Two days ago, I marked an important transition here at the cottage: I changed over to flannel pajamas. I held off as long as possible, but this week has shown a marked change in the temperatures and I can no avoid them.
Actually, I love wearing flannel pajamas and would stay in them all day if I could. In fact, right before dinner last night, Don said, “You should go upstairs and change into your pjs.” I never got around to it, but that guy gets me.
Perfect scenario: I’m wearing flannel pajamas, reading a good book, and drinking hot chocolate.
That might happen later today. If it doesn’t happen today, it will definitely happen on Thursday when we are due for 3-5 inches of snow.
Yes, indeed. I know many of you have already been blessed with the white stuff, but we haven’t. I have mixed feelings on the subject. The first couple of snowfalls are awfully pretty. But I’m not a fan in the long run. Tomorrow, I have to clean up some of the porch, move the rakes, shovels, etc., back in the shed and move the snow shovels to the porch. Oh, and we have to take the air conditioners out of the windows. As usual, we procrastinate about these chores and then we find ourselves running around at the last minute, trying to accomplish everything.
But today it is raining. It rained all night long. I’m almost halfway through my current read and I’ve kept to my goal of reading first thing in the morning. I usually read for a couple of hours and then it’s my turn to make our second cup of coffee (Don makes the first), which we drink on the loveseat in the den, coming together to chat about the day ahead. (See first photo.)
We had a lovely time at R & D’s yesterday. Our friend from back in the day at the Old Globe was visiting and I haven’t seen him in about 23 years! He’s such a nice guy and, as usual, the conversation was terrific and we laughed a lot. Sam is also doing well and made sure to demand affection from all of us. Love that dog.
I know these posts must seem incredibly boring after all the posts about the trip, but that’s daily life back home for you!
Happy Tuesday.
Linda @ A La Carte says
I love your slice of life posts! I had to turn the heat on the other morning it was just so cold. Lots of rain and cold wind. I was wearing my flannels yesterday and it felt wonderful. Today I have some errands but then home again. Time to start a new book, always exciting. Hugs!
Claudia says
We’ve had the heat on for a few weeks now! What book are you starting?
Linda @ A La Carte says
I haven’t decided yet what book to start. I have a stack as most readers do!
Claudia says
Me too!
Cathy S. says
Your posts are never boring. It always starts my day off on the right foot and I thank you for that.
Claudia says
Thank you, Cathy!
Cara in S. FL says
Claudia and others,
I’ve heard that many are having problems with commenting on Blogger blogs, and the writers are at Blooger’s mercy and can do nothing to fix it. Probably a plot to force everyone to use Google: not I.
Anyway, I’m glad that you don’t use Blogger.
Still quite warm here and I’m hoping we get some cooler weather soon!
Claudia says
Google owns Blogger, Cara! More likely a plot to get everyone to sign up for Google stuff so that it’s easier to comment.
Cara in S. FL says
You used to be able to post as anonymous or name/url. I know they own Blogger and wasn’t clear: what I meant by use Google is sign up for an account (which is one way to post, but if you choose the others they have a pop-up to let you know you won’t be able to edit unless you have a Google account). Then it turns out you can’t post with the others!
When neither of the options works, many people will probably sign up with Google.
Claudia says
But here’s the thing: I do have a Google account and I have an older blog that is still up and running. I’m signed into Google and I STILL can’t comment. Isn’t that weird?
Siobhan says
Daily life, as you describe yours, sounds wonderful- if anything this post cements the view that you and Don have a wonderful life together in your cottage- and you have found a lovely balance with your extraordinary trip
As you change into your fleeces I am digging my swimsuit out as we fly to Sydney tomorrow
Enjoy the snow xx
Claudia says
Oh, lucky you! Have a great time in Sydney, Siobhan! Safe travels.
Amy says
The glimpses into everyday life for you & Don are always interesting and enjoyable.
When the work day gets too frantic & chaotic, I take a breather and pop over to your blog — instantly I feel better.
I look forward to the days when the “work clock” doesn’t hold dominion over my mornings.
Until then, your posts are truly a bright spot, whatever the topic may be.
I telework and flannel pjs have been my clothing of choice for a couple of weeks now. :)
Rainy, cold & grey in NC today.
Finished The Child Finder last night and am torn between starting Michael Connelly’s newest or James Oswald’s newest.
Have a pleasant week!
Claudia says
I really enjoyed The Child Finder. I hope it’s the start of a new series, Amy. Rainy. cold and grey here, as well!
Kay says
Your perfect scenario sounds like heaven to me. We got our snow last week and a bit is lingering on the ground because it’s so frickin’ COLD! At first, I was enchanted. But the then thought occurred, “just how many months am I going to be looking out at this view?” Answer: too darned many. The cottage is looking pretty cozy and is a mighty good place to be in flannel all day :-)
Claudia says
Too darned many, for sure! Stay warm, Kay!
Carolyn Marie says
I love hearing of your contented and real life.
Claudia says
Aw, thank you, Carolyn Marie!
Donnamae says
If I thought your morning routine uninteresting, or boring…I would have to say the same thing about ours. And I certainly can’t do that. What you describe is pure contentment….why mess with that?
