Warning: political post ahead. Although I choose to think of it as a ‘common decency’ post.
Torrential rain falling at the moment. We’re headed for a week of rain and thunderstorms, which may limit my ability to take pictures of my garden. Right now, I’m ensconced in my office/studio with all the lights on because it’s so darned dark outside – at 10 am.
You get two photos before I move on to the main purpose of this post.
It was pure luck that I managed to get a shot of this Hummingbird Moth with his wings spread.
Pretty amazing.
Oh, my friends. I feel another post coming on. When I heard the words that came out of Trump’s mouth yesterday, words that were irresponsible, reckless (what else is new?) and dangerous – words that incite violence, especially in those who routinely shout “Lock her up!” and, as of yesterday, “Kill her!” at rallies, I thought, “Surely this has to be the final straw. Surely those who hold office in the Republican Party will repudiate Trump once and for all.”
So far? I’m not hearing it.
Moral compasses have been tossed out the window. Party is chosen over the good of the country. Party is chosen over basic decency.
Fear is chosen over love and hope.
Thomas Friedman, in today’s New York Times (referring to inciting violence against an opponent): “And that, my friends, is how Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin got assassinated.”
We are in deep trouble:
When, at a rally, a kid shouts out that Clinton is a ‘bitch’ and his mother approves.
When kids now taunt Muslim kids routinely. When hatred and xenophobia and bigotry are promoted and lauded by a Presidential candidate.
When kids hear a candidate for President routinely denigrate women, Muslims, Mexicans, gold star parents, anyone who is ‘other.’
When that candidate calls people who disagree with him names.
When a man/child with the social skills of a 5 year old bully is running for President and has a slew of followers who find in him validation for their own deep, dark, and repellent beliefs.
When white supremacists flock to that candidate because he affirms their disgusting agenda.
When a surrogate for the candidate says that his opponent should be put before a firing squad.
When the candidate talks about punching out someone who disagrees with him and putting him on a stretcher – at a rally, out loud, to the cheers of his audience.
When that candidate routinely floats conspiracy theories by saying, “A lot of people are saying…” “I’m hearing..” “I’m just saying…” It’s dangerous. It’s wrong. And it takes me back to the worst of high school gossip. And it echoes his deplorable ‘birther’ conspiracies in 2008.
When a candidate for the highest office in the land shows no knowledge of foreign policy, of the Constitution, of the system of checks and balances. When he clearly has no idea that he can’t be King or Demagogue-in-Chief.
Listen. If someone supports this man, I have to assume that that person supports the crap spewing out of his mouth. Don’t say ‘Oh, he doesn’t really mean it.” He does. Don’t say “I don’t agree with everything he says, but…” because this is not a normal election where one can disagree with certain policies floated by a candidate because the candidate is basically decent and good and honors the country and the office of President. This is not that kind of election.
Those who support him support xenophobia, bigotry, torture, bullying, discrimination, name-calling, misogyny, the inciting of violence, the reckless use of words, the kind of bully pulpit that Hitler used to come to power. A vote for him is a vote for all of that.
That vote will say a great deal about who that person is.
And who that person is is not someone I want to know. I don’t hang around people like that. I can’t respect them. It’s as simple as that.
There, I’ve said it. Finally. I can’t and won’t be friends with someone who thinks that way because it’s everything I was taught not to do, everything I was taught was wrong, everything I know in my heart is evil.
I can hope and pray that hearts and minds will change. I can and will do that.
But that will be from a distance.
I have never quoted from the Bible on this blog, but I will today. One of my favorite verses:
For God hath not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
II Timothy 1:7
Those who manipulate our fears to gain power are demagogues. They are dangerous despots who use those fears and those people, never truly caring about them – only caring about power. Coming from fear never works in the end. Coming from love and common decency and hope does. Fear has no substance. Love does.
As always, if you don’t like this sort of post, move on. This blog comes from my heart, each and every day of the week, 365 days a year. And my heart tells me I have to speak out. I’m not going to shut up.
Happy Wednesday.
Agree totally! Can not believe he is still in the race. Such hate has no place in a candidate for presidency! When he started all of this I kept thinking “he will say something stupid and be done”. Well he was been saying something stupid and hateful right along and here we are today. Just amazed that people still believe in him or follow him. It is a crazy, crazy world and I do not like it!!!
I do not like it either. I find it shocking and appalling.
I really never thought I’d ever see anything like this in my lifetime. I thought my parents’ era, the World War II years, put an end to this type of tyranny. Guess I had a false sense of security.
I think because I’m upset, I didn’t word that quite right. I’m not THAT naive…there’s of course a lot of bad stuff happening in the world with other countries in great jeopardy under frightening rule, but we’re talking about the leader of the free world here…
Yes, we’re talking about a man vying for the presidency of the greatest democracy in the world. That’s what makes it different and even more horrifying.
So did we all, Vicki.
My thoughts, exactly…though much more eloquently stated than I ever could. It is so hard to speak one’s mind when even close family members see what seems to me to be skewed logic about the candidates and the race. I can’t even go there again. I have one sister with whom I haven’t spoken since the last election, when she “unfriended” me on Facebook! Now I just hold my nose and keep my responses to myself, lest my sane friends should see my objection to the comments and know that I am related to such minds full of vile beliefs. !.
In other news, that hummingbird moth is beautiful! I’ve never seen one, but I love seeing yours.
So hard when family members seem to hold completely different sets of beliefs. You wonder how it can be when you were raised in the same house! But it happens. Hang in there, Shanna.
Weather we are raised in the same house or across the country,Everyone of us has the right to their own Opinion,and to vote according to our own conscience,with out fear of harrassment.
