Whoops! We need another strand of lights. Even after I purchased two new boxes! I briefly wondered if I could just go with it…but no, that’s not going to happen. So I suggested a trip to Target this morning, casually adding that Five Guys with the best fries in the world happens to be right down the street. Bingo.
But I like the rest of the tree a lot.
Now that the Blythes take up the real estate that once held my aqua McCoy/Putz houses, I need to find a new place for the houses. I’m considering the temporary removal of the aqua vase and singing birds from the piano so that I can create a little village there. The top of the piano is the closest thing we have to a mantel (remember, I called it a “pantel”once?) so I think that might be the solution. I try to keep it simple around here because our cottage is small and it already has a lot of ‘stuff’ everywhere. But the houses? Yes, please.
I feel like I’m finally rested from the intense experience of the premiere. I’d like to preserve that joyful feeling I had – still have, a little. But it’s hard to maintain that kind of high over time. I’ll just have to hold it close so I can access it when I need to.
I love Christmas. I love the tree lights and the ornaments and the feeling of peace and hope. We plug in the tree lights first thing in the morning and don’t unplug them until we go to bed. The rest of the winter can be rather bleak, but at least we have this in December. Our porch lights will stay lit for a few months, of course.
Stay safe.
Happy Sunday.
Your tree is beautiful! Hallmark movie quality!
Thank you, Suzanne!
Stay safe.
You have a lot of stuff (like me) but you organize it perfectly (unlike me). Can’t wait to see your little winter village. And the tree looks amazing; bee-uuu-tiful; joyful; cheerful (and it doesn’t even have ornaments on it yet!!! [more good things to come]). Good vibe. Just keep keep’in it fun. Increments of fun, each new holiday task!
I’m glad you can go back and forth to your little scenic red storage shed on the property (for all the Christmas-y things you need to transfer to the cottage) without being in a freezing/windy Northeasterly blizzard. (You’ve had past photos here on the blog, with the deer, white-white snow, bare-branch trees and the red shed which I have archived in a favorite-things folder, just for me and nobody else, little gems, because, to me, those photos are better than Christmas cards; frameable! And it’s your ‘real’ life, Claudia; stunning surroundings, season to season. Of course captured expertly with your eye and camera.)
Enjoy those delish hot fries on your cold Sunday today! Thanx for sharing the photo of the tree. You know the other holiday things of yours which I really like to see each year? Those marvelous little figures which were made I think by ‘Crystal’ and something ‘Vintage’ (in the creator-name of them [my mind goes blank, but her work is wonderful; intricate and detailed, whimsical; and you picked out the quirkiest, most-quaint figures!]).
Disappointed we didn’t get more rain on the West Coast yesterday (we were forecasted for more, and it was supposed to be showery all day today [maybe still will happen; it’s a bit drizzly out there right now in fact {more like dew}]) but at least my part of SoCalif, which usually gets bypassed, got SOME amount of rain Friday, and the ground is still wet, so we’re grateful.
It was exactly five years ago today that my drought-ridden area had a tremendous, destructive wildfire, which none of us can ever forget; hellacious, hurricane-force, wind-driven fire. At the time, or I guess by the time it was all over (took weeks to put out the fire), I knew, or knew of, over thirty people who’d lost their homes, one of whom is my best friend and also another person who was my school-years boyfriend and K-12 classmate, so it was personal, and gut-wrenching. None of us had any Christmas that year; no one was in the mood; our skies black for days-on-end; grieving people; the choking air quality was so bad that most shops had to close down as people couldn’t be out in such a toxic environment. And a majority of citizens hadn’t even had a chance yet to put up their holiday lights outside; so, it stayed that way; cheerless. We lived the month of December in a dark, fearful, weary, dreary, somber, sad world in 2017.
I think it’s why Christmas each year here since, has seemed particularly cherished and starry-bright and cry-happy-tears worthy; appreciating all the little things we missed (and what other people lost). And to think some of the homes are still not all rebuilt (some of them still in process of building; and some burned-out lots are still bare of houses in devastated neighborhoods, even now trying to yet recover and rebound), is sobering; yet replacement houses ARE present, constructed new and fresh with extreme care and professional advice (under strictest rules) against future fire (wildfire is a ‘given’ here, and they’ll only get more intense and widespread with climate change), so it’s good to know THOSE families are having better Christmases now, secure once again in a family home where loved ones can gather, celebrate; be safe and happy.
