For most of the day yesterday, there was no sign of the little ones. But later in the day, one guy appeared, and then, a bit later, another.
They’re adorable. They’re finally eating the grass, just like their mom does. They starting to get it. And they’re much braver than they were; more willing to explore new territory.
I’m such a worrier. I worry that they’re okay. I worry when I see just one of them and wonder if this one got separated from the family.
I just plain worry. Ask Don, I’m constantly worried about the little critters around here.
We had a lot of rain last night. Hurrah! And we’re going to get more tomorrow, with thunderstorms. Our flowers and plants and grass and critters are grateful.
Something arrived in the mail yesterday – all the way from China.
This 1:6 scale bed for the girls. Very inexpensive and very well made – from a company called Aizul Homey. I was sure I would have to assemble it, but no, it arrived fully assembled. I’m thrilled with it! It also comes with a mattress and the pillow and cover/comforter. The linen piece under Pip is a napkin that my grandmother embroidered decades ago. I have a lot of her linens. I was thinking of painting the bed, but I actually like the way the gold looks here with the dollhouse wallpaper. I also need more wallpaper for the other wall.
When I realized that one shelf/cubby was going to be smaller than the others, I came up with idea of putting a bed there so we could have a little bedroom. I’m very pleased with the result.
Stay safe.
Happy Tuesday.
nice photos of one of the babies. and great that all of them are following their mother and now eating grass instead of your flowers and whatever is growing in don’s garden. :)
i get the worrying, too … so i pray and remind myself that God loves and blesses (in various ways) us all. example: the groundhogs have been blessed to live near animal-loving people like you and don who watch over them. and you are blessed by their cuteness … and that they’ve learned to eat grass, not your flowers. :)
need to get going … several errands, finishing a project and taking a shower are in between me and spending time with members of my family.
happy, safe tuesday to everyone!
Thanks so much, Kathy.
Stay safe.
Cute pics of the kids. They are getting bigger every time I see them.
We have baby raccoons who spend several hours in our pine bed. It not only has pines, but hostas, ferns and astilbe as well. I think they were taking shelter under a giant hosta because we were sprinkling. The babies didn’t stay long though, their real home is across the street. Fortunately they crossed quickly, as we have neighborhood speed demons who think this residential street is the Indianapolis 500. Their mother is nowhere to be found.
Our resident crane pair had two babies, so adorable. The parents were proudly walking them at the house across the street from us about two weeks ago. Everyone was taking pics, from a distance of course. Sadly, we haven’t seen the young ones since then. No one has. I understand your worry about the ‘kids’. I’m heartbroken to think something happened to the baby cranes. It’s tough when you live surrounded by nature, and the animal residents become part of your life. There is worry.
Pip looks comfy in her new bed. Enjoy your day! ;)
I bet those baby raccoons are adorable, Donnamae. I wonder what happened to the mother?
Oh, I hope the baby cranes are well. You’re so right, we get invested in the wildlife around us and it’s worrying. I tend to watch them a lot, and when one disappears, I’m concerned.
Stay safe.
We have a private neighborhood chat line, and someone said either the mother left…or something happened to her. We do live surrounded by a marsh on 3 sides…so who knows. I’m hoping the baby cranes are still alive, but? We have coyotes too. Time will tell.
What a darling bed. It looks like brass. Pippa must be having sweet dreams all tucked in with her bunny. Lovely bed linens, too. You’d have quite the dormitory if you bought a bed for each of the girls. You’d have to add a new wing to the doll house. Such fun. I finally, after 77 years, learned that no amount of worry ever changes the outcome of what you’re worrying about. But I think worrying is in our genes. Your little groundhog friends are pretty self-sufficient. Just enjoy their capers. Hugs, Elaine
Funny you should say that, earlier in the day yesterday, I had a vision of 15 doll beds. Oh my.
Stay safe, Elaine.
dear Claudia/Don — glad the little ghogs are doing well–they look pretty smug, ha!! sure does not take long for them to grow up!! so love this pix w/Pippa — she seems deep in dreamland !! will all your girls “fit” in this bed or are some taller?? Knowing nothing about Blythes but enjoying learning from you, haha!! enjoy your rain — very envious here b/c still dry — fields getting more brown every day. stay safe
They all fit, but just like in humans, the legs have to bend a bit at the knees in order to fit the bed. Only one doll – Olivia – still needs a new body with joints – she might not fit the bed right now.
We have been extremely dry for weeks and we’re just now getting some significant rain. But we had red alert/fire warnings for several weeks. I hope you get rain soon!
Stay safe, Linda.
Claudia, every day since I found you so long ago, first thing each day I read your blog. Your words are calming. Your photos are treasures. You share reality, kindness, the work you and Don as you constantly make your gardens and home and apple pie and Christmas, collection of egg cups and plants and so much more … I loved the photo of you as the nurse in the movie and sharing of your work with actors voice training. You share the small animals learning from their mom. Love meeting you collectibles little ones and sharing them with us. Thank you for sharing and reality. Hugs.
Oh, thank you so much for these lovely words, Joy! I cannot tell you how much they mean to me.
Thank you for taking the time to leave this comment. It made my day!
Stay safe!
I to worry about the animals that we see on our property but so far none of them have “nested “ llike your ground hog family so I am spared worrying for individual critters. They are adorable babies! Also that little bed is adorable . For some reason it makes me think of Goldilocks. It’s just right!
It is sort of “Goldilocks” isn’t it?
Thanks, Nora.
Stay safe.
You’re getting GREAT pix of the babies. And that bed is darling!
Thank you, Jeanie.
Stay safe.