I’m running late this morning! For a couple of hours during the middle of the night, I was awake, so I overslept. Don even came upstairs to check on me!
We are such creatures of routine, Don and me. For the last three days, our silly routine has been changed a bit and it’s throwing us off. I find comfort in a routine, but are we becoming older people who are ‘set in our ways?’ Hmmm.
Soon enough, the whole routine will be thrown off when we set off on our travels. So there’s that.
Today: Finishing up on typing up all our deductions, sending them off to our accountant, doing a bit of mowing (though it’s going to be very hot here for the next 4 or 5 days – in the 90s) and maybe some work on the dollhouse. We’ll see.
I hope you have a lovely day off, my friends.
Happy Monday.
I am so set in my ways and enjoy my routine. Still enjoy and adventure now and then, but always happy to get home and my peace and quiet. I had a fun day with Sara and Scout. We went shopping for shoes and clothes for the little miss. She is such a girly girl and had fun especially with trying on shoes…sparkly is her favorite color! We browsed the toy aisles but didn’t get anything although she would say loudly…Grammie Grammie look at this!! I would tell her to put it on her Christmas list. She is such a sweet girl. I loved watching her and my daughter. I’m a blessed Grammie. Tiger and his Dad had gone to a Nascar race, they are big fans! Today I plan to stay home and maybe do a few chores…or read a book! Hugs!
She sounds absolutely adorable, Linda! Hugs right back.
Claudia, I love my routine(s), but am glad I’m somewhat flexible. Post-surgical care for a kitty can be stressful for human and cat, especially with three meds given at least three times a day plus getting used to a different litter plus just the boredom of being confined in one room….haha, all the above for the cat AND me! He’s also acting out at night…well, really, not so much acting out as just plain bored, so he’s roaming the room, knocking stuff off, and tracking all sorts of litter box mess. Thorough room cleaning every morning, cleaning his cone and face after every meal. But, he appreciates and looks forward to the wet paper towel bath we give him twice a day since he can’t groom himself. All of us are chanting, “just one more week, just one more week… ” but we all know the most I portant thing is that our boy is healing well and he’ll be his old self soon.
Poor baby – one more week, little one!
I’ve always liked routine – a certain amount of it at least. I think for a lot of people it provides a sense of security & normalcy that’s rather comforting. I especially like my morning routine to remain the same. Maybe because it’s early. When things get loopy early, it tends to throw off the whole rest of the day. Enjoy Labor Day in the Valley – be sure to do something you want to do, instead of just the things you need to do! Peace.
Yes. If my morning routine goes awry, I’m off for the rest of the day. Thanks, Janet.
Yes, the last couple of mornings have been late ones for me, as well. I think yesterday was the worst because of a lack of sunshine. Just didn’t seem light enough to get out of bed. Today, who knows? Holidays are noisier at the lake, so maybe sleep was disrupted by partying, fireworks, yelling, music—pick a favorite! I’ll be glad when people go back to their lives and leave the lake in peace! (Sounding old and grumpy.)
I AM old and grumpy!
I know that sleeping in is not your way but I think it is good to do once in a while…especially when you have a lot on your mind like you do now with preparing for your trip….Sweet dreams and a restful sleep tonight!
It’s not that I don’t want to sleep in, it’s that it rarely happens!
maybe you needed more sleep? if so, glad you got some.
i remember thinking as a kid that schedules were boring and being an adult would be great because i would (among other things) decide when to get up and when to go to sleep. that idea did not last long, especially once it was me paying the bills. plus i learned how much better i felt (feel) following certain routines. worth the idea of being “boring”.
hope you’ve had a lovely day!
kathy in iowa
I did. I was probably awake for about 2 hours in the middle of the night.
Our dearest and best friends have been here for 4 days visiting from Denver. Wonderful visit, but, WOW!! I realize how set in my ways and routines I am after having house guests! We just dropped them off at the airport, and I am exhausted and ready for some quiet and alone time. I am definitely feeling old this afternoon. Tomorrow school starts, and although my husband only teaches part time, I am so ready for a regular routine to begin again!! I guess there is a certain comfort in the familiar.
Hope that you and Don,too, are enjoying your day off!!
I’m always that way when anyone comes to visit. As happy as I am to see them, I just want them to go so I can have peace and quiet!
Oh, Claudia! You don’t know what your words meant to me! I was ready for them to go by noon on Day 2. I felt terrible for even thinking that. I was seriously beating myself up over my selfish thoughts. I was actually counting the hours. We have been friends for over 60 years and I felt like I was betraying our friendship. Knowing someone else feels like that really helped me this evening. I was thinking something must be wrong with me! But, my days are basically comprised of peace and quiet, so it does make sense that the constant chatter and contact for 4 full days would affect me. I was just feeling so guilty about it, and in addition, all 4 nights I couldn’t sleep, so that didn’t help. So THANK YOU for your honesty!! It may sound silly, but it really did validate my feelings that I was struggling with all (this long}) weekend. ♡
I’m so glad I was of some comfort to you! If it helps, I have always been that way. I love my family, I love my friends, but I really love my quiet and ordered life and when I have to exert a lot of energy to talk to guests, and sightsee, and never have any alone time, I get very tense and edgy and can’t wait for them to leave. I suspect there are a lot of us out there. You are not betraying your friendship, you just function better without visitors. I completely understand. Some people thrive on it. Others don’t. Don is the same way. You are a good friend, don’t feel guilty! xoxo
Freed from the tyranny of “the office,” I’m still working on finding a new structure and routine to my days. I figure it will happen in time. Meanwhile, what a luxury to be able to sit down and read an entire book in a day or two if I feel like it. I’d rather be outside, but with rain, rain and more rain, curling up and reading (or watching old movies) is very appealing right now.
Stay cool and have fun with the trip planning.
Enjoy your free time, Kay!
Glad you have all your deduction done. I too did not sleep well last night. This heat is awful. Looking forward to the Fall’s cooler temperatures.
Well, we had the air conditioner on, so it wasn’t the heat. I got up to go to the bathroom and I just didn’t get back to sleep for a while. It’s very hot.