Time for another question. This particular question has intrigued me over the years. Since the hotel has side-by-side toilet paper dispensers, I have the perfect visual on hand to ask this question:
This has been a topic of debate in our household over the years. My preference is for Over. Don inevitably put a new roll of toilet paper on in the Under position. Eventually I won. Now, I am happy to say, we have a consensus. All rolls are inserted in the Over position.
The hotel seems to prefer Over as well. When the room is cleaned, this is what I see:
over! no question about it!
Over! LOL
Over! Can I pin this???
Big Hugs,
Susan and Bentley
WE do OVER here for certain – and most hotels I’ve stayed in seem to do it that way so they can do the fold thingy which is nice and neat looking when you return to your cleaned room!
Growing up in England – I recall early years when we had the boxes in a holder on the wall where you pulled out horrible crisp sheets – kinda like the facial tissue box dispensers – they were horrid! We then went to rolls but I think we did under.
You are funny C.
Happy weekend – Mary X
Over for sure. You can find the toilet paper edge in the middle of the night, in the dark when it is over.
Over, of course!
We absolutely ROLL OVER here. The only way to go as far as I’m concerned.
Over! Finally trained the hubby to put it on over. When the boys were living at home they wouldn’t leave the roll on the holder in their bathroom! I would put it on, they would take it off. Who knows?
Definitely, for sure, without a doubt OVER! If I am anywhere and it is done under and I can change it, I do. :) Tammy
definitely over.
Absolutely “over”. It’s much easier to find the end (of the roll) during one of those middle-of-the-night bathroom visits!
Toilet paper – over. Paper towels in kitchen – under so it hangs to the back and doesn’t skew my vision. Always been done this way in OUR house, sweetpea. Always!
Oh my. I am the black sheep among your followers! UNDER – always under! Toddler and kittens haven’t figured out how to unroll it when hanging under.
When hanging over – they can spin/tear it off.
Under. . . . always under!
I’m with you Vera… As pretty as Over looks I can’t overlook the fact that my toddler grandson would still be spinning the paper off the spindle if I didnt place it in the Under position. I’m surprised Seinfeld didn’t spend an episode on this one! I had a friend who asked me to replace his paper towel roll and I automatically put it in the Under position. He asked me to change it. Ah, routine!!
Over… and I fold them fancy when I have company, just for kicks.
Over. But at my house I am just happy if someone replaces the roll when it’s empty :)
Happy weekend xoxo Debbie
Since I seem to be the ONLY one in this house to actually replace the toilet paper it is definitely “OVER”. It just looks better to me.
Have a great Saturday!
Blessings, Joanne
No question, over, you don’t have to reach under the roll.
OVER is the only way, the proper way. Not to be rude, but those that prefer under; have you ever thought of closing the door so that kitty and bitty persons don’t get to the paper? Just a thought…..please don’t hate me.
…could careless! I have other head-aches that need more attention. :o)
…Hubby also careless. Just as long the holder is NOT empty!
OVER! But, with little kids UNDER is better, because they can’t unroll all the paper onto the floor as easily.
It’s OVER all the way!
Fun post Claudia!
Of course “over”. It’s more convenient, and I hate it if it’s the other way round. However, at my place the paper stands on the window sill. :-)
“Over” por supuesto!!!
Un abrazo
Doesn’t it make more sense to roll “over” so it is way easier to find the end?
OVER! And if hubby puts it on “under” I almost always have to change it to over.
Definitely OVER ! no questions about it !
Joe has a strong view on this and it’s OVER. I do not care.
Over of course! How else can you fold those little points??
over – definitely over. Tho I admit that the second bathroom in my house is under????? I just quietly change it every time I’m in there ;)
Besides little kids, and kittens having a harder time with putting the roll in the under position, I think you might tear off less when it is that way. However, I always put it in the over position. My left-handed husband always puts it on the opposite way though.
I don’t even notice when I put a new roll on.
Over at our house~
Over, and if someone puts on under, it gets changed to over. Some things are not negotiable!
Definitely over :)… Donna
OVER! Too darned difficult to find the end on an ‘under’ that is disappearing behind the roll :)
definitely over :)
Over, and when I put a new roll on, I always fold the end (start)? like the hotels do. I guess I am anal that way..
ovr and I can’t help myself but change toilet rolls to over – it happens automatically….
Love Leanne
Over, and like Leanne wherever I encounter an under I switch it round.
I’m an OVER girl!!