You can see all the wild asters that have sprung up next to the garden. The burning bush is turning red. I quickly snapped this picture just a minute or so ago. It’s definitely Fall. Leaves are on the ground everywhere. Normally, this change would leave me feeling more melancholy – I love summer and I dread the onset of winter – but I’m so busy right now that I just acknowledge what I see outside and move on.
I did some zoom coaching yesterday and I will do more on Thursday and Friday. I sent in all my receipts and my bill to the company producing the tour of Anastasia. Today, I’m going to do some cleaning around the house and start making lists for what needs to be done around here before I leave for NYC and what I need to pack and the many things that I do on a daily basis that I need to explain to Don. It’s just a little over two weeks before filming begins. How did the time go by so quickly?
I feel like I’m constantly making lists in my head and I’m also worrying about a possible strike by IATSE, the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees. This action doesn’t concern the theater, but it does address TV and film. They voted to strike for the first time in their history because of impossible working conditions on film sets – 15 hour days, not enough breaks, larger contributions to health and pension plans, and residuals for content aired on streaming services. They are absolutely in the right. They are on the set far longer than the actors, director, or people like me. They’re in a good negotiating position because film is getting off the ground after a long hiatus and no one wants to lose more money. Nevertheless, we are supposed to be starting this film in a few weeks, so this impacts whether I work or not on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
There’s too much going on in my head and, as you know, I’ve been a worrier since I was a child. I well remember lying awake at night, worrying about school, or gym class, or math, or what happens to us when we die, or why do we die?
Deep breath.
Stay safe.
Happy Wednesday.
I can just imagine all the thoughts you must be having. So many working parts, and how are they going to all mesh together, to come to fruition. It’s almost too much. I’ve been wondering if the IATSE strike was going to impact you…I sincerely hope it does not. My only advice….just breathe, and take the time to enjoy nature’s beauty all around you. Write your lists outside! And try not to think about the ‘what if’s’.
Gorgeous picture! My burning bushes haven’t started to turn yet…but I have great expectations. Try and relax a bit today! ;)
That burning bush grows way too fast and it overwhelms the garden but boy, it sure is beautiful this time of year!
Stay safe, Donna!
I too am a list maker and I have notes everywhere. I learned a long time ago to write them down and get all those nagging things out of my head. And I don’t apologize for it. My husband has stopped teasing me about it and instead will ask if something has been “added to the list”. It helps my anxiety a lot!
Good for Keith! Lists and my planner – two things I can’t do without!
Stay safe, Becky. Love you.
I make lists in my head, go over possible scenarios of events and worry. It is so hard and just when I think I’m settling down something new comes up. Breathe Claudia! Its what I tell myself several times a day.
Yes. Breathe! Don tells me the same thing.
Stay safe, Linda.
Glad you are home for a bit, and I surely DO understand the worry bug. I can fret for hours at a time over things…real or imagined. I know “worry is a sin” and worrying is useless. Those facts don’t deter me.
Like Donnamae, our Burning Bush only has about 8 burning leaves so far. But my Hydrangea is full of new white buds!! I have never had a 2nd budding…ever!! I imagine this crazy (too) warm weather is a factor.
Have a good Wed and hope you can start checking things off of your lists! Take care.
What a wonderful hydrangea surprise, Chris! Enjoy every bit of it.
Stay safe.
Claudia — I, too, make lists but not in my head–not enough room or memory now — my lists are carefully written, many w/explicit instructions, LOL!! sorry for your worries w/possible strike — can understand the concerns of the workers, hope all of the mess gets straightened out. stay safe/healthy
If I don’t write it down, it isn’t going to happen! I understand.
Thanks, Linda.
Stay safe.
I am a worrier too and a list maker. My advise is to sit down and get everything in your head down on paper. Get it all organized and once it’s all under control you will worry less. A lot of my worry is about things I can’t control so I try to control everything I can. Yup, I admit it.
Also, add Lara Bars or something similar to your list. I always carry one just in case I can’t eat when out and about. Not that I am that busy or away from home very long these days.
Stay safe
I’m a control person, so I get it. (Adult Child of an Alcoholic – control is a big issue for us.)
Lara Bars have sugar, I think, so I’ll have to find something else. But I’ll check the label next time I see one. I might be wrong.
Stay safe, Marilyn.
I am a worrier too and I do often regret the hours I have wasted worrying about things that I didn’t need to!
You seem like such an organized person and I know your list-making will be productive and help you prepare for your busy time coming up. Best of luck with your next adventure!
Oh, boy, do I get it! I regret it too.
Thanks so much, Ellen.
Stay safe.
I miss the burning bushes. Funny, I worried about dying as a child too. Why didn’t we talk?I am a worrier too but I am trying to get betters. It seems like I spent a life time worrying about stupid things.
As much as I support the strike, I sure hope you get to work on that film!
I bet we were both afraid and embarrassed to talk about it with each other, though I wish we had! It would have been easier, knowing we both shared that worry.
Thanks dear friend.
Stay safe.
