My laptop has been acting up a bit, which means I’ll have to take a trip to the Apple Store sometime this week. But there’s a silver lining: I’ve limited my time online and have actively shut down the computer for periods of time during the day. Normally, I tend to have it up and running throughout the day and I find myself checking my email and checking comments on the blogs, even when in the midst of doing something else.
That’s an easy habit for me to fall into, because I love blogging and reading other blogs and answering comments. But the fact remains that it isn’t a good idea for me to be tethered to a computer, especially when I have the option not to be.
It’s a good reminder that turning away from the computer should be a routine part of my day. Yesterday, I was working on some other things – doing some reading and research that is necessary for my personal growth – so I didn’t get around to answering some of the comments. That may happen off and on. So don’t worry if I don’t answer your comment. I’ll do my best to get back to all of you, but I’m setting some priorities for the present.
As I write this, I can hear the sound of a mourning dove. Goodness, I love that sound; so haunting, yet so beautiful. It’s a bit rainy outside. I don’t know what the forecast is for the day but I hope we can squeeze in a little hike. Our temporary passes that we were using to hike up in the mountains expired and we had to wait a couple of months before we could get new ones. We got them on Friday and they are no longer temporary, but for a whole year. We’ve missed hiking and want to get back into the rhythm of it. It keeps us fit.
Not to mention the fact that it’s beautiful up there.
Happy Sunday.
Like you Claudia, I’m usually ‘tethered’, although have to admit since moving all computers upstairs to the office, I’m trying to limit my time on the laptop to early morning and late evening – some days I cheat!
Lovely flowers – like you we have rain, almost daily the past week, and so much cooler than usual for this time of year – don’t mind that part but would like some sunny days to get back in my garden which is so overgrown.
I think we’re going to be getting rain off and on for the next few days, Mary.
Good for you. For a while I limited myself to one hour morning and evening. That didn’t last, blogging requires so much time and networking it sure can over take you. I am wondering how I will keep up once I start school. Pinning!!
It takes way too much time, Dawn! Even more so for you, I think.
Claudia, Hope every thing works out for the best for you. I love that picture of your coneflowers and the snowball hydrangea. I know what you mean about hiking. It’s fun to get a walk in the day . To be with nature. Blessings . xoxo,Susie
Didn’t get our walk in today but hopefully tomorrow. I was too tired today.
Always a good idea to be disciplined about time on social media, it can get away from you i a hurry. We all need time outside to reconnect and find solace and joy. Have a great day.
You, too, Linda.
I HAVE to limit myself. I’ve only had this little notebook for a month, the biggest part of the time, getting it back into operational form…and now that it is, I didn’t realize how easy it was to BE CONNECTED. I have found myself even sitting outside on the porch with it. :/ I decided I need to limit myself too.
I was outside this morning- heard a mourning dove…we have lots of them. What we haven’t heard a lot of is Quail…the fire ants have taken a tole on this bird. But yesterday– I heard one! I was so happy to hear it.
~~enjoy your untethered day.
It’s very addicting and sometimes I love being tuned in all day.
I’m so glad you heard a Quail today!
Okay! Two blogs this morning with pink coneflowers that I adore – the universe is trying to tell me to buy those coneflowers that I keep saying I’m going to get.
Good for you, that’s fantastic! I’ve really begun to think seriously that we all need to back away from the internet and other devices. Don’t worry about answering my comments — I pretty much stopped answering mine after my dad passed away, only answering a few here and there since.
I’m spending a lot less time on blogs these days, which is a very good thing for me (and the world didn’t end). But sadly with the eye flashes business I’ve been having for a month and my back ailment for two months ARGH, I’ve been transferring that time to Pinterest. Such a monumental waste of time and my life. One more week until my eye doctor appt and hopefully resumption of PT for my back and I can have a life again.
I thought of you when I saw this blog post – HOLY COW! WOW! (Course this would preclude the backing away from the internet LOL.)
Happy Sunday!
I try to stay away from Pinterest. I haven’t been on there at all recently. But I’ve had times when I’ve been on there a lot.
I’ve seen Pinch of Yum. They are a food blog and food blogs do VERY WELL. They’re specialized….not like mine!
Have fun if you go hiking..I am sitting here listening to thunder from an approaching storm..I definitely need to get off the computer and do more of other things..I too love the call of a mourning dove..haunting is a very good word to describe it..
We might be getting some storms tonight and tomorrow. But I went out and watered the potted plants anyway!
