Friday – rain. Saturday and Sunday – no rain. Monday and Tuesday – rain. And so it continues.
At times, I’m tempted to scream.
We did mow yesterday and managed to finish off the largest part of the front lawn. We’ll do the lilac side on Sunday when, hopefully, it will have dried from today’s rain.
You do what you have to do!
Don has a gig tonight, rather far away. I’ll have some time to myself, but after about an hour or so, I start missing him and wish he was home. Are we co-dependent? Yes, but in the happiest way.
Today? Blythe Friday. I haven’t been taking pictures lately but I did take these this week:
Ella in pink. Somehow, her curls just cry out for a little headband.
I realized that Imogen had been wearing brown for quite a while, so I found something summery for her.
Love these girls.
Stay safe.
Happy Friday.
I love Imogen’s blue-and-white sneakers!
They came with one of the dolls. I love them too!
Stay safe, Petra.
sorry you have more rain ahead that will keep you indoors, but glad you have books, the girls and other things to enjoy.
imogen’s outfit is very much my style … a t-shirt, skirt, and what i still call tennis shoes (though my current shoes are my old running shoes and i haven’t played tennis in over forty years). and seeing ella makes me smile … she looks so much like my maternal grandmother!
safe travels and happy gig-ing to don and to those blessed to get to hear him sing and play guitar!
happy, safe, easy friday to everyone!
I still call them tennis shoes!
Stay safe, Kathy.
I did just scream…..everything is getting to me……the weather, the world in general. It started out as a normal morning but now the cable box is dead, the washing machine wont spin and is half full of water and clothes….and it is going to be another rainy day….we have mushrooms popping up all over the yard and what seems a fungus on the lawn….or crop circles….I am in need of something….my nerves are raw…. Any and all suggestions would be appreciated.
Oh, I’m so sorry. We’re going through the same thing. I have a mushroom growing in one of my pots on the porch, too!
Just listen to some music, or do deep breathing. Something to distract yourself that makes you happy.
Take care, Maria.
thank you Claudia…..all good advice. Now if I could just get out of my own way and acto on it.
hej, maria.
sorry you are having troubles.
you asked for suggestions. my best one is always to seek God and His help.
as a person who almost always needs to be doing something, i do other things, too, to deal with stress … clean my place, cry, talk with my family, read and re-read philippians 4:6 (“don’t worry about anything. instead, pray about everything. tell God your needs and don’t forget to thank Him for His answers.”) i get to water … drink some, take a long shower, drive to a lake, listen to a video of a thunderstorm. i do something moving (where i am literallychanging my location for a bit) … walk or go for a ride. i do things that i consistently enjoy (knit, paint, putter around an antique shop, go look at art …). those things all give me a break by creating time away from stressors as well as a focus on and reminder about the world having beautiful things (favorite people, animals, nature, art). those things somehow simultaneously distract me from problems yet also leave me with the mental/emotional bandwidth to prioritize and take on those problems one by one.
don’t know if the tangible things i do will help you, but i hope you find things that do. either way, i hope you go with my first suggestion. :)
prayer said and i will keep praying for you.
take care.
sending a hug (if okay),
Thank you Kathy. I really appreciate you for taking the time to answer me. I sometimes forget that I cannot control things….get fed up and wallow in my misery. It is a lonely place. I did go to the library and took home a heavy load of piano books and art books. The sun is shinning now as I write this…..I am still without a washing machine but managed to wring out most of the clothes and hang them outside. The cable box will be replaced but I have to wait till the place opens tom. so tonight I will just use some of this adrenaline by washing my sticky kitchen floor. I guess I feel as though everybody else is doing fun and exciting things and I am in a rut . I want your prayers….and good thoughts. Thank you so much.
you are not alone in having those feelings or it seeming like everyone else is having fun! glad that, just like troubles, tough feelings can go, too. now would be a good time for that, huh?!? :)
glad you have the laundry drying outside (hopefully done by now) and a new cable box is in sight.
if you don’t mind sharing, what books did you get?
prayers for you and good wishes to you continue.
I am so thankful I don’t live in Vermont now. I can’t get the pictures of the flooding out of my mind,. Where or where do those poor people start after losing so much .
Can Don get any gigs closer to home? I am sure he must be tired after finishing. Is it worth it?
We need money. He gets to sing and hone his set list.
Also: I’ve driven 3 – 5 hours to get to a coaching job, I’ve also commuted for a total of 4 hours a day.
This is routine. For both of us.
Stay safe.
Haha! My daughter bought a pleated athletic skort this past weekend with the almost the exact print of Imogen’s skirt! Glad you have your girls to distract you…
She has good fashion sense, Wendy!
Stay safe.
Love your girls, too. They are quite the little fashion plates. Playing with dolls is a great distraction, I find. I bought some cute little duffel coats for Jessie and Walter but much too hot for them to wear just yet. I’m still waiting for their swimwear to arrive. Sometimes alone time is good but I’m sure you are very happy to see Don come home safe. Hugs, Elaine
It is a great distraction and I always feel happy when I do it.
Stay safe, Elaine.
We are just back from a month in Ireland, where we combined attending the wedding of a family friend with a holiday (bit far from Australia to justify only attending the wedding)
It rained EVERY SINGLE DAY we were there, so I hear you! We are now back home in Winter, and guess what? Beautiful sunshine! Aaaaggghh!
Oh no! I’m so sorry, Denise!
Stay safe.
I’ll gladly trade you a few days of rain for the unbearable heat, and the accompanying drought and brown hills, that is SoCal at the moment. Plus my air conditioner died at the beginning of the heat waves, so we were miserable for three weeks while they figured out what the problem was, All fixed now and it is grand! So, deal?
You’d have to willing to deal with devastating flash floods, loss of life, and extensive property and road damage. That goes along with the torrential rains, because that’s what has been happening out here.
Okay. You win. No deal. All I got is blazing heat, likely devastating fires, and the long-predicted “big one” earthquake.
No winner here! Just two different climates dealing with Climate Change. I don’t like blazing heat, either! Do you live in northern California, Elizabeth?