My one and only day off is today. I ran some errands and then drove out to Ocean Beach to visit my favorite antique stores. After a somewhat stressful week, I needed to treat myself. Of course, I stopped in at Vignettes and took some photos to share with you.
A fabulous prom dress and a cabinet full of sparkly things.
Look at this mirror – it’s huge! You can see the reflection of a gorgeous settee, as well.
The cherubs remind me of the ones in my cherub painting – bought last year at Vignettes. I love, love my painting – it is hanging in our bedroom.
There are so many gorgeous mirrors here. I’ve been looking back home for one like the rectangular gold mirror or the oval white mirror in the upper left hand corner…to no avail. I’m afraid to buy one and ship it back home. Darn it! It would so wonderful over my piano. I’m also thinking about a hanging a lot of mirrors on our stairway wall – they would reflect the light from our skylight. Several bloggers have done that and it so striking.
The chair and the painting are fabulous.Do you see the chandelier? Lori just got it – it is Italian and exquisite. She has two. This one has pink glass and
this one has aqua (be still my heart.) As I said to Lori, “Why aren’t I independently wealthy?”
Speaking of Lori, who says she is my ‘friend’ – why did she schedule an afternoon with Rachel Ashwell one week to the day before I was to arrive in San Diego? Anyone? Yes, Ms. Ashwell came to Vignettes and everyone is raving about what a wonderful experience it was. Except me.
Boo hoo.
Lori gave me some of these chocolates – she had wrappers made up for them that were a miniaturized version of Rachel’s book cover. I’ve already eaten one, I confess. But I saved the wrapper.
I have more photos to share with you. I will save them for another post in the next few days. Truly, if you are anywhere near San Diego…you have to visit Lori’s stunningly beautiful shop. Everyone who works there is wonderful. It changes constantly…lucky for me!
Claudia, I am so happy to hear that you took some time to visit your friend’s GORGEOUS shop. Wow!! So many pretty, pretty things. I spotted that floral painting above the gold mirror….looooove it!
Oh, Claudia, thank you SO MUCH for taking pictures! You bet my eye caught that chandy!!!! Ohhhhh, I just have to go there!!!!
Next month when we’re down there I’m going to try and visit some of those stores, sweets. If my grandsons will be accommodating.
Hi Claudia,
Ohh, thanks for showing us photos of this fabulous shop. I could spend hours in there and I’m so glad you took the time to go treat yourself.
Such a wonderful break from the work. I like to treat myself to “fieldtrips” after work on fridays. It’s kinda’ my little way of decompressing after a busy work week.
That store is stunning– it looks full of inspiration!
What a treat! I would love to be able to visit there. Thanks for sharing your beautiful day and awesome pics with us.
Hi Claudia,
Love that aqua chandelier. It looks as if you are getting comfortable. The weather has been picture perfect for you too.
Sorry you missed Rachel! That is sad, hope the chocolate helps! I love the store! Have fun!
Hugs, Lisa
Oh My My Miss Claudia!
I think I need to hire you for my press agent! YOU are so sweet to come & take these pics & show the world.
It’s always so fun to see you – I love our chuckles & also there’s lots more chocolate here with your name on it!
Come on by as often as you can sweet friend…we’ll be looking for you.
Lori @ Vignettes
What a great treat you gave yourself! I would love to poke around there too.
Did you purchase anything???
Just how can you take this all in, in just one trip… You will need to go again. Great to keep in mind for my next journey to La Jolla…. Hope all is going well for you….
What a fun shop! Too bad you missed R.A!
Fabulous! Love that aqua wall with all the mirrors. Just Beautiful! How unfortunate that you missed Rachel’s visit. I love how you’ve made simple little changes to makeover the apartment. Looks lovely! Good luck with the rehearsals. Take care and best wishes, Tammy
Claudia, i thought you were taking me with you next time…what happened to that? LOL…it looks SO gorgeous in that shop…i so wish i could go!!!
Ahhhh… my kind of day off! What a gorgeous store, like a fairy land:)
Oh Claudia Sweetie…
My what fun you had today. Look at the mirrors, oh my gosh. They are exquisite. I love the oval white one too. So beautiful. I saw many mirrors on my trip back East, but no way to get them home in one piece. You know how that goes.
Looks like you had a wonderful day off. Ashame you weren’t able to meet Rachael Ashwell, oh my gosh I can’t even imagine.
Love the chandelier, the aqua one most, isn’t it beautiful? Thank you for sharing sweetie.
Have a great day. Country hugs and much love…Sherry
Claudia, Vignettes is on my list of “must go to” stores. Lori has been inviting me for a long time, and one of these days I hope to visit her stunning shop. Thanks for the tour. I’m saving up!
This is too funny! I just posted some photos of a library book that I picked out last night….of another of Rachel Aswells books!
come by and peek into it with me at my blog!
ciao bella
love the photos in your post at vignettes!
and the mirror collage would def. be a stunning statement in your home…go for it!
creative carmelina
LOVELY items!!!
Hope all is well with you!
I so want one of those mirrors! I yearn for the gold one with fancy scrolls. I can’t find one that doesn’t cost a fortune here. Where on earth I would find the wall space is beyond me. But I still want one! So glad you have some things to keep you busy and entertained when not working.
Hi Claudia,
Looks like you’re having a good time. That store is to die for, I’m definately gonna’ have to check it out next time I’m out there. Thanks for sharing!
Love ya’
Wow Claudia, that is one amazing store!
And that mirror….I have to ask how much is it? That’s incredible.
Have a great week!
hi claudia,
just think: you are just 1 degree of separation from knowing rachel ashwell. i mean, you practially shared a chocolate with her. that’s they way i like to see it! :)
hope you’re having a happy night.
Oh, Claudia…this is such a beautiful place to shop but what I really loved seeing your home and your *hunt* to find it…It is so charming!
Thanks for sharing the verse with me…God is good.
hi claudia…i am drooling. i am drooling. yum…..
i have a blog award for you if you would like it. i know you are busy, but i love your blog.
take care
What a luxurious way to spend your time off, Claudia! I have heard of Lori’s shop many times – you are so lucky to be able to visit in person! It’s alllll so beautiful!
I love the pink chandelier, perfect for my bedroom. I’m thinking of doing the same thing with the mirrors. Funny that you would mention it after I finished looking at all those mirrors and saying..’oh my, perfect for my hallway, just like the bloggers I’ve seen do’…lol
Hi Claudia,
I’m gasping over the photo showing all of the mirrors…I adore these ornate vintage mirrors…truly like magical looking glasses.♥
Oh, you bring back good memories of my short two year stay in San Diego..I had several friends that lived in Ocean Beach. I lived in a hotel on Shelter Island for the first 9 months…really bad duty! haha
Anyhow…back to Ocean Beach…There was a [I’ll call it a diner..I can’t remember the name]…it was on a corner downtown is all I can remember and they made the most fabulous HUGE omelets I’ve ever ever experienced…I remember the Christmas time down there with Santa driving the woody with the surf board. :0)
I so loved the weather out there….the low humidity..the pleasant days and cooler nights…When I left there and drove back into the humidity of the south I just about died. I missed paradise!! ♥ I’ve only been back once…so I love hearing about your adventures out there.
This shop is fabulous and pure eye candy..thanks so much for posting all these wonderful photos to look at..
And yes, I had read about Rachel Ashwell being out there and didn’t realize where the shop was!
You take care of yourself and don’t work too too hard.
Stephanie ♥