I’ve been posting every day for a couple of months now. Haven’t missed one. I won’t miss one today, but I’m cheating a bit. Today, my friends, I’m tired. I’ve got nothing. The way Scout looks, with eyes at half-mast? That’s the way I feel.
Our Christmas is very simple, but it still requires some shopping. I’m just about finished. Still have to gather together the ingredients for the Christmas Coffee Cake I make every year. Really, on a scale of 1 to 10 – 10 being having to buy lots of presents, go to lots of parties, worry about making Christmas fabulous for the kids, etc. – our Christmas is about a 1. So I’m not complaining.
I’m just tired. It’s been a stressful few months for my family.
And I want to apologize to all of you who have commented on this blog for the first time, who are new readers or followers. I’m so behind on visiting you and responding to your comments. I’m usually on top of all that, but I’m really behind. I promise to make that a priority in the next few weeks.
You are still smiling : ) Even as tired as you are. Sometimes it is good to share some of the hard times so that those of us that are having it difficult too can relate. Love your living in a small space posts. I am working to make my small space work. First, I am cleaning out what I no longer want or need. Then I will need to find a few book shelves or small cupboards to put things in. I didn’t realize all along the reason the house gets so messy is I have so few pieces of furniture.
Best to you this Christmas. :) I also like a few blank walls for a place to rest my eyes so…on with the creating.
Hey Claudia… Hauptsache da ist noch ein Lächeln… alles weitere wird sich fügen…
und ich schicke Dir ganz liebe Weihnachtsgrüße mit
PuNo/ Monika
That’s okay Claudia, we have all been there. Although I love Christmas and I do a lot (a bone of contention with my husband) it is a tiring time of year. Whether you have a small Christmas or a large one it is emotional. Memories arise at the oddest time, company comes, last minute things we forgot to do. I say this as I am about to pack up Christmas baking and gifts to deliver to family today. We lost our beloved dog, Duffy recently and that emotionally tired me right out. So today Claudia, Scout has the right idea, sit down and do nothing.
Enjoy your day,
That’s okay Claudia, we have all been there. Although I love Christmas and I do a lot (a bone of contention with my husband) it is a tiring time of year. Whether you have a small Christmas or a large one it is emotional. Memories arise at the oddest time, company comes, last minute things we forgot to do. I say this as I am about to pack up Christmas baking and gifts to deliver to family today. We lost our beloved dog, Duffy recently and that emotionally tired me right out. So today Claudia, Scout has the right idea, sit down and do nothing.
Enjoy your day,
No wonder you’re so tired. You’ve done the matchy-matchy Christmas thing that drove me nuts in the early 90’s. Even your dog and tree match…
Couldn’t resist.
I was admiring your beautiful pet and noticed the white wreath, dog, and tree. ;)
Merry Christmas.
Get some rest… take a break, no one will judge you for it. We all need and do it at times just to get our groove back.
I don’t know how you manage to post every day; I tried that for a week and nearly had to check myself into Rehab by Saturday.
I feel your tiredness … I folded yesterday and actually took a NAP in the middle of the day.
But — you are still smiling, and honey, that’s what counts!
(PS No worries getting back to me! Take it easy for awhile.)_
Merry Christmas!
Happy to see you smiling! I could not post daily. Sometimes I miss a week or two – just depends on how busy it is.
Take care of you!
No problamo….I’m about the same as we come down the final stretch here.
This picture and this post remind me of my last post. It was about taking a nap and pictured my doggie.
We used to be a 10 plus. Now probably a 4. And that’s because we seem to have to have a different celebration with each of our kids and their families. I certainly like things being more low key.
Merry CHristmas
I’m with Scout and you. Hope your parents are doing okay. I’ll be checking in periodically. Ann
Ahhh! Just keep on smiling, Claudia! Watch some sitcoms, that always helps when I’m tired. Like Third Rock from the Sun, Jerry Seinfeld, Keeping Up Appearances. Crazy! They crack me up! By the way, I received the book yesterday and I will be reading it over the Christmas holidays. Once again, thank you so much. I will always treasure it as a keepsake from you. There was a time when I could read a book like this in one day but (LOL) I’m afraid those days are over. My little eyes don’t let me do things like that anymore, unfortunately. Have a nice day and cuddle up to your pets! I wish I had one but I live in an apartment and I can’t see myself getting up at the crack of dawn to walk it. But, I remember how sweet it is to put our face next to our pet’s!
This time of year can get pretty intense – rest when you have a few minutes, listen to something wonderful to give your thinking mind a rest. Pet your lovely dog. Sip away at your water. When you have family that you are caring for/worried about/etc. it is even more exhausting. Best Christmas wishes for your and your family.
My Christmas is also about a 1 or 2 but it took years to get there.
Thanksgiving is my 9!
It’s so inspiring that you post every day. Thanks for sharing your life here and I hope you know it’s okay if you want to put your feet up for a bit. We’ll wait for you. ;-)
You have the right to feel tired, Claudia! We all go through things that zap our strength completely. Just go lie down like the dogs do. They know how to relax!
Gosh I know what you mean. I’m tired too! I plan to simplify things even further in the new year, and that should help. Congrats on posting every day; I wouldn’t even attempt to do that. I’d be setting myself up for sure failure. In the new year, I only plan to post three times per week, at most. Hope you manage to get some rest over the next week or so. ♥
Take a nap or two…I am down with a horrific cold and my kids get in tonight and I am frantically baking cookies, the last tray comes out in ten, and then as soon as I pick up dogs from groomers, who were so gross I apologized as I walked in, I am crawling back into my unmade ( the horrors) bed and sleep until six and then hopefully greet my kids with a smile. I am plum tuckered out too so we’ll both nap and maybe I’ll bump into you in dreamland :D
Claudia, I wish you all the best. Take your time, get a rest.
Merry Christmas!
Chill out honey – go play with your dollhouse ;) xx
I think I hear the crochet hook and yarn calling your name, but first they asked that you put on some pretty classical music to help you relax!
xxx Liz
Merry Christmas! May you have a wonderful day and catch your second wind!
Claudia, you are on my heart this evening. What joy you bring to us through your posts. All of us who read your blog, and consider you friend, send encouragement your way. Yes indeedy, keep smiling.
Yes,keep smiling. I hope you will spend the next few days relaxing and taking good care of yourself. Take some time for you and nap like Scout and Riley. This time of year can be very emotional and boy does that zap energy! I know this year has presented some emotional challenges thanks for sharing because your honesty helps us all.
Hi Claudia,
Holidays are always a mix of joy and stress :) for me and probably many others. I have enjoyed reading your post over the past few months of 2011….my first year of blogging. Thank you for sharing your home and family, your hopes, dreams……your life….with all of us. Merry Christmas…. p.s. You have a beautiful smile. xoxo Kim