Post storm morning. It’s rather balmy out there, but the wind has picked up as the front exits. This will be the last warmish day for us for a long time. Next week, the daytime highs will be in the 40s and the nighttime lows will be in the 20s.
My assignment this weekend? Accept the fact that my porch plants will be no more. (I already brought in the Boston fern a few weeks ago.) It always makes me so sad to see plants that are thriving and re-blooming and know that their death sentence is around the corner. These are the times I wish I had a greenhouse.
See? Just writing about it is making me tense. And sad.
Don is excited because our snowblower is being picked up today by a guy who repairs them. We were going to sell this one and buy something lighter and easier to handle. But Don did a lot of research. They are very expensive nowadays and he read a lot of reviews about the less heavy snowblowers; they don’t do well in deep snow. And we get a lot of deep snow. Added to this is our driveway, which slopes downhill to the road where tons of snow accumulates, aided by the snow plows. It wouldn’t work well for us. So, I recommended he use our community page on Facebook and ask for a reliable repair place. This morning, a guy who got a lot of recommendations is going to come and take the snowblower in for repair. Carburetor definitely needs cleaning, oil needs to be changed, etc.
Exciting times here at the cottage. Especially for Don.
That’s really all that’s new. I have chores to do today, a little work on the puzzle, a little reading, and a little apple pie.
Stay safe.
Happy Saturday.
Love the picture she nice I am a Dn groupie…have good day
Thanks, Brenda.
Stay safe!
You can tell the pain I am in…since I was 20, pain was an 8…now a 20…sorry…love the picture…so nice…especially since I am a Don groupie…have a good day. This is better…
i am sorry for the pain you have and will keep praying for you and everyone else here.
hope everything else is better and you have a good book to read, stay safe and have a great weekend.
I’m so sorry you’re in pain, Brenda. Praying for you, my friend.
Stay safe.
Awww. Another Don Groupie, here. I’m still so glad we got to see him singing and dancing on stage in Escape to Margaritaville a few years ago. Best of luck with the snowblower repair—essential tool that it is in your neck of the woods!
Hey, we made it all the way to the beach, without any stops. Too bad it was left in such a sad state by Nicole. Where there used to be stairs and sticker-weeds down to the sand there is now a boarded up cliff! Don’t know where our loggerhead turtles will nest next spring.
good to hear you made it all the way to the beach! continuing to pray for you and fred, also everyone dealing with hurricanes, etc … including the animals and other creatures.
hope you both have a good, easy day.
stay safe!
and same here … glad that i could see don in “escape to margaritaville” (my sister and i drove over to chicago) … he gave a great performance!! :)
He was so darned wonderful in that role!
I hope the loggerhead turtles can nest by the time the spring rolls around, Shanna.
Stay safe.
It sure where u r at the beach but here in Palm Harbor and Clearwater gorgeous
I would prescribe: a LOT of apple pie!
Yes, indeed, Petra!
Stay safe.
And the best of these chores is a bit of apple pie!!
Very cold here! 70’s several days this past week and now into the 30’s for highs for the next week. And a couple of inches of the “s” word forecast for Tues. ugh.
With Mark Kelly winning, and the other undetermined Senate race so very close, do you suppose if the Repubs would then realize that Herschel Walker won’t make a difference, they would instead donate all of that money they would put into his runoff bid to local food pantries or comunity clinics??? Ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha thought we could all use some levity!!!!! Take care and enjoy that pie!
Chris they could care less about struggling people
When oh when will people wake up,
Not sure they will. I can pick point the minute the Dems started losing power. Won’t put on a public website but have told my family and friends
Thanks for the morning laugh Chris!! ;)
I’m thrilled about Mark Kelly.
The Repubs won’t do anything to help people. Just power and money. That’s their agenda.
You made me laugh – a good thing, Chris.
Stay safe.
glad there’s a fix for the lawnmower!
and sweaters and heaters for the cold weather ahead … but it is sad to lose plants to winter (or other reasons).
that’s a nice photo of your sweet fella!
if everything else on your list has to be little, i hope your chores are, too.
cold here, with another high barely reaching 32 degrees. and it is snowing right now. these flurries won’t add up to trouble, but (again) i am not ready. working on that.
also working on the photos on my phone … putting them into folders. as much as i enjoy getting and having things organized, this is taking a lot more time than i’d like because i only have 20,000+ photos on my phone (and if i can transfer screenshots into folders, that’s another 6,000 or so). haha. after this is done, i will definitely keep up when adding more photos, etc!
hope everyone has a nice, easy day today. stay safe!
lawnmower = snowblower.
I’m not ready for snow either and we have snow showers on the horizon next week.
Good luck with your photos. I need to delete a lot of them on my phone.
Stay safe, Kathy.
Good to see a pic of Don. Hi Don!
Also good news about the snowblower. I’m a big fan of trying to fix things, especially in this throw-away society we seem to be living in.
Low key day around here…trying to adjust to the cold. Badger football on the schedule today for us. Apple pie sounds mighty scrumptious. Enjoy your day! ;)
It’s unseasonably warm today, but that will change by tomorrow.
Too windy for me out there.
Stay safe, Donnamae.
Oh you make me want an apple pie. You have been talking about it for days and now I’m hungry for a piece! It’s about to get really cold here. Hugs!
Apple pie is the highlight of my day, Linda!
Stay safe.
Sorry about your plants… that’s hard to raise plants in the elements like that. The repaired snow blower sounds like a good idea! Enjoy your day, especially the apple pie!
Thanks, Barrie.
Stay safe.
Question about Don. Was he in Threes Company?
He was in at leasts 2 episodes of Three’s Company – maybe more. He loved John Ritter, who was kind and generous to him. Such a terrible loss.
Stay safe, Darlene.
That’s so cool! I loved that show. I was telling my friend about your blog which eventually started us looking up Don on the Internet. LOL
Donnamae took the words out of my…….fingers :)
Yay for repairing (if at all possible, mechanically and financially) rather than the alternative.
Love the houseplant puzzle too!
Well, it wasn’t that we didn’t want to repair. We thought the snowblower was just too big for us, so we were going to sell it to a friend who works in auto repair. But then Don realized we really needed the one we have, so now it will get repaired.
Stay safe, Naomi.