Despite my best efforts, I never figured out which smoke alarm was the culprit. I examined each one of them as best I could, but I couldn’t investigate further because I never heard the chirp again. Not during the day. Not last night.
I’m grateful, but it does remain a mystery.
I recycled yesterday, which is always a pain in the tush, but even more so in the winter. But it’s worth it, because I love an freshly emptied trash can and empty recycling bins. We had snow showers all day long with no accumulation predicted. However, the snow picked up in the afternoon and I’d guess there’s an additional half inch on the ground now.
Dear Stella, heating up water for my morning coffee. She’s the best.
Did you watch the opening ceremonies of the Olympics? I did. It was beautifully done – visually stunning. They always are. I’m ready to lose myself in some Olympic competition, to escape into something positive and uplifting. We all need that right now.
Today, my exciting agenda is to clean the bathrooms, something I said I’d do earlier in the week but never got around to. If you’ve read this blog for any length of time, you know I absolutely detest cleaning the bathroom, so you can imagine how excited I am at the prospect.
Less than a week until the first preview performance of Escape to Margaritaville. And that means less than a week until the Original Broadway Cast Recording comes out! I’ve preordered mine. Can’t wait!
Happy Saturday.
Me too! Hate cleaning the bathroom. Dusting is a reall joy as well, lol!
Don’t like either of those things!
I have to clean the hard rough tile of my bathroom floor. I think the only effective method might be to get down on my knees with a scrub brush and at my age that is not a fun idea.
I had to get on my knees today. Do. Not. Like!
I missed the opening of the Olympics and I usually always watch it.
hope to be able to find it easily enough on you tube.
the still pics I’ve seen of it are wonderful!
It was beautiful, Tammy.
I can’t get over how beautiful Stella is – definitely a classic beauty!
She sure is!
I enjoyed the opening ceremonies as well…I was trying to ignore the political overtones. The Winter Olympics are more interesting to me than the Summer, and I’m excited to see the skeleton and luge runs…and skiing. As much as I love figure skating, I find it difficult to watch because of the judging system.
I’m rambling on, because I realized I have to vacuum….and I don’t care to vacuum. So…the longer I comment…the longer I can put off my chore for the day. I dislike it probably as much as you dislike cleaning the bathroom.
Time to face the music…enjoy your day! Love that teapot! ;)
Figure skating is my favorite – far and away!
I love vacuuming, don’t know why, but I do!
I love the Olympics and enjoyed last nights opening ceremonies. I will be watching some great athletics in the next two weeks! It’s rainy and icky today. I’ve had a bit of setback in my recovery. The other days shopping adventure did me in and I’ve had an upset stomach also. Praying it’s not the flu. I’ve been most careful but it’s everywhere. I’m lucky I can just stay in and rest and recover. No more shopping for awhile, I thought I was more healed then I was. Ugh! I’ve been reading a lot and just finished an interesting book Before The Fall by Noah Hawley. Stay warm and when will you head to NY for the opening night? I need to pre-order the cast recording!
I have Before the Fall, but I haven’t read it yet. It’s in my TBR stack.
The first preview is next Friday, but I won’t be going until the official opening, which is March 15th or 16th.
Oh Claudia! I had visions of you going through the house with a broom. Poking at each alarm until irritating noise was stopped. I saw holes in your ceiling all ever everywhere. I’m glad it didn’t come to that.
I don’t know how, but I missed the opening ceremonies. What!? My excuse is the dreaded upper respiratory flu that is visiting at my house. however, there isn’t much that I will miss from on.
I hate cleaning the bathroom. But, what I hate worse is a bathroom that needs cleaning. Every time I go in there during the day (every day) I do something. Swipe off the counter, wipe outside of bowl, dust the corners. etc/ That was I never have to spend a long time in there doing a massive clean.
I, unfortunately, do not do that. So I end up having to do a massive cleaning!
Cleaning the bathroom is one of the worse jobs. I love that print on your wall, it is breath taking. That little green chick is cute. We have six white ones.
It’s a lithograph that was made for the Cunard Line to advertise their ships – this one is the Aquitania.
I was so impressed with the opening ceremony and how advanced they are but still honor their heritage. My favorite part was their singing of “Imagine” at the end. Good luck with the bathrooms! Think I’ll save that for a weekday.
I loved that, too. It was so moving.
Do you mean you are out there back and forth in the car, working with the recycling stuff over at that recycling center, and all the while it is SNOWING? Never being in snow, I’m guessing it must feel gentle and not threatening but I’m sure you’re glad to get home to get warm & dry. Just trying to visualize…you must have to shake the snowflakes off of you before you get inside the car!
I wish I could drum up some excitement for the Olympics but I find I lost interest around the time I turned 30; it was more of something I enjoyed when the athletes were around my own age. But I do think you’re right if we could tune in and try to get our minds off of a lot of other bad stuff.
