We’ve ignored Monty far too long. It’s high time I post a photo of him.
We found him in a little shop not long after we moved to New York. We were quite taken with the expression on his face. Several Christmases ago, I added the “necklace.” And there it has stayed.
Well, we had an earthquake yesterday.
We didn’t feel it. Nothing. At first I thought that maybe it was concentrated in NJ, PA, and NYC. Not here. But later in the day I saw the FB page for my little town and it seems like EVERYONE who lives here felt it. As did a friend in Woodstock, which is north of us, and friends across the river in Poughkeepsie.
We were home. We weren’t driving anywhere. I was sitting at the table working on my puzzle. Don was in the living room.
It’s the strangest thing! After we first moved out here, we experienced one mild earthquake in NY. We had at least one in Michigan when I was growing up. And goodness knows, I experienced them in California, both when we lived there full time and when I was there temporarily coaching for the Globe. So it’s not as if we haven’t experienced them before.
It’s a mystery and I guess we’ll never figure it out.
So, we’re fine. Though, we kind of wish we’d experienced it.
It’s supposed to rain a bit this morning. Hopefully, I can get outside this afternoon and do some work. Yesterday ended up being too windy for me – pollen flying around and allergies are not a good combination. So I stayed in.
In the meantime, there is laundry to do, puzzles to solve, books to read, and a great husband to adore.
Stay safe.
Happy Saturday.
Hi Claudia,,,,,,We felt it on the north shore of Long Island. I was on my computer doing a zoom class when everything started shaking. It was noticeable. I thought the giant evergreen tree in the back had fallen down….due to the enormous amount of rain we have had. It lasted a few long seconds. Be glad you skipped it…..all those precious egg cups….
Hope the day warms up enough so I can clean out my flower beds. Looking forward to warmer weather…the eclipse and hopefully no more weather anomolies.
Claudia, I don’t often feel the earthquakes either, unless they’re strong enough to feel like my house was hit by a truck.
Love Monty’s expression, too! We have a collection of black and white cows. My husband had a special affinity for them after somewhat successfully milking one that belonged to a farmer neighbor of a friend in England.
I would’ve feared for your egg cup collection if you had felt that earthquake. Probably just as well that you didn’t. Perhaps your concentration level was so high on the puzzle, that you didn’t notice.
The weather prognosticators are saying clouds perhaps for the eclipse on Monday for our area. So we may drive south across the border to view it. We have our special viewing shades….all we need now are clear skies. Are you planning anything on Monday?
Monty is a gem…seeing him always makes me smile. Hope you get a chance to work outside this weekend. Enjoy your day! ;)
I’m glad in the ‘earthquake’ that Monty didn’t fall off his chair.
How weird that you didn’t feel it; maybe you’re just on one really rock-solid foundation? Good ‘ol strong house which has withstood all kinds of natural disaster?
What I hear (and feel) more than I want to is the sonic boom (because it’s going faster than the speed of sound) from Elon Musk’s SpaceX rockets which lift off, enter the atmosphere and sometimes (I guess) come back. I don’t understand the whole thing and have a bad attitude about it and him. The blast is always very startling to those (like me) who don’t follow any of this; really disturbs the dog, poor guy.
Of course my husband loves to see the thing soar high above (second-stage rocket; looks like a tadpole) at sunset because he’s ‘into’ anything that ‘flies’. It’s a lot of rockets; I don’t know what they do; I think they take up satellites for paying customers and Musk’s own thing (is it called Star Link?). I find it all very annoying. Earthquakes are enough for us in Southern Calif; we don’t need, in my opinion, any more Teslas or rockets; I wish he’d take it somewhere else.
We have a brilliant, sunny, blue-sky Saturday morning in the 40s after recent rain. The meteorologists say it’s the final storm of the season, so maybe we can start drying out.
Enjoy your husband-adoring weekend, Claudia; maybe your rain will stop soon, too!
(I’m so happy for Don’s work!)
Monty has such a sweet face. I’m glad you and Don gave him a good home.
I can only remember 1 earthquake in Michigan that I felt. It was a very strange feeling. I don’t think Michigan has very many.
