Still sick. This is endless.
I am grateful that I’m not needed at rehearsals for a while. I can concentrate on healing.
I took this yesterday afternoon. February 23rd. The temps were in the high sixties.
What the ???
Global warming.
Oh, I forgot. Global warming is a hoax perpetrated by the Chinese.
I appreciated having the windows open for a while and seeing the sun come through the front door was very nice, indeed.
Having nothing to do but look at my laptop and/or read a book, I check in on Twitter fairly frequently. This is far and away my favorite photo of the week, which I retweeted:
Absolutely perfect. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Jesus would not like what is happening here. And by Jesus I mean the Jesus of the New Testament, who spoke in clear terms about what is right and what is wrong – not the Jesus who has been manipulated into something else in order to validate bigotry, misogyny, racism and Islamophobia.
The Jesus who would be denied entrance into this country because of the color of his skin and his ties to ‘suspect’ countries.
Listen. I’m tired, I’m more than tired – I’m exhausted, I’m sick, I’m sleep deprived because of coughing jags and, above all else, I’m sick of all these evil machinations.
This is not who we are. Nor will we allow it to be who we are. The Resistance is strong and getting stronger by the minute.
Michael Moore mentioned a terrific app the other day. It’s 5 Calls. You can download it from the App Store. Brilliantly simple. You choose the issues that are important to you. It dials your Reps or Senators or the Justice Department – wherever your voice should be heard. It gives you a script. The calls are made in no time.
Don and I downloaded it yesterday. I can’t call anyone yet because I’m coughing too much, but Don pulled off 3 calls in about 3 minutes.
I’m looking forward to the day when my Peet’s Coffee starts tasting like it should again.
Happy Friday.
You must have the same awful virus that is circulating in these parts. My daughter was sick through a round of antibiotics and three rounds of prednisone. She finally feels healthy again.
That phone call ap is great! And I love the sign you posted.
Feel better.
Isn’t that sign great! It made my week!
Hey Claudia, sorry you are so ill. I did the stomache cramp thing for 2 weeks but was able to enjoy lots of reading. Lots of reading. I hate being so sick there is no reading. Ugh.
Not sure you are up to answeing questions but was wondering how much it costs you to ride the bus vs riding the train when you head to new york?
Get better!
About the same. Depends on the day of the week, but it comes out to about $40/trip.
oh, sorry to hear you are still sick, claudia! that stuff is hard to shake, isn’t it? hope you feel better soon. am sure as a freelancer who loves what you do it is tough to miss some work days, but i am glad you can just rest, read and mend.
that phone call app sounds awesome! kudos to whoever created it.
kathy in iowa
It’s frustrating! I want to be better but I’m not, yet. Thanks, Kathy.
My dear Claudia, I’m so sorry you have this flu. It is the sickest I’ve been in years. You are going to get better but it takes awhile. Ugh!
I’m so distraught about all that is going on in our world. The changes ‘he’ is making are all destructive not constructive. I will check out the 5 Calls app. Thank you for always speaking up and holding true to who you are.
Get well sweet friend. Today is my ‘little’ girls birthday…35! Wow!
Happy Birthday to your daughter, Linda!
Soft sunshine and warm air can do wonders for how we feel; to me it says spring is waiting in the wings! Hoping you and Don are able to enjoy this promise of what is to come.
I too read Michael Moore along with many others ;
twitter is an important means of communication and support these days. Luckily for me, feeling fear, anxiety, hopelessness, and depressed is always followed by intense anger and deep, deep resolve. At it’s worse, it feels as though I am hanging onto a very slender tree while being buffeted by a hurricane. How can we not be upset and angry as we watch the Republicans in Congress falling in line behind this mentally incompetent ( he may always have been) madman and his pure evil?? So disgusted to see McCain confirming the vile Trump choices. But then reading Republican campaign contributions, I saw DeVos had contributed considerably more than $50,000 to his campaign. One McCain bought and paid for; now we know his price to sell his integrity , honor and human decency. His confirmations and keeping his mouth shut are no longer a mystery in the light of his assorted campaign contributors. It is sickening to witness this evil that is practiced with fervor, but I will not budge one inch on all I believe in and know to be right. The hate and greed we see now are truly evil personified and the biggest danger are it’s dedicated followers. Confronting an evil belief system is a waste of time; the way to defeat it is to proceed on the path we know is in keeping with the Christianity of Jesus (Jew) as well as other positive belief philosophies. I am fed up to the top of my head with colossal ignorance that uses a phony Christianity for evil; it must be put in it’s proper perspective and not entice us to waste effort and energy in a worthless exchange. You can be fair and respectful to others without being a fool and aware that there are humans out to do evil. This country has become a showcase for cruel hatred and ignorance that will be defeated by it’s citizens who see it for the evil it is.