Why are people such haters. So Sorry Shanna ,Claudia You just keep Standing Tall!
Judy A
Thank you, Judy. I’m sure Shanna thanks you, too!
Well said and thank you! We are at frightening and despicable low in this country right now and we need every voice against this to be heard!
Amen. As Dan Rather said in a post: “History is watching.” “The rhetoric is the candidate.” (Italics are mine.)
great post. The moth is beautiful.
Thank you, Doris.
Oh my. I agree completely. I keep wondering how much longer this can possibly go on…continuing to hope I will find myself waking from a horrible dream. I have found myself walking around with my mouth wide open in disbelief as it continues to spiral downhill to lower and lower levels. Thank you for stating my opinion so well Claudia.
And, ending on a lighter, more positive note, the Hummingbird Moth is gorgeous! I’ve never seen one either.
Don likens it to one of those “Ambien dreams” where the world seems surreal and preposterous and you can’t wait to wake up and shake it off. But, sadly, it isn’t a dream.
You get a standing ovation from me on this post! I can’t believe this country can continue to let this kind of insanity run for president. I’m speechless at times but so glad YOU are not!
I can’t be. It takes a while for me to find the words, but I have to speak out.
Claudia the only thing I can say is:
Amen Sister – you are ‘preaching to the choir’ with me.
Totally agree with every word in this post and I’m so very proud of you for putting into writing what a lot of us are thinking and know is our heart is true!
Thank you, Regina. I’m grateful for your support!
I’ve avoided all political jibber-jabber during this cycle, but I have to say I agree with you 100%. Every day since he announced his candidacy, I expected him to crash and burn, but he seems to have no limits. I’ve certainly been forced to examine my own values and standards lately. Life is not black and white, but I sure know a very dangerous man when I see one. Thank you for your honesty and backbone, Claudia
You’re welcome, Melina.
The objectionable opinions and bizarre comments aside, I don’t understand his economic plan for America. It simply doesn’t add up, unless the plan is to make it impossible for low-income families to buy their children new shoes for back to school.
His economic plan is nonsense, but it definitely favors the wealthy and big business.
Love the hummingbird moth photo, so very amazing. You know my views on the Republican candidate are in tune with yours! I have said before the people who are with him scare me more. I am hoping most American will see what he really represents. All the qualities that make us a great nation will prevail in November.
Thank you, Mary.
You have read my mind, Claudia. You have said it much better than I could have, but I totally agree.
The man is evil. At first I thought he was just mentally ill, but now I believe he is being governed by Satan. If he gets into office we are, as a country, doomed. In this case it will be up to each of us to independently protect ourselves from him, and to turn even more closely to God.
Thank you, Trudy.
I was aghast when everyone was joking about Donald Trump last fall . I wasn’t laughing. The media has perpetuated reality TV, and this is the result. I am so disappointed that so many Americans have zero critical thinking skills and readily accept how others tell them to think.
You’re so right. Zero critical thinking skills. Like lambs being led to slaughter.
Claudia, you say what many of us can’t articulate. It angers and shames me to know that there
are citizens of this country who support this lunatic. I too believed Trump Nation would fizzle
and die. What is the matter with people? Our forefathers surely are turning in their graves
at what has become such a farce. I for one am fearful for our country’s future.
The Party of Lincoln. Well, that’s gone, isn’t it?
Thank you.
Agree absolutely!
Thank you, Sherry.
You’re welcome.
At first, I shook my head and sort of chuckled at his stupidity. It was June of 2015 and the thought of some reality TV show fool running to be President seemed as if it was a ratings ploy for his show. Then, the months went on, and I became sad and embarrassed by what he was doing to our country. Surely smarter heads would prevail and the nonsense would end. I was sure I would wake up from this horrible nightmare and breathe a sigh of relief that it wasn’t real.
Now I still can’t believe it, but he is their nominee (seriously??) and we just wait for the next stupid, mean, horrific thing that will spew from his mouth, and think “this HAS to be the tipping point.” It never is. I am even more shocked that there are so many people in our country who seem to act and believe and live their lives with this maniacal mad man’s feelings.I must live under a rock. Are these the people that the leaders of that party are bowing to today? The excuses his “advisors” and “staff” give after each stupid moment would be laughable if it wasn’t so horrific.
You are so right, Claudia. We must speak out. He is not running to be the President, he is working to be Dictator. We all need to be scared and not chuckle at his “shenanigans”. This is serious.
Horrific is the perfect word. I’m ashamed of many of my fellow citizens. And proud of the ones who haven’t fallen under his spell and see him for what he really is.
I agree 100% He is damaging our country. The Republican leaderships continued support is self serving. They are putting themselves and their party before their country. My fear is that Trump’s statements ARE closer to what they believe than they are willing to say. I bought my grandchildren Ken Burn’s new book about the Presidency. We’ve got to do what we can to keep it positive! My son and his wife along with their 11 and 8 year old children watched the last two nights of the Democratic convention together explaining as it went why they support the Democratic Party. We need to ” Teach our children well”. Thank you for speaking up!!! Respectfully, Lani
I dislike both candidates. Unfortunately the person I voted for in the primaries “sold out” to the democratic hillary party.
I am so fed up with both money & power hungry, hypocritical candidates, I could scream.
I’m not sure how I will vote in November. Maybe a miracle will happen but I’m not holding my breath.
Voting third party is a vote for Trump. Period. Said with respect, Vanessa.
Claudia, THANK YOU FOR THIS POST. We can only hope that people wake up in time.
Hope. Hope and more hope, Lori.