I’m happy to hear Don has some work, and he will have a little bit more coming up. Is it for a TV show? I hope to be able to watch at some point in the future.
Take care
I get what you mean. If it’s not a bad earthquake — just a little shaking — you kind of want to experience what everyone else is! Go figure!
I felt it here in NW CT at about 10:30am! I thought it was someone blasting but then the windows started making a weird noise so I thought maybe an earthquake?! My sister who lives in San Diego, called to tell me! LOL Her friend ,who lives in CT by LI Sound, texted her to say she had felt it. It was a very funny scenario. Fortunately, there was no damage to any buildings. My son in law works on the 3rd floor in a town about 1/2 hour from me, felt it, especially the sound of the windows buffeting. My hubs was also doing some work for a company on the 3rd floor in a different town. He thought someone was moving furniture on the floor above him! One of my grand daughters goes to school in the neighboring town felt it and the other grand daughter did not feel a thing in the same school! I think if your house is on ledge you felt the effects more . Grateful no one got hurt.
Earthquakes are so unpredictable, even as to who feels it. Sometimes I think I feel an earthquake, I check the app….but, no, it was just my imagination. Then, other times I really do feel it, even smaller ones….and others nearby don’t feel a thing… Monty is a cute cow, yes, a wonderful look on his face! Enjoy this Saturday….
weird how the shakes must travel that some people and animals feel them and others don’t. glad the earthquake didn’t cause any damage to you, your egg cups and other pottery or the rest of your home!
and that you brought sweet monty home with you. his little eyes remind me of those of charlie brown, snoopy and other “peanuts” characters … and that’s a very good thing. :)
related … there is an employee of a big-box store here that, if you saw him, you’d swear that charles schultz used him as the model for linus … same profile, eyes, hair. and he, too, is sweet.
late start here. stayed up later to watch the iowa hawkeyes win their semi-final game, then was kind of wound up and awake until after 3:15 this morning. will be cheering for them on sunday, for sure, but in the meantime also doing laundry. fed earl and the birds and made something for us to have for a late lunch. we will go for a walk outside, then take a car ride … nice to see things getting green, more animals and farmers out in the fields. and i hope to start “a gentleman in moscow” today! also bought a piece of art that i will have printed locally, then frame it and put it in the kitchen … needed something after a bit of rearranging what’s on the counters and swapping out an old cart for an even older side-table and am liking those choices. :)
happy, safe saturday and sunday, always, to you, don and everyone else.
Whenever I see a photo of Monty it makes me smile. He’s adorable.
My brother works about 15 minutes west of here, and he didn’t feel the earthquake. One of my friends was outside of her house, which is a little over 10 minutes east of here, during the earthquake and she didn’t feel it either. After all the rattling I walked from room to room making sure nothing breakable had fallen.
Enjoy and adore your sweet husband everyday!
Our NYC son felt it, but said it was “no biggie”. Of course he spent much of his young life in SF and the Bay Area and got used to them. Love that Monty!
Glad you were safe from the earthquake, Claudia!
I wonder if your house is so well built, it buffered any movement. Glad you’re both fine!
When we lived on the West Coast of British Columbia, there was an earthquake that Winter that didn’t cause damage but definitely everyone felt it. I recall walking down the hall after putting our baby down for her nap and all of sudden it was like I was having a really intense dizzy spell. The floor moved, the walls shook, I almost fell over and then it stopped. Baby kept sleeping, nothing was broken but I was pretty shook up for the rest of the day. My older kids were in school and said that the teacher had them all go under their desks. They thought it was “fun!”
Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
X Chy
Love Monty lying there so placid. My high school boyfriend’s name was Monty. I was seventeen. He had a powder blue convertible. Good memories. Glad you and Don stayed safe from the earthquake. The only tremor I have experienced was a very mild one. I was on the 20th floor of a downtown office tower. Several of us felt it but didn’t really immediately think oh, an earthquake. It almost felt like it does when a subway train rumbles into a station. Sounds like you and Don have a mutual admiration society. Lucky people. Enjoy your Sunday. Hugs, Elaine
Your cottage must be solidly built. Wouldn’t want anything to jar Monty from his perch!
Take care,