We need not let this day be taken from us, but revel in the positive that is all around even when it is obscured by the sound and fury of the darkness in some humans. May you find some comfort and joy in the companionship of kindred souls. Hoping the good is all around for you and Don today!…Dianne
Bravo! I couldn’t have said it better, Dianne. Thank you for your powerful words.
So many of them are bought and paid for. As Betsy DeVos bought and paid for her cabinet position. It can’t be very satisfying, knowing you’re not qualified and the only reason you got the job is because of your money. Where’s the self-respect in that?
Republicans who did nothing, who didn’t speak up, who turned the other way, will find their reelections in peril. I’m convinced of it.
Hope you feel better soon, Claudia!! So many people I know are down with it….hoping this bright sunshine will help you feel better!! Thanks for the info on 5Calls…I downloaded it and made some calls using the supplied script! Super Easy, as you mentioned!! I am glad to voice my feelings about what I am hearing everyday, which is not the way I want to see our country going…. Sending healing thoughts your way!!
And free! Whoever designed that app is a genius! Thank you, Francine!
You really caught a nasty bug! Your defenses were probably down due to lack of sleep. Well, at least you have plenty of time to catch up now. Wasn’t yesterday’s sunshine glorious? Our weather has changed dramatically. We have ended up with rain, sleet, freezing rain changing to snow….not much though, so feel good about that. Sounds like a great app….I will check it out. Got to do something! I like what you tweeted…so true, unfortunately. Hope you have a good day….enough of the coughing! ;)
What a yucky change in your weather, Donnamae! We will get colder on Sunday but maybe some rain – no sleet or ice. At least, so far!
Hope you feel better very soon, and so glad you are able to not have to go in to rehearsals for a bit. For me, it seems the older I get, the longer these things seem to take to run their course. Just ugh.
Those beautiful days were diamonds…. we are now in the midst of an ice/ snow thing. The ice hitting the windows woke me up 2x in the night. On Wed it was 68*!!! We all knew it wouldn’t last, but reality really does bite!
Hopefully with the option to rest this weekend, by Monday you will feel much better. Take care!!
This one is particularly annoying, Chris. I want to feel better!
Thanks so much, Chris.
Hope your counting days are over soon!
I do, too.
So sorry you have the flu. I take zinc daily and if something crops up I take echinacea with goldenseal. Just a couple of doses and it all goes away.
Unfortunately, I have bad allergies and sinus problems most of the year, so when a bug like this hits, it takes me down. Herbs and natural remedies have never really helped. Apparently, this particular kind of flu is hitting many people this year.
It is 77 degrees here in SC right now. I haven’t worn long sleeves many times this winter. My daffodils usually come up and then get frozen, but this year they are dying a natural death. We have not used our fireplace a single time this year, partly because it needs work that we are waiting until off season to have done, and partly because there has not been a single time that it was needed. Not natural. I hope you feel better. All this stress over politics is making us all sick in one way or another. Unfortunately, it is not something that we can afford to just put out of our minds.
A very bizarre winter. We’ve had our share of snow, but still not as much as previous winters. Thanks, Beverly.
Poor Claudia. So sorry your misery is sticking around like it has. My family has been sick too – just talked with my brother who’s got it now. So far I’m good. Except for must-do errands I’ve been mostly staying in & hibernating since Christmas. Lots of reading & movies. Guess it’s paying off too. Little contact with sick people & the general public. I’ve also heard the marker on this year’s flu shot wasn’t too good – it’s only about 50% effective. I downloaded Michael Moore’s guide but not the phone app since I don’t have a smartphone [probably never will]. But even without the app it’s nearly effortless to call so it’s the least I can do – and I always feel great afterwards. The people will not be repressed! Hope you are feeling MUCH better very soon & that your Peets will be normal soon. That IS one of the first signs I’m feeling better – everything tastes as it should again. And I have a normal appetite too. Peace.
Well, Don says: this why we don’t go out into the world too often! And I was definitely with the masses last week. Thanks, Janet.
