I remember the days when our first snowfall was pretty; gently falling snowflakes with a magical kind of quality.
Instead, we’re getting this:
In other words, snow changing to rain changing to ice changing to snow changing to ice and then changing to rain.
This happened a lot last year. I sure hope this first ‘event’ is not going to be the norm this winter.
It all happens after it gets dark, so it’s not as if we can watch the pretty little snowflakes falling…
No snowblower, of course, but it wouldn’t really work with this stuff. I’ve heard anywhere from 1 – 3 inches, but our local weather guys who I turn to for the most accurate forecast are saying a coating to an inch. Fingers crossed!
We’ll see.
Do you think it might be time for us to remove our a/c window units? I’m thinking that is a resounding yes, so that’s on our agenda for today, as well as getting the snow shovels out of the shed.
I took a quick glance at the porch plants. They’re not dead yet, but it’s early in the day. I’ll know more later.
Sounds like a day for sugar-free hot chocolate, doesn’t it?
As for my thoughts on my upcoming birthday, a clarification. Feelings about aging and big birthdays are complex and I think it’s healthy to acknowledge and honor that. Of course I’m grateful that I’m still here. But that doesn’t mean that I can’t feel something beyond that. Life is complicated. Feelings are complicated. So, my replies yesterday reflect that.
There is not one of us who hasn’t lost someone too soon. I certainly have, starting with two children I routinely babysat who lost their young lives to cancer. I was 12 or 13, but they were much younger. Sadly, we often face heartbreaking loss at an early age. And since the age of 44, there has not been one birthday where I haven’t been acutely aware of the fact that I have been granted more years on this earth than my brother. Or more years than all my friends who died of AIDS. Or my student who was murdered.
And I am well aware that some of you have lost beloved husbands and children and my heart breaks for you. There are no words.
All of that is to say that life is not a Hallmark card. It’s tricky and complicated.
Don’t worry, though I have insisted on no presents – we’re stretched pretty thin at the moment – Don will be in a celebratory mood and will make the day lovely. I’m eternally grateful for his presence in my life. But that isn’t for 6 days, so in the meantime…snow and ice and messy weather.
Stay safe.
Happy Tuesday.
I feel exactly the same way about birthdays! They always make me a little sad and not that I’m not grateful to have reached 71. Just too many loved ones no longer by my side.
So true. And the awareness that time is slipping by.
Stay safe, Judy.
Thanks Brenda.
Stay safe.
good plan to get ahead of that winter-y mix. i don’t like the word or the feeling so don’t hate much, but i hate winter-y mix weather (we are getting up to four inches of snow, starting now). anyway, good luck with the plants and removing the air conditioners. be safe in every way!
good plan to also allow and let out thoughts and feelings about stuff and especially about loss and some birthdays.
(i say “good” not in judgement but in agreement … doing those things helps me and i hope they help you all, too).
for months now, members of my family and i have been watching a squirrel get food from a tray-feeder hanging from a hook on my parents’ second-floor deck. we call him earl (could be pearl). problem is earl doesn’t like that food so much as the suet cakes hanging from another hook. it has been sweet and fun to see him get some of the suet cake, but also nerve-wracking … sometimes he’s been stretched out horizontally the length of his little body, grabbing the suet cake with one hand (as the feeder swings a bit) while his back feet grip the metal hook/rod for dear lifeies … sometimes i’ve had to close my eyes then). earl has to work hard to get to the feeder (see above, also there are baffles on the deck supports) so we cheer him on. to make it easier for him, especially with winter ahead, when we’ve seen him in the tree nearest to the deck, we’ve tossed some safe peanuts to the ground and on the deck … and now he’s getting them on the deck instead of hanging off the swinging suet cake bird feeder. much safer for earl. also easier on my heart. i know some people may disagree with us feeding earl, but we don’t put out so much or daily (we only see him maybe once a week so think he’s making the rounds). don’t want him to become dependent, but we love earl.
hope everyone has a lovely, easy day today. stay safe!
I love what you are doing for the squirrel, Kathy. I would do the same. Good for you and your family.
Stay safe.
We currently have about 2 inches of snow on the ground. It’s beautiful, very tiny snowflakes, but nonetheless it is accumulating. And according to traffic reports, people have forgotten how to drive in snow. That seems to be normal behavior…lol!
We spent yesterday, putting the lawn mower way, getting out the snowblower, and rearranging the garage. Such fun (sarcastic), but necessary tasks.
Turning 70 was hard for me last year…so 71 this year wasn’t much easier, especially when I feel younger. I do try and remind myself, that I am fortunate to be this old. And for me, that is important. I keep telling myself that age is just a number. But, I had quite a few friends and work associates who were not as privileged to live to this age, and that is not lost on me. Birthdays are just different the older I get. Lots of mixed emotions.
Enjoy your day! ;)
We’ve done a lot of that in the past week. I still have to put my porch pots away for the winter but that will be in the coming week.
I agree about birthdays, my friend. Mixed emotions, for sure.
Stay safe, Donnamae.
I agree, birthdays can be complicated! I remember as a kid it was always so exciting, but now I’m happy to let it slide by and be just a regular ol’ day… everyone looks at it differently!
We’ve been having really cold weather, but, it’s all relative…our weather is in the 60s.
Sugar-free hot chocolate sounds wonderful! Enjoy!
I didn’t end up having any hot chocolate today, but I think I will tomorrow.
