I had a surreal day yesterday, alternating between rage and happiness. As I was talking to my sister on the phone, her eldest son told us that Roe v Wade had been overturned. I called Don (who was not at home at the time) to tell him and then I spent hours rage-scrolling Twitter. At the same time, I was wrapping presents and running last minute birthday errands.
I wanted to make sure that my anger didn’t intrude on my beloved’s birthday. It wasn’t easy, but I pulled it off.
He had a lovely day. We had a sweet celebration at dinner time and he loved his presents. Thank you for your birthday messages to Don. They are so appreciated.
I woke up this morning feeling rested and two seconds later I remembered what had been done to us yesterday. For make no mistake, this is about control. It’s a war on women. It’s not about babies or fetuses. It’s about the erosion of our privacy and our constitutional rights.
Next up, according to Clarence Thomas, who is married to an insurrectionist, sexually harassed Anita Hill and never should have been confirmed, marriage equality and contraception. Which means the war expands to the LBGTQ community.
They must be stopped. The only way to do that is at the ballot box. We must vote out anyone who was a part of the insurrection, who still won’t acknowledge that Biden won, as well as any candidate who doesn’t support women or people of color or LGBTQ. If they voted for Kavanaugh, Coney Barrett, or Gorsuch – bye bye.
We need a majority in the Senate that isn’t limited by Manchin and Sinema. We need to suspend the filibuster. And we need to codify Roe v Wade into law.
Women are angry. We are formidable. The GOP and the Supreme Court have no idea what they’ve unleashed.
No comments supporting this despicable action by SCOTUS, please. If you don’t support the right to choose, then don’t get an abortion. It’s that simple.
Okay. I have to go.
Stay safe.
Happy (sort of) Saturday.
The entire situation is very upsetting, but people need to get out and vote.
If they don’t vote don’t complain , it is that simple.
Especially the younger generations who will be most affected by this. I hope they turn out in droves to get rid of these ancient, out-of-touch politicians making decisions that will affect them and their children. They had their day, and it is past time for them to be gone. The generations who will have to live with all of this need to be making the rules.
Stay safe, Lynda.
Thanks, Linda.
Stay safe.
Everything you said — and more. This is just the start if we don’t collectively do something and fast. And time really is running out. This moved terribly fast. Our rights are at stake. No words. And plenty of them.
I’m glad the rest of the day was good.
Stay safe, Jeanie.
Well said! Trump has driven our country back in time with his SCOTUS appointments. Vote blue!
Stay safe, Barrie.
Your lovely shot of sky and trees and home has helped to quiet my extremely unquiet mind today.
I can’t stop thinking about it. But then again, none of us should stop thinking about it.
Stay safe, Shanna.
glad to hear that don had a nice birthday … something and someone to celebrate. :)
i hope to make don’s sugar-free apple pie recipe for the fourth of july. thanks again for sharing it.
spent a couple hours this morning sorting and organizing files and piles of stuff after my earlier paper-sorting/shredding. would like to finish that today, but it will have to wait … i need to get going for other things must also get done. bit by bit … :)
hope you are all well, stay safe and have an easy weekend.
You too, Kathy.
Stay safe.
I knew it was coming and yet I was still stunned and then so angry. I am so sad at the changes certain factions in our country have been able to achieve. We need to unite and defeat this and yes it is all about control.
And perhaps hatred of women, as well.
Stay safe, Linda.
Now it’s up to the states to step up to the plate and do the right thing.
It would be nice if the supreme court judge who has never said much of anything would retire but that’s not happening now he has power.
A friend posted this sign today and I think it says it all- “As a girl, I hope that one day I have as many rights as a gun”; held by a little girl who will someday be a woman.
I cried when I read it. Glad I live in CT for women’s rights. Sad I knew children who were murdered and ones who still live with memories of terror in their school.
Happy belated b-day to Don!
Yes, same here. NY is a safe haven – and I love our Governor, Kathy Hochul.
Stay safe, Betsy.
Very well said, Claudia! It is about control! Vote blue!!
Vote blue!
Stay safe, April.
I am glad Don had a happy day.
I agree with everything you said…no surprise there. I’m not sure they realize the wrath they have unleashed. We must continue the good fight! Vote Blue! ;)
I am fairly sure they have overstepped this time – talk about not ‘reading the room!’
Stay safe, Donnamae.
I am glad you could separate feelings and have a good celebration with your husband on his special day. You are a delightful Intelligent couple.
Thank you, Brenda.
Stay safe.
dear Claudia/Don — glad Don could have a ‘happy birthday’. Applauding your comments 100%. many reps/senators need to step aside and take their cavemen mentality w/them — male or female. voting is a key important element any time but I think especially so now. will we survive the next elections??? imagining total chaos, especially if certain candidates get voted out — how will the news handle “all the FAKE” news??? stay safe/healthy
The thought of all the challenges to vote results makes me ill. And they’ll try it.
Stay safe, Linda.
Claudia, correct about power and control. If men had babies this would never be an issue. Remind me again why there are no Senate term limits and why we allow judges to make lifetime decisions for us. Unfortunately republicans have been allowed to gerrymander some states so democrats have no legitimate votes. I feel enraged for those voters. Thanks for all the support from the above women for women.
