This coneflower has a little story. It’s in the big garden bed where there are lots of other coneflowers all of them now turning brown. For the longest time, I noted that the tiny petals were not opening fully. Eventually, I thought it just might be one of those flowers that never fully opens. But, about a week ago, I was surprised to see it like this, big and full and beautiful. It’s as if it decided to hold off a bit so I could have one fresh coneflower when all the rest of them are now fading.
It’s a beauty.
Bird stories.
On Monday, late in the afternoon, I was watering the plants near the funky patio. I use a copper watering can which holds a modest amount of water. So I was going out, watering, coming back in, filling it up, etc. At one point, I walked in the kitchen making my way to the sink and there – right outside the window, no more than 5 feet away from me – was a Cooper’s Hawk. He was perched on the lowest branch of the tree, staring toward the secret garden. I gasped and quietly called out to Don. He couldn’t have been there more than 30 seconds before he took off. (Don didn’t get to see him.) I tracked him to a tree in the back forty and then, a tree in the woods.
I have never seen a hawk that close, nor have I seen one on a low branch. He was right at my eye level. Stunning. Such a gift!
Then, yesterday, Don and I mowed the front lawn. When we were done, we sat on the glider for a bit to catch our breath. I noticed some turkey vultures in the sky, riding the air currents. There must have been 15 of them, swooping and gliding, and it was beautiful. We noticed this a couple of weeks ago, as well, but this time they were closer to us. Sometimes, they’re circling an area where an animal has died, but that wasn’t the case yesterday. They were just enjoying the air currents. (Turkey vultures hang out in groups. Hawks are solitary.)
Suddenly, just underneath them, many, many starlings appeared, flying in a formation.
And then, as I stood there watching the starlings, a bald eagle appeared directly under them and flew in a straight line toward my neighbor’s property.
All that in about 5 minutes.
We felt so blessed that we’d been in the right place at the right time.
Another gift.
Stay safe.
Happy Wednesday.
blessed indeed! i’m glad you had those sightings. hope don can see the cooper’s hawk next time. any more bears nearby?
we continue to have lots of birds at the feeder (on the railing of the elevated deck at my parents’ townhome). earl and burl (baby earl), too, thankfully and despite the hoa rule change about feeding squirrels, chipmunks, rabbits, etc. had two turkey vultures show up yesterday running up to and under the deck … didn’t stay long. we see hawks (likely coopers) circling and floating on air currents, too. all fun to see. no deer or geese here for several weeks.
hope you, don and everyone else here are doing well and stay safe.
We may not see them, but there are always bears around here. And deer.
Stay safe, Kathy.
How lucky!!
Yes, and we saw a Great Blue Heron this morning!
Stay safe, Betsy.
You’re on a roll! :)
Good afternoon. Birds are a gift. We have a Cooper’s hawk that makes his way around our bird feeder a couple times a week. The birds go nuts and hide in the fir tree next to the bird bath. The fence is about 10 feet from our sun room windows. We always know when he shows up because the birds goes crazy loud and then one bird always goes into what we call “bark” mode…..he will periodically bark until the hawk flies off. One time when I was working a puzzle in that room, the hawk had a nice long bath and drink session. Lovely. Turkey vultures are very interesting.
Have a great afternoon!
How wonderful, Verna! They’re beautiful, aren’t they?
Stay safe.
Wow, you and Don were in the right at the right time. Mother Nature can put on quite a show. Your lone cone flower is so striking. Hugs, Elaine
Thanks, Elaine! We also saw a great blue heron this morning. Lots of birds.
Stay safe.
What a wonderful magical day you had to see so many beautiful birds. I have to say the cone flower was magic too, waiting to show itself as summer comes to an end.
Take Care,
Thank you so much, Kaye.
Stay safe.
Claudia, you remind us to stop and find joy in the gifts around us! Thank you.
You’re most welcome, Leora. Thank you!
Stay safe.
I love to see birds, too, but I am not always sure of the name of what I am seeing. ;)
Still beautiful, tho!
I have a little paperback that identifies birds of North America. If I don’t know the bird, I look it up.
Stay safe, Ellen.
Happy to hear you and Don had those sightings. It’s so fun isn’t it? Cooper’s
Hawks are so interesting to watch…and such patient predators. We had a resident one for a few years, but I haven’t seen him recently.
I came here thinking it was Friday…until I looked at the date on your post…and it’s actually Thursday. Woohoo…I gained a day this week!
And in good news…my hummingbirds are still here…so far. Their departure date could be any day now. Enjoy your day! ;)
Gaining a day is a good thing, Donnamae!
So glad your hummingbirds are still there. Fingers crossed that they hang out for a bit longer.
Stay safe.
dear Claudia/Don — glad your grass was cut — here, it is dry, brown — no mowing. our bird story:
one am found sparrow hawk outside our floor to ceiling glass windows — figured for dead — went out to pick up to take down in field for nature, it moved the head, looked at me SURPRISE, had the Mr move it down in yard underneath maple tree in the shade, set it on its belly, that afternoon was gone but has been flying around on a regular basis — we should never second guess Mother Nature, haha!! hope you all stay safe/healthy
Isn’t that the BEST story??? Love that, Linda.
Stay safe.