You wrote it so well, like always, Claudia. Every day, some new horrible thing comes out of the man’s mouth. What’s terrifying, among everything terrifying about him, is the realization too early on in this election that he is indeed exactly what you see and hear…it ISN’T a joke; this is really what and who he is. It’s not an act; it’s not reality TV, which I guess is what he’d been doing with that television show of his. Think of how he’s making us look to other countries…foolish, and bringing us down; dumbing us down. Americans need to reach deep within themselves, with all their moral fiber and strength of character…and say NO, we reject his hate, ignorance and threatening oratory. It’s all so seriously disturbing and I hope he steps away from the race, soonest. He is never what this country has been about or IS about and I resent his rash words, on everything. His hands at the controls would be a disaster, for the entire world. He has no leadership qualities. He doesn’t encourage; he intimidates. He wants to incite fear and distrust. I never thought even he could go this far. Too far. If, unbelievably, somehow, he rose to the position of power which is POTUS, we are doomed.
Doomed, indeed, Vicki.
I totally agree with every word. And, I fully support that you speak your heart.
Sadly, I can’t support either candidate. I would feel better if there was a candidate I could support. To say I am heart sick is an understatement. I will vote, but it won’t be for either. My heart and mind just say no.
I respect your need to vote your heart, Beverly.
That being said, we must be very careful about a third party vote. It will ultimately be a vote for Trump.
You don’t hav to vote for the 3rd party candidate, you can just leave that part of the ballot unmarked. I am sure Hillary will win, and that’s fine — she is by far the lesser evil. But still an evil in my book and I’ll express that the only way I can.
With respect, I don’t agree with you. In the next couple of days I will be posting some links that are fact-based, that clarify some of the charges that have been long been the claims of the Republican Party and Fox News – most of which can be disproven with ease.
Regardless, I’m with her. Thanks, Rebecca.
All I can do is hope not because I know morally I cannot accept either candidate. I have to be able to live with myself. I do understand the system, but I just cannot support these candidates. I have had conflicts with friends and family that know how I feel. And, I am so tired of hearing people say they are supporting either candidate as the lesser of two evils. I find that degrading.
I am praying that a reprieve might still happen, but I do have doubt. Even sadder, I don’t believe he even wants to be President. I keep hoping he is so scared he will loose that he finds a way to get out “while the getting is good”.
I think you’re right, Beverly. I have my suspicions that he’s in over his head and he knows it. Let’s hope he sees the light. xo
By the way, Claudia, I am happy for you that you feel you can support Clinton. I would feel so much more at peace if I felt like there was a candidate I could support.
And, I totally respect your views and the views of others. That is what makes democracy great.
It does, indeed, Beverly. xo
Once again, Claudia, a very good post! Amen!
Thank you, Nancy.
Bravo Claudia!!..You once again have stated my own feelings so well…Since this chanting of “kill her” has begun I worry about Hillary every day…that chanting is all that someone unstable may need to set them off and do harm to her…Hillary is a good and fair woman and I truly believe she wants the best for all of us..Now for the hummingbird moth..I first learned about them from you…not long after that I saw one in my garden..I never would have know what it was if you hadn’t posted pictures..
I agree with you. Tomorrow I’m going to post some links that use FACTS to disprove most of the allegations about her, Nancy. I hope everyone reads them, and better yet, shares them.
Excellent post – you have conveyed what many of us are thinking and feeling. It is so scary and sad to know that there are so many in this country who actually worship this man and all that he stands for. Very, very sad.
Very sad. Ignorance is not bliss. Ignorance is ignorance, and it’s easily remedied by some fact checking. But they don’t seem to want to do that.
I agree with everything you said. I just pray every day this despicable, bigoted scum ball doesn’t become the president. I just don’t understand how anyone can think this type of behavior is going to be a good thing for our country. This country needs to wake up before it’s too late.
Yes, it does. I never thought I would see this in my lifetime. Or ever. But here it is, in all its ugliness.
Total agreement with your post today. Hope America wakes up!! On another note, I have the clematis jardinere that you showed in a post earlier in the week. I always admired it when I was a kid as it sat in my grandmother’s sunroom and always had a lovely fern in it. I now have the jardinere after her passing 30+ years ago. So many precious memories each day I see it! I had never seen another like it….just wondering what the cost was?
I could look it up for you, Ann. I’ll try to remember to do that.
From the bottom of my heart I agree with your opinions on this political mess. I will not tolerate the practices of fear, bigotry, and incitement.
Amen. Neither will I. And I will not support them in others or in the people in my life.
BRAVO! I keep hoping and praying every second of every day that Americans will wake up to all of the garbage that man speaks. I fear for Hillary’s safety each day as well. I cannot believe that this is all happening in our wonderful country. Thank you for this post and your voice. I cannot wait to see your post tomorrow.
Thank you for your support, Belinda. This country we live in seems like a foreign country to me at the moment. But I am heartened by the voices I hear on this post and others like it. And by the voices of my friends, who abhor Mr. Trump and his toxic agenda.
I could weep for your wonderful country. God help the whole world if that man is elected. I lived in the US for 5 years, and if it had been my decision we would never have left. At least the people of the UK had the sense to vote to get out of Europe. We have never been European, and to be honest, not even ‘British’ If you ask my nationality I will say ‘English’ and the same goes for the Welsh, Irish, and Scots. We join together to be British when it is necessary (during wartime, for instance, but other than that we have our own culture, traditions, temperament and even language! I know most of the world think we’ve gone mad, but that’s just scaremongering. The EU has never been any good for us. We have to follow the rules, but France and Germany do just as they please. France still owes us millions of pounds for the time when they were burning our lambs alive. Sorry, I’ve gone off on a tangent. But I truly believe that the way the world is we need someone strong and steady at the tiller. Is that HC? I honestly don’t know, but faced with the alternative, well I know where my vote would go. Blessings
If you ask me, I’d say it was definitely HC, who President Obama has said is the most highly qualified for candidate for President in the history of our country. I’m with her.
