Twenty-five years ago, this wonderful man named Chuck officiated at our ceremony. The words he used really resonated with us, they reflected the way we felt about our commitment to each other. At the end of the ceremony, he gave us two white roses, and asked us to exchange them. They symbolized our love for each other. He asked that we rededicate ourselves to each other and our marriage every year on our anniversary and that we exchange a white rose.
We have done that many times over the years. Not every year, life gets in the way. We decided to do it this year. So we got two long-stemmed roses from our local florist and, on a spectactularly sunny day, we drove up the mountain to a favorite overlook where we can see the Hudson Valley far below. There were already a few people there and we wanted a bit of privacy for our exchange, so we waited in the car for a bit. Three youngish people (2 men and a woman) who had been standing there got back in their car. Another guy was a hanging around, but just him, so we got out of the car and walked to the overlook. I said that we should grab the opportunity because this was a rare break in the stream of people that would appear. We turned to each other and said the words that were in our hearts and exchanged roses and kissed. Suddenly, we heard the sound of clapping. The three people in the car had been watching us and were applauding us! We told them that it was our 25th wedding anniversary. More applause. The beautiful young woman was hanging out of a window and Don asked her if she could take our picture. Yes. She climbed out of the car and took Don’s phone, crouching down to get just the right angle. I had heard her say that all three of them were photographers, but Don hadn’t. So, he started to say “Make sure you get the valley in the background” and she assured him that she knew what she was doing. She took a couple photos, congratulated us, we thanked her profusely, and they pulled out of the parking area.
Synchronicity, timing. We were a little late leaving our house to go get the roses, but actually, we weren’t. We got there right when we were supposed to be there. We were so moved by their spontaneous applause, by their generosity and their kindness. In view of what is happening in the world, this was the reminder we needed; there are good people everywhere. Truly good people.
We drove down to our local college town because it was such a beautiful day and decided to get a veggie burger from a place called Moonburger. It’s just opened up in this town, there’s another one just north of us. I had heard very good things about it. It’s the kind of place where you order to-go and you eat elsewhere. The guy behind the counter was so nice and when he heard it was our anniversary he gave us free tickets for a future burger and milkshake and saw us off with a “Happy Anniversary!” Again, kindness. Goodness.
At Moonburger, waiting for our order.
We headed back to the car and realized we were right outside our favorite chocolate shop. We love their chocolates and one of the draws is their selection of sugar-free chocolates. We haven’t ordered from them for months because they’re expensive. (We also never eat out because…it usually costs too much money.) But we looked at each other and said “It’s our anniversary!” So we walked in the door and were greeted by everyone as long-lost friends. As we stood in front of the counter, I said to Don, “What did I order before?” And the woman behind the counter – who was taking care of someone else – immediately said, “the marshmallow and the chocolate truffles.” I couldn’t believe she remembered. Then a few minutes later, I said “how many did I buy?” She heard me and answered “a dozen of each.” Again, I couldn’t believe that with all the traffic this place gets she remembered my usual order after several months – maybe even a year. Everyone was so kind and helpful and we knew that the day and everything we’d done was meant to be. Everywhere we turned, we ran into good people.
We needed that. Not just because it was our anniversary, but because it is easy to lose faith in people, to look on everyone else as a potential political enemy or simply as a stranger who you most likely have nothing in common with. It’s easy to lose faith in our fellow man. It really felt as if the universe was guiding us through the day, telling us to let go of any control we might want to impose. Just be. Be open, be happy, and watch what happens. We didn’t erect any social barriers and good people appeared everywhere.
It was an amazing experience.
Look for the goodness in people. Expect it. You will not only find it, but your life will be better for it.
A beautiful day.
We are blessed.
Thank you for your beautiful comments and congratulations on our anniversary. I am blessed by your presence in my life.
Stay safe.
Happy Friday.
you and don, the anniversary, white roses, veggie burgers & sugar-free chocolate, the other good things (people and their kindnesses, lovely scenery, cooperative weather), the photos and your feelings for and words about your extra-special day … all beautiful! i am happy for you and don.
thanks for sharing some of your day here with us.
happy start of your 26th year together as mr. and mrs.!
posted too soon …
i very much agree about looking for the best in people, in life, the world. it’s amazing where positivity, trust and openness can lead us and what those attitudes/choices can bring into our lives and those of others. depending on one’s experiences, it may not be easy … but definitely worth it. blessed indeed!
