My favorite time of the evening; not fully dark, on its way to being dark, with blacks and deep blues and the moon shining brightly.
Mysterious. Magical. Simply lovely.
I have much to do around here, but I don’t seem to be doing it.
I want to put shelves in the den, but I’ve decided I want Don’s input before I do it. So that has to wait until next week.
I want to start painting the kitchen, but I need Don’s help moving things and keeping Scout out of the kitchen. So that has to wait until next week.
I was going to re-caulk the bathtub because whatever I did the last time didn’t work very well. But hacking away at the old caulk, cleaning that all up, applying the new caulk, waiting for it to dry? Too many hours. And I find I’m not in the mood to tackle it at the moment.
I do have to go to the laundromat. Today. Sigh.
Oh, it’s not that I’m a stranger to laundromats. If I had some sort of running tally of how many times I’ve been to a laundromat, I’m sure I would be astounded. Many years of apartment living = many years of laundromats. I remember when I moved into a new apartment at the beginning of my last year of graduate school. There was a washer and dryer in the building. I thought I’d died and gone to heaven.
But then I moved to Boston for my first teaching job and it was back to the laundromat.
It does change the way you think of things. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had the thought, “I’ll just throw that in the washer” since I’ve been back, only to remember that my washer doesn’t work. Again, a First World Problem. And in the end…annoying, but no biggie.
So today I gather everything up, drive to the neighboring town, take along my Kindle, and do some laundry. I can People Watch, too.
T-minus two days and counting until Don is home again. He’s still suffering from that cold, very like the one I had. The coughing stage hangs on for dear life. He needs to be with his girls. That’s the best medicine.
Another night photo:
There was a new post up on Just Let Me Finish This Page yesterday. I neglected to mention it here. And I’m adding a short post today with news about an interesting contest you might want to enter. The information on that contest came via an email from author Wendy Tyson, so thank you Wendy!
Happy Wednesday.
I love the “First World Problem” thing! Puts it all in perspective, doesn’t it? Like being down to one car, or can’t find the bread I want at the grocery store, so have to buy something else, or the cable goes out. I should make a list of those things. Think I have been a whiner for years.
Oh, I can be a whiner, too, Tana. But it does help to think of it in a different way – puts it in perspective!
I would definitely be whining! Though found time to people watch and Kindle read is not such a bad thing. Gorgeous photos Claudia!
Not such a bad thing, for sure. Though I wouldn’t want the laundromat to go on indefinitely…
Our little (4yearold) neighbor calls it blue dark and black dark. He doesn’t want to go to bed when it is blue dark. Since the time change he was in bed at 7:00 pm because he said “time to go to bed it is black dark!” Such a cute way to explain the evening.
I just love that! Perfect.
Claudia, Love your pictures. I remember going to the laundry…we do not even have one in our town now…that’s sad. If I had too I would go to my daughters in town..Oh boy I hope that never happens. But I am a realist, I know we do what we have to do. Hope Don gets better, hoping you do not catch his cold too. Blessings, xoxo,Susie
I think he’s long past the contagious stage, Susie!
When I whine and complain about things, it helps me to think about the REAL problems in the world also :)
Exactly, Linda. I’ve got it pretty darn good!
Our daughter and SIL returned from living in Mumbai, India for about 16 months, and through her I see my problems in a much different light. First world problems, indeed. Schools with running water are nearly non-existent and lack of indoor plumbing is the #1 reason cited for the number of rapes which occur. We take so much for granted.
Have fun at the laundromat…. people watching can be so interesting. I imagine shopping for a new washer is on the “next week” list for when Don returns, also.
Have a good day, kiddo!!
I’m curious, Chris. What do they say connection is between lack of indoor plumbing and rapes in India?
Because the women have to use out-houses or just the outdoors and are incredibly vulnerable. My daughter worked for a non-profit education group and even in their office building, the bathrooms were in another building. It is mind boggling to say the least. In many area of India, if a man marries, and can prove he has indoor plumbing, the govt. will give him a stipend.
Oh, my goodness. I didn’t think of having to do laundry outdoors as being potentially dangerous. My god. How horrible! It is a sad day when trying to do laundry puts a women in danger.
In time, the list of things to get done will happen, I’ve learned. Hoping that Don’s cold disappears quickly and the end of his show run goes well. Have fun “people watching” – one of my favorite past times when I get the chance!
There weren’t many people there today, Chy. It’s an odd place. I’ll describe it sometime this week.
