Writing is a passion of mine. To have it acknowledged by the women who are a part of BlogHer means a great deal to me.
Thanks, friends!
P.S. I hope you like the new look of the blog. Personally, I’m smitten!
Life in our little cottage in the country
at by Claudia
Writing is a passion of mine. To have it acknowledged by the women who are a part of BlogHer means a great deal to me.
Thanks, friends!
P.S. I hope you like the new look of the blog. Personally, I’m smitten!
Thanks for visiting! Feel free to browse, read and enjoy. All content is my own; including photos and text. Please do not use anything on this site without permission.
Disclosure/Privacy Policy can be found in the Navigation Bar under ‘About MHC.’
Also, I love receiving comments! I do, however, reserve the right to delete any comment that is in poor taste, offensive or is verging on spam. It’s my blog. If you’re a bot or a troll you’ll be blocked. Thanks!
How absolutely wonderful for you, Claudia… it’s an honor!
Congrats! I have tried to join Blogher for two years now, never get a response back. ah well…
Your post looked so good on Blogher. Congratulations.
– Joy
Congratulations Claudia ~ well done! I loved that post because I love vintage books too. Your blog revamp is perfect, great new photo in your header of the lamb in a party hat (: You’re smart AND funny.
Hope you’re feeling better. xo
How fun. You deserve it you are a wonderful blogger and sister.
That’s like a big hug from the world, huh? You go, girl! Is there a BlogHim?
Claudia, the link won’t open for me. However, I would like to congratulate you. I’m so happy for you! If my computer ever returns to normal, I will come back and click on that link. I’m just grateful at the moment that I can open your comment box and post a comment.
Congratulations, Claudia– so well deserved!! Your writing is so beautiful, and I can’t wait to click over to check it out.
I lovelovelove your new look. The new “little addition” to your header is adorable!
Congratulations, Claudia! I did click and really enjoyed your post on old books. I feel the same way about them…love collecting them and could never bring myself to cut one up.
Cheryl at My Sister’s Cottage
OH this is so nice, Claudia! You are a wonderful writer! Congratulations!
Congratulations, Claudia! I joined BlogHer last year but that’s all I have done. I do things very slowly. Feel my way, so to speak. Maybe it’s time to move!
How wonderful Claudia! This is exciting.
I love your new look. It is so fresh and lovely.
I love your work so far on your little house. The kitchen is coming along great.
hugs from here…
Congratulations dear, it’s looks fabulous on the BlogHer site – which by the way is new to me! They have good taste choosing to highlight your post, which was one of my favorites………well all of them are really!!!
Love ya!
Congrats Claudia! Great post. I love books, too and have a vintage Girl of the Limber Loft that was given to me. I saw that on your shelf. hugs, K