An insane press conference last night and now the hearing today. I will be tuning in at 10 am to hear testimony from Dr. Christine Blasey Ford. I believe her. I believe survivors. I don’t think the GOP realizes just how enraged women are over this. But it will be quite evident to them come November 6th.
The sun is out this morning and how welcome it is! Don will be happy. The rain has been cramping his photographer style.
There’s not much to share today. I’m making lists. I’m doing stuff around the house. I’m going shopping tomorrow at the dreaded mall. I have to take my laptop in to have Apple check on something, so I figured I would bite the bullet and look for a jacket and shoes. And socks. And maybe one black sweater. We’re packing very lightly and most of my clothes will be black. It’s just easier. Plus, I look good in black, as does Don, so there’s that.
I have two great documentaries to recommend to you. The first is Quincy. Quincy, as in Quincy Jones. It’s produced by his daughter, Rashida Jones, and it’s excellent. What an amazing life this man has led. It’s on Netflix.
Side note: Don has worked with lots and lots of well-known people over the years, especially in the years he was doing television pretty consistently. But he can still surprise me. As we were watching the doc, a moment came where Quincy’s work as the producer of Fresh Prince of Bel Air was discussed. Don quietly said,”I sat next to him at a read-through.” Meaning at a read-through of Fresh Prince because Don was on the Christmas episode. Me: “You said next to him??” Don: “Yeah.” Me: “Did you talk to him?” Don: “Sure. We chatted.” Me: “You never told me this!”
After 24 years together, I’m still hearing new information.
The other documentary is Jane Fonda in 5 Acts. We watched it last night. Absolutely wonderful. She is so honest about her life. She’s fascinating. Can’t recommend it enough. It’s on HBO.
Okay. Time for another cup of coffee.
Happy Thursday.
You will look chic whatever you decide to buy and wear
I stayed in London with Joseph Marcell and his wife Joyce ( she was at University with my elder sister), who went on to become the Butler in Fresh Prince- #small world
I’ve coached Joe. I know him. It is a small world.
I am praying that the universe will align this fall. My GOP female friends don’t believe her, think it is a political ploy, and don’t care (this is a lot of people in the South). They also think Trump is an idiot, but they will keep voting Republican to protect their stock market and conservative values (translation, money). It is hard dealing with friends and family members who are like this. I feel so disheartened this week. On a positive note, excited to read about your European adventures!
I will put it simply: I have no respect for anyone who support Trump, for whatever reason. Thanks, Tina-Marie.
I am glued to this process. How disgusting the way this has been handled. Anyone who has been through a sexual assault knows this is not something you would willingly share unless it is true. We are an angry nation and if they don’t believe us just wait until Nov!!
When I traveled to Paris I did a mix and match wardrobe, mostly black and white and it worked so well. You and Don will look great. I’m not a good clothes shopper but I can do it when I need too, so can you!
Both documentaries sound good. I am especially interested in the one on Jane Fonda. I don’t get HBO but I can always do a short subscription to see this. Today is taking Mom shopping.
We’re coming for them in November. Thanks, Linda.
I always look forward to reading your blog and I agree on most of the things you believe in ~~~However~~~~I will never agree on anything about Hanoi Jane Fonda, for what she did to my friends who fought and died in Vietnam is an unforgiveable act that no amount of good deeds that she does or ever will do will change her treasons ways.
You might want to do some research. She has apologized for that repeatedly. And she apologizes again in the documentary. I also had a friend who died in Vietnam, by the way. One of my brother’s dear friends was killed in Vietnam.
But I certainly understand that you have strong feelings and that you might prefer to stay angry with her. And she doesn’t need me to defend her. She’s doing just fine.
I have done a lot of research and talked to those that were there and knew what she did and how our boys suffered because of her actions. Anyone can apologize but it does not change what she did. However we are all entitled to our feelings and mine will never change. I do so enjoy reading all your comments and will continue to do so and this is probably the only thing that we will disagree on and that’s what makes this country great that we can disagree and still remain friends and allow each our feelings when they are not the same. Wishing you and your husband a safe and wonderful trip coming up. I look forward to reading all about it. <3
I forgot the Jane Fonda HBO special was on last night. I will search and DVR it. I have been waiting to see it. Quincy WAS amazing!!
