left us behind. That is when it touches our hearts the most. And I love that you looked at a sunset and thought “dawn of creation”. I never thought about that when looking at a sunset, but I certainly will now. You just added another layer to my thoughts and feelings!
This particular sunset was so spectacular – it covered the whole horizon and looked like the sun with its rays shooting out.
Wow it must be great to connect with people you knew back when. It makes me want to do some searching for some people who meant a lot to me from my past. The internet is an amazing tool sometimes! Thanks for sharing your nostalgic story with us .
It certainly has opened up a way to communicate with people from my past, Sue.
Our David was a troubled but wonderful guy, and certainly a wonderful brother, now I am sad, too.
Don’t be sad, sister. xo
Big hugs to you, Claudia… Donna
Thank you, Donna.
You look so pretty in that picture Claudia..I miss my brother so much too..He was just wonderful..not many teenage boys would drag their little sister around places with them like he did with me..lol..such a great guy..I remember at his viewing people were lined up out the door to see him..I felt so proud seeing so many people there just to pay respects to my big brother..Hugs!
Same thing – so many people came to my brother’s memorial service, Nancy.
Thank you for sharing your memories with us…I love the picture of you and your brother.
It was taken right after I finished performing in a one woman show. He came to see it and was so proud of me. I love this photograph.
Losing a sibling at such a young age must have been so hard. I am on a FB page from my High School graduating class and I found some close friends from HS had passed away so young. I was suddenly back in HS ad remembering time with those friends. Good and yet Sad!
Sweet memories….I especially love the sunrise and set of fall.