I’ve had a twitch in my left eyelid for 2 days now.
It’s as if the eyelid has been possessed.
Meanwhile, it’s very cold here. I had my flannel pajamas and a shawl on for most of the day yesterday. Very cozy and, frankly, warmer than a pair of jeans and a sweater, which I also had on for a short time until I realized my pajamas were a much better choice. Does extremely cold weather make you sleepy? Must be the urge to hibernate that runs through us all.
I can’t tell you how happy it makes me to sit here in my blogging chair and see this funky, cheery desk across the room. Seriously, it makes me smile. It brightens up that corner of the room. I brought the lamp down from the studio and replaced it with another cute lamp that I found at Target.
This isn’t the best photo; I took it very quickly. The wall needs painting, as does every other wall in this house. But you get an idea, right? A soft pink color on the shade that really suits the colors in the studio.
Here’s the question of the day: Brenda and our friend Nola have been bugging me about my font. The one I was using previously is Century Gothic. (I love it.) For some reason, they have trouble reading it. Yesterday, while on the phone with Ms. Brenda, we tried other fonts and this is the one I ended up with. It’s called Josefin Slab.
But at the end of the evening yesterday and again when I woke up this morning, I had a little trouble reading it. (Perhaps because of the dreaded twitch?) I spent an obsessive 2 hours this morning trying different fonts. Now I have no idea what I want.
What do you think of this font? Can you read it? Is it too dark, too light?
Let me also say that there’s no guarantee I won’t be messing with it throughout the day. But I promise to leave it alone for a couple of hours so I can read your comments.
Let’s close with a shot of the sky this Monday morning:
I’m glad I snapped it when I did, because it looks totally different now.
Go figure. Now I’m liking the font again. I’m sure that will change in about 2 minutes.
Update: Now I’ve changed it to Merriweather – Josefin Slab was just too light. What do you think? And yes, I know I’m slightly obsessive, but the look of my blog means a great deal to me. And if you liked the old font, let me know that, too.
Hi Claudia. I can’t remember what you had before but this font is fine with me. The only time I did not like your font is that time I asked you to make it darker and you did. Remember that? I love that photo of the sky. To answer your question, cold weather does make me sleepy but not the sort of sleepy that I can sleep. It’s really strange. Just the sort of sleepiness that I have to fight to keep awake. It can be very uncomfortable at times. So, have a nice day. I have so much to do today. Will I get it all done. No. No way! But, that’s okay. At least, I won’t be bored. I never am anyways. I will be sending you my thoughts on the book soon, perhaps today. I know that I’m long overdue. Sorry about that.
Love the desk and the font is fine to me. I think with all the options people have for reading online these days that it’s hard to find something unreadable. Cold and wintery here as well but think my sleepiness is because I stayed up too late watching things I didn’t even care about on TV.
My eye twitches when I am really tired, which is most of the time I guess. I actually like the font before, this one is very light and the letters seem thin to me if that makes any sense at all.
Hi Claudia – apologies to Brenda but I liked your old font. It was quirky and artistic and felt just right for the content of your blog.
My eye twitches when I am stressed or on overload. I retired from teaching (inner city high school special education) and it only returns occasionally.
I did like the old font…but have had times when it was hard to read certain fonts so understand that problem. Go with what makes you happy-can’t please everyone.
I have a thing for lamps….like your new one!
Thanks for sharing!
I don’t care what font you use, just keep writing!!!!!
I like this font. It’s simple and easy to read. I prefer the pics to add the wow and the text to be simple. ~ Maureen
I never had a problem reading your font and I don’t notice the difference. At least on my end. I know I have to have my reading glasses for anything I read so that is the most important thing to me. I have read blogs who used such a light color that I could not read it but yours was not one of them. Now….the DESK looks so cute!!! It really turned out great! I can see why it makes you smile….it is very cheerful! Have a good Monday Claudia!~Hugs, Patti
I’ve never had trouble reading your blog. So I’m happy with whatever you decide. AND I LOVE YOUR DESK. I knew you would love it once you were done. I’m glad you stuck with it! xo rachel
The font you are using right now is dark and crisp.
Twitch may be stress related. I get that sometimes too.
The white desk redo has become part of the home – it has its place, purpose and holds favourites. Happy.
Cold here too, I am not venturing out if I don’t need too. Bit of small reno work today, sanding the repair on the ceiling (way overdue) and I am tired of the fridge being pulled out into the kitchen for TWO weeks now.
I like this font better too…the other one was pretty but harder to read. And the sky is TDF. Have a wonderful week~
ps. coming from an veteran optician…Your twitch stems from either more reading or computer work than usual or a little more stress in your life or both. Now worries…it’ll go away all by itself.
A doctor told me one time that eye twitching is from general body fatigue. I don’t remember your old font but, had no trouble reading it. I think this present one looks great.
Oh I feel so old right now. Surely the senior moment will pass soon? I can’t remember your old font. I’ll probably wake up in the middle of the night when I remember. I do that a lot lately.
I’m not having any problems with the current font but I didn’t have problems with the old one either.
In case you’ve changed it again :), I like whatever you’re using right now.
Love this font!! Very legible and my old eyes don’t have to squint to read it. LEAVE IT ALONE… or I may have to throw something at you. LOL
Now, I can’t remember the before but what I am reading right now is clear and easy to read. Just keep on blogging and we will be able to read most anything.
I like your font very much, easier on the eyes, Amen… for this middle aged woman, anyway :-)
As has already been stated fatigue and stress can cause the twitching. I have it often when fatigued. I am often fatigued due to medication I take that causes fatigue. I like this font better I did have some difficulty with your other font. You are the designer of your blog and I leave all this up to you.
Hi Claudia!