Good Morning Claudia,
I am sitting here enjoying the view from my sliding glass door at my bird feeder and enjoying the playful antics of the squirrels and birds! I usually have tons of Butterflies and BumbleBee’s, but this summer I have seen almost none! I wonder where they are….
I too am having to limit “tech” time or I would be up until the wee morning hours! I love my blogs and FB pages; I seem to be really drawn to the gardening pages lately.
Your gardens are beautiful and lush… here in Florida getting that kind of garden is a little challenging, but I am learning!
Technology is wonderful, but to much and you miss out on the beauty of the world around you.
Have a great day!
I’ve had lots and lots of bumblebees, but not so many butterflies. I was just thinking that this morning. I usually see more than I have.
How funny…I’ve been untethered a lot lately…must have something to do with the weather me thinks. It’s so easy for me to spend hours on the computer, and get lost in my own little world…and a lot of other things don’t get done. So I’m reading your blog much later than usual. Jim has been gone all week…so I’m doing more with my friends…and that’s been fun! He comes home tomorrow…yeah! Your flowers are beautiful…are the white balls Annabelle hydrangeas?? Enjoy your day! ;)
Yes, they are Annabelles. I love them. I’ve had that bush for about 5 or 6 years now. It’s blooms like clockwork.
Have a beautiful Sunday and I find I have to sometimes ‘make’ myself take a break from the computer. Enjoy your hike!
Me too. Right now, I’m doing it because I have to, but it’s a good reminder to sign off every now and then.
I love my computer and have found the need to limit myself too. Or I could be bopping around from this to that all day and much of the night. For me, the Internet is the biggest, grandest library in the whole world. I’m constantly looking up things that I would have needed an encyclopedia and/or a real brick-and-mortar library to do before. The incredible speed and convenience is the best part to me. However that being said, the social aspect is not for me. Not on Facebook, never will be. It’s too huge. For years, a wary little voice somewhere has been telling me to steer clear of Facebook, Amazon, Twitter, WalMart etc. Too Big almost never works out well for the “little people” who make them huge in the first place. And in the case of the cyber-giants, their sheer size makes them irresistible targets for evildoers. Both global disaster types and creepy locals as well. I don’t have any idea of what might occur, and pray it never does of course. But like “The Big One” [earthquake] in California, something tells me it’s just a matter of time. Cue chilling piano chords… dundt-dundt-dunnnnnndt!!!
I do the same thing, Janet. Both Don and I look up things all day long. It’s amazing what you can learn and how quickly you can find the information you want. One thing leads to another and leads to another….
I’m on the computer too much; for the past couple weeks I’ve been painting and redoing a room so my computer time has been limited. Keeping away from the computer is harder during the winter months, tho when there are fewer outdoor chores to do.
I too love mourning doves but our bird population is low this summer. Evidently we now have 3 resident peregrine falcons in the area and they’ve decimated our song birds
I agree. It’s much harder in the Winter, Sondra. I find myself on there a lot more then.
I love peregrine falcons but I sure wish they wouldn’t mess with the smaller birds!
Hey Girlfriend! It’s been a good long while since I’ve popped over to say hi! With the demise of my laptop I’ve been a little computer crippled. I finally broke down and financed a new laptop for which I am awaiting arrival of maybe Monday or Tuesday. Before my laptop passed on to greener pastures I was working at what you just spoke about in this post… untethering from my computer and indeed all electronic technology :D I’m just too addicted to blog hopping and chatting via comments. Gotta get some are done too! I’ve been refining my interests, yes, again… I am so hopeless – giggle :D Once I get my new laptop all set up I will be visiting more often again… I have missed you! :D Well, I’m off to finish watching a watercolor painting tutorial on YouTube… yes, I know it’s almost midnight… er, my laptop leaving this world also brought back my night owl tendencies for some reason… go figure!
Hope you are well my dear friend… talk again soon
Beth P
P.S. I moved my blog back to BlogSpot so it’s http://elisabetpollock[dot]blogspot[dot]com. WordPress just wasn’t working for me… oh well, we have to try new things even if some of them don’t work out!
That’s right, one cannot be tied to the computer. Its not healthy. Life use to be so simple and basic, now it’s if all this technology is running everyone’s life, but only if you let it. Moderation is the key. I just love the garden! Have a wonderful day!!
Please post some hiking pictures! This homesick upstater would love to see some, and pretty soon the colors will be changing! :)
Love the combination of your hydrangeas and coneflowers very pretty.