Some pretty pictures for you. Because that’s all I’ve got for today, friends. I didn’t sleep very well, given the news that broke last night.
I’m enraged.
I can’t do ‘chatty’ today.
Love to all of you.
Stay safe.
I’m closing comments. While I respect the thoughts of those who say they are pro-life, I have learned not to debate this subject with them.
My body. My choice. And no one has the right to legislate that choice. No one.
Happy Tuesday.
My blood pressure went up so high, it was dangerous. I had to turn off news and meditate for 45 minutes, followed by 15 minutes of “funny golden retriever” videos on YouTube. May you have something that brings you calm today. We’ll all be stumbling around, short on sleep and struggling to maintain calm.
This is why I can’t watch the news…I am guessing this is about Eukraine…I am sure friends and family will text email me…my iPhone sends me updates…have not looked today…
I feel like I have no rights under the law. No right to health care. No right to equal pay. When I saw the news I actually cried out and started crying.
My only “positive” thought was – now maybe younger people will run for office so that we aren’t as a country represented by old white men.
I, too ,am enraged and totally depressed. It seems several new justices are total liars. I wish I could say I was shocked but I am not. Disgusting.
Take Care,
Yes they are liars
Susan collins I can’t listen to her, it is too much
I am horrified, enraged, and depressed this morning.
And as Kaye noted, several new justices are total liars… disgusted by their actions, not surprised.
Heading outside to work in the garden and lose myself as much as I possibly can.
Stay safe everyone.
I’m enraged, too. And deeply distraught and depressed. And yes, that’s all I can say right now. But I echo other thoughts here.
I see it is not about Eukraine. Sorry
I find it hard to understand that the U.S which leads the world in so many ways, is so backwards in so many other ways. My country (the U.K.) isn’t great, especially at the moment, but this latest news is shocking and absolutely outrageous. What on earth is happening? Thinking of you all.
And this is another example of how this country is losing its soul.
By hook or by crook, the Moronic Mouthy Minority means to have its way. Grrrr.
Perfect description….”Moronic Mouthy Minority”!
I assume this is about overturning Roe v Wade. I am trying to reserve judgement until it really happens as this was a draft and not a final ruling. I see the handwriting on the wall though.
It is depressing news.
Take care
So so horrific. In 2022. Yes, of course those new Justices lied. Look who appointed them. And at the Congress who pushed them through. We are losing our freedoms in this country day by day. The right to love who we choose, the right to read what we choose, our voting rights, the right to our health care choices…and the list goes on. Lead by a bitter, stupid old man who tried to over-throw our Government. So many of us (foolishly) thought there would be some justice when he was out of office. But, he has Teflon for blood, and absolutely nothing sticks. Now they want to re-elect him or a chosen clone. Remember, folks, this disregard for our rights isn’t only in those higher offices. Be diligent about your State, County, City/Village, and Schoolboard contests. Vote. Be sure everyone you know can get out to vote. Every single ballot counts. Say “yes” if your local municipality needs poll workers. There is nothing more important for our country right now. Truly, nothing.
What complete disregard for all women – it’s shocking, but not surprising considering where it’s coming from. I’m disgusted. I have daughters – they deserve the right to choose, as did I.
There’s no end to the madness.
I volunteered for planned parenthood in the late 60’s. We would send women to California which was the only state allowing legal abortions, and Reagan was Governor at the time! They would need a psychiatric consult first and they had to say that they would commit suicide if they were forced to continue the pregnancy. It was legal due to a loophole in the state law that said an abortion would be allowed if giving birth would be harmful to the mother’s health. It’s interesting to remember this and wondering if women will have to deal with “loopholes” again. Utterly disgusting that we are losing hard-won rights.
I feel like we’ve taken one gigantic step back! I’m spending the day with my dolls!
I cry for my country. I cry for my two now-deceased, beloved aunts who, in the very-early 1900s, both so young, unmarried, forced into back-alley abortions; butchered; neither were able to have children ever again. They were wonderful, generous, caring, loving women who should have been moms; they could have paid for their one ‘mistake’ with their lives; could’ve bled to death. Than being able to go to a legit doctor.
To this day, I’m not supposed to know about it, and my mom took the sordid details to her grave, but my now-deceased cousin was raped by the school janitor at age 12 (late 1950s); she got an illegal abortion because victims of incest and rape rarely were exceptions for legal/medical abortion. The hush-hush; the behind closed doors. As if a crime had not been committed (I’ll never understand small-town goings-on). I really don’t want to know any other details, but I can say she was able to pick up the pieces of her life (despite I’m sure not having any kind of trauma therapy as a child) and go on to have a healthy marriage with children by a compassionate husband.
We don’t want to go back to an unfair, less-enlightened time in history.
