Hello everyone. I’m having computer troubles, as in I think my hard drive is kaput. I’m writing this on Sunday in case I don’t have the computer tomorrow. We’re taking it in to the Apple Store this afternoon.
If you don’t hear from me for a couple of days, you’ll know why!
Update: Hard Drive is supposedly okay, a ‘bracket’ had to be replaced. But I’m going to have to restore all my files, etc. from a back up. Wish me luck! We’re picking it up this afternoon.
I hate computer issues. Hope all is well.
Now that we are practically conjoined to these things, having computer hassles are the worst. Life seems almost suspended while the problem is being fixed, to some extent at least. Hope your suspension gives you a little extra time to read, or fool around in the garden, or play with Scoutie. Have a great holiday…
Computer problems are awful. We just both got new Macs, so changing from the PC world to a Mac has had a few bumps….. but none we haven’t been able to get over. Guess it is good in the fact that we are both learning many new things. Our kids are so happy we are now “converts”.
I hope your probs are short-lived and you have success with the tasks ahead. ugh.
It isn’t sure if it wants to rain or shine some sun here, and we will take whichever occurs…. we have no choice, I guess!! Enjoy your day ~ no matter what you do!
Hi Claudia, I have not been over here to your blog forever it seems!!! It is awful of me that it is related to what just happened to Meredith and her blog and little Buddy! We all know what a stinker of a world this can be but it sucks nonetheless each and every time we are reminded of it!
I have never forgotten you and think of you often but my blogging got extremely sporadic in 2014 and even into this year. I went through a huge metamorphosis with turning sixty this last November and with it my studio as well. I have been trying to spend less time online and more in my studio learning to spin and weave – the later my newest interest. Anyway, so please forgive my absence.
Computer problems are such a pain in the backside! I finally had to replace my computer last summer and am still paying that purchase off, lol!!! I have even had to wipe the hard drive of this new laptop already and I feel your pain of having to re-load your files and programs. I hope you get it all straightened out quickly and that the process goes nice and smooth! :D I will send a message to the laptop goddess to send your computer many blessings and protection! :D
Hugs for now,
Beth P
Don’t worry about us! We can always click through and read some of your archived posts. The link images are very tempting and I could read your blog all day (except life keeps getting in the way).
Oh man!
I have sympathy for you… Been there done that! Hope you get it sorted and get your files saved.
May the force be with you!!!!!
We’ve had a hard drive crash and lost a lot of critical financial info because my husband hadn’t backed it up in awhile…this was the ‘older’ days. Also got hit with a virus despite all of our protections and had to have it professionally ‘washed.’ Major hassles all. Best of luck to you. Not to mention I just read your weather report and it looks like you’re in for some VERY steamy and hot days upcoming. You’ll have to stay in and stay cool; stay hydrated. Do you have any kind of air conditioning in your cottage?
I just read this Claudia..I hope it’s all going to work out for you..Good luck girl..
Sometimes!!!!!! Thinking of you and feeling for you Claudia! Hang in there<3!