Last night’s sunset.
I’m trying to check in with my sister (who lives in Florida, for those of you who do not know) this morning. Reader Brenda, who lives closer to the coast but not far from my sister, is under mandatory evacuation. I suspect Meredith isn’t, but I’ll feel better when I can talk to her. Brenda, take care! We’re thinking of you and your family.
Anyway, I’m waiting for a text from Mere. She might be working today – I’m not sure.
Finished puzzle. I really loved working on this one. I’ll let it sit there for day or so because it’s so cool.
I spoke with Darko yesterday and I’m going to work with him on a workshop of a new musical in January. It will be so lovely to see him again – it was great talking with him, too. As Don said, it’s nice to start the new year with a job. It’s just for a couple of weeks, but it sounds challenging and exciting.
I haven’t made it upstairs to clean up my studio yet. Every time I’m about ready to plunge in, my back kicks up a bit. It’s a confined space which requires bending over, etc., so I’ll see how I feel later this morning. I’d really like to have things in order as we head into ‘indoor’ time, which means more time for projects.
Just heard from Mere. She’s in a no-evacuation zone but both the older boys live in evacuation zones, so they’re relocating.
Stay safe.
Happy Tuesday.
Ironically, my son and family who live a mile away…still not under mandatory…I am going there today as we planned. I am getting together few clothes…legal papers…all the things I have done when I lived in S Carolina near the coast…however, this seems to be worse. Not much we can do to protect this little condo. Looks like we might end up without electricity for days…my question is if son is also mandatory, where on earth does one go? The hurricane is traveling up through the north after hitting here…supposed to be bad…I read online that the lines to leave Florida are 8 hours…alas…my family and I are quite pragmatic and don’t get upset…however, this little old lady might just end up getting upset…goodness…appreciate all thoughts and prayers…
you got it … prayers continue for you and your family, everyone and everything!
glad you will be with your son during this time (and live so close to each other every day).
stay safe in every way.
Thank you Kathy
I worst part is worrying of family and friends…makes me sad for them
hej, brenda …
that is hard, isn’t it?
i also think, though, that kind of worry is a natural (and mutual) thing, and maybe unavoidable as a product of love.
praying for physical safety and peace of mind for you, claudia’s sister and both your families and everyone else having to deal with hurricanes, etc.
My nephews have also had to evacuate, Brenda. Mere says there’s a chance it may stay south of your area. But of course, it’s still too early to tell. Mere is in a no-evacuation zone, but is still plenty worried, especially about losing electricity with a special needs son.
I’m thinking about you, my friend. If you want to touch base during the day, I’m here.
Praying for safety for you and your family and for my family and everyone in the path of the hurricane.
Much love,
Thoughts and prayers winging from Wisconsin! Stay safe, everyone!! ♡
Thinking of you today….stay safe Brenda! ;)
Thank you
I am so sorry to worry everyone
Prayers from across the Atlantic for you and your family, Brenda.
Thank you so so much
Prayers for you and your family Brenda, as well as Meredith and her family and everyone in the path of this storm.
Stay safe.
Thank you
Aren’t we fortunate to be on our dear sweet friend’s blog?
glad you heard from your sister. prayers being said for meredith, her kids and pups to stay safe all the time.
congratulations on another job. are two-week workshops common for theater prep? sounds like an interesting format for everyone.
sorry that your back is painful and hampering your plans. prayers again said for healing … your back and don’s hand.
lovely sunset. fun puzzle.
i am staying in today for not feeling well. think it’s a cold. no way to tell for sure right now as my ‘free’ covid tests are gone and there’s been no test sites here for a long, long time (if i need to test, i will find a way). anyway, sure don’t want to expose my family to whatever it is, not even a ‘common’ cold.
hope to get a couple things done, like re-potting a plant, maybe try reading, but will definitely take it easy.
hope you all have a good easy day today and stay safe always.
Workshops are done when a new musical is in development. It’s a way to work through it with input from all the creatives and the cast – making for improvements in the book and music.
Feel better Kathy.
Stay safe.
Your sister Meredith and her family are in my prayers. Ian sounds so scary.
Thank you, Tana.
Stay safe.
All eyes seem to be focused on Florida. We have relatives near Jacksonville. Ian is shaping up to be quite a monster of a storm, from what I’ve heard. I pray all remain safe, and that those who need to evacuate do so. But, when a storm is as immense as Ian, where does one evacuate to?
Great news on your upcoming employment with Darko. I’m sure you are looking forward to this workshop. Rest that back of yours! ;)
Thanks so much, Donnamae.
Stay safe.
Hope Hurricane Ian is not as bad as they prefict. Mother Nature can be very mean towards we fragile creatures that share this earth. So glad Meredith and Little Buddy don’t have to evacuate. Prayers for everyone in the path of the storm to stay safe. Hugs, Elaine
Thanks so much, Elaine.
Stay safe.
I love that puzzle! So many friends in Florida so keeping all in my prayers. Take care and baby that back, its what I have to do also. Hugs!
Thanks, Linda.
Stay safe!
Prayers for your sister, nephews and readers in Florida, Claudia. Also to readers in Canada with their hurricanes.
Good news for you on the work front in the New Year.
Agatha Christie has been a favourite of mine since my early teens and I have most of her paperback copies published in the 1970s. Your jigsaw is great, showing references to many of those titles. The illustration cleverly shows the freize painting in Agatha’s home – Greenway in Devon but has changed it for the puzzle.
Babylon Berlin 4 starts in Germany on the 8th October and should be shown throughout Europe shortly after. Hopefully this means it will air in the U.S. within a few months.
Stay Safe
I read about Babylon Berlin the other day. I wish it was starting here, as well! But I know – at least – that’s it’s coming.
Stay safe, Dee Dee.
Claudia. Thank you so much
My sweet little daughter is sad esp not to be here for my birthday Friday
Son and the little boys just came over and put bags of garden soil in front of my patio doors
I put down towels inside
If it is mild will hep
If not nothing will
I am going over in a couple of hours…
I appreciate all of you so so much
Every state in which I have lived has acts of nature like this…blizzards
Tornadoes etc
We make it
The little boys are being so brave and helping dad and mom and nana
Claudia you have a cadre of great people
We’re thinking of you, and of my sister and her family, and of everyone in the path of the hurricane.
Stay safe, Brenda.
Prayers your family
Sending good wishes to everyone near the hurricane!
Claudia, that puzzle is so fun to look at…so creative…and I like the colors, too!
Enjoyed your sunset photo… again, I loved the colors! Amazing!
Nice to have a job to look forward to… it’ll be here before you know it! I can’t believe it is almost October! Once Halloween is over it seems the other holidays just slide by!
I can’t believe how quickly the months are going by.
Stay safe, Barrie.
Is that musical “Noir”? It sounds fascinating. I think I heard about it from a friend who lives in Tx or either read about it.
Good news about Mere and hoping safe things for all readers and relatives/friends of those who visit the Cottage here.
Yep. They did a test run at the Alley Theater.
Stay safe, Jeanie.
So many threatened by Hurricane Ian. The rest of the country is holding its breath and crossing fingers and toes for those in its path!
My daily concerns seem so small when others are facing a storm and possible losses. I’m being extra grateful today. I won’t be relaxing until all of you check in and let us know how you’re doing! Good luck and stay safe as you ride out the storm.
Thanks so much, Roxie.
Stay safe.