Thank you, Kathy!
Stay safe.
What a lovely way to remember your anniversary! Thank you for sharing your day with us. Happy Anniversary to both of you.
Thank you, Trina.
Stay safe.
Happy Anniversary to you both and many more!
Thank you, Sandy.
Stay safe.
Good morning Don and Claudia! Congratulations on 25 years. This is a lovely achievement. Great pictures!!
Funny how we go through life thinking we are mostly invisible to others and yet….nope. A lesson to be kind to people we meet along the way. You never know. My husband and I are lucky to be spending some time away from home. The first thing we did was walk to the Italian deli up the street to get a few goodies for dinner. It’s lovely and small, and somehow he eluded me. I found him introducing himself to the owner and his clerk to let them know we were visiting and would be seeing them a lot. We left 20 minutes later with everyone calling us by name and waiving goodbye for the day. My hubby is one of the friendliest people I know and wants to chat with everyone. He just loves to know about others. I’m shy shy shy, so I’m lucky to hang with him as we meet people everywhere we go because of him. Maybe someday we will meet you and Don. Be ready!
Have a beautiful day!
Don is the gregarious one. I am very friendly, but an introvert. So we’re very much like you two.
Thanks, Verna.
Stay safe.
dear Claudia/Don — pls add my belated congratulations for your anniversary — love all the pics — maybe you two were made for each other — you are a beautiful couple–then and NOW!!!
stay safe/healthy
Thanks so much, Linda.
Stay safe.
Love the pics. Sounds like a perfect day, and you deserve it.
Thank you, Shanna! (How is Fred doing?)
Stay safe.
He’s doing better than I am—reading up on it and making charts. He doesn’t get his first dose of poison until Monday. Then it ramps up from there. All I can do is try to hold my anxiety to a tolerable level and cross all my fingers and toes.
Oh, Shanna. I get it. It must be very stressful. Sending lots of love to you and Fred.
Oh, I love your picture with your lovely roses !!! And I do believe you two are made for each other !!! Dawn Pinnataro Albany, GA
Thank you so much, Dawn.
Stay safe.
Sounds like an absolutely fabulous day, brought about by your love, happenstance, a little bit of luck, kindness, and your ability to let life just play out. And those pics say it all!
Here’s to another great year as Partners in Life! ;)
I love what you said here, Donnamae. Thank you very much.
Stay safe.
What a lovely way to spend your anniversary! I love the exchange of roses idea.
I truly believe there are many more good kind people in the world. I’m glad you met some on your special day.
Take care
I feel the same way. It’s easy to forget that when the world is troubled.
Thanks so much.
Stay safe.
What a wonderful day for you and Don. I think the greatest gift is the realization that there are truly good people in the world. Not politics, not boundaries, not ideology. Just people. I’m so happy for you that you had so many examples of kind-heartedness on your special day.
We are very grateful, Wendy.
Stay safe.
What a sweet story about your anniversary celebration. You and Don are fortunate to have found each other!
We are, indeed! And we never forget that.
Stay safe, Ellen.
Once again, congratulations! It sounds like you could not have had a more perfect celebration!
It was just right for us. We’re not big on expensive dinners, etc.
Thanks so much, Cathy.
Stay safe.
What a lovely way to celebrate your anniversary. I love the exchange of white roses. Lunch, chocolates and the warm wishes of strangers and friends. A pretty perfect day. There is good in the world.
There is. I’m going to do my best to see the good instead of the hopeless.
Thanks, Linda.
Stay safe.
Claudia, your anniversary sounded quite magical… wonderful pictures, too. Here’s to many more days just like that one!
Thank you so much, Barrie.
Stay safe.
sounds like a lovely day! Enjoy every minute! and Congratulations!
Thank you so much, Jan.
Stay safe.
A very happy anniversary, indeed. Claudia, you look absolutely beautiful in the second picture, the best yet.
Regarding strangers – whenever I am out in public, I make a habit of doing a good deed for someone I don’t know. It may be as simple as waiting and holding a door, wrangling a little child when momma is overwhelmed, or allowing someone behind me in line to go first. These simple acts of kindness always result in a big smile from the recipient, but I think I benefit much more. It reaffirms my belief in the goodness of people, whatever their background. Works for me.