IMHO I think Mrs Clinton is going to win the election and the bizarre behavior of the man who keeps putting his foot in his mouth is helping her on purpose to win. And the reason he was chosen for the Republican party ticket (he was a democrat) is that he was well known because of the many interviews he did for the different major news stations. I know that I did not vote for him when we had our elections. And IMHO the major news stations are very good at voicing their view of what is true. I wish both candidates would just stick to the issues so we can make an intelligent decision and that they stop attacking one another. Our country has already been torn apart under this present administration. I almost would rather keep this present president because we know what we have until we can chose two different candidates to represent us. I am so tire of the fighting and I wish that everyone is treated with respect no matter how the views differ.
I love Obama and would love to see a third term, but that isn’t possible. I’m in Hilary Clinton’s corner on this one. I don’t think that there is any comparison between Clinton and Trump that can possibly hold up to any scrutiny. She has been working for the public good since she was in college, much of it under the radar, simply to do what is right.
When has Trump done a single, solitary thing for anyone other than himself? He couldn’t even come up with any ‘sacrifices’ he had made. Sacrifice? Trump? The two words don’t go together!
Thanks, Trina.
Here is hope for those who would like for Mrs Clinton to win. Of the toss up states Mrs. Clinton has 273 to her opponent 164 according to Fox News. That is 101 points left.
I still get nervous. There’s a lot of time still left until November.
Totally agree. Threatening your opponent has no place in a democracy. And a candidate who does it should not just be shunned but voted against, as an act of protecting our democracy. I do not understand the people who say they will vote for no one or vote for someone who has no chance of winning against Trump and keeping him out of the WH. Sometimes we have to vote against.
In an ideal world we wouldn’t have to do that. But I think you’re right. When in doubt, vote against. This man must be repudiated by all of us.
Claudia, I am a long time reader of your blog. I have never commented before although I have always enjoyed reading your thoughts. But, today I have to say this: Thank you for having the courage and strength to speak out about an appalling and despicable man who is getting a free pass from people I never thought would condone such behavior. During presidential elections I have always kept my opinions to myself and quietly voted my conscience. But you have helped me realize I can no longer do this. I must have the courage to point out the wrong this man has done and is capable of doing and I must encourage others to do the same. Thank you.
Thank you, Dorothy. Your words mean a great deal to me and I thank you so much for your support and for your thoughts.
Thank you once again, Claudia, for your well worded opinion. I have been feeling sick to my stomach since I heard his latest outrageous behavior yesterday. I keep waiting for the republican party to DO something about him, but I guess I have to accept that they will not. I feel so helpless having to live with this disgusting man speaking as a representative of our country.
That photo is awesome, by the way. You should enter it in a contest.
I’m ashamed and embarrassed and disgusted by the very fact that he ever became a nominee, Connie.
Claudia, thank you for speaking truth to power. We all have the power of the voting booth, our pocket book and the power of our speech. Tyrants have come to power throughout the world because good people did nothing. These are frightening times but goodness and light will prevail if we all stand together for what we know is right and just.
Just my 2 cents. Thanks for listening.
Your 2 cents are important, Carolyn Marie. Thank you.
It brings me to tears. I am so glad you have a voice, I hope it is heard. Well said.
Thank you, Kaye.
Good for you, Claudia! I totally agree with your well-written comments about this man and what is going on in our country. I am actually a little frightened about this election and I don’t ever remember feeling that way, in all of my years of voting.
The same here, Susan. Thank you.
As I read your post today I realized NOW is not the time to be polite and not speak my mind. I don’t have to be rude but, is this the future you see for America? If we feel we have no voice now, what will it be like with Trump for president? Are people really listening? What are people thinking? Loved your post and it is important to get the message out there.
Thank you so much, Rose.
Thank you for voicing what many of us are feeling, Claudia.
You are very welcome, Wendy.
Yep, I wholeheartedly agree. Every time I turn on the tv and see his face and hear his voice, I think, why are we still giving that idiot air time. And then I remember, he’s running for president. Ugh! Such a disgrace to civil society.
Perfect way to put it, Tammy. A disgrace.
I am Italian, I cannot cast a vote but I am deeply interested in US elections.
An USA president is as important for you as he/she is for the rest of the world.
Being Italian means that we already live in a country were arrogance, ignorance and self indulgence have become common rules for politicians and , apart from a bunch of motivated, earnest fellows, I would happily send the whole of them on a desert island never to come back!
This is why I am so horrified by Mr Trump! he is the epitome of what is worst.
He cannot open his mouth without uttering incredible rubbish.
I sincerely hope that his own party will eventually reject him but I fear that his money won’t allow them to do so.
Let’s hope that citizens’ wisdom will do it.
Thank you for your words
I fervently hope that, Rosanna. Thank you for your point of view as a citizen of Italy, my friend.
Thank you Claudia for these strong words. I only hope more and more Americans will be speaking out like you do over the coming weeks and months. Ignorance is hard to beat, especially wilful ignorance, but we must try. The thought of that muppet of a man sitting around a table with other world leaders gives me the heebie-jeebies.
The moth on the other hand is beautiful and you captured it really well. x
It is willful ignorance, Christina. And there’s no excuse for it. Thank you!
Claudia, I don’t know if you watch the Charlie Rose show on PBS. I do. Last night , political/cultural commentator & author David Brooks was his guest. He explained who the people are who support Trump & why they do. He also spoke about what is happening to our country. That show will be repeated this evening on Bloomberg TV cable channel. VERY worth watching . It terrifies me & my 3 best friends that Trump could be elected. But I respect so much the people in the GOP who have spoken out! I can’t respect any person who says they support Trump. He is a sick individual suffering from narcissistic personality disorder & who knows what else. I’m with her, and I’m with you!
