While perusing some of my favorite blogs recently, I saw a post from my friend Lori, the owner of Vignettes. The theme was the cloche, but I spotted something in the background that made my pulse quicken.
This was obviously a teaching tool and I did a little research. I found Miss Burrowes listed in The Woman’s Who’s Who of America for 1914-1915. Katherine lived in my hometown of Detroit, Michigan and was a music teacher. She eventually opened her own music school. She “invented appliances pertaining to the Burrowes course of music study, a method for teaching music to beginners by means of songs, stories, games, blackboard work, chart work, competitive drills and mechanical devices, as well as pianoforte music; some of the appliances are Miss Keyboard’s School, a device for teaching notation and sight reading (patented 1904)…” The entry goes on to list other inventions and music compositions. At the end it says: “Recreations: Reading, Concerts, Theater. Favors Women’s Suffrage.”
Don’t you just love it? I imagine students had to identify the note and then do something like hang a “C” on middle C. Or play certain tagged notes on a keyboard.
Obviously, we like words and graphics around here. I found the old Hymn board several years ago.
I really, really love this. Don likes it, too. At some point I might hang something from one of the hooks but not yet. And it will have to be just right.
Looks like the birds are singing the notes on the scale at the bottom of the sign.
Isn’t it fabulous??? (You can tell I’m excited, can’t you?) I love finding something that I’ve never seen anywhere else, that is unique and perfect for our cottage.
These photos were taken at different times on a sunny day. It always amazes me how light can change something’s appearance. Or somebody’s.
Oh, and I’m fighting a losing battle at the moment. I wrote a recommendation for a former Boston University student of mine who was applying to graduate school in Speech Pathology. Happily, she was accepted by the school she most wanted to attend. As a thank you, she sent me a box of these:
These are the most delicious chocolate chip cookies I’ve ever had.
I can’t be rude, can I? I must eat them. It’s the right thing to do.
Oh wow, Claudia. It is FANTABULOUS! No wonder you are excited. Looks great above the piano as well as being paried with the old hymns board. Excellent find!
Bella Rosa Antiques
Your display couldn’t be more charming! I love the birds “singing” and the Keyboard sign and hymn signs are perfect. What great finds!
Claudia, you cuold have appeased yourself re cccookies that it is Lent, chuckle!
Love both signs, they are awesome, what a find!
Have a beautiful week ~
the sign is such a find it was truly meant to be at your house for sure!
Claudia, yes, you must eat them. It’s only right!
LOVE the sign you found! And what a perfect location to hang it! I’d say it was meant to be. And one can never ignore “meant to be’s.”
I went to the post office late last week and yippeee, my CD was there! Please tell Don I love it!! It’s so nostalgic. I have it in my car and listen to it all the time. Thank you, Don!!!!
Have a great day! … Donna
A great find, and a wonderful addition to the cottage. Good eye! And I agree ~ eating cookies out of respect is always the right thing to do (:
love the sign. so perfect for you and the cottage. and those little birdies do look like that are singing to the notes! and you must eat those cookes b/c you that would be really rude.
Claudia, it is wonderfull- I love it ,too- what a find, I understand you had to have it-and the hymn board is so lovely ,too.
As for the cookies- you go ahead and eat them :) They are a beautifull way of saying thank you , so please your mouth and eat ,lol.
xox Dorthe
it is perfect!!!!
Claudia, believe it or not, they were still using a similar method when I was in the third grade in Phoenix! We all had the cardboard keyboards and had to follow the teacher. I didn’t learn even one thing about playing a piano from it. As I remember, we had to stay after school, with parent’s permission to do it. Very strange theory of learning…. Love your find!
I agree it looks just right there. ENJOY!
Love Leanne
Eat the cookies. It’s the right thing to do. If I lived closer, I would even help eat them~ because I’m that kind of a friend. :)
I love your keyboard sign! It’s so unique and special. Your birds made me smile~ so sweet!
Truly unique. That’s what I kept thinking as I saw photos of it. Yes, you must pick these “one of a kinds” up. You’d be kicking yourself forever.
Bonjour Claudia,
It seems a long time since I visited your beautiful blog. So sorry but I was very busy and I did not have time to visit my favs.
I very well understand why you wanted this keyboard. I would have loved to have myself !
Have a happy spring my friend.
This was providence I believe Claudia! No mistaking this for just a fluke. It was meant to come and live with you. It is beautiful!!!
good score!
hugs to you from here…
It’s perfect in your music corner, and a fascinating piece as an educational theory ‘relic’.
Oh Claudia, you are torturing me with those mouthwatering cookies, I have a gastro xray this morning and I’m not allowed to eat ANYTHING!! I have to go and think of worms now to stop thinking about these delicious morsels….
Claudia, I took piano for nine years and my first lessons were on boards such as that on my school desk. I was so proud when I finally was allowed on the “real” piano! Thanks for the memories and I look forward to seeing what you might hang from those hooks! Ann
That is fabulous and so unique – I’ve never seen anything like it. Perfect with those singing birdies!
