Since I feel like crap and the sound of water dripping (to prevent freezing pipes) is about to drive me insane, let’s look at a pretty picture of Paris; specifically, the Seine and Notre Dame. It seems a distant memory right now. I frequently look at the photos from our trip, partly to remind myself that we were actually there, and also to bring a smile to my face in the midst of what has been a surreal two weeks.
Big snow storm, waiting for heating oil to be delivered, running out of propane, waiting for that to be delivered, two quick trips into the city, weather extremes, coming down with whatever-this-is, more snow, polar vortex, still sick….you get the picture. It’s been two weeks that I’d rather not repeat. The night before last, I coughed all night long. Last night, I slept in a near-sitting position and managed to avoid endless coughing, which helped enormously.
Today we’re finally supposed to be in the thirties, which seems positively balmy. I am counting the hours until I no longer have to listen to the drips. Soon. In the meantime, Don (who is a saint, let me tell you) left early yesterday morning in a rented van to drive all the way to Detroit. This morning – actually, right about now – he’s meeting up with my old friends Jan and Joe, in order to retrieve the things I’ve had stored at Jan’s house for over 30 years. Jan moved about two months ago and the new owners will be starting renovations next month, so we were down to the wire. I meant to go long ago, but work commitments kept me from making the trip. Finally, Don said he would go. I don’t deserve him. But Don does like a road trip. He drove all the way there yesterday and will drive all the way home today and I will forever be grateful to him.
There’s a funny old victorian loveseat (not at all sit-able) that has a high back for the man and a lower back for the woman, that was my great-grandmother’s. (I have no idea where we will put it.) There’s a box of my great-grandmother’s Haviland china. There’s a red trunk with a curved top that has all sorts of memorabilia from high school and college and a few years beyond. (I also have no idea where I will put the trunk. Or the china.) There were moments when I thought – briefly – of chucking everything, but I knew I couldn’t. Sigh.
So that’s where we are. I’m slowly getting better – it’s only been 5 days. Remember that I suffer from chronic allergies and sinus problems, so anything on top of that, like a cold or upper respiratory thing, is just that much harder to shake. It takes a while to clear out. Please – no well-meaning warnings about dire scenarios! I don’t think that helps at all, nor do I want to take that into my consciousness.
But it’s sunny out there and the temperature is finally getting out of the teens. Good news. It feels like a Sunday somehow, but I’ve lost all sense of time and what day of the week it is.
I want to go back to Paris. I mean, I really want to go back to Paris.
Happy Saturday.
Paris looks very appealing about now. It’s minus 35 Celsius this morning with heaps of snow, so I think I’ll forego my usual early walk and get some exercise playing fetch with Rescue Cat. He is a big Maine Coon who needs a good romp twice a day. Hope you’re on the mend soon. Dealing with the everyday is difficult enough in this weather, let alone when you’re not well.
It’s been a struggle, that’s for sure. Thanks, Barbara.
My dear friend, what a few weeks you’ve had. Here’s to warmer weather, no drips (I would be insane by now) and feeling better. I don’t bounce back from things like I use to and it’s annoying but reminds me I have to take time to let my body heal. I haven’t seen the Grands in two weeks because of being ill but today I get some Grammy hugs and kisses. Can’t wait. Don is just such a great guy for sure. Sending warm hugs and dreaming of Paris with you.
No drips right now! I celebrated by playing some Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong.
Doug’s new granddaughter is here visiting but I don’t dare go over there – I don’t want to infect her with anything.
I wondered if Don had gone on your road trip for you! Oh, I hope you can get rid of your coughs and sniffles and aches and pains—you’ll be having memories to sort through soon!
This seems to want to hang on. One day my head is stuffy, the next it’s in my chest, then a combination of both. Thanks, Shanna.
rough couple of weeks. sorry you’ve had to go through that.
i hope you feel better (and get back to paris) soon … sooner than it might feel right now!
glad for you to soon have those family treasures. i am sure you will find a place for them! very nice of don to make that trip … and yes, you do deserve him (and he you)!
keep healing!
kathy in iowa
ps: no sign of the mouse since monday. :)
He is the best, Kathy. He’s on his way home. Glad there’s no more evidence of the mouse!
We’re finally getting our first snowstorm of the Winter. Programs cancelled, pantry/freezer packed with food, warm house, list of all sorts of things we can do to keep occupied, with time for a fire and a movie or ten! I just got over bronchitis and as good as I feel, the energy is still low. Take care of yourself and don’t push yourself. Safe travel wishes to Don! X Chy
I have very little energy, Chy. It comes in spurts, then I crash.