I watch David Brooks every Friday evening on the PBS Newshour. I’ve heard him speak about this many times and I value his insights. He also wrote an editorial in the NY Times a week or so ago that was a scathing commentary on the Republicans who remain silent. I’ll try to catch the replay on the interview. Thank you, Mary.
Thank you, Karen.
Right on Claudia! Everyday I read the newspaper and I am concerned for our country. I cannot and will not ever understand why people are behind this man. He is a hate mongering idiot through and through. We cannot leave a legacy like this behind for the future. On a lighter note, your photos are beautiful. Have a wonderful day!
No, we can’t. What kind of world would we be leaving for our children and grandchildren? As many have said, “If you vote for him, you’ll have to explain why you did to your grandchildren.”
I have enjoyed reading your blog for a few years now. I read it nearly every day. I have prayed for your comfort when you have been walked through loss and grief. I have celebrated your happiness and appreciated your willingness to lay you heart bare to your readers. I have always done this from my side of the computer screen. I consider you a friend who I just haven’t met yet. Today, I want to reach across the screen and join my voice with yours. My heart breaks for what is happening to the country that I love so much. The world is watching this travesty play out on our national stage. Our children are watching. When will it be enough? What does he have to say for the Republican party, of which I was a member for many years, to finally denounce him? Party loyalty is one thing, but blindly supporting a man who has no moral compass, and who exhibits, at best, clear signs of active mental illness, is quite another.
Keep writing. Keep flying the flag of reason and civility. We need your voice.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Linda. I don’t understand, can’t understand, why the Republican Party hasn’t denounced him. I can only surmise that they have lost any moral authority. And they have. (Except those who have been brave enough to speak out and denounce him, like Susan Collins.)
As usual, your voice is a bright beacon shining through the dark paths we seem to be traveling on. You have a laser-like focus on the problem that we all appreciate and want to hear more of. We must all join our voices together to bring down this truly evil being. You know I consider myself a semi-Luddite and thus do not participate in social media, but the possibility of a despot in office has caused me to cast aside my reservations and join the conversation. We must not be silent! I even joined twitter (as myself) and facebook (as my dog) to challenge the potential of evil and hatred permeating the land.
For the 2nd amendment issue: Year 1170, King Henry II said to four of his knights before they charged into Canterbury Cathedral and slaughtered Thomas Beckett, “Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?” How does this differ from what was said recently?
For the Trumped-up charges against Hillary Clinton: Thirty years of the GOP’s smear campaign against Hillary Clinton. Yes, how dare a brilliant, committed woman seek a powerful position in this country? The lies circulating about her are somehow perceived as the truth merely by the fact that they are repeated endlessly; therefore, falsely, assuming the semblance of reality. Just because you hear or see something stated repeatedly on Twitter, TV, blogs or in print doesn’t make it true. Period.
I’m glad you’re speaking out, Tina. Your articulate and compassionate voice is needed in this election. And yes, how dare a woman be powerful? All of that crap that has been generated in the smear campaign is just that…crap. With no reality. No truth. It makes me sick. Thank you, Tina.
Thank you for your post. I personally feel Trump is showing signs of dementia. His inability to control his temper, his ridiculous rants, his spewing nonsense, and his silly ideas all seem to be indicative of someone entering Alzheimer’s. His age of 70 makes this even more a probability.
What’s even scarier is the person he’s chosen as vice-president. If Trump is elected and Pence is running the country, the horse puckey will really hit the fan then. The only thing more unbelievable than Trump running for president is the fact that the GOP is letting him do it.
He might well be, though he has shown this sort of behavior for years. Maybe it’s getting worse, but this is classic Trump. And Pence is just as frightening, just in a different way. Thanks, Kelly.
I agree FULLY with all you said, Claudia. EVERYTHING and FULLY. So much so that I’d like to save a copy of this post, if you don’t mind. Only one thing to add. For MONTHS now, the talking heads have been asking if “Trump can get his campaign back on track?” etc. Well, not for nothing but, SINCE WHEN HAS HE EVER BEEN ON TRACK? He’s been in the public eye daily for over a year. He hasn’t had just a couple of recent verbal slips. A couple of momentary blips on the otherwise-calm radar screen of a serious, measured campaign. No – he has been completely off-the-wall nearly the whole time and has NEVER appeared to be a serious candidate, respectful of other candidates, knowledgeable on the issues, able to rationally debate & discuss his views and the reasons he holds them. He’s never come across – or even TRIED to come across, as deliberate, competent or considered. He’s never even come across as pleasant – or caring. !!! Why is this concept of “normal Trump” still being discussed?? This walking sphincter muscle has been “off” for years, possibly for decades. And he’s not going to change. People do not suddenly go from being hateful controversial demagogues to being sane, reasonable individuals – especially at the age of 70. They just don’t. And there’s even less chance of this when they’ve spent most of their extremely-wealthy lives doing exactly what they please, kowtowed to and surrounded by sycophants. Trump is proving all of this right now. He simply can’t change & he doesn’t believe he even NEEDS to change. So it’s time all these so-called sophisticated talking heads admit it. It’s truly amazing to me that they continue to ask this with straight faces. I literally find myself yelling at the TV when the topic comes up. As it continues to do – OVER & OVER. This is no ordinary election cycle in any sense, BECAUSE this is no ordinary candidate. This one is disturbed. Of this there is no doubt – pathologically disturbed. It had to happen eventually, and now it has. A seriously mentally-ill person could become President. We’re no longer just electing a leader – or choosing between 2 different schools of thought on how to go forward. We could very well be choosing whether we’ll continue to exist as we’ve been doing. And for those who think this statement is alarmist or over the top, I’d direct them to the history books and newsreels, because countries have been “brought down” before – and often over much less. There’s no reason it can’t happen here, especially when you consider the national climate right now. A sick individual starts out as a joke and then suddently before anyone realizes it… So for me it comes down to this. I don’t have professional training in any aspect of clinical psychology – and I don’t have to. I HAVE EYES & EARS – AND A THINKING BRAIN. It’s very simple – Donald Trump is wholly unqualified in every meaningful way to be President. With his behavior, he’d be equally unqualified to be town dogcatcher. He’s at best, a world-class troublemaker and at worst [and much more likely] pathologically ill. And even if he WAS sane, he STILL hasn’t the personality and temperament needed to work with diverse groups of people. He doesn’t have the knowledge necessary to make intelligent, measured decisions. And he doesn’t show any interest in learning these things, which may be the worst of all. JFK was a fairly inexperienced President when he entered the office too, but he was always interested in learning more, in talking to the experts, in looking back to history for what may have worked in the past. And he ended up saving the world from nuclear war. Can any of us imagine Trump asking the advice of knowledgeable professionals – and more importantly, choosing it OVER what he himself would want to do?
