It’s 9:20 am and I just remembered I’m supposed to blog today.
We are in a long stretch of subzero crappy weather and we’ve lost all sense of dates and time. It’s frigging cold and we’re sick of it. We feel extremely housebound and restless. Our heads are congested, we don’t feel well, the air is extremely dry, and we’re ready to scream. (Yes, I do have a humidifier running. Not a big help at the moment.)
It will start to warm up ever so slightly tomorrow. Ever so slightly.
Don is currently completely covered with an afghan, wearing one of his wool caps. I am in my pajamas, with a hooded sweatshirt on, also covered by an afghan.
The only plus is that every day this week has been sunny and the combination of sunny skies and snow brings bright sunlight into the house. Grateful for that, for sure.
Don has a gig tonight, which, given the temps, he’s not looking forward to. But he’ll do it.
I’m trying to keep myself occupied. I’ve been trying not to spend any money so I haven’t ordered a new puzzle. I may cave today. I can only read so much and, frankly, it’s been hard to concentrate lately. A $20 puzzle to preserve my sanity? Hmmm.
I think I’ve talked myself into it.
I’m reading The Cold Cold Ground by Adrian McKinty. It’s about a detective in Ireland during “The Troubles.” I need to dedicate a bigger chunk of time to it today so I can get a rhythm going.
What are you reading?
Stay safe.
Happy Friday.
Michigan has started to warm up a little and stopped snowing today. Hopefully, better weather is heading your way.
I am reading The Wedding People by Alison Espach. I think it would be good made into a movie with some quirky characters.
Take care and stay warm
Thanks so much, Marilyn.
Stay safe.
I’m late to the game, but I just finished The Plot by Jean Hanff Korelitz. It was terrific. Now on the The Sequel. I also read The Latecomer, also by her. How have I been so remiss? Too many books, I guess.
Stay warm
Too many books, too little time, Barbara.
Thanks so much.
Stay safe.
Stay bundled up! It’s January! Spring can come any day now. Have a great weekend. Oh, life is short. Buy that puzzle. Hugs, Elaine
Any day now? More like in at least 2 or 3 months. I don’t mind winter if it isn’t quite so frigid as it’s been.
Stay safe, Elaine.
I just started a book called “Dirty Laundry” by Disha Bose. It’s a mystery set in Ireland and so far it is interesting. The library recommended it so I’m giving it a try…
It’s cold here too but might get up to 35°F tomorrow! Yay!
It’s going to hit 30 degrees on Saturday. Positively balmy!
Stay safe, Ellen.
Our humidity is at 1%, bright sun, very windy and very dry. No rain so far is raining season.
It’s very, very dry here as well.
Stay safe, Mary.
Brrrr…stay as warm as you can, Claudia. And safe travel to Don to and from his gig.
I just finished reading a Japanese novel written in 2013 but translated in 2023: The Kamogawa Food Detectives, by Hisashi Kashiwai. I’m going to seek out the second book about the father-daughter culinary detective team.
That sounds like fun, Wendy!
Thanks so much.
Stay safe.
Sun is out here but boy it’s cold. This AM it was 9F now 27F. Brrr.
I am currently reading The Distance Between Us by Maggie O’Farrell. I usually enjoy her novels but am having a hard time getting into this one due to the current craziness that I’m try so hard to ignore. I am failing at ignoring.
I started her newest last year and couldn’t get into it. I love her writing, so I’m going to try it again sometime this year.
Stay safe, Betsy.
I finished it last night and am so glad that I continued reading it!
Western NY is frigid as well! I don’t know if you have any goodwill’s near you – but I am able to get great puzzles (sometimes not even opened) for 3.99!
No Goodwills near me, unfortunately. And the ones I can drive to aren’t all that good.
Thanks, Pam.
Stay safe.
It is cold in my area, too. The snow moves in tonight.
I just finished “The Reading List” by Sara Nisha Adams. It is a love letter to fiction books, libraries, librarians and how they can bring people together. The power of books. I just started “The Twilight Light Garden” by the same author, who is British.
Stay warm..
Sounds like a wonderful book, Kaye. I’ll put it on my TBR list.
Stay safe.
If you are in the mood for non-fiction, I am currently reading “The Elements of Marie Curie”. It is her biography by Dava Sobel. Very readable and interesting (and no, you don’t have to be a scientist to appreciate it). My sweetie gave it to me for Christmas. I am really enjoying it–and I typically head towards fiction for my reading… Feels great to curl up with a good book when it is so frigid outside (even down here in Va)
Sounds fascinating, Elizabeth!
Yes, nothing better in this weather than an afghan and a good book to read.
Stay safe.
I know exactly what you mean – I am either chilly or too hot all the time lately (depending on if I have a warm rice bag on my lap or not), and my usual outlet of working outdoors is just nasty between the cold and the icy patches. I’ve even been doing some deep cleaning of book cases, which is pretty tedious but in theory satisfying at the end. In practice……maybe not so much.
Hopefully all of us will be able to cheer up a bit at some point.
Hopefully! I did order that puzzle, so some relief is in sight.
Stay safe, Ceci.