I can say today I’m glad I’m not a woman of childbearing age but NEVER have I felt so insecure as an American citizen or citizen of the world; every day, every single frick’in day, it’s something in the news to remind me that of any time I ever felt safe in the U.S., that time is not now. Our rights; our freedoms. Turns out, what I thought was assured is instead very, very fragile.
But don’t anybody dare tell me what I can and what I cannot do with my own body. I know, I know; pro-lifers will say, “It’s not just your life; you’re carrying a fetus.” (I had tried to get pregnant as a childless wife; one miscarriage found me in my third month; it was my baby; I ‘get’ the argument. Don’t preach to me. It’s complicated.) But how can I still even be talking about abortion and the right to choose? I was having the same conversations with my gal-pals in the early 1970s; it was fifty years ago, the exact same conversations about choice. What the?
I can’t even write in a readable way because I am so steamed. How can any woman not feel the rage boiling up inside her. I feel like, what’s next? Will they take away our right to vote?
They are trying, Vicki, they are trying…..
Not sure I will find agreement with the group. I think life begins at conception and that an abortion is not healthy for the mind of the mother or the life of the human beginning inside her body. I am the beneficiary of a pro life great grandmother, She was merely sixteen years old when my grandfather was conceived. She was an orphan due to yellow fever . I am appalled that a trusted clerk leaked this information . It is in essence a working paper, I do not think I have the authority to endorse murder. I do believe that there are times when abortion is the only choice a woman has. I will not judge her that is not my position, I am told to love my brothers and sisters . I think we live in a nation that is not perfect but freeing and loving of all. Unborn children are our future. We may be saving the earth but destroying our best resource. Humanity I do not attack people that have differing viewpoints so if this post is deleted it will be evidence that human exchange of ideas has disappeared , I have a bit of a problem with calling those we disagree with names. They sharpen us like steel upon steel . I understand if you do not agree with me but I too am a citizen of this great country and am proud we have a system that allows us to voice out opinions at the polls, God uses us all and has a plan for each of us. We do little to enhance each other if we speak words of hate for those we fear , We are enhanced and empowered by polite discussion , That is why our system of government has endured so long. Fought a civil war and multiple social inequities to become wiser and stronger. Somehow we are blessed in spite of our greed and need for control and power. Ultimately we are not to condemn but to understand, be it WHY and WHAT should we do to aid each other , How and what are we to do about opposing viewpoints? Just my two cents I am proudly a forgiven imperfect human and I appreciate your viewpoint but do not always share the same point of view. Life is about loving for me. I lost the love of my life and my eyesight is waning but my heart is big enough to know This too will pass
It is not murder for women to receive healthcare and the government should keep their hands off my body.
Patricia, it’s not about belief in abortion—I, in fact do not “believe” in abortion—but, rather it’s about the belief that every person should retain their right to make the correct choice for themselves, not to be told by a government or a church what the correct “choice” must be. The right to choose what will happen to one’s own body has been the law of the land for a long time, as the majority of voters in this democracy know it should be. Those who want to take away the rights that were long fought for (and won!) have no place in a democratic republic. Get thee to the nearest autocracy and enjoy!
In response to Patricia, Mab and Shanna (and others too) I can see if the life of the mother is in danger, abortion may be the best choice. Of course I also see the obvious issues of rape and incest making abortion perhaps the obvious choice. I had hoped to see some amount of so much angst be in specific support of undereducated or uneducated and poor woman along w/ suggestions of how and where to donate to help them during their time of need with unwanted pregnancies. I hear a lot about “choice” being bandied about but have to ask what choices were being made when these babies were being conceived? Today, woman claim their fierceness, intelligence, how in control they are while looking down on my generation. I was intelligent, career-driven and outspoken when it was necessary. I married 10 months after meeting my now spouse-this at age 28. Did I have sex with other men before this? You bet I did. Did I practice birth control? You bet I did. Did I practice safe sex? Obsofrigginlutely! I am now 64 years old and started questioning when does this “wisdom” thing happen and this discussion today made me realize I was wise beyond my years over 30 years ago! It just seems to me ladies, that when you feel this strongly about an issue, you would choose to use your intelligence, fierceness and energy in forward motion vs. just venting and needing to be enraged. Even the Yahoo newsfeed that comes up every single time I exit my e-mail provider was sharing information today on how to help educate, donate and put your energies into action for what you support. And like Patricia, there are many days when I must remind myself that I am not the judge, judgment is to be made by a power much higher than my intelligent, female, fierce self. Abortion is a very complicated issue. Whichever side you are on, be mad if necessary.
However, spewing just to enrage others to your depth of outrage is hardly helpful.
Do you really think we aren’t going to take action? We will.
You are judging. You are judging those regular readers of this blog who come here to share their feelings. And, as this just happened, pardon us if we need to share how we feel.
So how about not jumping to conclusions about people you do not even know? If you want me to respect your feelings on this subject – and I do – then I ask you to respect ours. No one here is ‘spewing just to enrage others.’