Stay safe, Barrie.
Today is my 76th birthday and the first without my mother, brother and husband. It has been a sad year so far for me. I am thankful for all the years I shared with those now gone. I try to think positive as I have a son who lost his wife only 3 years ago and my 2 granddaughters who should still have their mother. Life is not promised forever so we accept what we cannot change. I have friends who have lost loved ones this year and I will be forever grateful to have known them as well. I pray every day for strength, patience and the will to go on. I will because I don’t want to bring anymore heartache to those who love me and I love. So as time goes by I will remember all the blessings I have had and those to come. Have a good day Claudia and also your husband. I look forward each day to your comments and I do get comfort knowing that we all go through life with happiness and sadness but we do go on.
Happy Birthday, Barbara! I’m so sorry you have suffered so much loss this year. Sending you love and a big hug, along with prayers as you navigate this period of mourning.
Remembering our blessings and expressing gratitude are, I’m convinced, what saves us. Bless you, dear one.
Stay safe.
Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to comfort me, it means a lot and keep writing and doing what you love. I so enjoy all your comments and writings.
You are most welcome, Barbara. Thinking of you.
oops … clicked to post too soon … condolences to and prayers for your son and granddaughters, too. your whole family.
hej, barbara …
i posted my note to you in the wrong place. scroll down to read it, if you like.
Beautifully said , as always
Siobhan x
Thank you, Siobhan.
Stay safe.
barbara … oh, my … i am so sorry for all the losses you’ve experienced this past year and continue to deal with. may you be comforted by happy memories and especially by God’s presence and promises of eternal life.
i will be praying for you.
also, hope you have been having a peace-filled and happy birthday today, spent exactly as you want. if we lived closer, i’d bake a cake for you and deliver it with a hug.
take good care of yourself and know that you are in lots of thoughts and prayers.
hugs (if okay withyou),
Thank you so much for your kind words and prayers. I do appreciate when someone takes time to send a nice message.
Hi Claudia, a very thoughtful post today. I firmly believe growing old is not for wusses. Sometimes we need to rise above reality, as Susan Branch would say. Keep the faith. Stay warm and cozy. We’ve got the same weather as you guys did. Hugs, Elaine
dear Claudia/Don — sorry for your snowy times — here cloudy, cold w/wind — not my favorite. know how you feel re bdays, loss of loved ones, guess w/time/distance, for me has gotten better, not those ‘raw’ feelings like at first, but still can make me blue. hope you all stay healthy/safe
I do not like birthdays. I do not like getting older and what is happening to my body with each passing year. I do not like the aches and pains that come with getting older. I am grateful that I can still do my own work e.g. snow blowing, yard work . Disliking these changes does not mean I am not happy to be alive..of course I am. I hope I do not sound too negative.
Take Care,
Going for eye surgery tom. afternoon. I have done all the prep work down to cooking and making meals for my husband. Not nervous, yet just a little sad that I waited so long due to Covid and now will miss Thanksgiving with my family. They have all made other plans so It will just be the two of us….again. I am 76 and I can tell you….it shocks me when I say it or write it. No words of wisdom from me. If I could turn the clock back….I would. I try not to look too far in the future but cherish the people in my life as much as they let me. Sending you hugs. We all got a gift this week with the Senate being held by the Democrats. Oh, time for the eye drops. Take care and be good to yourself.
will be praying for you, maria … for comfort, peace of mind and a quick, full, easy recovery.
also a happy thanksgiving.
sending a hug, if okay with you,
We have pretty much the same weather forecast here in Central Massachusetts. I always lie to experience the first snowflakes of the season but it’s not to be tonight.
I had my first cup uf sugar-free hot chocolate today also. Cheers!
We had about 2 inches of the crud today, but most of it is gone, and none of it ever really settled on the roads. Still….just ugh.
More depressing is the news of the orange freak I don’t know if my heart can do another election cycle with this AH. Apparently he will simply sue and counter-sue his way out of anything and never ever face any consequences. Some things simply make no sense whatsoever to me.
Enjoy your hot chocolate tomorrow. Take care.
love your way with words (which i agree with, by the way).
hope your granddaughter and other family members are feeling much, much better!
same snow situation here … bleh.
how about we *all* get some (sugar-free or not) hot chocolate?!?
stay safe.
Hot cocoa just might be the answer to all the questions!!!!!
She is feeling much better and went back to Day Care today…which, of course, is where she picked it up in the first place. It is a viscious cycle.
You take care also, kathy! Hope you got all your stuff moved back in the apt after the roofing project. And as to the “s” word……….. just ugh. Take care.
good to hear she’s feeling better. hope you all are and stay that way.
thank you. yes, roof repair is done and things are back in place, just in time for snow. two of those things feel better than the other … ha not ha.
get around safe with your snow, too!
thanks again, chris.
hugs and prayers your way … and happy wednesday.
“All of that is to say that life is not a Hallmark card. It’s tricky and complicated.”
And I’m always, to this day, stupefied and slightly put off for the fact that your statement is true, Claudia (and Hallmark lied).
They did!
Stay safe, Vicki.
You nailed it with this: Life is not a Hallmark card. That’s for darned sure! I’m grateful for every birthday in a way I never used to be before.
We had our first snow, too. Not much and it’s still there but not as fully covering. I’m not ready. But yes, I think it’s time for your AC units to go!
They’re packed away in the shed until next year.
Stay safe, Jeanie.