Three little maids who, all unwary,
Come from a ladies’ seminary
Freed from its genius tutelary —
Three little maids from school!
These words from The Mikado popped in my head this morning as I edited this photo. I took it to show off the newest hats by my friend, Feng. I already had the green hat and the red and brown hats arrived in the mail the other day. I just adore them – they fit perfectly. They’re my favorite hats for Blythe dolls.
I was in a production of The Mikado years ago. I played Katisha, a somewhat mean (but misunderstood) character – just the kind I like to play. I was in college at the time. I’ve also been in HMS Pinafore. Thanks to Mr. Mark, my junior high school music teacher, I was exposed to Gilbert and Sullivan at a young age and grew to love their work. I’ve written about Mr. Mark before. He was a mentor to me and is the reason I love musical theater to this day. He gave many of us kids in the Dearborn school system the chance to work on a musical every summer. I continued working with him every summer through my first year of college. I can never thank him enough for the opportunities he gave me.
One of my favorite movies is Topsy-Turvy, a wonderful film about Gilbert and Sullivan and the real-life singers and actors who made up the D’Oyly Carte Opera Company. It centers on the idea for and development of The Mikado. A fabulous cast, including one of my favorite actors, Jim Broadbent, as well as Lesley Manville and Timothy Spall. Directed by Mike Leigh, it is beautifully realized.
I just watched it again when I was away from home working in Rochester. It makes me happy. (On Amazon Prime, by the way.)
It rained all day yesterday and today looks to be cloudy all day long. Sigh.
Happy Birthday to my late brother. And to his youngest son, Eric, who lives in Chicago.
Stay safe.
Happy Monday.
I love those hats! It is raining here today so more unpacking and sorting.
How much longer til you’re all moved in?
stay safe, Linda,
I’m almost completely moved. Just a few more boxes and odds and ends to make decisions about. So ready to just enjoy the summer.
i am glad for you, linda. happy, peaceful summer (soon) and always.
I love Gilbert & Sullivan. Midland, MI had a Gilbert & Sullivan society for years so have seen most of them. Though I’ve never seen Topsy-Turvy even though it’s been on my list to watch for years. Midland also had a Teenage Music Society and did a musical every Summer. Nothing like seeing live musicals as opposed to the movie versions. Though I was spoiled being able to see so much at such a young age. The Farmington Players are currently doing Something Rotten!, which looks like fun.
I am forever grateful to our Recreation Dept – they sponsored all the summer musicals.
Stay safe, Lucinda.
glad that your path and mr. mark’s path crossed and with wonderful experiences and memories!
the girls look cute in their dresses and hats. my sister knows how to knit bobbles. when i get back to knitting in the fall (i prefer to knit in cooler weather), i think i’ll ask her to show me how to knit bobbles and try making such a hat for myself, though maybe with a ribbed brim instead of a rolled one.
good luck with the rain. not one of your faves, i know, for having had lots of it. heard a long-range forecast this morning that said here in iowa we are to have a rainier summer with no extreme heat. personally i’d like that a lot.
some animal adventures here. pearl stopped by again yesterday (and hopefully lots of other times we’re just not around to see). it was nice and a relief to see her. also yesterday, driving on a new-to-us dirt road, we saw a turtle crossing the road. stopped the car to watch, but he was moving fast and there was nothing good to offer perspective so am only guessing when i say that he was maybe six inches in diameter. we saw that thankfully there’s a little creek nearby for him. fun to see him. and then there was the late night when i looked out at the moon and saw an unfortunately-familiar dark shape on the deck of my parents’ townhome. right up by the door i saw a raccoon. i knocked on the glass door to get him to leave. nothing. knocked a little louder. nothing. so, hoping he wasn’t dead, i turned on the outside light and saw there were two raccoons and they were (sorry to say this) mating. within a couple inches of the door … ugh! the light brought a reaction, but they stayed there (ugh again) so i unlocked the main door and opened it a tiny bit (left the screen door closed). thankfully they then left the area, but before leaving the deck, the male turned to look at me. i’d say he was not one bit happy … but neither was i!!! right by the door?!? ugh!!! since then i’ve been sweeping the deck of every bit of food (seed, peanuts, empty shells) before it gets dark outside, instead of waiting until morning. surely do not want a repeat raccoon rendezvous around here.
okay. changing the topic.
most of the have-to things are done for the day. and i am glad. just over halfway through “a gentleman in moscow”. recently went through my books (again) and created a stack of books to read next. it’s a big stack. and i am so happy and grateful to be reading again. :)
hope you, don and everyone else have a great day. an easy, safe day. and that your hand is 100% better.
Well, I’m sure you could have gone without seeing that!
I’ve seen a few critters mating.
Stay safe, Kathy.
that is for sure.
and even though it’s natural, nature, i debated about mentioning the raccoons because who even wants to hear about it? haha. and sorry.
happy tuesday!
I think those hats look really great. Should have ordered one along with the dress, etc. The hats would look cute on a cute girl, also.
Mike came in earlier. They ordered an x-ray today. The drs did some phoning back and forth this morning. We’ll have to go to the big city (Calgary) for Mike’s surgery. Thankfully, though, it’s his kidney that has the (most likely) cancerous cyst. Thanks for all your prayers and/or thoughts.
I always wanted to see topsy/turvy. I’ll check that out for sure.
I’m becoming a recluse (spell?). I have not gone to anything social for some time. You know what, I don’t think I’ve missed a thing.
Sending prayers, Irene.
Very cute bobble hats on three very cute little sisters. Does your friend sell on Etsy? I recently ordered two sweet straw hats for my friend’s dolls in Nova Scotia for her birthday. I’ve lost my brother, too, and always wish him a happy birthday. We were twins so always shared our celebrations. Hope your weather is better tomorrow. Hugs, Elaine
No, she sells on IG.
I’m sorry you lost your brother, Elaine. My sympathies. It’s so hard.
Stay safe.
The girls look really cute. I do love those hats!
“Topsy Turvy” is a delightful film. I had forgotten about it, I saw it so long ago in the theatre. I’m glad it’s streaming. I’ll have to check it out again some evening!
Watch it when you can. It’s just exquisite!
Stay safe, Jeanie.