Sorry for my absence yesterday, but, as you might have guessed, a full-fledged head cold made its presence known on Tuesday. I had been outside doing a bit of hacking at the ice that is everywhere. Shortly after I came in, my head felt like a bowling ball, and it became clear that the head cold that Don had been dealing with was now passed on to me. Thanks, Don!
I felt really crappy yesterday, so no post. I’m ensconced in my chair, blowing my nose endlessly, doing nothing more than looking at Instagram and the news. Yesterday was a somber and momentous day for our country. You know how I feel about that.
Happily, my sister had just sent us some essential oils (she recently took a class in them) and I have the ones for allergies, which she assures me I can use for a cold. Bless her. And I received my very own video made by Little Z this morning which gave instructions on how to use them. Just what the doctor ordered, my little nephew and his big smile and his quite precise instructions!
I took care of Don and now he’s taking care of me. It is absolutely freezing here – it’s only going to reach 22 degrees today. And we’re due for another damned ‘wintry mix’ on Monday. That means more ice and sleet. Don managed to hack his way out of here yesterday to run some errands. It’s just dreadful. And it isn’t even Winter yet. What a month it has been!
But it’s sunny, so there’s that.
My brain is too fuzzy to think of a title for this post.
Have I purchased any Christmas presents for Don yet? No.
Happy Thursday.
glad that don could run some errands. hope that means the roads are clear, you’re all stocked up, stuff is done and that he is feeling all better. you’ll get there, too (soon, i hope) and find just the right present you want for your don.
not to wish it on anyone else, but i hope the forecasted wintery mix misses you. we’re in the middle of a patch of dry, warmer weather forecasted for now until the end of the month. i feel bad for kids when there’s no snow to use the sleds they get for Christmas, but i am grateful for this milder winter for my family and me. hope it comes your way.
follow “doctor” little z’s advice and feel better soon!
kathy in iowa
I’m so over this weather. December has been nothing but a pain in the tush, weather-wise. Maybe January will be better?
Thanks, Kathy!
Ugly head colds. No fun. Feel better soon. Glad Don almost recovered. Hope virus doesn’t bounce back and forth between the two of you.
I try not to put that possibility in my consciousness, Wendy.
It’s just a head cold. Thanks!
Sorry to hear about your head cold. I well remember that fuzzy feeling. But, I’m sure you’ll figure out a gift for Don. You still have time.
If he was out running errands, I hope that meant the roads were cleared, and that now, you are well stocked. We are experiencing a warm up for the next week. We will have a green Christmas, unfortunately, but at least that bodes well for travelers.
Rest up, and follow Dr. Little Z’s advice! (That must have been so precious!). ;)
Roads are cleared. But we have more coming that will take us right up to Christmas, so I have about a day and a half in which to shop!
Thanks, Donna.
If you can’t get out for any last-minute Christmas gifts, you have the gift of each other, and you really need to address the cold and get well. I’m SO sorry you’re both battling colds; just NO fun at all. And the weather sounds pretty awful. Better to cozy up and stay warm in beautiful Mockingbird Hill Cottage. Scraping my brain to remember if you’d had any plans but I imagine you might be like me and my husband where we prefer to just be home and not on the road at Christmas (we had enough years of that sort of thing in past ‘eras’). Think of how awful/impossible it would be if you were having to catch a flight somewhere today; I don’t think your ears could take it but the main thing is that when you’ve got a cold, energy just leaks out of your body like a sieve!
We are to have brunch with Rick and Doug, but other than that, Don and I like to stay home and have a lazy Christmas morning together. Thanks, Vicki.
Head cold. The gift that keeps on giving!
Stay cozy and savor those herbs and oils. (I love peppermint oil when I’m stuffed to the max).
It will be merry and bright. By Christmas it should be a thing of the past.
I’m grateful for the timely delivery of the essential oils, Jeanie. Thanks!
The weather here is as mixed up as yours is, Claudia. In Minnesota we are experiencing January temps in December. I’m hoping the means January temps will be like February temps?
The news out of the Capital is encouraging. I pray the Senate is as intelligent as the House. He needs to out, without power.
I will be going to Minneapolis to spend Christmas with my son. Quiet, calm, peaceful. If things work out properly my brother will be joining us. The first Christmas with him in about 18 years.
Feel better. A head cold is miserable. I am sure in your package of essential oils a blend of Thieves oil was included. If not make sure to get some. I swear by Thieves. I put it in the diffuser, and if I am going out I dab it on my pulse points.
I have no idea what specifically was included, as my sister – having had training in this – mixed them specially for us. Some for inflammation, some for allergies, some for eye health, some for anxiety and sleep. Isn’t she a fabulous sister? Thanks, Trudy. Glad you’re going to spend the holidays with your son and brother!
What a lovely sister you have! The mixtures sounds wonderful. With her and Dr. Z, you and Don will feel better very soon!
She is the best, Tana.
Oh, no! So sorry it hit you. Hope it exits as quickly as it arrived.
We had the snow in October (a white Halloween) and into Nov. Now we have a zero % chance of a white Christmas. Close to 50* here on Mon & Tues ahead. Since my kids have driving here and there to do for the holidays, it really doesn’t bother me at all that the roads will be good. I will wish and hope that it blows out to sea and not towards you, as well!
Sinking into your chair and resting is the best possible thing you can do for a couple of days. Essential oils do help!! Then you will still have time to find something for Don and will feel better doing so! Take care, kiddo!!
I would love not to have to worry about weather heading into the holidays. But I guess that isn’t going to be the case. I’m resting today – it’s unbelievably cold out and I haven’t ventured outside. Thank you, Chris.
Sorry about the cold. Hope you are feeling better. We had a layer of snow. We kept receiving alerts on our cell phone. It was concerning snow squalls and icy condition. I went out and cleaned up a little and put some salt down. Fortunately, most of the snow has disappeared. Stay warm and get plenty of rest. Little Z is adorable.
He sure is! Thanks, Marilyn.
Oh my gosh! I hope you feel better soon. Remember that pineapple (canned is fine) and pineapple juice works wonders on head colds. Great for sore throats too.
Good tip, Tana. Thank you!
try to rest. and get well soon! remember to stay hydrated! xoxo
and I would say … don’t worry about posting. your followers will be here when you feel better!
I’m drinking lots of water! Thank you, Tammy!
A whole lot of us didn’t get much accomplished on Wednesday, other than observing history and doing what we think is our responsibility as citizens, but I’m sorry to hear that your staying put was also do to that dreadful illness Don had. Hope you’re better soon.
Thank you, Linda!