When I had the crud & couldn’t get over my cough, it was suggested that I try Mucinex DM & a humidifier and it really helped (and no, I’m not being paid for this adv.)!!! Loved the sign & I’m giving the app a try. You might try the Fb page “Nevertheless she persists”. It’s a Mo. Pantsuit sight but the lady who manages it is Meredith Sisco and she is truly a force to be reckoned with. If you decide to get on (it’s private) go to a few days ago when Meredith wrote one of our worthless senators. She’s a fantastic writer and storyteller & for a long time did a local NPR program where she told her stories. Feel better soon!
Don just brought home some Mucinex, coincidentally! I’ll try that tomorrow. Thanks, Jan.
Hi Claudia,
I assume that if you do not turn the corner soon with this bad bug, you will make sure you do
not have pneumonia or bronchitis..? Please! We all enjoy this blog! You are a great girl and I’m just hoping with everyone else you get better a bit more quickly. You have got to be plum worn out with this virus, infection, whatever it has morphed into. I am in NC with air conditioner going b/c I am hot and as someone who as a child in the late 50s and 60s in NC, this is not familiar from my past. This is a weather issue due to climate change, as you have stated. I remember in NC when September brought school days with a sweaters and caps! Now all schools are probably air conditioned. I have only had a fire 3 days this entire winter, as well. (Sadly) I love winter and oh! how nice would be to have a few weeks of 45 degree weather, but that’s just me.
Take care please.
love and peace~~
I’m feeling better but the cough is keeping me from getting enough sleep. This is what happens to me every time I get something like this. I’m fine!
Thanks, Katheryn.
Hi Claudia, I am concerned that you have developed a secondary infection.That is not uncommon following a virus and you would be feeling kinda of the same,not getting well and sometimes worse. If you have been sick two weeks (and thats really a stretch) your virus has gone, and bacteria are rageing. at that point my dear friend you would need an antibiotic to get rid of it. I’m sure you know left untreated they can do alot of damage.
Just Sayin’ I just thought I’d put that out there,think about it if you don’t improve dramaticaly by Monday. You will continue in my prayers,every night. -Judy A-
I’ve only been sick since the wee hours of Monday morning. I’m fine. I haven’t been sick two weeks. Or even one week.
Thanks for caring, Judy!
Amen, Sista, Amen! Our Presbyterian pastor preached a similar “what would Jesus do” several weeks back. A real Presbyterian not a “trumped” up one that is!
Sending get well vibes! Becky
Thank you so much, Becky!
Claudia, remember, years ago, it was two “guys” from the Washington Post that brought forth the info that eventually led to the impeachment of Nixon. After today, let’s hope there are two more who will get the job done with this president!
I am sorry you are not feeling any better. What about a trip to the urgent care or the ER? I truly hope feel better soon.
Take care,
Each day I think you’re going to feel better; where did this bug come from? I feel badly that you’re plagued with this and feeling dragged down; seems like it was gonna be something that passed thru quickly but then you’re still so sick. Gosh, I’m sorry about it and hope soon-soon-SOON you will feel better! Fresh, cool air had to momentarily feel good. Sun is a healer, too.
I had another in my seemingly constant array of doctor appointments today and what I’m noticing is that more and more people are feeling less cautious about holding in their opinions about the state of the world, specifically our country. It starts out tentatively…is there a DT supporter/voter in the room?…but then the conversation begins; and it’s all the same, of how people are feeling worried, angry but also finding their strength, TO DO SOMETHING, if not writing to a congress-person, donating to a key group, showing up at a protest, even if it ‘s a small one, but something/anything to go up against what we KNOW is wrong and not what the USA is about, which makes me feel optimistic to know that more people than maybe I first thought are as upset but also determined to be heard; that the core of who we are, what we believe in, is worth fighting for and, yes, better together, if everyone stands up and RESISTS.
Of course we knew if he got elected, it would be bad…but THIS bad, so soon? It’s the topic on most people’s lips/lists (the word ‘dictator’ comes up, A LOT) and I’ve been surprised that even my doctors, who sometimes aren’t very chatty, voluntarily bring on the subject as well; it’s not just the patients killing time in the waiting room.
And that’s just one instance, of life in a day, at least in my world. My doctor today proudly showed me a newspaper clipping where he’s standing at a peace rally in support of Muslim friends on a recent weekend; said it was so full of heart and soul, welcoming, peaceful and life-affirming (by the way, he’s Norwegian, very tall & blonde/gray, so, yes, his head got in the photo because of his height). The crowd started out small but swelled to hundreds. I guess this is happening all over the U.S. right now, not just in my neck ‘o the woods. Not everything gets big press but, yes, it’s a movement. You cannot mash down this many people! DT needs to LISTEN to what citizens are saying; we are not HIS people; we are PEOPLE. Makes me feel proud that I have fellow Americans who refuse to be suppressed by fear, using their voice, standing in solidarity against, have to say it, TYRANNY. It will not, cannot, be allowed.