I’ve also said before that I don’t think Trump really WANTS to be President. I’d bet $$$ on it, and I’m sticking with my theory, because all the events of the Spring and Summer are bearing me out. If he does wants the job, he ONLY wants the power. And something tells me his tacky personality would probably revel in the parts most Presidents say they could have done without – the ceremonial aspects. He may want to be called “Mr President,” get his name in the history books, have his portrait painted and, of course, soak up the massive amounts of attention. But my guess is still that NO ONE is more surprised to see Trump as the 2016 GOP nominee than Trump himself. I still think he’s self-sabotaging his campaign and that none of the outrageous things he’s said or done are accidental. He may just want to have what to him is “a little fun.” I think he’s enjoying the fact that the GOP establishment is miserable and that it’s because of him. He’s already on record as having said “If elected, I may not serve…” It wouldn’t surprise me in the least if he suddenly quit the race in the middle of October. He’s just that unpredictable. In fact, that might be one of the vibes he feeds off. Attention is absolutely the air he breathes, and in his pathology it doesn’t matter whether it’s positive or negative attention – it really doesn’t. He can’t bear to be out of the news cycle for 24 hours. But he’s also unpredictable on an epic scale too. So maybe he’ll suddenly tire of the whole thing, like a petulant, overtired 3-year old who missed his nap – and stomp off. His pathology would seriously love the fact that he was making a lot of grief for other people – and the country.
Stay tunes – and may the Force be with us all… 🇺🇸
PS – sorry for the size of this, and for reading. But WHAT A RELIEF! Like removing heels after a long day on one’s feet! 😊
I’ve been saying that for months. Trump is who he is. He is not going to be brought under control. He has no control. He is a loose cannon who has the biggest, most grandiose need for attention that I’ve ever seen. He cannot get enough of it. No, his campaign will not get back on track because when he’s at a rally where he feels the juice coming from the crowd, he goes off script and shows who he really is. This is the man who trumpeted ‘birther’ theories ad nauseum eight years ago. This is the man who loved having a reality show where he could say “You’re fired.” This is a man who proudly boasted of his affairs. This is a man who has called anyone who crosses him names for years and years and years. None of this is new. He simply has a bigger audience now. He cares not one whit about those people who think he has their backs. He doesn’t care about those who are out of work or are feeling abandoned. He only cares about himself. His ignorance about the world, the job he’s running for, about basic knowledge we all learned in civics class is stunning. And he has absolutely no desire to learn. Doesn’t read. Gets his information online and from tweets from his more insane followers. Sigh. Thanks, Janet.
You have once again nailed it. Now – HOW do you do it with so many less words than me? Superior writing, that’s how! 💛
Probably because I’m on a roll, having written the initial post and responded to all the comments! xo
My husband and I are both horrified and disgusted by Trump, but even more scared by the people that are supporting him! Why can’t they see the evil that Trump represents?!! Please keep speaking out, Claudia! I know I will too!
And such beautiful pics today. I loved them!
I don’t know, Lily. Fear. Ignorance, willful ignorance. Hate, bigotry…you name it. And, I suspect, a mistaken perception that Reality TV is real. Thank you, Lily!
PPS – I’m really enjoying reading everyone’s comments today, so I vote for more political posts. It’s great reading, and especially when it’s something about which you are WILDLY passionate. Like stopping Humpty Trumpty… 😊
It’s also heartening, Janet. Good to know we aren’t alone.
That was a great post, Claudia. Truly, it is scary when one contemplates a person of hate, racism and bigotry —–a bully, really—–is running for the highest office in the land and have so many supporters? HOW? Are we not an intelligent people? What is happening in our country when this kind of man rallies support? Scary, indeed! Thank you for speaking out in a most courageous way. Susan
You are most welcome, Susan. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I never thought I would see anything like I’ve seen in this election.
p.s. Left out a word in my previous comment. Meant to say, a bully, really. Thanks again, Claudia. Susan
Let’s say Bully in boldface, Susan! I’ll edit your comment and insert ‘bully.’ xo
Well said, Claudia!
Thank you, Barbara!
I have been watching the election race from Australia and I am in shock that Trump could be running America! Australia are allies with America and heaven help us if he gets in. Great post Claudia this is why I love your blog!
Thank you so much, Janine. Just know that many, many of us are as in shock as you are. We don’t support him in any way!
