You must have known I couldn’t fit all the Vignettes photos in one post! Here we go:
I saw this painting the last time I was in the store. I can’t resist cherubs. Remember the painting I bought from Vignettes last year?
This was my big splurge and it now hangs in our bedroom. What is it about those little cherubs that gets me? Okay, on with the photos.
Rosaries and a vintage dress form. Sigh.
I always take photos of vintage birdcages for my friend, Donna.
Lori has a lovely vintage display cabinet that is full of beautiful things. Part of her collection of Bride and Groom cake toppers is inside as well as other sparkly things. (Lori had, at one time, a 400 piece collection of the vintage cake toppers. Many are for sale in the shop.) I was poking around inside and saw these gorgeous crowns. Turns out Lori made them! Let me show you a few:
Aren’t they beautiful? Lori is one talented woman. I started collecting Bride and Groom cake toppers in the past year. The collection started as a result of a giveaway I won from Linda Crispell. One of the wonderful things she sent me was a cake topper. My interest was sparked. I’ve picked up a few more since. I was planning on buying one of Lori’s before I left because I’m so crazy about her and thought it would be nice to have one that had been part of her collection.
Lori asked me which one I liked – of course I like all of them – but I pointed to one while I was in the midst of photographing her crowns. As I left, she handed me a bag and said it was a present. Guess what she surprised me with?
Aren’t they a happy couple? Now I have 4 wedding cake toppers! Thank you, sneaky Lori!
You know how much I love this shop. That must be evident after all my posts over the last year and a half. It is stunning – each and every time I go in. It never disappoints. Above and beyond that though, are the people who work there. Every one of them is warm, welcoming, charming and knowledgeable. I could chat with them all day. They have become friends. If you are ever in San Diego, drive out to Ocean Beach and visit Lori and her beautiful shop. I’m going to visit one more time before I leave. And that means more photos.
So wonderful, and how generous of your friend to gift you the cake topper! Thanks for sharing your visit with us.
Beautiful, just like Part I. How nice there are great people in this beautiful shop, Claudia, but I really think you bring that out in people too. Kind likes kind.
It’s Aladdin’s Cave :)
Hi Claudia,
Thank you so much, again, for sharing this amazing store with us.
what a sweet gift from Lori…that is a sweet wedding cake topper, i love the bride’s bouquet…thanks for showing more of this gorgeous shop…Lori’s crowns are tdf…and i am loving that beautiful infant of prague in the first pic…
I wish I could visit it in person! I’m sure I’d come out with bags and bags of stuff! Love the vintage birdcage and the little lamp with all the ruffles next to the dressform – just divine!
I would have died and gone to heaven had I been in that shop… Such wonderful girly items. Especially the crowns… the one with the two hearts on the front. She’s quite creative!
The first photo with all the pink elements…I can just picture them beside that pink iron bed from yesterday. More mooning and dreaming.
oh- I want to go shopping here so badly! The crowns….swoon! I love, love, love them- please tell Lori she has an online fan base! The cake topper is such a sweet gift- I adore the base of it. Have a wonderful day Claudia ♥
What an Amazing Store, lot of beautiful pieces!
How are you going to get all these gifts home, Claudia? Tell Don to be at the airport ready to lug new things home! He’ll be so happy to see you he won’t care. I’m in love with that bird cage. I keep looking at them at HL, but haven’t splurged on one yet. (Those cupcake toppers we saw on Monday do look amazingly like your dogs.)
I will have to visit this shop next time I am out there. It is amazing. I love the pink photo at the top. Pink is so fab!
Lucky you to be gifted that cake topper! What a nice surprise.
Thank you for showing us more of your photos.
I hope you are having a really good day.
I’d make a trip there just to see the store…it’s amazing! An adorable wedding cake topper, lucky girl!
When I used to travel for work, I always got in my rental car and checked out the antique shops in my spare time.