Your picture is beautiful and soothing. And lucky Don to have been given a nice bday from such a loving partner. We had rain and cool weather for two days and it’s relaxing.
Supreme Court judges should not have lifetime appointments. Period. And yes, there should be term limits.
Stay safe, Verna.
I saw this coming and it is still hard to believe. I have been seeing quite a few protesting facebook posts by women of my generation (old) and very few by younger women. I worked in healthcare with many young women and I am friends with them on facebook. I have to wonder if they understand what they have lost. I don’t think it’s sunk in yet that they are losing a right they’ve had all their lives.
The LGBTQ community is next.
Take care
I don’t think the younger generation would use Facebook, Marilyn. I think they would be more likely to use Tik Tok and Instagram. I’m pretty sure they well understand this loss.
Stay safe!
Well said, Claudia, and I am in 100% agreement!
It’s always been about controlling anyone who is not a white male — women, persons of color, LGBTQ, etc.
#VoteBlue in November, at ALL levels, to save freedom, democracy, the right to privacy, liberty & equality from radical right extremism.
Absolutely. We must keep this topic front and center as we head to the midterms.
Stay safe, Amy.
Your photo today is beautiful; is it a sunrise?
Kudos to you to rein it in for Don’s birthday so that he could enjoy his day; that’s love. But of course he understood. Because he’s Don.
It’s a sunset.
Thanks, Vicki.
A friend of mine posted a comment that the Scotus decision was all done by Republicans. Seems to me however that it’s all about hatred of women.
Stay safe, Nora.
When I heard the decision my first reaction was to let out a string of profanities and then I sobbed. Thursday was bad enough with the Court saying states can’t make laws controlling carrying guns, in most instances, but then on Friday saying states can control women and forcing them to carry a pregnancy to term. Insanity!
I then went to the grocery store because it’s where I like to go when life is chaotic. I came home, put away my groceries, ate, made a sign and then headed to DC. I drove to the Metro station and then took the subway to the Supreme Court to join the protests. I stayed for several hours amidst the thousands that were there. I will return tomorrow. This is going to be a long battle but we must not give up hope or give up fighting! We won’t go back!
PS- Happy birthday Don!
Bravo for marching yesterday, Kim! Thank you.
We will NOT go back!
Stay safe.
Thank you, Kim, for heading to DC and representing other women.
No place is safe from this scourge – states that don’t get in line will be disciplined and the current republican vogue for states rights will be conveniently reversed until no place in the US can protect more than half its citizens from oppression.
I don’t think it’s quite that dire, though it’s a very, very dangerous time right now.
Stay safe, Ceci.
Amy Sedaris put this on her IG account. Read The Birth Dearth.
It is Trumps and his mob’s playbook.
I’ll check it out, Mary.
Thank you.
Stay safe.
Just stunned and heartbroken 💔
Me too.
Stay safe, Kay.
Agree with you completely! I have had tons of anxiety lately and this, the gun control issue and the pandemic are all tied up in it. I thought we were moving in the right direction and then Trump! I am so embarrassed for our country – the world is looking at us. Vote Blue!!
We are becoming a Third World Country. I don’t feel one bit patriotic at the moment.
Yet, I’ll fight for what I believe we SHOULD be.
Stay safe, Liz.
So sorry, I was not online for obvious reasons after rage posting on FB.
Happy birthday to Don! May you have a truly happy year and many, many more!🎉
My husband and I regularly discuss moving out of Texas, but what keeps us here is the need to stay and vote on behalf of our four granddaughters and one grandson and especially on behalf of a young gay granddaughter who tells me that her middle school library, which was going to set up a section for LGBTQ+ and BLM issues recently took all LGBTQ+ books out of the library under pressure from parent groups. She said the only LGBTQ+ related book is one with a title that doesn’t give away its connection. I know how my gay brother struggled in school, and I know she, although facing less torment than he did, has been dealing with the struggles you would expect a young teen to experience in her situation.
So, with both of us in tears Friday, my husband and I again discussed moving and again made the painful decision to stay. I instead made another contribution to Beto although I’d made one the day before and also signed up for a postcard-writing, get-out-the-vote campaign. Although on a well-needed mini-trip with a friend, one adult daughter texted me back and forth and told me that last week she had completed voter registration training so she could help sign up voters. A good writer friend who is also an attorney and who wrote a book on Miranda rights that is currently used in classrooms was busy writing an editorial when we chatted back and forth.
I frankly fear that Beto will lose, but we MUST maintain at least enough hope to keep fighting.
You are staying for the fight and for the rights of your family members and you are to applauded, Linda.
I pray that Beto wins.
Stay safe.
No words. Thank you for yours. And pls thank your sister. Her post was unbelievably articulate. (Still can’t figure out how to comment on her blog…appreciate you being my messenger <3)
Late bday wishes to your husband and little Z too
I can’t commment on her blog either!
Thanks, Naomi.
Stay safe.
If you tell a woman not to have an abortian than you must support her and her baby. Which I understand isn’t going to happen.
But there will be abortians, very dangerously performed, like in the old days. There has been a lot going wrong lately …
I’m affraid the future doesn’t look bright.
Take care!
Exactly. It doesn’t look bright at all, Regula.
Thank you.
Stay safe.