Last night.
We finished watching Borgen: The Power and the Glory last night. This series is truly excellent. Who knew Danish politics could be so riveting? Now we’re watching the latest installment of Stranger Things. They couldn’t be more different, so when we switched to Stranger Things right after finishing Borgen, it was a little jarring!
We’re in the midst of several days in a row with no rain, so I may do some mowing. I will definitely be spraying all the plants in the garden beds with the deer repellent recipe. I still don’t trust those adorable, yet pesky, critters. We haven’t seen the fawns for the past couple of weeks. I know that deer change their daily routes frequently, so I’m not surprised but I’d love to see just how much they’ve grown. Haven’t seen the groundhog in ages. I hope he/she is okay. The bunnies are here every day – usually just one, but every once in a while we see two of them.
The other day, I saw that the abandoned nest just outside the shed was falling down, so I decided to remove it, whereupon a panicked mouse ran out! It was just like a children’s story with a sleepy mouse nestled in a nest. I feel badly, so I’m going to put it back today.
Mei was hanging out on my puzzle the other day.
We might be seeing a new member of the family in the coming weeks. Alright, we will be seeing a new member of the family. She was very inexpensive. I fell in love with her and here’s the icing on the cake – she’s from Ukraine. I’ve been highlighting Ukraine Blythe accounts/customizers on my IG Blythe feed and have them saved under Ukraine in my highlights. I think it’s important to support our friends there as they cope with displacement, or in the case of this customizer, staying there and living every day with the devastation of the war. I don’t know how long it will take for her to arrive. Apparently, the package is taken to the border, then transferred to another country, most likely Poland, and flown to the United States from there.
Okay. Time to figure out the day ahead.
Stay safe.
Happy Thursday.
glad you have some interesting choices for tv watching and book reading. the puzzle looks good, too. i’ve enjoyed some police/ legal dramas (by henning mankell, james patterson and early books by john grisham), but am not a fan of hospital dramas.
good luck with the mowing and heat/no rain. hopefully the rain we had here the past couple days (which thankfully lowered temperatures) will head your way.
good luck with the spray. hopefully you will be able to see the deer again, too.
i would have panicked for sure to come across the mouse!
agree about supporting others as we can.
i think etsy offers a search specific to artists from ukraine.
my landlord planted a new tree in my front yard yesterday and i am so happy that he did that! and that he chose an october maple (also known as redpointe), a favorite tree! also happy about the rain we received recently, spending time with family members and figuring out/doing a couple things in my 500 sf apartment and in my writing (working on three children’s books).
hope you all have a nice, safe day!
How lovely to have a new tree in your yard. Sounds like your landlord is one of the good guys
Stay safe, Kathy.
Our family is fighting Covid again
I would personally like to thank those who refused vaccines refused to mask and refused to isolate when needed
Our first case was of course March 2020 when no one knew but since then 7 of us
On a better note have a great day dear girl
Hope Louise Penny new book is good
I did not review it on Netgalley but hoping
Thank you for all you do my friend
prayers will be said for your family and you, too, brenda.
and i share your same non-thanks …
hope everything else is okay. better than okay.
be well and stay safe!
Thank you Kathy
I am so sorry your family is fighting Covid. Yes people just seem to not care. We live in a tourist destination and you would never know Covid exists. The tourists are here, no masks nothing. The beaches are packed, restaurants packed. can’t wait until fall when they leave. I know that sounds ugly but I am tired of it all. I would love to get on a plane and see our family on the West Coast but 5 hours on a plane with who knows how many maskless people. At our age it would be bad. For now I will enjoy our garden and about 6 o’clock we go to the ocean when they have started to leave. I wish your family well.
Thank you…I live in Florida…they live in Brooklyn and Indy…one who had it at beginning lives in ca and Florida
I’m so sorry, Brenda. I’ve seen a lot of people diagnosed with Covid lately – people who avoided it up until now.
Louise Penny’s new book doesn’t come out until November, Brenda. A little later this year.
Prayers for your family, my friend.
Stay safe.
I keep looking at the Blythe girls. Thinking that I need one. However, I’m trying to move after living in this house for over 32 years I’ve decided to wait on one of them. I’d hate to get her only to have to moosh her into a packing box. She’ll be my first guest in my new home.
I had mama and 2 babies come in. This morning my hostas are gone. Coincidence? I think not.
I think you need one, too! But yes, wait until you’re settled in your new home. When are you moving, Trudy?
Stay safe.
Claudia, I’m hoping to be out of my home as soon as possible. It not come winter I’ll be in my truck. The house will not remain standing for another winter. Rents for a 1 bedroom apartment are way more than I can afford and the wait list for senior subsidized is 6 months to a year. I have 1 year of tutoring left so I don’t want to be too far from school. Kind of a conundrum.
Rents are so high these days, Trudy. Hopefully, now that the market has peaked, perhaps they’ll come down. I have my fingers crossed for you.
I’ll be excited to see your new family member. And your puzzle! Mei looks like she might be wanting to hold a puzzle piece in her sweet hands!
It may take a while to get here from Ukraine. The seller estimates 3 weeks. That’s okay.
Stay safe, Jeanie.
We have been having storms most evenings. It has been so very hot. Love that you have a new family member coming. How sweet and I love that she is coming from the Ukraine!
I love that, too. It will take a while for her to get here, so I must be patient.
Stay safe, Linda.
I love that you are going to put the mouse’s nest back!
A new Blythe girl is exciting. I can’t imagine how stressful it must be to live in Ukraine right now. Hmm….are you going to give her a Ukrainian name?
Take care
I’m going to name her after the customizer, but it will be an English version of her name. Her nickname is Lusy. I’m going to name her, Lucy.
Stay safe, Marilyn.