A coolish Sunday morning with swallows circling, landing, and swirling up to the sky. We watched them as we sat on the front porch. Every once in a while we heard the sound of the wind chimes. Lovely.
I completely forgot that August 30th marked our 13th year of living here in Mockingbird Hill Cottage. Don tells me that is the longest he’s lived anywhere. 13 years! It was so hot that day and even hotter on the 31st when we had to drive back to our rental cottage and thoroughly clean it. We were so exhausted by the end of the day that, when we discovered some things that we had forgotten to pack, we were so over it that we put them out by the curb for someone – anyone – to take. We didn’t want to pack one more thing. We just wanted to get back to our new home. I remember it very well.
There were no gardens here then. The big garden bed was there, but it held two plants. There were some hostas – one by the porch, one on the side of the house – and some sedum Autumn Joy. That’s it. As it was late in the season, we didn’t even try to tackle the garden bed. We cleared out a bed in front of the house and planted four teeny tiny boxwoods there and that was it. Those boxwoods are now huge – in fact, they really need to be pruned because they’re sort of out of control.
We changed out the wood block print that was here for this painting that Don purchased. It’s an interesting story. Someone Don was following on Instagram painted it. Don fell in love with it because it reminded him of road trips and driving out west, his favorite things to do. When he complimented the guy on the painting, he was told that it was the artist’s first attempt at oil painting and a conversation ensued with Don offering to buy it. The artist said that whatever Don wanted to pay was fine because he was just happy someone liked his painting. Don, of course, didn’t stint on the payment. An artist should be paid well for his/her work.
I think it looks stunning with the lamplight on it.
Makes me want to get in the car and drive west.
We watched John McCain’s funeral from start to finish and I can’t remember when I’ve been as moved. Simply beautiful and powerful beyond words. America as it should be and as we hope it will be again. And a stunning rebuke to the Trump administration and the partisan agendas that now characterize Congress. We were shaken and we most definitely cried; in my case, several times.
Happy Sunday.
That painting reminds me of home. The open roads, the vast landscape, the gorgeous sunset. Let the artist know he has a good start at a long career.
Happy Sunday!
Isn’t it lovely? Thanks, Debbie.
Claudia, Congrats on 13 years of owning your cottage! We just paid our very last mortgage payment yesterday. Woohoo! Hard to believe that we have been here 30 years.
I too watched the funeral service for Senator McCain. Truly moving and I too cried several times. Today he will be buried here just a few miles from my home.
Love the painting!
Unless we get a mysterious influx of cash, I can’t imagine ever paying off this mortgage!
Thanks, Kim.
John McCain gave us a great gift when he planned his funeral and invited those speakers, each of whom, regardless of party affiliation, reminded us of the traditions and philosophies we hold dear, each of whom defined this nation as we once knew it and as we shall know it again.
Yes, he did. Knowing his diagnosis, but still having some time, he was able to plan everything. I thank him for his service to our country and for yesterday’s reminder of the values we hold dear.
Congrats on 13 years of cottage bliss! I’ve been in my house over 25 years and I still miss my dear house in the hills, where I only lived 8 years. It should have been our forever home but it was not a place or school district to raise a family. I’m gradually making this cookie cutter house my own.
Good for you. Over time, it will seem more and more like a haven, Wendy.
I thought Senator McCain’s funeral was a tour de force, if that’s possible. At every turn you could see his hand involved in it. He was still speaking, and still fighting for the America we all know we can be again. It was wonderful [although I must have burst into tears at least 10 times]. At one point I actually tweeted “Go Meghan Go!” too. While I’ve never been a fan of Meghan McCain, we certainly had a lot in common yesterday. If I’d have been in the Cathedral I don’t think I would have been capable of suppressing a loud cheer for her. And I’m hoping she’ll be able to stifle her “Crooked Hillary” comments now. After the service I had the oddest feeling that Sen McCain was now at a quiet corner table in one of Heaven’s nicest pubs, just having a wee word with the Founders. And Lincoln. And TR. And FDR. And Harry Truman. And JFK. And RFK. And LBJ. And all our WWII generals and admirals [Halsey & Nimitz & Bradley & Marshall & Eisenhower etc]. The boys are up to something, they’re still fighting. They’ll never stop fighting. And they WILL NOT let these cheap, traitorous, know-nothing opportunistic lowlifes mess with us any longer. Peace. 🇺🇸
I like the picture you painted of Sen McCain after the service….I can see him now! ;)
I hope she can stifle those comments, too. I’ve taken her to task on those via Twitter. Her father would never have said that.