Claudia, to minimize the dripping sound, tie a length of string to the faucet and let the drops of water slide down the string into a mug. You’ll dampen the sound and have water for your plants.
Have fun going thru the stuff that angel Don is driving back to you. Safe trip for him.
to wendy t …
great idea about the string (to silence the drip) and mug (to save the water for plants)!
happy saturday.
kathy in iowa
Actually it’s more of a steady stream, so a cup wouldn’t do it. Sometimes we put a sponge under the water to deaden the sound. And, since we have wellwater, which is very hard, I don’t use that water to water my houseplants, I use distilled water. Sigh.
Thanks, Wendy!
Oh Claudia, I feel for you in so many ways and send you all good wishes for fast and happy (and thorough!) healing. You have had a grim few weeks, what with the city trips, the cold, the house, the water and oil! It would be enough to wear down even the best of immune systems!
I definitely “get” the comfort zone of the Paris photo, which — by the way — is a view I adore. I think the things that has pulled me through six weeks of sinus heads, two rounds of antibiotics and steroids and sub-zero temps has been blogging about our trip to England last fall, when skies were blue and it was unseasonably warm. To look at the photos of a walk in the park with those crisp, colorful leaves and remember warmth on my skin with only a light jacket has been a major boon to my psyche this month. One more post to wrap London before a break to catch up on real life and then back to the rest of it. So, seeing your Paris photo not only reminds me of the front end of our trip but gives me confidence that you, too, are reveling in good times past when we weren’t buying enough Ricola to wish we had stock in the company.
Safe travels to Don today. I wouldn’t be able to leave those things behind, either (and a trunk has many purposes!) Perhaps you can put the china in the trunk, at least for now. It can’t be that full! (She said — but don’t head to my basement. I spent much of yesterday rearranging things so that when the melt comes, should we get rain on top of it, I can control the flood!)
Cheers! Maybe a home-alone day is just the thing.
Looking back at that trip makes me smile, something I haven’t been doing a lot of lately!
The trunk – as I remember it – is quite full! But memory is a tricky thing, Jeanie. It will be interesting to see just how full it is. Don already informed me that my white Bible is in a box of things – that’s my childhood Bible. I’d completely forgotten about it! Thanks, Jeanie!
These colds do drag on, hope you feel up to pare soon. Family treasures are worth keeping but where to put them?
They really do drag on, Christine – it’s so annoying!
I have no idea where I’ll put things, but Don was quite enthused about the trunk and the little loveseat, so that’s a good thing!
I love Paris and I also look at my past photographs that I have taken there and to other places and they do cheer me up. I am missing a balmy trip to Florida due to an illness that my husband has . I was so looking forward to seeing my family. It is what it is!
May you heal swiftly, and find a place for all of the lovely items you will see soon.
I’m sorry you missed a trip to Florida, Mary! I hope your husband is soon better. Thanks so much, Mary.
Oh…how wonderful of Don to take that trip on for you. To see those items that you haven’t seen in years…oh my. Exciting!
Dripping water would be nerve wracking…but it should be warmer there by now I would think. Wendy T’s idea sounds worth trying for next time. Wish you were feeling better…hopefully tomorrow. I’m anxious to see your great grandmother’s china and the Victorian loveseat. Take care! ;)
I was able to stop dripping around 11 am. Before that, it was way too cold! Thanks, Donnamae!
I think of it as water torture. I was so happy when we were able to turn ours off yesterday!! We have a 2 basin sink, so if we let it drip on the “divider” between the two sinks, it deadens the sound. At night we put a bucket under the drip and in the morning have water for the plants, and to add to the birdbaths w/ their heaters. I do hope that is mostly over for the season. Ha!!!
It will be fun to go through your treasures. Glad you are resting. It does help. We didn’t have the illness throw in, but we had the snow and the horrific cold and I am so happy that is behind us. Onward and upward into Feb. And the groundhog didn’t see his shadow! (we believe a rodent, but not scientists about weather. Only in the USA!)
It IS water torture! Unfortunately, since we have hard well water, I used distilled water for watering my plants. Can’t use the dripping water for anything!
I am over the cold and the snow and this thing I’m battling. Enough already. Thanks, Chris!
Hope you are feeling better. Enjoy your treasures when Don brings them home.
Thank you, Marilyn!
I am so happy that it is finally warming up a bit…I look forward to seeing the treasures of your past that are on their way home to you…enjoy the memories Claudia!
Thank you, Nancy!