This was taken a few days ago. Now? The grass is covered with leaves – not only the back forty, but the corral, our driveway, and the area right outside our doors. We had two days of rain and then a very windy day yesterday. The amount of leaves on the ground is daunting. Gulp. We don’t have to rake all of them, but we do have to clean up certain areas, especially close to the house.
And it’s so much colder now! The temp dropped 20 degrees on Saturday and for the first time, it really feels like fall around here. I’m currently covered with a shawl that I knitted several years ago, and I’m wearing a long cardigan over my pajamas. We refuse to turn the heat on this early in October.
My little Carolina wren friend just appeared on the porch railing and is chirping/calling out to, I presume, his mate. Now, he’s gone. I hope he heard a response.
I finished The Close over the weekend. Excellent! I didn’t want it to end and I kept thinking about it throughout the day. If you are interested in this series, I strongly recommend reading them in order. Like all series, the characters and their relationships with others change over time – there’s always a back story. I’ve started Dark Ride, by Lou Berney. Another good mystery that I’m very taken with. I haven’t read any Berney lately, but I read a few of his books when I was reviewing books on this blog and my book review blog. He’s a wonderful writer.
Well. The news in Israel and Gaza is horrific. I don’t know what to say beyond that. I feel like I’ve run out of words to describe the situation in our country, the war in Ukraine, the war in the Middle East, the plight of immigrants, climate change…you name it, it seems hopeless. I have always been a fighter and an activist. And I certainly don’t want it make this about me, sitting here in my cozy home writing a blog. I remind myself every day that I can’t give in to ‘news fatigue.’ I have to be aware and awake. I have to pray – whatever way works for me. (You should know by now that I’m not into organized religion, but I do have faith and a spiritual/metaphysical belief system – I’m just not preachy about it. Preachy makes me uncomfortable; it’s the way I was raised.)
I do know I have to hold all those who are impacted in these senseless wars in my heart. But at times, it’s overwhelming. It’s too much. So I read, or paint, or clean, or mow the lawn – all of which helps me to escape temporarily. But only temporarily, because we are all one.
Prayers for peace. Pleas for peace. Is there hope?
I don’t know.
Stay safe.
Happy Monday.
similar weather and similar feelings (about the world, watching/not watching the news, etc.) here. same with prayers for peace, too.
some moments (or longer) it can be hard for me to feel hopeful, but i know the good outnumbers the bad in this world, people can change for the better and God is with us and for us, so my hope is there, just not always top of mind or top of heart. at those times i, too, take breaks, do something i enjoy, then feel ready to make better whatever i can make better … because, as you said, we are all in it together.
glad you have a good book to read and not too much raking to do. and are wearing the shawl you knit.
hope you have an easy day. stay safe, too, everyone.
Thank you, Kathy.
Stay safe.
It is overwhelming. Heartbreaking. I really don’t know how to handle all the pain and sorrow.
I guess just keep moving and do my best to be kind.
That’s a beautiful, peaceful shot of your trees. It’s that type of photo I find myself looking at during stressful times… it’s calming and grounding…which is very apropos with all that’s going on in our world right now.
We all need calm, Barrie, especially now.
Stay safe.
Agree totally!
Thanks, Jan.
Stay safe.
Yes, “news fatigue” is certainly a thing. I read the Washington Post and New York Times trying to stay up to date. But, boy, there hasn’t been much to give us much hope about anything and it is only getting worse. I told Dean if they make that insurrection supporter Jim Jordan speaker I want to leave the country.
We did turn on the furnace this weekend. I just cannot sleep if I’m too cold, no matter how many blankets I pile on my side of the bed. It seems strange to see everyone wearing summer clothes and sandals one day and jackets and sweatshirts the next. Still, I do like that it feels more like October.
Take care,
I agree about Joradan.
It’s cold here today but I am determined not to turn on the heat!
Stay safe, Kay.
We turned on the furnace late last week. It was 31 when we woke this morning…I had covered up my tomato and cucumber plants last night. I’ll have to do the same tonight as we live in a low area surrounded by marsh. Hard to believe that a week and a half ago, it was in the mid 80’s.
That pic of your trees is soothing….and I think considering the state of the world, and our country, we could all use a dose of soothing. It’s been day after day of chaos lately. And this new war involving Israel, only makes it worse. My heart goes out to all those suffering. And, then there’s the chaos of the republicans in the house, and I’m at a lose for words. I am by nature a hopeful person. But hope is in short supply these days.
We got our Covid and flu shots this morning…so far so good. No reactions. Hoping it stays that way! ;)
I am usually hopeful, as well, but it’s sure hard to summon that up lately.
Hope you didn’t have a reaction to the shots, Donnamae.
Stay safe.
I understand the news fatigue. I’m on the edge — but you are right, we can’t give in.
Here in the nearly-frozen north the temps are low 40s with such high winds, the “real feel” is 33. We don’t have a furnace so it’s two space heaters and the fireplace. It took two days to heat the cottage (and the was closing off the bedrooms, just opening the door to ours about an hour before bed time.) And rain. Lots of rain. It’s pretty grim. I’m reading, writing, proofing, blogging ahead. My hands are too cold to paint. It’s supposed to be like this all week, apart from one day. I can’t wait for that day.
So you’re at the cottage? Sounds pretty harsh right now!
Stay safe, Jeanie.
There is always hope. We mustn’t give up. Prayers. Hugs, Elaine
Thanks, Elaine.
Stay safe.
Just got done watching the news and I feel extremely sad for all those innocent people….children and older people, whoever their sick minds feel
like killing. Bill had today off so we went to a huge antique mall we have never been to, over 250 vendors! It got my mind on something else other than the horror going on in the world. I can’t complain about our weather. This is the month we are finally having beautiful weather. I love staying in my jammies when we start having colder weather and just reading or baking something. Now I made myself hungry for some chocolate cake! Take care!
I’m glad you finally have good weather, Deb. You guys deserve it.
Stay safe.
Thank you,Claudia. All I can say is I am in complete agreement. xo
Thank you, Annette.
Stay safe.
Prayers and blessings.