So far today, no wind, and the rain was indeed beyond-beneficial. We had enough wind at Thanksgiving to last me the rest of the year!
Not sure where I can put those little figures this year. I’ll see what I can do.
Thanks so much, Vicki!
Stay safe.
though i think the tree is beautiful as is, more lights (and more french fries) sound good, too. :)
i live in a small apartment. when i walk around my little place, i see lots of photos of my family and of experiences we’ve shared and so many gifts from them (just counted. including lamps, the Bible, furniture like an old wicker settee from my paternal grandparents and an old swedish coffee pot from my maternal grandparents, art, books, etc., there are more than 100 items from my family over the years that i see/use/appreciate and which remind me of my favorite people daily … not that such reminders are needed). i live alone and love and miss my family. i am not a hoarder and am too sentimental to be a minimalist. and i have a few collections of my own (painted wood swedish dala horses, a certain kind of perpetual calendar related to travel, rocks/fallen branches/little jars of water from oceans, lakes and rivers …). all that to say i understand about not having much available surface space and the need to shuffle things around if decorating for Christmas! all part of the fun and beauty. :)
happy sunday to everyone.
stay safe (my covid test was negative yesterday … hooray)!
So glad Kathy
I started getting sick before tgiving
Just getting well
First time since 2013 when I retired as full time teacher
My tests negative
thanks, brenda.
sorry you’ve been sick, especially so close to and on a holiday. glad you are starting to feel better. i will pray for your recuperation to be complete and soon!
i know you have a son and grandchildren who live very close by. glad if they could get you anything you’ve needed. were you able to spend any time with them around thanksgiving or since starting to feel better? hope so.
hope everything else is good for you.
my feeling crummy would seem to have been a mix of a cold, undiagnosed allergies, too many errands and too little good sleep … but with covid, the flu and rsv also going around, i took an at-home covid test to be pretty sure and was happy it came back negative.
hope you have a nice night and a good book at hand. stay safe!
sending you a virtual hug and virtual casserole/soup/treat/whatever other foods sound good to you.
oops … pressed reply too soon.
glad your test was negative, too!
Yay for a negative covid test, Kathy!
I’m not a hoarder either, but I do like the things I collect to be out in the open so I can enjoy them.
Stay safe!
I can understand wanting to keep the tingling excitement going from the premiere …such a fun night!
Can’t wait to see your tree with more lights! I’ve put up the tree, added the lights, and plan to use this cold day to hang the ornaments… probably with the background of the radio station that plays all Christmas music during the season.
Happy Sunday…
We’re hanging the ornaments today, right after we get back from our flu shots!
Stay safe, Barrie.
I’ve been decorating today too. I’m with you on lights all day. As you know, in Michigan, even a bright day isn’t that bright (especially with an Eastern exposure — once that sun goes over the house, it’s gone!). I’ll compensate for the light bills later!
It’s a beautifully shaped tree. It’s going to look fabulous and so will the rest of your lovely home.
Same here re: light. We need the sparkle.
Thanks so much, Jeanie.
Stay safe.
Your tree is so pretty. I think the Christmas tree is my favorite decoration! I’ll downsize lots of other decorations but the tree stays as long as I can manage it. The lights make me so happy!
The tree is a must. I agree!
It makes me so happy to see those lights!
Stay safe, Linda.
Love your tree with the white fairy lights, so pretty. Every time you think of the premiere, you’ll get that joyful feeling all over again. I think it was lovely that you got to experience the premiere with Don so you can reminise together about it. I received the cutest striped sweater and jeans for my boy. Included was a nice, cozy touque. Such a kind gesture. He’ll be warm all winter. Hugs, Elaine
Sounds like an adorable outfit, Elaine. Your sweaters are going out in today’s mail.
Stay safe!
Your tree is so lovely… nicely shaped and the lights look wonderful.
I put up my tree and left it with only lights for a couple of days. Really debated about adding ornaments. I decided to be quite sparing with ornaments this year and I like the “less is more” feeling and look.
Wishing you and Don a joyous holiday season and a new year filled with prosperity, good health, contentment, and all that fills you with peace & joy.
We always do the same thing – leave it with just the lights for a couple of days. But I have lots and lots of vintage ornaments and I can’t imagine not seeing them at Christmas. So today we decorate.
Stay safe, Amy.