Love the photos today and the desk looks marvelous! I don’t care what font you use because frankly, I just like reading what you write about period….ha!
I know what you mean about obsessing. I’ve completely messed up my blog attempting to fool with the CSS code and spent hours yesterday making matters worse.
This font is fine. Nice and clear. The ones that are on colored backgrounds and have no definition in the letters are so hard to read. For us “older” ones, at least we can enlarge the screen, but we can’t make it any darker which still doesn’t help in reading them. That desk has such character. I think it’s as happy to be there as you are to have it! Annette T.
How dare those bossy old women criticize your font! Haha! It’s probably that Brenda and I are old and set in our ways (imagine that!) and just like dark and simple fonts. When I email, I make the font about 18 in size, so I can read without my reading glasses.
It was nice to read the comments and other bloggers’ thoughts on the fonts. Whoever said “just keep writing” was right; that’s the important thing.
Love the lamp, you know me, gotta have a lamp on every horizontal surface in the room (again, the old eyes).
My eye twitches when I’m really tired and stressed, too. Then it’ll go away and I’ll be fine. It’s really annoying.
Guess the new font is the one you must keep reading all the comments here…I just don’t care for fonts that are really really light or are supposed to look handwritten, I find that annnoying for some reason. My eye twitches only when I am stressed greatly…like when I got a divorce, my eye twitched for months.
I’ve been blogging since June and have changed my font several times. Then again, I’ve changed the header, gadgets and layout a few times too. My last font was rather “swirly” and I switched to Josefin Slab for a simple, unfussy look. Funnily, Brenda commented on it in one of my posts, a while back, and asked for the name.
These things are such a matter of personal taste and I quite enjoy seeing the variety of fonts used on different blogs. Maybe it comes from decades of reading students’ handwriting, but I haven’t found clarity to be an issue…except with my own handwriting.
Hi Claudia…
I actually went to sleep last night catching up on your blog…..I didn’t realize it had been so long since I had visited. that sounds like it put me to sleep….. and that’s NOT what I mean. :-)
I like the current font… It looks good to me and is quite easy to read. I’ve been so several blogs that were quite difficult to see, so this works for this gal from the over 60 set. :-)
Loved seeing your re-do of you previously cast off desk. It always amazes me what people can do to something that was considered curbside trash. I love the fabric and it looks just wonderful in it’s new home. I use smaller pieces because things are pretty tight here, at the cottage.
Mockingbird Hill Cottage always looks like such a cozy and happy home… I love getting a chance to peek inside… whether you say it’s cluttery or not. I think it’s just perfect. And, so enjoyed seeing your little dance in the kitchen. Yep, a HAPPY PLACE.
Huggies to you.. and best wishes for the New Year.
Love the picture of the sky.
Sorry about your twitch.
I think I got in on Merriwether and it looks just fine! Very easy to read…
The font is fine!
Love the picture of the “polka dot sky!”
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I am sorry about your eye. I hate that. And you have had it 2 days! Poor thing! I love your desk too! I like when I get something that just fits! I think this font is fine. But you can make it bold and change the size if it is hard for others to see. I think about Brenda when I change mine, she may not be able to see the one I have now, But I try for cute and not just black but had to work with it. I made my headers and titles fun and colors and the body big bold and dark gray. I think it was Crafty Girls. You can check it out and let me know if it is hard to see. But I like a much bigger size in all of them than it defaults to. Sorry now that I typed all that you have done the same with yours! ;) I like it. I also don’t have many issues with reading most.
Hugs and stay warm, Lisa
Wow, look at that sky! I’ve been doing a lot of sky gazing lately, this one is gorgeous.
Not sure where you’re at with your font changing, but everything here looks fine to me, although I did have a problem commenting :D
Hi Claudia, I will keep visiting Mockingbird Hill Cottage no matter what font you use, but I must say that I do miss the more artistic, handwritten look of your old font. And did you know that LL Bean’s sells flannel-lined jeans? I have never tried them but my kids (college age) love them!! Linda
The desk looks so cute, though I think I liked the old lamp better :) …..
I once had a twitch that lasted nearly a week. A young woman I worked with told me to go home and eat two bananas….then to eat two the next day. The twitch was gone by the next day (perhaps the potassium?) At any rate, whenever I have the slightest twitch, I reach for the bananas. Enjoy your writing, no matter the font !!
Oh… I forgot to tell you. About the twitching eye… I’ve been suffering with the exact same thing. The Dr. told me he had too and you just need to sort of pull on the side of your eyelid and hold it. It has something to do with stretching the muscle/ligament or whatever the dang thing is called so it will calm down. It really does work, but right now I have to go try it again. I’m twitchin’.
Hi, Claudia. The font you used before was attractive because it resembled the font of most books: it has a “grayish” tint. This font is fine; it is clear, darker. More like the font of the E-readers! I like the older font but would have never noticed a difference if not directed to the change you are trying to make. Pajamas or jeans? Have you tried those “pajama jeans”? I recently bought a pair and they are as comfortable as flannel pjs and are jeans. Google “pajama jeans” and you should find them. Then you can sleep and wear them for days!! The shot of the sky is gorgeous. Florida is not so cold this time of year. We do have the Robins flying down just this week. As always, I promise to keep as many as I can happy and healthy until they head back up to you in Spring. Peace. Brianne
Aren’t jammie days just the best. And by the way, I like this font. I think it’s a little bigger too, which helps for those of us who can’t find our peepers. Still catch up from being in WI over the weekend. So, I’ll be off for now, but will be back again soon.
Well, I wasn’t going to say anything. But after someone else did, I’m gonna put my two cents in. I liked the other lamp better too. But then I’m a contrary old bitch, aren’t I?