Even here in the South the temps are keeping me indoors. I’ve had trouble concentrating on reading lately but finally found a book I’m anxious to read. THE THINGS I CANNOT SAY by Kelly Rimmer. I’ll start it tonight. I’m catching up on some laundry and getting trash ready to go to the curb. My very sweet and YOUNG neighbors have been taking my cans to the curb and bringing them back for me. It’s such a blessing to me. I’ve been having lots of breathing issues and now have a rescue inhaler which is helping. My Dr thinks I’ve got some asthma and I was reading that it’s one of the long Covid symptoms. Take care and I hope you have some warmer weather soon.
I’m so sorry to hear about the ongoing effects of Long Covid, Linda. I so wish this wasn’t happening to you. Sending healing energy your way, my friend.
Stay safe.
It’s very cold here , too. Long stretches of single digit lows–not the usual NC winter. I’m currently reading the 5th Orphan X book. A nice escape from the cold. So many books I’ve read because you mentioned them.
Aren’t those Orphan X thrillers addictive?
There is a new one coming out next month and I’m on the hold list at the library.
Enjoy, Judith.
Stay safe.
I love your green sofa. Just looking at it in a photo is calming. Being in the room with it must be very peaceful. On recommendation of my daughter I am reading Jimmy Carter’s book An hour Before Daylight. She thought it would give me insight to the lives of my parents’ and grandparents’ lives here in the rural south. It is a reminder to me of how it still was in the south even in the 50’s and 60’s when I grew up even in a small town and then a city. I am loving his recollections of growing up in the rural south and his truthfulness of it.
Anything by Jimmy Carter would be an worthwhile and inspiring read. Enjoy, Beverly.
Stay safe.
Last book I read was Where the Shadows Lie by Michael Ridpath. I enjoyed the book and it was set in Iceland. I do not envy your cold weather. It’s 61° and sunny here and I am still freezing.
Iceland fascinates me!
Thanks so much, Olivia.
Stay safe.
Hope there’s a rise in temperatures for you and Don soon and that you’re both feeling better.
I recently read Cher’s autobiography which I really enjoyed and covered the early years. At the moment I am reading a revenge thriller ‘Beautiful People ‘ by Amanda Jennings.
Happy Friday
A little revenge is always fun!
Thanks so much, Dee Dee.
Stay safe.
Hi Claudia, I have some lovely puzzles I wish I could share with you. Our library bookstore has been closed for re-modeling for several months now so I am waiting to pass them along and pick up some inexpensive “new” ones. I also take advantage of the library ‘s collection of puzzles to check out. I enjoy working a puzzle and listening to a book on tape.
I so enjoy your blog and pictures – Much needed relief from the news of the day which I try to avoid. May I suggest long under wear as an added layer for keeping warm. It really is amazing how an added layer that helps keep the legs warm makes a difference. This winter, I’ve also added a fleece vest. So I have an underwear top, turtleneck, vest, fleece top and my midweight fleece jacket. The trick I have discovered is to put together a combination that enables me to move comfortably and are not heavy. Using zip front items also enables the top three layers to be worn unzipped when I become too warm. Like Don I’ve also resorted to a hat so have a lightweight one for the days that I just can’t get warm. Fingerless gloves have also been part of winter wear. Lightweight (fingerling yarn) to keep the hands warm while holding a book or working at the computer. Instead of fast fashion, I opt for warm fashion when I am at home.
Please keep blogging! Tell us more about your “girls”. They obviously have a much larger clothing collection than I do (plus they can share with each other). Same with your houses and furniture. I love your descriptions of daily life – they make me smile. Thank you!
They absolutely have a much larger wardrobe than me, for sure! Thanks so much, Leora.
I have long underwear but even though I get cold in the mornings, I also get hot very quickly. So I can’t wear them inside. Although, the few times the heat has gone out, I definitely wore them! Don is the one that dresses in layers. Each day, as he sheds a layer, I find clothing scattered around the house. He’s a California guy by birth, so he always feels the cold more than I (born in Michigan) do.
Thank you for your kind words.
Stay safe.
I’ve been under blankets too. And heating pads. And microwave beanbags. Turtlenecks under fleece and scarves inside. It IS warmer, but where could we go but up. Not so warm as to be able to tell. Yesterday I shoveled and I think my feet were like icebergs for the rest of the day. I’m certainly doing my part for the tea-and-cocoa industry.
Just finished Claire Keegan’s “Small Things Like These” and a small book by the Aldeburgh Arts Collective in England called “Hope: Pandora Revisited.” Short and mostly pictures of art. Now half through a mystery someone gave me — “Death at the Dress Rehearsal.” It’s OK, but it’s no Louise Penny or Ann Cleeves! Finished bios of Stanley Tucci and Ina Garten, both excellent and probably Gretchen Whitmer’s is up next. Wondering if she could trounce Vance in 2028, assuming we even still have elections by then. Trying to keep my political head above water and it isn’t easy these days.
Hang in there.
I know. It isn’t easy.
Thanks so much, Jeanie.
Stay safe.
I’m currently reading “All the Colors of the Dark” by Chris Whitaker. It’s very good and I highly recommend it.
Thank you, Terri.
Stay safe!