Have you seen Active Measures yet, Janet? You must. It’s a documentary by Jack Bryan that was just released on August 31. I will speak about it tomorrow but it’s an extraordinary piece of work that ties all the Trump/Putin threads together as well as Putin’s efforts to do the same thing in other countries. Hillary and John McCain are interviewed as well as a host of other people. It’s stunning. And it’s chilling. I had to hit pause several times because the enormity of what happened and what can still happen was so evident. You can rent it on iTunes or watch it on Hulu. It’s also in some movie theaters. If you don’t do Hulu, you can have a free month trial and watch it that way. I bought it on iTunes because I wanted to have it and I want Don to see it, too.
That’s a beautiful painting Don picked out…beautifully displayed. Yeah…it was the last week of August, 35 years ago, that we moved into our house. Little did I think, it would be a home that we would continue to love for all those years. You and Don made a good choice 13 years ago. You have a warm, cozy home that reflects the two of you. And that is as it should be! ;)
We love it here, Donnamae.
Congrats on 13 years at the cottage! You’ve made it a beautiful home. We’ve been 16 years in our home, longest stay for us too. As life rolls on, it has undergone a few changes in those years, especially after we became empty-nesters.
The McCain funeral was very moving and I love that he had meticulously planned it. He was certainly successful in inviting the right people to speak who would send the message he wanted to send. I was dismayed to read that Twitter, which is vile, immediately attacked his daughter as being “classless” for “insulting Trump.” Talk about classless! I think our *president invented it.
They are classless. And, of course, she never mentioned Trump’s name so it’s interesting that they immediately assume she was attacking him. That’s what guilty people do.
I think what really gets their goat is when she said “America was always great!” No doubt who she was shading with that.
I agree!
congratulations on lucky-13 years in your home … and many, many more!
you and don picked such a sweet cottage and over the years have made it yours … a true, cozy, charming home. i know you both adore it and take good care of it, are grateful for it … wonderful! keep enjoying it … and thanks for sharing bits of it through your words and photos. :)
great painting … looks lovely … and so is the reminder of road trips past and future! good choice, don!
just came home from seeing a new movie, “operation finale”. we had to sit in the very front row (something i would have liked as a kid. now? not by choice). will spend some time knitting and be glad to have tomorrow off work. :)
kathy in iowa
I had to sit in the front row for a movie a few years back. My aching neck!
What a wonderful home you and Don have made in 13 years. A wonderful choice and it continues to be just the right home for both of you. The painting is wonderful and wow to it being the first try at oil painting. I’m sure the artist was thrilled that someone wanted to pay him for it!
I cried, cheered and felt God in my heart as I watched John McCain’s funeral. It was so dignified and so American in it’s choice of hymns, songs and tributes. A perfect way to say goodbye to an American hero. I didn’t always agree with him but I NEVER doubted his patriotism which is way more then I can say for someone who lives in the White House now. I am not giving up my country to these traitors.
I’m not either! xo
me, neither!
kathy in iowa
What wonderful memories that painting must be bringing back to Don of his drive out West!…an amazing first work!!…I can’t stop chuckling at President Obama saying that McCain’s last laugh was making him and “George” stand up and say nice things about him…lol…how wonderful his funeral was, tears, laughter and much kindness and admiration…I hope that I live to see another one like him some day….
I loved that line in his eulogy. We laughed out loud.
I love that Don paid–and paid well–for the painting. :) It IS stunning, and the lamplight really brings it to life.
We were just looking at it under the lamplight. It’s really beautiful. Thanks, Val!