That’s a wonderful habit, and though it’s not necessarily intentional, we do the same thing. I always hold the door open for others, say please and thank you, help with carrying packages, offer to reach up to a high shelf for someone who can’t do that – that kind of thing. It’s very satisfying and it’s what all of us should be doing every day.
Thanks so much, Anne.
Stay safe.
I got goosebumps reading about your anniversary story, what a wonderful day! My best to you both! Hugs, Jen
Oh, thank you so much, Jen.
Stay safe.
What a lovely way to celebrate and the kindness of strangers making it even more special. Congratulations on your 25th anniversary. (my husband and I will be celebrating our 28th on the 31st of October) October is a beautiful month for special occasions. May there be many more years of wedded bliss.
Oh Happy Anniversary, Ranee!
Thanks so much.
Stay safe.
What a lovely story! You two were definitely made for each other and 25 years is awesome!
Bill and I just celebrated 47 on July 3rd. We got married very young, 21 years old. I have a t-shirt that says Let It Be and every time I wear it I get people commenting on it. That is how we should live our life and, yes, A great Beatles song! I love the simplicity of your guys life and I think more people should live like that. I always tell you how I love your house. I know you say there are a lot of things wrong, but it sounds perfect to me. Enjoy your next 25 years!
Thank you so much, Deb.
Stay safe.
What a fabulous post! Hearing about all the kindness in your day has made my day. And the picture of you and Don with the roses is great!
Thank you, Jenny.
Stay safe.
What a lovely story❤️ Happy anniversary and best wishes for many more happy years together!!!
Thank you, Jeannine!
Stay safe.
The universe was with you. And I’m so glad — it sounds like a perfect day, a perfect way to celebrate your own Special Day. This makes me smile big. You found each other and made better your own worlds and each other’s. Three cheers!
Thanks, Jeanie. That means a lot to me.
Stay safe.
What a perfect celebration of your love for each other. Pure karma! Wishing you and Don many more happy years together. Hugs, Elaine
Thank you, Elaine.
Stay safe.
Sometime, when you are feeling low, or having just an off-day, think of this day. I just know that it will bring a smile to your face! It seems like the stars were aligned for you as the day unfolded.
Happy Happy Anniversary!! We are heading to #52!! We have you doubled and then some. Some days it seems like just a few weeks ago, and sometimes a lot longer!! :-) But we laugh and talk and I can’t imagine being with anyone else! I know you, too, feel much the same. Glad you had such a perfectly wonderful day! xoxo
Bravo to you and your husband, Chris! My best friend just celebrated 50 years of marriage. I was maid of honor in her wedding. She got married in her early twenties and I held off until I was in my mid-forties.
Thanks so much.
Stay safe.
Such a beautiful post! Thank you for sharing your special day. Happy Anniversary to you and Don.
Thank you so much, Kay.
Stay safe.
Happy 25th anniversary! What a lovely tradition Chuck gave you. I wish you happiness and love for the rest of your days. That’s just about the best anniversary story I’ve heard. Perfect in every way. Thank you for sharing your day.
Oh thank you, Elizabeth!
Stay safe.
Happy Anniversary!
Thank you, Darlene!
Stay safe.
Beautiful couple, beautiful day, beautiful people; thanks for sharing the story; amazing post, Claudia!
Thank you so much, Vicki.
Stay safe.
I love your “peaceful” celebration of your enduring loving relationship. You celebrated your love for each other.
I too, am an introvert. I have a friend who says I am a master at the 5 minute relationship, which leads others to believe I am a very social person, I am not. I ponder this at times.
Take Care,
I am exactly the same. Because of my work in the theater, I have to do that a lot. And then I go home and I’m exhausted.
Stay safe, Kaye.
Me too! “Five-minute relationship” is the perfect description. And it IS exhausting. I need great big gulps of quiet restorative alone time. Just call me Shrek.
What a wonderful story. Thanks for writing it. Happy Anniversary.
Thanks, Kay.
Stay safe.
Oh! You two are beautiful. Makes me wish I was in love too
Thanks, Irene.
Stay safe.