I said Many months ago that his mouth would get us, the USA, into big trouble. Now look what his mouth has done!!! I totally agree with you!!! I am not normally one to watch the conventions, but this year I tuned in to each, cause it is a proving to be a very different election year!!! PS: Loving your photography! Beautiful!!!
Thank you, Lori. He can’t shut up, can he? And there’s just going to be more offensive things spewing from his mouth.
Delete this if it’s too gross– but when I think of Trump opening his mouth, I automatically think of diarrhea.
An apt description, Marty.
I agree with you completely! Thank you for stating your thoughts so clearly.
You’re welcome, Debbie.
Claudia, if I could I would give you a big hug! Thank you for stating so eloquently and vehemently my thoughts. As a grandmother of five babies my heart trembles at the thought of what this nation ( that I love so much) is being transform into and the hard road ahead for everyone if we don’t react on time to put a stop to it. Please keep talking, I will read every word.
Thank you so much, Marlene!
AMEN. You nailed it. I agree totally on every single point made.
Thank you, Barb.
Firstly, that hummingbird moth is gorgeous, we have nothing like it here in Australia. Secondly, I agree with every word you wrote about that candidate, he is simply a disgusting human being and anyone who followers him or supports are also disgusting human beings in my book, that includes some members of my own family who think he is a breath of fresh air. Keep speaking out Claudia, people need to read your words.
Thank you, Jan. I will!
Thank you. I can’t understand how people I respect can think this man should be our leader. How can people put party before good judgement? Usually, I keep my beliefs to myself but this election I’m volunteering my time to help make sure this man doesn’t end up having any more power than he already has. I would love to hear what our parents would say but maybe it is best they perhaps don’t know. This whole thing is heart breaking.
Keep speaking up for all of us who can vote as well as those who can’t.
Truly love you and admire you!
Eileen – Dad detested Trump. That I know, because we talked about it a lot. And Mom would have, too. I miss talking to Dad about politics. He would have been disgusted.
I will continue to speak up, my dear cousin. I’m so glad you’re volunteering! We’re going to do that, as well. Love you.
CLAUDIA FOR PRESIDENT! (I have a little sign on my computer at work that says “Khizr Khan for President.”) But I am with her! BTW, you will not be surprised that his two oldest sons are hunting enthusiasts who, with “huge” smiles on their faces, proudly posed for pictures a few years ago with dead animals they killed on a “hunting safari.” In one picture, one of the ignoramuses is holding a “huge” knife in one hand and an elephant’s tail in the other. Disgraceful, disgusting, spoiled and entitled. Another thought occurred to me not long ago: Can you imagine if, when President Obama was nominated in 2008, he stood on the stage with five children of three different “baby mamas.” He wouldn’t have been elected!
I’d be happy to share the job with Mr. Kahn! Actually, no I wouldn’t. It is such an extraordinarily hard job, such a huge responsibility. Which is exactly why Mr. Trump is not fit to be President. He has the attention span of a gnat. I’ve seen those pictures of his sons. I saw them last year and I recently posted about them again on FB, saying I knew all I needed to know about them when those pictures were posted. I detest them. I have not one millimeter of respect for them.
And you’re right about the double standard. Evangelical Conservatives objected when Michelle Obama wore a sleeveless dress. Now we have nude photos of Melania Trump, and that seems to be okay with them. What hypocrites.
It really bothers me when Christians support Trump. It’s a cliche among liberal Christians that Jesus would get kicked out of a Trump rally, but the evangelicals don’t seem to see any disconnect.
Jesus would get kicked out in a second, Marty. And his tenets and teachings are certainly not those of Trump. So I feel the same way. Surely the Jesus of the New Testament would never go along with the fear mongering and exclusion that bellows out of the mouth of Trump.
Two thumbs up, Claudia. I cannot believe that so many people are in support of this racist bully. He is dangerous.
He is very dangerous, Susan. Thank you.
I recently commented on social media that the Donald has said some very divisive comments and if you listen very carefully he is planting the seeds of mistrust amongst people who have possibly been your neighbour, or shopped at the same store as you and has never caused a moment of fear before, his aim is to segregate people and the last time that happened the world became horrified and vowed never to forget. And do you know what, I was absolutely trolled by his supporters, some of them even told me that some events of the past never happened, it was fiction. After that I just sit and shake my head and wonder at how far we have come as a world and yet how far we have stepped back. I can only hope that he falls down at the last hurdle and the world can reset, but I think the damage he has done can never be undone.
Yes, you’re absolutely right. He’s pitting our citizens against each other.
I’m sorry you were trolled by his supporters. They seem to do that a lot. And their ignorance is astounding. This is why Trump said he loved voters who didn’t have much education. Easier to manipulate. Though my dad and mom had only a high school education (as does Don) and they were onto Trump and didn’t believe a word that came out of his mouth.
I couldn’t agree with you more! On everything you said! Trump scares me…but what scares me even more, are the number of people that agree with him. We need a stable leader…not a lunatic. What we don’t need is one person claiming he can fix it…because one person alone can’t fix what is wrong with this country. We need to work together with someone who can unite us…not separate us. We need to work with our allies…..not alienate them. We need hope, not fear. I’m with HER! ;)
The minute someone says, “I’m the only one who can fix it” warning lights and bells should be going off for every American. Are you kidding me? The unmitigated gall of the man!
I agree, totally, 110%, Claudia! Thank you for putting into words everything I am feeling and thinking and saying! Trump is disgusting and very, very dangerous. Women, stand up, be bold, be brave, speak your heart and truth! WE do have the power to put this situation to rights!
I am with HER!