3-5 inches of snow? I wouldn’t be ready for that. Half an inch was more than enough for me. We were scurrying around putting pots away, as well as taking in the hoses. Noting all the while that certain outdoor projects still didn’t get done as we had hoped.
Cute flannels…I would be content to stay in them all day long! ;)
Claudia says
And ice. And maybe more than 5 inches. I can’t handle it!
Wendy T says
I’m abashed complaining about the cold, in my house, not outside, as my daughter exclaimed as Shen was leaving for work, “Mom, it’s colder in the house than outside!” I stubbornly refuse to turn on heat, and have found myself wearing turtlenecks, fleece and as many layers as that kid truss up in layers and snowsuit but now needing to go to the bathroom! My blocks of ice commonly known as feet have been grateful that the other end of my body has thought to dig out the hot water bottle to be placed in bed an hour before sleepy time.
The air quality is a bit better today but I long to see clear blue skies. I can barely see San Francisco across the Bay with all the smoke and particulates mixing with the usual smog. It’s disarming to realize the view from San Francisco across the Bay to where I am may be equally smog-ridden.
Do a bit of chores to nibble away those winter prep duties, then a whole lot of reading and hot choc drinking!
Claudia says
Smoke from the fires? The damage and loss of life is horrific, Wendy.
Marilyn says
We are going to receive sleet and rain mixed with snow.
Claudia says
Snow, then snow with ice. Not looking forward to it.
Chris K in Wisconsin says
We are supposed to go down to 10* tonight. I am so not ready for these crazy cold temps so early on. But, at least at this point in time, don’t have snow in the forecast at least through the weekend. But we know that can change at any point in time.
We have been cleaning and getting carpets shampooed today. We are both pretty exhausted. Tis the season, I guess. Stay warm and happy reading!!
Claudia says
Thank you, Chris. Snow and ice on tap for Thursday.
tammy j says
I wear flannel PJ’s too. and your posts are never boring.
and your pictures of the cottage as usual… are BEAUTIFUL. xo
Claudia says
Thank you, Tammy!
Janet in Rochester says
Boring? No way. In the first place, I’m one of those people who likes hearing about the quiet everyday lives of other people, especially when so well-told. And your writing has a voice about it, Claudia – like most people who write well. Very evocative. So forge ahead, my friend. Quiet – yes. Simple & everyday – sure. That’s how the vast majority of us live. But never boring. Now I have to go add hot chocolate mix to next week’s grocery list [I dislike Winter intensely most of the time but you’ve made me look forward to holding a big steaming mug of hot chocolate soon]. Peace. ☕️
Claudia says
Thank you, Janet. Enjoy that hot chocolate!
Judy Shaw says
Brrrr! Stay warm and enjoy the books and hot chocolate! Have you read anything good lately?
Claudia says
Check back over the last week or so. I’ve mentioned the books I’ve been reading. Thanks, Judy.
nancybluemoon says
In the how many years I have been visiting your blog now I believe I can honestly say I have never been bored…your everyday home life, your work lives, your travels, your friends and the people you meet, your good times and your bad times…It’s like a good book that never ends….please keep writing more chapters my friend!
Claudia says
Thank you so much for your kind words, Nancy!
Judy Ainsworth says
Your Most boring post (NONE) would make my life look like the bottom rung. I think you might find that is the reason some of us read your blog. To escape from my normal mundane life. You are
very well educated, and well connected, most of all your willing to share, with us ,some times advise,or comfort us, even in your kindest manner if we need it, tell us to,wake up and play straight!
No snow here, half of our State fighting wildfires again! because it’s so dry. The other half fighting wildfires in California. I hope everyone will remember our Noble Fire Fighters as well!Going to fight fires for our neighbors in Ca. Strictly Volunteer.!!Great Thoughts, and prayers requested. Thank-You All, especially our Host Claudia! YAAY Judy A
Claudia says
Bless the firefighters! They are true blue, selfless heroes. Our local firefighters are all volunteer, as well.
Christine says
I love, love, love your pajamas. They are the cutest thing since sliced bread. I wish I was in your den with that light watching the snow fall. It’s so cozy.
Claudia says
Thank you so much, Christine!
Kelly Bollinger says
Hi Claudia, here in central Maryland we were to start with sleet, then snow, then transition to freezing rain. It started as sleet and lasted for about 15 minutes then changed to show and it’s been piling up and is beautiful, I’m glad I’m not out in it though. I hope yours is all snow too!
Claudia says
Snow and sleet – over 11 inches of it!
Susan says
I’m not bored, I enjoyed reading every word! I am completely on board with flannel pajamas. Love them. I just bought a new pair from Lanz of Switzerland. It’s a gift to myself every Autumn to get ready for Winter. I am especially fond of Lanz because they always have pockets in the pants. I need pockets. This year I purchased the navy blue with the little white puppies. I am saving them for Thanksgiving eve. Although we are not expecting snow, the overnight temps are low. We had our first fire the other night and listened to music while we read, heaven. Like you, I am very happy when I am nesting. Give us more every day details, we love them!
Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley
Claudia says
Nick and Nora flannels pajamas also have pockets, Susan. I love pockets!