What a great find and the placement is perfect, obviously meant to be. Isn’t it wonderful when we find that elusive little something that makes our heart beat faster. Those sweet birds look so happy one just has to smile.
I feel like I have been gone from Blog Land for so long. I went back and read all your posts that I miss during my fun family times. Lots of good stuff happening in your exciting life.
I love love you find. And, the history of it is fabulous. I am happy that it is hanging in your home over your piano.
Hugs and happy days to you. Dogwood
Hi Claudia,
I love the board full of musical notes…I remember learning to play the piano on one similar to that…but ours was heavy cardboard and propped behind the piano keys to remind you of where each note was. Looks great in your room.
BUT…I love the turquoise McCoy pieces even more…of course!
Cheryl at My Sister’s Cottage
I love this! It looks so charming above your piano. Now I’ll have to be on the lookout for something like this for my piano. It is just so sweet!
The music sign along with your research made a very special posting. Love the turquoise birds.
– Joy
What a wonderful sign! Thank you for sharing some of the history behind it, too. I especially love the hymn board. Oh, the stories both of those could tell!
Those cookies look divine, and you deserve every delicious crumb!
It’s PERFECT! And even though there is no piano in my house, I would have most certainly found a space to hang that.
Lucky you!!
What a great vintage piece to hang above your piano!! I love it!
That is THE most perfect board. I love it, and it fits you to a T. I love it when these things are orginals, but alas most of us aren’t that lucky so we have to make do with knock-offs. But yours is just too good. I love it, and it hangs exactly where it should hang, over a piano.
And yes you totally have to eat that chocolate, no other way about it.
Hi Claudia
I found you through Brenda, at Cozy Little House.
I enjoyed reading your blog and the story of your keyboard sign. It is a wonderful find. You were wise to jump right on that!!!
Claudia, of course you had to have this. I love it, too, and it looks perfect.
I will help you with the cookies, if you will please pass me one.
It’s Awesome! Twyla
Claudia, your keyboard is so unique. It looks very nice where you placed it and I agree that the little birds seem to be singing in unison as they look at it. As for those cookies, well, just do what I do. When I make cookies, I have one for desert after lunch and dinner which I savour with a nice cup of tea. What harm can it do once in a while? And, whatever you do, never eat feeling guilty. Always eat with pleasure as long as you don’t constantly pig out which I don’t think you do.
Very, very beautiful, Claudia! And I love the birds singing at it!
The cookies made me drool… I am supposed to be on diet. Well, supposed… I just had a chocolate bar! Ahem.
Monica xo
well, claudia,
sometimes a gal’s gotta do what a gal’s gotta do … like placing an order upon gasping over something or say, partaking of delicious cookies (sugar or no sugar)!
indulge and enjoy = it’s snowing! i’m off to make a hot chocolate.
What a great find you have there! I wouldn’t hang anything from it. It says it ALL!! Perfect. Several years ago, I donated our Weber piano to a student in need. Thanks for bringing back those memories pal.
xxx Liz
Absolutely perfect there. Love it. And that splash of teal..wowza
what an amazing find- it’s perfect where you chose to hang it too! I love that you were able to find info about the sign- isn’t that cool? I completely agree with you- it would be rude to not eat those cookies, so really you have no choice but to enjoy them :)
What a great addition! It would be great above my Mom’s baby grand piano, sadly I can’t play it beccause we live in an apt.
Oh my goodness Claudia! I LOVE it…..and it IS just perfect for your sweet cottage. I’m crazy about unusual things too….they just make a cottage perfect, don’t they??
Now, I had no idea you were from Detroit! My Mum and Dad were both born there! I have several cousins and my uncle CLAUDE who still live there…. Well, my Uncle in Livonia and my cousins all around Michigan now…
Love the sign, it is perfect for you!!! That hymn board is so cool…..I love that you have such unusal and one of a kind unique things, I love to do that, use different things to decorate with, so neat!!
I had hoped to drop in sooner, this is a crazy month of work for me, sad to say I have to book all my winter gear for the store for next year, yeesh!! We are having another blast of winter here…I don’t even want to go out!
I have had enough, although the best part of been inside is getting to read all these lovely blogs…..
Those cookies look so good, makes me want to bake!
Are you done travelling around for work? Have you been crocheting a lot? I just picked up some wool, so I hope to finally get started on a scarf!!!
I went to visit your sister’s blog, I love those motifs…oh my now I have another obsession!!!
She has a wonderful blog….I have added it to my long list!
Have a happy day Sweet Claudia!
Margaret B
That wonderful new piece is exactly with whom and where it should be….home.
You just took me back a BUNCH of years!! I am a professional pianist. MANY years ago, my Grandmother started my piano career (she was a concert pianist) with…..you guessed it…..The Burrowes Course. I had all sorts of games and such (I started when I was 3)
My, my it is such a small world. Thank you for a great memory and a BIG smile!!!