I just can’t watch the hearing. I don’t know what else to say. Of course my heart is breaking for her (i.e. all of them). My husband is working on a project in the garage, and I wandered out there & he had it on the TV. I couldn’t watch, but I heard someone say “we are here to hear your STORY” and I couldn’t run fast enough to get out of there. They will vote tomorrow and we will have a rapist/ terrorist as a Supreme Court Judge along with one as a (fake) president. So very proud. Unbelievable.. But all of the rich people will still have their money, and after all, THAT is what matters, apparently. And the men can still control our reproductive rights and worm into equality in personal choices, education, housing, etc. What a great moment to be alive.
The optics aren’t good. She is looking very credible. And the whole ‘female assistant’ prosecutor idea has failed.
Claudia,and Kris, I had to run an errand on my lunch break. so I had to listen to most of HIS opening statement for the afternoon session I got so furious I almost drove in a ditch!
Absolutely unbelievable! The 1 point he made over and over ” her best friend stated
over and over again that she did not know him. and never attended any party he attended.
DUH! If she never knew him How does she know if she was at any party with him?
making himself sound like a saint, and every other phrase he said, this horrible thing the other side brought upon us! he said that at least 6 times.
Very Sorry but I had to let that out Somewhere.
Thanks for the recommendations re documentaries. Pretty cool about ‘Don & Quincy.’ And pretty cool that your husband can still surprise you. I’m not married, but I think that’s a very good sign. And I’m a HUGE fan of Jane Fonda. I keep a lot of lists – have had some for decades – and one is “People I’d Like to Have Dinner With.” Jane’s been on it for years. Super smart, super honest & not an ounce of what the Brits call “posh.” That’s the kind of people I like most. She’s the best in my book. Next time around, I want to be Jane Fonda. Have fun shopping, if you can [yuck]. The only shopping I like doing these days is for groceries and books – LOL. Peace.
She is SO honest about her life and her regrets in the documentary. I was amazed at how willing she was to share where she thought she had failed and also about her growth as a person.
i want to be as aware as can be in order to fight what needs to be fought, but the stress of watching the process and testimonies (and what the outcome will mean for women and our country …) is more than i can stand …
so i watch in little bits and pray.
we are living in a very scary time.
on a brighter note, love when there are those happy surprises among people who’ve been together a long time.
and that photo … it belongs in a magazine!
best wishes on the trip to the mall … hope you find what you’re looking for.
kathy in iowa
I never watch Trump and I try to stay away from many things on the news, but I’m finding this fascinating. And she has turned out to be a very credible and completely honest witness.
in my car at lunchtime today, the only thing i could find on the radio about this hearing was rush limbaugh’s show. i listened for a couple minutes to what he had to say (basically making fun of dr. blasey ford, changing the “a” and the “l” in her name to make a crude word, etc.), but had to turn it off after the song he played into a break … “(love to watch her) strut” … disgusting.
then i saw this on the internet a few minutes ago, via #ibelieveher and courtesy of “feminist next door” (instagram): “brock turners grow up to be brett kavanaughs who make rules for brock turners”.
while i believe in the right to free speech, i wish i hadn’t heard that song used that way (love bob seger) and wish rl would just shut up. and while i also believe in forgiveness and (generally speaking) second chances, some behaviors warrant a very hardcore penalty to hopefully ensure it won’t happen again (by the perpetrator and by those who think they could get away with it, too).
glad to hear dr. blasey ford is holding up well.
kathy in iowa
ps: i have never liked that bob seger song. or rl.
I tend to bring the same clothes on trips and I pack very lightly. I managed with very little for my one month Europe adventure but then again I knew I would be buying lots of fabric. Lots of clothes washing in hotel bathrooms (I learned to save some time by bringing the clothes into the shower with me!) but nothing was going to keep me from 60% off Liberty of London fabric sales.
I want room for souvenirs, Wendy!
One of your earlier comments,this morning “not much to share today” turned out to be quite wrong.
I would have tuned in just to hear about that cute husband of yours,telling you he chatted with Quincy Jones !
Always A Loyal Reader -Judy A-
Those documentaries both sound interesting…one remark that I can make about Jane is that at least she admitted she was wrong and apologized for it…to bad that other people can’t admit their wrongdoings!…To hear Brett Kavanaugh today he was the most saintly young man the world his ever been privileged to have!…and what about those calendars?…those things could have been written on them yesterday and who would know the difference??…It just seems to me that a person who is telling the truth can answer a question straight out and not avoid the answer by stumbling around and praising themselves…every time he started avoiding it I yelled “Answer The Question”!!…Dr Ford did a great job for as nervous and scared as she was while telling her story…I don’t know if I could do as well if I had to tell mine…
Thank you. I love your recommendations! Black is my travel go to color. Add a few colorful scarves and you are perfectly dressed. Of course Don’s special sneakers go everywhere.