Thank you, to you and Don for doing what you can from home, sharing tips of what some of the rest of us can do, too. Not to overuse the word, but it is definitely empowering instead of feeling powerless over a bad situation.
Claudia, Hope you’re up and feeling yourself again soon. Hope you ca relax a bit and take good care of yourself. Love the Alt Jesus sign! Thanks for the suggestion about the phone call app. I’ll have to download it. It’s no use trying to talk to those who supported #45 (I refuse to use his name). Most of his supporters don’t want to hear anything that us so called liberal tree-hugging free loaders have to say (that’s what their perspective is of democrats or anyone who opposes this administration). Have you seen the Day in the lidw of Joe the Conservative? I’ll copy and past it here. If it’s too long or inappropriate you can delete it. Our perspectives and values are very different from those who votes for this administration. They don’t see the danger in this particular president and those behind him. Here is the copied version of Joe the Conservative:
Interesting food for thought…
Joe gets up at 6 a.m. and fills his coffeepot with water to prepare his morning coffee. The water is clean and good because some tree-hugging liberal fought for minimum water-quality standards. With his first swallow of coffee, he takes his daily medication. His medications are safe to take because some stupid commie liberal fought to insure their safety and that they work as advertised. All but $10 of his medications are paid for by his employer’s medical plan because some liberal union workers fought their employers for paid medical insurance – now Joe gets it too. He prepares his morning breakfast, bacon and eggs. Joe’s bacon is safe to eat because some girly-man liberal fought for laws to regulate the meat packing industry.
In the morning shower, Joe reaches for his shampoo. His bottle is properly labeled with each ingredient and its amount in the total contents because some crybaby liberal fought for his right to know what he was putting on his body and how much it contained. Joe dresses, walks outside and takes a deep breath. The air he breathes is clean because some environmentalist wacko liberal fought for laws to stop industries from polluting our air. He walks to the subway station for his government-subsidized ride to work. It saves him considerable money in parking and transportation fees because some fancy-pants liberal fought for affordable public transportation, which gives everyone the opportunity to be a contributor.
Joe begins his work day. He has a good job with excellent pay, medical benefits, retirement, paid holidays and vacation because some lazy liberal union members fought and died for these working standards. Joes employer pays these standards because Joe’s employer doesn’t want his employees to call the union. If Joe is hurt on the job or becomes unemployed, he’ll get a worker compensation or unemployment check because some stupid liberal didn’t think he should lose his home because of his temporary misfortune.
It’s noontime and Joe needs to make a bank deposit so he can pay some bills. Joe’s deposit is federally insured by the FSLIC because some godless liberal wanted to protect Joe’s money from unscrupulous bankers who ruined the banking system before the Great Depression.
Joe has to pay his Fannie Mae-underwritten mortgage and his below-market federal student loan because some elitist liberal decided that Joe and the government would be better off if he was educated and earned more money over his lifetime.
Joe is home from work. He plans to visit his father this evening at his farm home in the country. He gets in his car for the drive. His car is among the safest in the world because some America-hating liberal fought for car safety standards. He arrives at his boyhood home. His was the third generation to live in the house financed by Farmers’ Home Administration because bankers didn’t want to make rural loans. The house didn’t have electricity until some big-government liberal stuck his nose where it didn’t belong and demanded rural electrification.
He is happy to see his father, who is now retired. His father lives on Social Security and a union pension because some wine-drinking, cheese-eating liberal made sure he could take care of himself so Joe wouldn’t have to.
Joe gets back in his car for the ride home, and turns on a radio talk show. The radio host keeps saying that liberals are bad and conservatives are good. He doesn’t mention that the beloved Conservatives have fought against every protection and benefit Joe enjoys throughout his day.
Joe agrees: “We don’t need those big-government liberals ruining our lives! After all, I’m a self-made man who believes everyone should take care of themselves, just like I have.”
COPY and PASTE if you wish to share.
Welcome to democracy.
Just be careful, this flu can easily turn into a secondary infection. I work in health care and many cases are turning into pneumonia, because of a weakened immune system.
I was lucky enough to not have the cough with it…take care…also I hope Don doesn’t end up with this misery…He will be leaving soon won’t he?