Full-time caregiver, here. I’m making light of it but I do know many of you have been serious full-time care givers and it’s much more than I’m dealing with.
It’s also cold and rainy and we’re trying not to turn on the heat at this late date because we have very little oil left and ordering some right now is an expense we don’t need. So, it’s dreary and damp and we have a lot more rain coming later today and throughout the week.
Don’s in a bit more pain today than he was yesterday. We’re still icing the hand every half hour and no showers until tomorrow. I washed his hair in the kitchen sink yesterday. It brings back memories of my childhood, when I routinely washed my hair in the kitchen until I began to take showers. Clean hair and a sponge bath and the day seems better.
I’m cooking at night, with Don’s guidance. It isn’t that I don’t know how to cook, I just don’t like it one bit and, I admit, I’ve been spoiled by Don taking over the cooking. Hang in there, Don, it’s only for about 5 more days. Actually, last night’s dinner turned out pretty good!
What else? I have to do some grocery shopping today (another thing that Don usually does because he likes it) and I really want to get the impatiens I bought 3 days ago in some pots, especially before it begins to rain heavily this afternoon.
Anyway, my sweetie is hanging in there. He gave himself a research task to do online – he’s exploring a certain genre of music – and it’s keeping him occupied.
No time for photos, so here’s a recent one of Holly – from last week:
You’d better tie those shoelaces, Holly.
Stay safe.
Happy Sunday.
Feel better soon Don.
Thank you, Kay.
Stay safe.
Take the Tylenol…..get out the hot water bottle…..stay warm. Binge on old movies and eat pie.
Sending you sunny wishes from another part of New York…..equally mired in rain and damp.
We don’t have a hot water bottle!
Thanks so much, Maria.
This rain is depressing.
Stay safe.
Being a care-giver, even for a short time can be challenging. While taking care of Don, take care of yourself too. Steal a few minutes to plant those impatiens, or dress one of your girls.
In the meantimeā¦.ice and Tylenol to save the day! Feel better Don!! ;)
Thanks so much, Donnamae.
Stay safe.
Hope the healing process is a quick one.
Me too. But it will take time.
Stay safe, Barrie.
good morning.
i continue to pray don feels better soon … no more pain starting right now. stitches out soon enough. full and easy use of his thumb and hand real soon. will he have any physical therapy appointments?
glad that don has something to get wrapped up in, researching music. if he needs an idea about another option, a couple nights ago i was on “youtube” looking for a thunderstorm video to listen to at bedtime. a recommendation popped up for a “muscle shoals” documentary (from ten years ago) about the music studio down there so i watched it … interesting.
nice to hear you say that about your own cooking, that it turned out well. :) what did you make?
glad you two have each other for fun and love and help, every day and especially at times like this.
hope the weather cooperates so you can soon plant the impatiens and enjoy spending some time outside.
i hemmed and hawed a bit yesterday about taking a couple sacks of paper to a paper-shredding event sponsored by a local bank. in part because sometimes i feel almost completely better, then sometimes not at all and mostly because it could wait … there’s another opportunity in mid-may and a couple more in september … but i decided to go, to get it out of the entry, to get it done, to kind of test my energy. came back, showered, slept for a couple hours … i was super-tired. slept well last night and feeling like i can be much more vertical today. :)
happy, safe sunday to everyone!
Oh, we’ve seen the documentary about Muscle Shoals. Probably about 4 or 5 years ago. It’s great.
Dinner was a baked potato, steamed organic carrots, some aduki beans and an entree by our favorite vegan brand Gardein –
“Fish” fillets, which aren’t really fish, of course.
Stay safe, Kathy.
Holly has a cute face.
Sure hope Don feels better soon.
Yep, I remember when I was growing up that the only person in the house who used the shower stall was my dad, a leftover habit from his Army days. Mom and we kids were bathtub people; but, because there were no electric hairdryers and Mom didn’t especially want sickly-asthmatic little me to get a bad cold from a wet head, shampooing was the kitchen sink I guess on a sunny ‘drying’ day out on the front porch although I have a vague memory of sticking my head in the oven of the kitchen stove; now, not really per se, but I think she’d turn it on and I got enough heat from just outside the oven door(?); I can remember when she’d wash our ‘tennies’ (“tennis shoes”) and put them on the racks of the kitchen oven to dry; maybe it was a gas stove with a pilot light so it was always a little warm and dry in there. I don’t see today where ANY of this was safe, certainly nothing to be advocated, but it’s what I remember!
I still call them tennis shoes. I can’t go with ‘sneakers.’
Thanks, Vicki.
Stay safe.
Hang in there, both of you! Hands that function are an overlooked blessing and worth whatever it takes to regain. I certainly hope the pain recedes soon, poor guy.
I can only hope my new lilac looks as beautiful as yours in the not to distant future. I love that color!
Your girls’ clothes are so yummy. Each outfit is better than the last. I’m afraid to search out Blythe dolls for fear I might get hooked, so I’ll continue to live vicariously through your crew!
My lilacs are really beaten down from the incessant rain, Roxie.
Oh, the girls have much better clothing than I do!
Stay safe, Roxie.
Roxie, you would definitely get hooked. Ask me how I know, lol, but it is so much fun. Go for it!
You’re taking very good care of your sweetie and I’m sure Don appreciates it. Sending good vibes that all will be well soon. Holly sure looks sweet in her nubby coat and pretty dress. You find such beautiful clothes for your girls. And the little red boots are darling. Stay warm and cozy. Time to snuggle. Hugs, Elaine
The boots and the dress were a couple of my first clothing purchases. I still love them.
Thanks, Elaine.
Stay safe.
He’s sure lucky to have you for a caregiver. (I’m sure he knows it too.) We have cold and rain as well. It’s been like this every darn weekend in April! I’m antsy to pot some pansies and violas but I’ll wait until mid-week when we’re supposed to hit upper fifties.
Take care, you two.
Thank you, Kay.
Stay safe.
Glad to read that Don’s operation went well. Now he needs rest and recuperate. The hair washing over the sink evoked a childhood memory. When I was about six, a new family moved onto our lane. The mother, Auntie Myrtle was a lovely Northern Irish lady who still had a strong Belfast accent after many years of living in England.
Barbara who was closest in age to myself told me that her mother always sang the theme song to a popular show, The Adventures of Robin Hood, as she washed the children’s hair over the sink to stop from squealing if the soap got in their eyes. I thought this sounded magical.
Shortly afterwards, Auntie Myrtle, with my mother’s permission lined me up alongside her own SIX children and off she went…
Robin Hood, Robin Hood riding through the glen,
Robin Hood, Robin Hood with his band of men.
Feared by the Bad, loved by the Good,
Robin Hood, Robin Hood ….
You’ll have to sing to Donš
I love, love, love this story! Thank you so much for sharing it, Dee Dee. It is indeed magical.
Stay safe!
I’m glad things are going well, Claudia. I remember hearing once that sometimes the second day after the surgery is always harder than the first, no matter what it is. I’m glad he is on the mend and hope your cooking duties end soon!
I cannot wait until I no longer have to cook! But in the meantime…
Stay safe, Jeanie.