The stunning view from the restored chapel on the Hudson River where we celebrated Rick’s life.
It was beautiful. Rick was one of the most extraordinary men I’ve ever known. (And I’ve known quite a few extraordinary men.) We arrived a little early, which turned out to be a good thing, because we got to have a few quiet moments with Rick’s widow, Michele. She’s lost a lot of weight. Rick’s battle with this rare strain of pneumonia lasted four months. He was in the ICU for four months and I’m sure she was with him every day. I cannot fathom how hard this must have been for her.
Rick came from a big family and his siblings shared stories about him. His friends shared stores about him. He was a banker who took an early retirement so he could pursue his real passions; music and art. He painted this very view that you see here – gorgeous paintings of the mountains and the river. They were incredibly detailed. He played several instruments. He had a recording studio in his home (where he produced the CD Don made with his friend Dan Bonis.) He had children and grandchildren. He was adored by his siblings, his friends, his fellow artists and musicians.
Michele was the last to speak. They performed as a duo called Open Book and they played and sang together with extraordinary harmonies. They had been together twenty years and when Michele said “How can I never sing with him again?” my heart broke. She also used the exact same words I use about Don. “He was everything to me.”
Such profound words, filled with yearning for what was.
The celebration was beautiful and moving and I’m so glad we were able to attend.
Don thinks there will be a musical celebration of Rick’s life in the future. I hope so. How blessed we were to have known him.
It’s been a tough week. Did I mention that Don was in a fender bender earlier in the week? Yeah. That happened, too.
We’re laying low today. Time to take a break.
Stay safe.
Happy Sunday.
Precious memories…how they linger…(song)…a man with a life well lived. Also sorry about Don’s fender bender. It has been rough few weeks. Prayers for both of you today…
Thank you, Brenda.
Stay safe.
Claudia, it sounds like it was a very emotional ceremony for an incredible person…thank you for sharing a bit about him. Sorry about Don’s fender bender….I also have not had the best start to this new year….hope it changes!
Let’s stay positive. It will change, Barrie.
Stay safe.
Claudia, what an incredible place to send off your beloved friend. Wishing you and Don peace today. Hold tight to each other.
I’m so about the loss of your/Don’s friend. He sounds like an amazing person.
Wishing you a
peaceful Sunday
Thank you, Marilyn.
Stay safe.
Thank you, Verna.
Stay safe.
thank you for sharing about your friend rick.
sorry to hear about the accident, too. hopefully don and everyone else involved were not hurt.
to borrow a phrase i heard so long ago that i can’t give proper credit to the source, you and don have sure had ‘a week of mondays’. hope you both have all the supplies you need and want, can just stay home to feel what you feel and do things that remind you that there’s good in the world … read, play music, eat apple pie …
prayers continue for you both, everyone else here, rick’s family.
No one was hurt, thank goodness.
Thanks so much, Kathy.
Stay safe.
From your description of Rick’s service, you can see that he was surrounded by love. Very sad to lose a dear friend. Hope Don wasn’t hurt in the fender bender. Always something. Hope you and Don have a peaceful, calm Sunday. Did you ever get that snow you were hoping for? Hugs, Elaine
No one was hurt, thank goodness.
No, we didn’t get snow.
Stay safe, Elaine.
Sorry to hear about the fender bender, glad no one was hurt.
Sounds like your friend, Rick, had a wonderful life filled with love.
He did.
Thank you, Ellen.
Stay safe.
I’m so sorry. I haven’t been online lately as my brother-in-law in Michigan passed away last week. What an unhappy coincidence to see your post today. It’s good to take time to absorb these tragedies so we can go on, as we must. Stay safe.
I’m so sorry for your loss, Suzanne.
Sending love your way.
Stay safe.
Oh Claudia, what a wonderful man, your friend Rick. I know his loss will affect so many. I really feel for his widow — what a long wait, hoping it will be better. I’m sure that being around so many who loved him was healing in its way — but as you know, grief takes a long while to heal. Thank you for sharing about him here.
I hope the fender bender wasn’t too bad, with no physical ill effects. What a week….
It must have been unbearable, those four months. You can see the effect of the stress and worry and loss.
Stay safe.
The heart doesn’t know goodbye. Im glad of that.
Thank you.
Stay safe, Karen.