Greetings from the land of congestion and coughing. But, thank goodness, I slept straight through the night last night. I had to sleep propped up on my pillows, but I’m okay with that, believe me. As with all of these things, it just takes time and rest and patience. I’m not so good with the patience, but in the end, I have no choice.
Yesterday – rather, the night before – I notice some electrical problems in the downstairs bathroom that made me nervous. Luckily, our neighbor, who is an electrician and, in fact, did all the electric work in this house when it was flipped, was able to find some time for us. He came over around mid-day and replaced a faulty switch and some outlets and then replaced an outlet in the upstairs bathroom, as well. After running outside and down the stairs to the basement (where the electric panel is) several times and also running up and down the stairs to the upstairs bathroom, I was too exhausted to do much of anything. So, no errands, no groceries, no tax stuff. Well, I started the tax stuff but then I was pulled away to attend to the electrics. I was coughing a lot as well, so I threw in the towel and rested for the remainder of the day.
Friends: don’t worry about me. I will reiterate that I have sinus and/or allergy problems most every day of my life, so when I get a cold, it hits me especially hard. I know what to do. I’m fine. I’m just ready for this to be over.
This came in the mail yesterday:
Another creation, Begging Billie Bunny, from Vintage by Crystal via her Easter blog sale. I can’t resist these old-fashioned and whimsical creations. She does such exquisite work. I don’t know if you remember them but these are the other Vintage by Crystal creations in my collection:
She tends to do holiday blog sales, but she also has an Etsy shop. I wrote the date of the sale on my calendar but I promptly forgot about it. When I saw her post on IG a couple of hours later, I hightailed it to the blog. Luckily, I got in there just in time. She has a lot of fans!
I love her sense of whimsy. As you know, my friends, I’m all about whimsy!
The fabric eggs in the vintage Necco Candy Jar were made by me many years ago.
I’m going to watch coverage of the March for Our Lives today. If you’re marching, bless you! I’m with you in spirit.
Gun Control Now.
Happy Saturday.
Hope you are feeling better! I turned off my heat and opened a window a bit, even though it’s cold; I just need some fresh air in here…
I think the only good I will be able to take from Trump’s time in office–and may that time be blessedly short–is that he has energized people, finally. Watching the marches today all over the country is inspiring. These kids, and all the adults supporting them, are magnificent.
These young people are extraordinary! Thank heavens for them.
I love your Bunny on the egg! Whimsy makes me happy also. I know how you feel about the cold/congestion. I have allergies and sometimes they just get the best of me but I know what to do and rest is always the hardest one to do. I’m starting a big cleaning/purging. One room at a time and taking as long as it takes. Started in my bedroom and will work on it some more today. I’m not and never will be a minimalist but the clutter has gotten out of control. My energy is better but still must rest and just take my time. Watching and cheering the marchers on today!
Take it easy my friend. I’ve cried so many times watching this March!
You’re fortunate to have an electrician for a neighbor! Rest today and tomorrow will be better. Go marchers! Thankful that they’re out there for all of us.
Sometimes we can get a hold of him, sometime not. Thank goodness, he was reachable this time! Thanks, Wendy.
happy for you that your neighbor could help and that you have another cute bunny. whew and hooray!
go marchers! and thank you all!
happy, healthier saturday!
kathy in iiwa
They are amazing. First time I’ve felt hope in a long time.
as they say… “you GO GIRL!”
spring is galloping toward us on the horizon. :)
It’s going to be in the fifties next week. Hopeful sign!
YES! for sunshine girls that is like medicine itself!
it’s over now. the wonderful march. but it’s just BEGINNING.
it covered the streets and went as far as the eye could see. like the young man said. Herr Trump only would WISH he had such a turnout!
and he is playing GOLF now. too bad he wouldn’t bother to see it.
I couldn’t even see for my tears. and the 6.25 minutes of silence that it took the gunman to kill. and those silent crowds.
we heard their words. and these ‘children’ who behaved far better than their adult counterparts . . . are SOON TO BE VOTERS!!!
so watch out NRA! you pathetic power monger. you have held America hostage for too long. your days are numbered.
and you lily livered politicians who will not stand up to the NRA for fear of their own bought power… YOUR days are numbered!
and these kids. oh these kids. they are past wonderful !
these wonderful change making kids! there are just no words! XO
They are extraordinary. There is hope. I am stunned by their passion and power!
This march, I’m in awe, I’m in tears. And I’m so proud right now to be a American and I haven’t felt that way in a long time. These kids…my god these kids…💗💗💗💗
I’ve cried so many times! I feel hopeful for their light that is showing us the way.
Have a very nice Easter in the Big Apple! These kids are amazing and our only hope for the future!
I don’t know whether I’ll be in NYC for Easter – we’ll see! Thanks, Judy!
You must be so bummed about missing the March, Claudia. The official program in Washington has been underway for a little over an hour, but I’ve been in tears for much of it. [Full disclosure – world’s biggest tub of goo ever]. These so-called “kids” are just blowing me away. Passionate, articulate, determined, relentless. And angry. There is a fire around this issue that’s been missing until now. It is totally inspirational. This time IS different. It’s clear that this is truly a movement now, and these warriors are not going to disappear into the woodwork after today. I really believe change is coming. “And a little child shall lead them…” keeps running through my head. Roar on, kids! I love ya. Peace & feel better, C.
Oh, I’m watching. And sobbing. It’s so inspiring. They just might save us, these warriors, these soldiers fighting for the right to live in peace, not fear.
Glad your neighbor fixed all your electrical problems. Those vintage things are adorable. I like the one you made. it is so nice. Get some more rest.
I will. Thank you, Marilyn!
Hope and inspiration. Such great things to have, and just when I thought they were lost forever. The kids were beyond amazing. The 11 year old who spoke blew me away. They all blew me away. And the fake president stayed away and played golf. I can’t say “unbelievable” any longer because it is all too believable. We DO have to believe the children are our future and they WILL be the ones to lead the way. Vote them out!! Powerful words. They laid the groundwork, now we have to follow with the votes.
So glad you could sleep last night. Getting better is a very good thing!!
The 11 year old was amazing. Our cowardly “president” is too afraid of them to stay in Washington. Too afraid to fire someone face to face. Too afraid to serve in the military. The list goes on and on.
Yay for all of the kids…Yay for all of the adults who were there to support them…Yay for everyone on this blog who spoke up with so much enthusiasm for them and the things they are fighting to change!!!These kids are tired of going to school with their friends and going home without them…These parents are tired of sending their kids to school and never having them come home again!!!!We all want changes and we want them now!…No more excuses, lies and bullshit from little donnie and his morons!
Oh yeah…I hope that you are feeling better Claudia cause I am still feeling crappy….blah…
Still feeling crappy but less crappy!
They were extraordinary!