Thank you Claudia for summing up what so many of us are feeling these days. I am more fearful of this man actually winning at this sick game of power. He is playing with our minds, our sense of security, and our homeland. Very frightening times indeed, when arrogance and unpredictable temper tantrums continue to be applauded by a large portion of our country believing this is all a joke! Thank you again for speaking the truth.
Reality television has taken its toll, Marcy. That, and the lack of common decency which our parents taught us and now seems to be disappearing from our society.
Thanks, Marcy.
Claudia, Bravo! Thank you for speaking up. Thank you for letting your readers who say they might not vote, or might vote for a 3rd party candidate are effectively giving their vote to Trump. Thank you for planning posts that will show that the negative cloud surrounding Hillary are myths.
Maybe next you can take on my personal pet peeve- the one issue voter.
People who vote for Trump because they think Hillary is going to take away their guns need to look at the bigger picture. It’s not really going to matter what the guns laws are if the economy falls apart and you can’t afford to buy ammunition, or the materials to make guns aren’t available because Trump refuses to import from other countries. That may seem like an exaggeration, but a year ago, if someone had described the headlines of the last few weeks to me, I would have thought it could never happen.
I don’t get why anyone would be a one issue voter. And in the case of guns, Hillary is not going to abolish the second amendment (though I wish she would!). She’s going to fight for saner gun laws and, given the massacres that seem to be happening in our country, I cannot grasp why anyone would find that objectionable.
These are people who continually vote for candidates who do not have their best interests in mind. I see it again and again. Poor people, people who are really hurting and in need, vote for Republicans who favor big business, the NRA, and care not one whit about them. I don’t get it. Anyway, thank you, Beth.
Thank you so much, Claudia.
I go to your site every morning as I drink my tea, for a dose of sanity, humanity, decency and
beauty in the crazy world we are living in.
I agree totally. We must speak out. As a citizen, mother, and mental health professional I am
very scared. Tom Friedman had it right in his NYT column yesterday.
Trump yesterday in Florida called President Obama a founder of Isis and Hillary also a founder
of Isis. Since we kill Isis leadership with drones, this is another veiled message.
Thanks again for your leadership here.
Tom Friedman’s column was so powerful, Maralyn.
And how Trump gets away with calling President Obama and Hillary Clinton the founders of ISIS, I don’t know. But then again, how does he get away with anything. He spreads innuendo and lies as freely as some spread manure on their fields. Manure is about ten steps up from the irresponsible and dangerous crap he is spreading.
Thanks so much for your support, Maralyn.
Thank you for continuing to speak out, and so eloquently. We need to spread the truth about Trump as far as we can! I’ve been writing Letters to the Editor like crazy, maybe more to vent than persuade, but I feel as if it’s all I can do.
Do everything you can, Marty. That’s what we’re doing. Thank you.
Well-said! Thank you for writing this post. I agree completely and we MUST keep saying so, as the President said don’t boo. ….VOTE!
Amen. Vote!! (And not for a third party!)
Very well said, Claudia. It does look like Trump has not expanded his base since the RNC, so possibly the 10 million people who voted for him are all he has. Sadly, some of my family and friends are amongst those supporters. I have slowly come to see that they are in-the-closet white nationalists, who are now applauding the anti-Muslim rhetoric of their candidate. It sickens me, and my feelings for these people are forever changed. If Donald Trump was the Democratic candidate, I would unregister as a Democrat, and register as an Independent, and then vote for the Republican candidate. I wouldn’t be ready to become a Republican, but I would not vote for a third party candidate, because that really is a vote for Trump. The good news is, Nate Silver (and all other polls that I’ve seen) have Hillary way ahead. But honestly, I worry about her safety. Donald Trump sickens me, and so do his apologists. What is wrong with them??
My feelings would be changed, as well. How can they not be? It speaks to the heart of a person’s character.
I worry about her, too. Let’s hold her in our hearts and prayers as this election season continues to unfold.
What boggles my mind is that 10 million people have fallen for his absolute bullshit. What does that say about our populace?
Once again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for your words speaking out against the attitudes and behavior of Trump. This despicable, pathetic human being is more than anyone with a conscience can tolerate. As I have said before, it isn’t hard to believe such demented, lying evil exists, but his followers are terrifying. You (and Don) and all those who have commented give me hope. Read an interesting comment that seems to seems to speak directly to this situation: “People don’t mind being lied to as long as they like the lie. ” Sending Best Wishes to you and Don…….Dianne
Boy, isn’t that true! They hear those things and since they affirm their own beliefs, based on lies and slander routinely being spread by the Republican party and Fox News, as well as right wing sites like Breitbart – so they don’t want to believe they are lies.
The Republican party’s tactics of the past several years have come home to roost. And now, they’re stuck with Trump.
I agree with you.
Thank you, Kay!
I wholeheartedly agree!!
Thank you, Liz!
Well said Claudia! I have heard many people, both family and acquaintances, say they are with Trump and that he is just saying what everyone is thinking. Well he is is not saying close to anything I am thinking and if he’s saying what you’ve been thinking I don’t want to be around you. He is spouting hatred, misogyny, bigotry and many other evil ideas. I’ve also heard people say he is getting rid of “all this political correctness bull”. To me “political correctness” is mainly good old manners, kindness, acceptance of differences. Thanks for putting your thoughts out there. I truly wish more people would speak up before it’s too late……..Trump supporters have no problems speaking out loudly and harshly.
I agree. It’s not what I’m thinking. Or what my friends are thinking. Thank you, Brenda!
Love this post!! I could not agree more! The hatred that comes from his mouth and actions is terrifying. Thank you for sharing…
You are most welcome, Corinne.
Bravo, Claudia, for putting what I feel into words so well. And thank you for saying it.
Thank you so much, Debra.