End of your day right now, probably after your dinnertime; nearing 4pm here; we were in deep fog all last night (couldn’t see three doors down even at 8pm; socked in; eerie) and, today, foggy and gray as well til 3pm; a rather nice respite from the unrelenting 80s temps & intense, unforgiving sun for too many past days. All anybody can talk about here is how much SoCalif needs rain and how we’re not getting any in the months (tight timeframe) we should be having some. But then, in the newspaper, a whole schedule of meetings with officials scheduled for next week, for the public, about how our town (how each of us) can protect itself (ourselves) against debris flow, as what happened in Montecito north of us (a type of mudslide) mere weeks ago if, in fact, we DO still get rain (can happen in March, but that’s about it), considering our surrounding hills are burned/charred/bare with nothing to hold the dirt. It’s quite serious and the last town meeting was SRO at one of the schools with a large auditorium.
Living on edge, that’s us; since Dec 4. (My husband’s arranging to get home early from work next week so that he/we can attend the meeting for our area. I’ve seen debris flow cascade over my own hillside although it was almost 50 years ago; don’t ever want to see it again but I fear there’s not much I can do as an individual resident; it’s City work that they have to be on top of, not me. Still; I’m glad we were forced to get flood insurance when we bought this last house. Since Katrina, FEMA has really cracked down on any of us in flood zones. My backyard isn’t in a flood zone, curiously, but my front yard is; it’s $1,000 a year for the insurance and if I don’t pay it, nobody will insure my house. That’s $1,000 a year in addition to the ‘regular’ homeowner’s insurance. SoCalif isn’t a cheap place to live.
When again is Don coming home before the big day next Friday? Hope it’s tomorrow so that you can both have a lovely Sunday together.
I saw the most beautiful small BLUE butterfly this afternoon; she was on an orange meadow flower we planted SUCH a long time ago. It was very intricate with a sort of federal blue, navy, gray and white to its delicate wings; I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a butterfly. And the really glorious thing about it is that I hardly EVER see butterflies anymore because I’m sure the agricultural valley I live in has, over time, pesticide-d them away. Anyway, a little gift of my day; I was quite spellbound by such natural beauty! If you’d been here, Claudia, you would have taken a gorgeous photo of it!!
I’m convinced everything is ‘off’ due to climate change and drought. The weather is nuts (our area has recently broken heat records for this time of year), and why a blue butterfly? Some days ago, I was in the backyard toward evening and a HUGE v-formation of flying birds went overhead I didn’t recognize. They weren’t flocks of seagulls which I often see here, some 15 miles inland from the sea. These had elongated necks and were making a honking sound; it seemed like hundreds of birds, perfectly organized. I told my husband about it and he just laughed, “Vicki, they were geese.” Geese? When do we ever have geese here? Never! He said, “They’re returning north.” To where? And we haven’t had squirrels FOR YEARS here on the valley floor and, now, we hear them chattering in the trees when it’s almost dark. Aren’t they more of a daytime thing? ‘
And all the blue jays have disappeared. They were here when nothing else much was – – so, again, maybe it’s just crazy me, but I sense it’s awry; different, in my surrounding environment. When we got the ONE rainstorm this season – – the one which devastated Montecito – – rainwater stayed in the gutters between sidewalk and street for a few days, and they didn’t have any worms in the water. There are always squiggly worms in the gutter water, like my whole life here, so where now are the usual worms? And I’m smelling orange blossoms each night, which is pleasant, but February is too early for them. Is all making me feel out of sorts!
Well, geese do fly through warm areas to head back north. But I agree, things are off everywhere. I don’t like it.
I love that you saw the butterfly. I believe they represent something spiritual. A good sign, Vicki!
We heard an annoying beep months ago and sure it was the smoke alarm bought new batteries and replaced the old though I was quite sure they were new. Beep continued. Long story short, after taking down the darned thing, making a hole in the ceiling in the process, we are not handy, and countless other I’ll advised attempts to fix the alarm our daughter came over for a visit and informed us our old cell phone’s battery was low and beeping. Sigh.
And that stove is simply a work of art. Serious case of stove envy here in CT.
That made me laugh out loud, Deb! This gosh darned new technology!
My bathroom needs a good cleaning too!…Something I am dreading…yuck!
I thoroughly cleaned both bathrooms. Exhausting, but satisfying.
Oh, that comment above from Deb is too funny. It sounds like something that would happen here! Our kids were here for dinner today, and since they were in good moods, my husband gave them some computer questions and they helped him with a bunch of little issues. He was so happy!! We can navigate and install and do quite a bit, but sometimes something weird happens and we need another set of eyes. And brains.
The Opening Ceremonies were amazing. The technology!! Wow! The ending with the little ones on the raft, and then the rendition of Imagine were just stunning. Not to mention lighting the torch. And I was ashamed of the US “delegation”. That is all I will say.
Same here. I wanted to wipe that smug look off his face. What an pompous dolt he is!