Some of you noticed that comments are working again. Thanks for leaving your comments, which helped to confirm that. By the way, I forgot to turn the comment replies back on before I answered you. But it’s back on now.
I was working with my security company on another ongoing issue; the fact that they couldn’t back up the database, which they do on a daily basis. I won’t go into details, but they were finally able to get into the database and fix that issue. They sent a message saying it was working again and that a backup had been successful. So, I figured I’d try leaving a comment and much to my surprise, it worked. I tried another one, and again, it worked. Then I started to see some comments from some of you. When I discussed this with the tech, he tended to think the issues weren’t related and it was a coincidence, so I guess there’s a chance that comments might disappear again. But I think they were related.
It’s been such a long slog, full of worry and frustration. I’m grateful we can have conversations again.
As to the blog and the future, I’m not sure yet. I have to renew with my host in June and frankly, I’m wondering if I should add something like a tip jar here. I’m not entirely comfortable with that, but I’m thinking about it.
Both Don and I work so hard to stay positive, but it’s been very hard to stay in that place lately. And it’s still a bit cold and gray outside. Next week should be better. I was all set to go outside yesterday and start a bit of cleanup but, as seems to be the rule around here lately, the wind really kicked up and that was that.
March: you’ve been a dismal month.
Grocery shopping is on the docket today. I have to get my car inspected tomorrow. Exciting, right?
Just trying to breathe, stay in the moment, and stay hopeful.
Stay safe.
Happy Wednesday.
It’s hard to stay positive these days. I’m glad you and Don have each other to rely on.
Hooray for the comments working again!
Hang in there, Claudia! We will, too! :)
Thank you, Ellen.
Glad you’re here!
Stay safe.
I admire your persistence. Good for you. I am up earlier today….have a list of things to get done and then scheduled some special time… get out and go for a walk or even a short ride to the water, bring my coffee and just be in the moment.
Sending you warm thoughts and a hug ….the warm weather is just around the corner.
We ran a lot of errands and now we’re thirsty and tired, Maria.
Thanks so much.
Stay safe.
glad a frustrating thing has been resolved for you, claudia. i hope it stays that way, your car inspection goes well and you get to spend more time doing fun things. and that the weather changes to your liking soon.
i have to get my car’s oil changed, likely this saturday morning. i go quite early … 6:30 am to get across town and hopefully be first in line … it’s “first come, first served”, they do oil changes only on saturdays, there’s always a line and i try to be first. appointments are allowed for oil changes monday through friday only if car need other work on it (not for just an oil change) but who wants that? no one. there are other places i could get the oil change, but after eleven years i will stick with this place. i don’t mind getting up early to cross things off my to-do list (just the opposite … i prefer it that way), but don’t feel like searching for a new car place or making another decision right now.
anyway and back to the comments… i’ll be glad to hear how everyone else here is doing. hope and praying you, don and everyone are safe and well and doing fun things.
ps … understand about and have no problem with you adding a “tip jar”, especially for all you’ve shared, all the good things and your time and efforts!
Crossing fingers on the inspection, Kathy.
Stay safe.
I’m a huge yes on a “tip jar” or whatever you’d like to call it. You shouldn’t need to worry about financial cost of the blog–it’s a great blog and I for one would like to see it continue. Count me in!
Thank you, dear Terri.
Stay safe.
I am so glad your blog problems are solved. May it continue to work. One less stresser for you.
I have said this to you before that if you wrote a book I would buy it, if Don wrote a book I would buy it. I would buy tickets to any performance you and Don were involved in, if I lived in New York. Thus, I would support a tip jar because your blog is a creative expression (like a book) and I enjoy it very much. I hope it would be set up so I could use credit card or I could mail a check. I do not do pay pal.
I hope April is better month for us all, including the USA.
Except my condolences again for the loss of your dear friend Jan.
Take Care,
Thank you. I suspect it might be paypal, but I really don’t know enough about it yet.
Thanks so much, Kaye.
Stay safe.
Yay! Good news Claudia….hope it continues. I’ve missed reading the comments.
It is extremely hard to remain positive these days. I am worried about social security continuing quite frankly. Wondering what will happen with so many things…like our democracy. I don’t have any grandchildren, but my relatives and friends all do, and I’m worried for their future. Who wouldn’t be? Still trying to understand how one man can do so much damage to so many!