What stunning photos of the blue is a beautiful time of day indeed..I remember living in apartments and going to laundromats too..not fun but necessary..of course my son was little and loved going as he got to push the carts around for Mom..First World Problem is a great way to put things in perspective..Hopefully when Don gets home hugs and love from his girls and rest in his own bed will help him get better..
I think it will, Nancy. He’s been ready to come home for a while now. He needs to be in his cozy cottage.
Ha…well, at least you don’t have to go down to the creek and scrub your clothes on a rock! I do take my modern conveniences for granted, that’s for sure. And when one of them doesn’t work, like my refrigerator several months ago, I try really hard not to whine…but it’s so hard. I am spoiled! Sometimes I find it’s really hard to do the things I need to do…I’d much rather do the things I want to do. Doing things to spruce up the house falls into that category. Have fun at the laundromat! ;)
I know. Or even using a wringer washer and hanging things to dry – either indoors or outdoors!
I love that time of day. I call it The Magic Hour, and you have photographed it beautifully.
It is indeed the Magic Hour, Sandra. Perfect way to describe it!
With my first apartment I was lucky. I didn’t have to lug things to a laundromat. My “unit” was located right next to a laundry room in the building. I could hear when the machines were in use and after a few months, had figured out the best times to find them free. But the complex had rules – they could be used only between 9 am and 9 pm. Since I was teaching days and working as a part-time bridal registry consultant 3 nights a week, all day Saturday and one Sunday a month too, my availability was more limited that the laundry room’s. There were many weeks when I had to do some fancy footwork to get my laundry done “within the allotted time.” And it was somewhat of a pain to always be collecting quarters for the machines. After a while I got smart and got rolls of quarters at the bank. Still better than having to drag laundry bags to the “mat” though. Anyway after 14 years there I was dee-lighted to move to a complex where all the apartments had private covered entrances, covered outdoor space [porch or balcony] and a laundry room/pantry in each unit. As you said, I felt like I’d died and gone to heaven. Now I can toss a load in whenever! And even better, take a warm terry cloth robe out of the dryer after a winter shower – sublime! As simple as it is, having personal laundry facilities tis a blessing I really appreciate. Hope Don’s feels better for his homecoming… :>)
It actually was better in the apartments in Hartford – each flower had their own washer/dryer. I could walk a couple of feet down the hall and do my laundry. Don’s apartment building in New Haven has laundry facilities, but way down in the funky basement.
Your pictures are lovely! I like that twilight kind of cast in the sky. I’m going to state the obvious- but I’d have bought the washer before the TV– but that is the difference in people — we each have our own path don’t we? I can’t do without my washer. But I did recently sell my dryer because I just don’t use it!
As to the tub and caulk and painting the kitchen — the list is the same here. Much to do but no energy or drive! I’m thinking about sanding the floors and how bad they need refreshing.
Since the time change we’ve been over cast and wet– so I’m not enjoying it like I normally do.
Take care —
I do envy your people watching! I’ll be out Friday and be doing some of that too!
But the point is, we need someone to look at the washer before we make that kind of decision…we don’t even know if we have to purchase one yet! It may be able to be repaired. And Don has to be home to help me take the doors off, so that the repairman can get to it.
See? Not quite so clear cut. And, quite frankly, I’m sure the television is cheaper than a repair and definitely cheaper than a new washer/dryer unit, which is what we have to have here! It’s housed in a small closet in the bathroom. We can’t just buy the washer, we have to buy the whole thing. And the dryer is working at the moment.
Remember, too, this all happened right before I was going to go away. No time to attend to it then.
I see what mean. We all have different circumstances… And true what you say having a closer look – washers now days ARE BIG PURCHASES. If your washer is an older model it makes sense to repair. The models today are all part of the PLANNED OBSOLESCENCE . I certainly do get it. :). Best wishes with the whole thing. Don will certainly be a big help. I don’t like making those decisions without the Honey.
Me either! Especially since buying a new one means buying the whole kit and caboodle!
I have been to many a laundromat. Some better than others. The good part is like you said, time to kind of kick back and read or people watch while the clothes are washing. Enjoy your day, sweet friend. xo Laura
This laundromat is rather strange, but okay. Just washed the clothes and brought everything home to dry in the dryer (which is still working.)
It’s been a long time since I had to use a laundromat. One of my least favorite things in the world was gathering up the dirty clothes, getting change, waiting for a washer or dryer, etc. I’m lucky to have a washer and dryer in my apartment and if they stop working, someone will fix them right away. I’m spoiled!
You are, Marianne, and you deserve to be!