I love all the dreamy ocean blues mixed in the pieces of this shop – those two little sconces are amazing! Thanks for sharing with us. -amy
Now THAT is a birdhouse! Oh my gosh, if I lived out there, the damage I could do in that gorgeous shop! I have never seen a pink Infant of Prague statue before! They are always red, gold and/or white – that one is soooo pretty!
I have to say, I was especially smitten by one of yesterday’s photos… the white (ceramic?) bust of a woman wearing a crown (I believe it was your first photo). When I picked up Amanda in Boston yesterday, we popped into a Salvation Army I’d never been to before and I spotted a small ceramic bust (woman head planter) and scooped it up as I knew it would be perfect in case I ever come across a crown!
I have one vintage bride & groom topper that reminds me so much of my mom and dad. It’s perfect because it’s from the 1950’s, which is when they were married, and it even looks like them! I love the one you picked out and how SWEET of Lori to gift you with it!
Have a wonderful day, Claudia!
What a grand shop, Claudia! Love all of those goodies, SO much!
Sheila :-)
What a sweet gift! This shop certainty has some beautiful things. The crowns are pretty amazing. Thanks for sharing all this beauty with us!
Oh Claudia! everything is gorgeous it’s so easy to see why you so love this shop!
i like the two dressforms myself! it is my goal to someday find one and bring it home to my studio!!!!!
want, want!
ciao bella
creative carmelina
Lots of pretty things to see in that shop. I could go through there for hours!
Love your cake topper and what a sweet gift. Lori sounds like a wonderful person.
Next time I am in SD I’m so There! Love the sparklies!
Wow!! How fun! I have done this at our shop. We had a lady come all the way from Tennessee just to see SuzAnna’s Antiques, so I gave her a necklace she was eyeing. Something so little, but the joy it brings to both the giver and receiver….so much fun!!
Claudia, thanks for sharing part II, the shop is so gorgeous! You could spend so much time in there.
You cake topper is the sweetest gift.
Oh Claudia, I love the sweet, the cake topper! It is a darling one!!!
Oh, Claudia, what lovelies! I’d be lost in that place forever …
Happy Father’s Day to your hubs.
TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon
I love the shoes they are super fun!!!
Thanks for the tour! The pink lamp is lovely too!! Oh to go shopping with unlimited funds aaahhhh….
HUgs, Lisa
That shop really looks like a fun place to visit. Lots of neat items. What fun
Claudia this store is 2die4 gorgeous! Thank you so much for the tour. Now if I can just figure out a way to get there in person. I saw lots of things in your pictures that would love to live in my house. Oh wait…I already have it crammed. Maybe I could get just one more thing in here…
I loved part one and part two. It was so beautiful.
hugs to you dear one
Oh My Dear, Dear Claudia,
THIS is the real reward of a shopkeeper…meeting a forever friend such as yourself.
I love our conversations & will miss you so much as we have the most beautiful connection. We always pick up right where we left off, which is the true meaning of friendship.
I love your writing & your amazing blog & what you bring into people’s lives. It is such a beautiful & powerful gift of yours that you share & who knows where this might lead you? Hopefully back to the beach & to all of us who adore you.
See you soon, sweet friend.
Lori @ Vignettes
yeah! glad to see you having some fun in california and treating yourself to visits to vignettes.
what a fun collection to have of wedding cake toppers. where do you display them? it must be very cool!
don’t forget to “turn in your homework”
thanks so much for sharing more of Lori’s place. How kind of her to gift you the cake topper. Love those little cherubs too.
I so agree this shop is amazing….so many treasures I see I would love to have…sigh…thank you for sharing the Joy with us all. xoxoxo
I would be in serious trouble in this store. Looks fantastic! Thank you for the tour and hope your weekend is lots of unexpected fun. xo – g
What a gem. A treasure trovel of jewels. I could spend hours just looking around.
Oh, by the way, make sure the hubby is watering, I can’t get over this weekend, lots of functions. And it’s getting hot out there, wiltie hot, beastly hot… You will be home soon, we are counting the days.
What a fabulous store and those crowns are amazing!!!
So beautiful!!
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Sighhhhhhhhhh….wish I could go there! :)