Running late this morning, as we were up later than usual watching the Tony Awards. It was great to see former colleagues and I’m happy to say a few of them won Tonys. Huzzah! Also, my former boss, Jack O’Brien, won a Lifetime Achievement Award. But the Tonys didn’t include it in the main broadcast on CBS because apparently a special award for a lifetime of dedication to the theater doesn’t even rate a mention on the primetime broadcast. Don’t get me started. I have a love/hate thing going with the Tonys. They keep trying to reach a younger audience but judging by the pharmaceutical commercials for diseases that tend to hit older people running throughout the broadcast, their audience is the same audience that watches Jeopardy – us oldsters.
Anyway, we pay for these later nights because we can’t get to sleep right away and our routine is thrown off. We are not as flexible with routine as we were in our younger days. Sad, but true.
Not only did we have the bear sighting on Friday night, but on Saturday night there was a motorcycle accident on our road, just across the street from our house. We didn’t hear it because it didn’t involve another vehicle, but the motorcyclist lost control and went off the road. I only realized something was happening when I kept hearing car doors shutting and finally noticed flashing lights. There were about 6 or 7 emergency vehicles on the road and in our driveway and my neighbor’s driveway. Thankfully, he will be okay, though he has a broken leg.
The amount of motorcycle traffic on this county road is insane in the summer and they go too fast. I’m surprised it doesn’t happen more often. Thankful he will be okay and that my neighbor’s son was on the scene helping the driver.
I mowed the lilac side of the lawn yesterday and then sat right there on the glider for a few hours. Eventually, Don came out to join me. There was a lovely breeze and the view was terrific. I wanted to take advantage of the nice weather because we head into very, very hot and humid weather starting tomorrow. It will last for 4 or 5 days, so we’ll be hunkered down inside the house, save for watering everything twice a day. There are heat warnings posted starting tomorrow at noon. Poor Don! He has to travel into Manhattan to have a fitting before filming next week. It will not be fun, as NYC in the heat can be unbearable.
I have to run some errands this morning and then package up another Etsy order and take it to the post office.
Stay safe.
Happy Monday.
I’m dreading the coming heat wave too – our long range forecast had said 102 Saturday and Sunday and then I got an alert that the forecast had changed to 99 and 100 respectively. Somehow not a great comfort! Hope you have some indoor amusements lined up!
Oh no! 102 is way too hot!
Stay safe (and cool).
am sure that is upsetting for you all to see or hear about; sorry. glad to hear the motorcyclist will be okay. nice that your neighbor’s son could help until first responders arrived.
cannot say that i’ve quickly learned all my lessons in life so far, but here’s a quick and clear one for me: i stopped speeding after getting my first and only speeding ticket at age 23. that ticket probably cost me less than $35.00 (in 1981), but it reminded me that life is more important than speed, showed me that i didn’t want higher car insurance payments and that i just didn’t (don’t) need anything more to worry about. :)
agree about award shows. it’s sad to me that a “lifetime achievement” award wasn’t deemed important enough to mention on tv, let alone show it.
also agree about routines. when i was a kid thinking about being an adult, one thing i looked forward to was staying up as late as i wanted, eating whatever i wanted, etc. … but found after college, with the start of my first big job, that i felt and functioned much better with stable sleep hours, etc. not always possible given the jobs i had, but i tried to stick with it then as well as now in retirement.
i am still having trouble giving up so much sugar, though!!!
hope don’s trip to nyc and your errands go well. glad that you and don can stay indoors (save for those trips and all the waterings) during such high heat. doing the same here.
stay safe and stay cool, everyone!
I once was stopped because I was impatiently following another car too closely. They were driving under the speed limit. The police officer was firm but nice and warned me, but no ticket. I learned my lesson.
Stay safe, Kathy.
You certainly have had a weekend full of events! Glad the motorcyclist wasn’t badly injured.