Off to do errands myself….enjoy your day! ;)
I don’t think they will dare do anything with social security. It would be the end of them and deep down, they know it. I don’t think they fully understand the wrath of Americans who might lose something they paid into. (If it was cut, we would not be able to survive. Period.)
Stay safe, Donnamae.
I’m so very sorry to hear about your friend, Jan. She’s at peace and in a better place … cliches that, nonetheless, I believe are true. You were a very good friend to her and I’m glad you got the opportunities to talk to her.
I’m so happy that all the blog stuff is working again!
Thank you, Jenny.
Stay safe!
We live in about the sunniest city in all of Canada. So March wasn’t too bad. I haven’t gotten into the habit of walking since Mom died. And I am having some health concerns. I draw or paint in the night, have some milk and go back to sleep. Art is great at 3! I was working on charcoal tulips last night.
It’ll be so expensive in the next month or so, I’m pretty worried. Our small suv might have to go into the garage. And we’ll be making overnight stays in Calgary.
My antidepressants have been bumped up. It’s stupid that I even take them, but these are also targeted for pain.
Our kitchen table is a mess. Woke up late, so I asked my dad if he couldn’t drive himself for his stuff. I’ll go see my mother-in-law.
Do what you feel is right for you, Claudia. And I know it’s going to be a while until your grief lessens.
Sending you positive thoughts for the month ahead, Irene.
Thank you so much.
Stay safe.
Hopeful is the way I feel when reading your blog, encouraged, too. Stalwart is how I see you & Don. Condolences to all for the loss of Jan.
Thank you for your kind words, Barb.
Stay safe.
So glad to have the blog running correctly again! And yes, you should give us a chance to contribute! These are difficult days, we need to help each other.
Thank you, Judy. Very much appreciated.
Stay safe.
I read your blog all the time but have commented only rarely. I enjoy your thoughtful “everyday” observations. You make me try to be more observant of what’s going on around me. There would be a hole in my day if you stopped blogging, but, of course, you have to do what is best for you. If you add a “tip jar” I will gladly contribute.
Thank you, Linda. And thank you for commenting today.
Stay safe.
Glad your blog is back up and running. Your so called tip jar idea is thrilling. You can count on me!
Stay safe and kicking
Thank you, dear Helga.
Stay safe.
I’m for a tip jar too. I hope it’s Venmo (my only online payment method). Maybe you could have multiple avenues.
So glad everyone is back.
Thank you, Darlene.
Stay safe.
So glad things seem to be back to normal for your blog. So many of us would miss your blog if you stopped. I think a “tip jar” is a great idea. It would be something like a “subscription” to your blog. I’m sorry you lost your friend Jan. I know you’ll continue to support Joe, too. Hugs, Elaine
Thank you, Elaine.
Stay safe.
So glad to hear you are back in business! Three cheers.
Thanks so much, Jeanie.
Stay safe.
So glad comments are working again and I think the tip jar is a wonderful idea. I’m very jealous at how clean and organized your crafting area looks.
It IS hard to stay positive what with this clown car of an administration callously wreaking serious damage. The March weather too was a downer. When we can get outside and really start planting and growing things, we’ll feel better.
I’ve been completely focused on acclimating our new kitty, Gracie. She came to us seriously shy due to her awful first couple years with pretty much no socialization with people. She’s such an affectionate cuddle bug now, wanting to be in my lap all the time. I’ve had cats for fifty years but never a Maine Coon. It’s fascinating the vast and very different vocalizations they employ. Her particular call when she can’t find me is so cute, sounds like a small child. And her breathless chirping when she does see me is priceless. I just love her.
Take care,
Gracie is now thriving because she is loved! That is beautiful, Kay!
Stay safe.
So glad we can comment again. I am so sorry about your friend. She is at peace now. I lost my best friend a few years ago and I still think about her every day. I wish we could be more at peace with the clown show we are living in. Every day it gets worse. Hopefully April will be a better month.
March was awful here too. We are going away up to Sedona this weekend to get away for a couple days. No TV or internet. My daughter stays with our Golden, Gracie, while we are gone. I do miss her when we are gone. She just turned 11 so we cherish every year we have her. Wishing you better weather so you can get outside. Take care!
I hope to do a bit outside today, Deb.
Thanks so much.
Stay safe.