You were my first thought when I heard the IATSE news. Let’s hope the clouds have silver linings. I’m not a worrier, but I can relate. Uncertainty is not my favorite condition–too many possible permutations and then I can’t feel prepared adequately.
Autumn is definitely here in our neck of the high desert. I’m monitoring the veggies on a daily basis–harvesting religiously as they get ripe or size up, and planning for the 20 degree temps that are predicted for next week. Fortunately, I can also sit back and enjoy the leaf show and autumn flowers without a care as they do what nature intended. Few things are as beautiful as the east side of the Sierra this time of year!
Glad you’re enjoying Autumn, Roxie. Enjoy every second of it!
Stay safe,
Oh Claudia, I do SO hope that your film project doesn’t get canceled; after all your planning and indeed these lists in your head that are necessary for organization about the whole thing, living between two places, would be such a shame, and I know too, because we’re freelancers ourselves, what it is to look forward to the pay, and then not have it. We’ll keeps fingers crossed that all will go well. But if it isn’t meant to be, it’s not meant to be; and sometimes in such occasions, the reasons/answers come much later for the why of it.
My husband is sick! We don’t know what’s happening. He got a superflu shot yesterday at the pharmacy. Is it a reaction? Was he about to get the flu anyway? He definitely is in bed all day as if he’s sick from genuine flu, and he has a low-grade fever. Of course too, I’m worrying he might have a Covid breakthru infection. Or it could all be entirely coincidental and he just has a plain ‘ol bug, of which kind who knows. But, it’s October, and this is when cold/flu amps up. I’m gonna go right now and see if I can get some broth down him; earlier, he was even rejecting a sip of water (throwing up) but his nurse-sister ragged on him and said he must not get dehydrated. He does listen to her, but he’s a bad patient; he won’t let me help him much! (I had the season flu shot yesterday and I’m completely fine; now, if only we could get the 3rd Moderna shot; the pharmacy’s RN told him that they have the Moderna boost in the store; they’re just not allowed to give it out yet. Must be imminent; I WANT THAT BOOST!!!)
So, I asked my husband about IATSE; he’s in a position to know some things about it. Like you, he’s in total sympathy for those who will strike and says he’s surprised it didn’t happen even two years ago. The working conditions are ridiculous. I guess the timing of this strike is what everybody’s guessing about but my husband thinks it’ll probably hit in about two weeks. It really will stop TV/film production because the folks behind the scenes who are of diff unions will respect what the strikers are doing and not cross picket lines (like, a makeup person with a diff union will equally withdraw and not work). I told my husband, “I just CANNOT believe this timing for Claudia; it is SO unfair.” I said, “She’s gonna have to prepare ‘as if’, right? Because nobody knows exactly what will happen. She’ll still have to continue to plan as if everything is ‘go’ with the film, which includes her transportation details, packing, any homework for what she’ll be doing on the job.” My husband said, “Yes. She has to proceed ‘as if’; what else can she do? It’s got everybody in the industry on pins and needles.” Crap. This is legit worry, Claudia; again, I’m so sorry this has come up. The highs and lows must be really gnawing at you. The Pollyanna in me wants to think everything will turn out just fine. It’s definitely a wait & see, but where you still have to proceed with plans and the calendar. I understand more now of what this is all meaning for you. But remember, too, that my husband could be dead wrong. He’s just another industry person doing the wondering like everybody else.
My husband is feeling better after a miserable 18 hours of ‘sick’. Fever went down. WTH?
glad he’s feeling better, vicki.
hope you both stay well!
thanx, dear; he had a rapid turnaround; somehow, it just HAD to be a reaction to the flu shot although it’s apparently highly unusual to get a reaction like that!
Reaction to the shot.
I’m quite worried, but I do believe that no one wants them to go on strike, especially the producers who would lose lots of money. They’re in a good position. I pray it’s resolved positively before we start shooting. As I said in my other response – these are the waning days of my career and I might never get a chance to do something like this again, and certainly would never have an opportunity to earn a good salary like this one. I’ve never earned much as a coach. This money would help us a great deal.
You have my EVERY prayer, Claudia; I so WANT you to have this job opportunity. It’s important for you on many levels. Let’s think best thoughts!
Yes. Positive thoughts!
“Not meant to be” doesn’t bring any comfort, especially at this point in my career. I don’t have years and years of work ahead of me, nor will I get another chance to – for once in my life – earn some good money.
I suspect your husband has a reaction to the flu shot…
Stay safe, Vicki.
Oh, sorry; I didn’t mean to say anything that brings you more concern than comfort!
Don’t worry about it!
praying for you all.
Thanks, Kathy. Hang in there.
Stay safe.
You have my EVERY prayer, Claudia; I so WANT you to have this job opportunity. It’s important for you on many levels. Let’s think best thoughts!
I’ve tried to post this teeny comment three times and the response is that I’m commenting too quickly and I need to slow it down. This made me giggle!
I hope they come to terms before the strike. They’ll still have to resume at some time, right? I hope so.