Anyway, I watched Spoiler Alert last night and thought it was brilliant. I laughed, I cried towards the end of the film. I was so thrilled to actually hear you speak and you were wonderful in your role.
I have to say that not once did I hear any trace of an English accent from Ben. He was impeccable and that’s down to you.
Happy Monday
Oh, thank you, Dee Dee! I’m so happy that you finally got to see it.
Thank you for your kind words!
Stay safe.
I just came in from watering…and with a slight breeze it was still pleasant. However…heat and humidity is still forecasted thru Wednesday, so we’ll see. I have things to do inside thankfully, and I’ll reserve watering for mornings.
Your porch looks ideal for gazing, relaxing, reading…really just sitting there mindlessly. I think I would spend hours out there. Can you put a fan out there to stir things up when it gets more humid? While our deck faces east, by 2 pm it is quite nice out there with shade, and a fan does help immensely. Our trees only provide early morning shade. Enough time for a couple cups of coffee…lol…until later in the afternoon.
You’ve mentioned many times how busy your road is. Sorrry to hear about the motorcyclist, but glad he was not seriously injured. Hope Don’s trip into the city goes well!
Enjoy your day…stay cool! ;)
I’m fine with no fan, Donnamae. I time my porch sessions for early morning on those really hot days.
Stay safe!
The heat is hitting Michigan today and heading your way. It will be in the 80’s and I can feel the humidity is rising. We are fortunate that Lake Michigan keeps us cooler than farther inland, but we still get the humidity.
We live on a main road that can get you to Lake MI. We’ve had several bad accidents, a couple fatal. They were about a quarter mile down from our house at a corner. Our road ends and you have to stop and then can turn either L or R. Going too fast, not stopping and smashing into the woods at the end of the road doesn’t end well. I’ve become very cautious when going past the side roads around here. People coming from the lake sometimes don’t bother to stop. There’s a bar nearby too, so I’m sure some should not be driving.
Your porch looks so inviting. I have to sweep off my little porch (gypsy moths) before I can sit there. It’s worth the effort though.
Take care
Our road is a county road and it’s straight and flat with no traffic lights for long stretches. That’s why motorcyclists love it. Unfortunately, they contribute considerable noise pollution and, in this case, endanger their lives. I’m glad he’s relatively okay.
Stay safe, Marilyn.
These are strange days. You are under a heat alert and I am under a freeze watch for tonight.
MT is expecting snow.
Stay Cool,
I finished “Long Island.” It was a wonderful read. I wish it had been longer.
Oh my! SNOW! What a contrast in our forecasts!
Stay safe, Kaye.
You’ve had an exciting weekend, Claudia. Sorry about the motorcycle accident in front of your house. Glad the cyclist wasn’t too badly hurt but a broken leg will sideline him for the summer. We’re getting heat and humidity this week, too, and it’s still June. I feel for Don having to travel to New York in this heat. Stay cool, both of you. Hope you can enjoy your lovely porch before the heat of the day sets in. Hugs, Elaine
No, I had to do too many chores and water everything. By the time that was over, it was way too hot!
Stay safe, Elaine.
I watched the Tony’s Monday. They always do a good show (though I didn’t like most of the musicals that much — either bad diction, too many lyrics or the orchestra was too loud and the sound not balanced right.) I was rooting for “Mother Play” but didn’t really have a dog in the show as I sometimes do. Just out of touch. I do hate that that they put the tech and other awards on another network and early. It was on Pluto but I didn’t know that till after. I have to go over there and see if they have archived it for a bit. I think these days I enjoy those more than the ones in prime time.
I’m so sorry you had to see all the motorcycle activity. Even when it’s no one you know, it’s still a person who is hurt and it’s upsetting.
Hang loose in this heat. That glider looks inviting!
Yeah, I’m not a fan of the new crop of musicals – they’re really a combination of pop/jukebox musicals and I long for soaring, beautiful melodies.
Stay safe, Jeanie.