Nothing much to report, my friends, but the fact that I’m working longish hours and loving the cast and this production.
Don messaged me this morning with pictures of a vintage looking timer for Stella. He’s so darned cute. Needless to say, it is now on its way to the cottage.
I did not watch the rally in Phoenix last night. I choose not to listen to that man. But I read most of the transcript this morning.
He’s unhinged. Words like this: “They’re trying to take away our history and our heritage.” are code for “white” history and heritage.
I will stop there except to say that there are not enough words in the English language to say how much I detest, loathe and abhor that man and everything he stands for.
Dear Robert Mueller: I know you’re coming for him. And I know you’ll get him. But, if you can speed it up a bit, a grateful nation would be most appreciative.
A glimpse at my place at the table in the rehearsal room.
Stella officially left Los Angeles yesterday and we’re tracking her journey. Fingers crossed she arrives on Friday or Don’s plans will have to be quickly changed. We’re donating our current stove to the Salvation Army.
Happy Wednesday.
No theatre productions for us this Summer or Fall. Working on an original for next year’s Fringe that will take a year to write and produce. Fun! But missing the rehearsal table for sure. Best wishes on the production you are working on.
Can’t wait to see Stella all nestled in your kitchen. Hope the plans for Friday work out.
Have a great day! I’m off to paint our centre today. Needs a refresh before programs start in a couple of weeks.
X Chy
Sounds like you’re busy, even without a theatre production, Chy!
This “national nightmare” can’t end soon enough! I can’t hear his voice or see his face without a viseral reaction.
Nor can I, Carolyn Marie.
I want to see the timer! I got a couple of cuties for my two kitchens and I love them.
And just when will enough be enough of that man for those thick-headed congressmen and that stumble-bum BASE?
I don’t know. I have no respect for those who are still not speaking out, even though they know they should.
Safe travels Stella! I’m so anxious to see her in your home. She will be perfect and a match made in heaven.
We’re really excited!
Godspeed Robert Mueller. Every time I picture Stella I see Marlo Brando bellowing her name. Love it.
Oh, think of us lovingly saying her name!
thanks for the “take-your-blog-reader-to-work-day” photo. very enjoyable. –suz in ohio
You’re welcome, Suz!
Wishing Stella a safe journey. All I can say about whatever that was last night is,I still cannot believe actual somewhat intelligent people voted for him! I still hope that one morning very soon I will come downstairs and my husband will say one of these two things don’t care which now. 1…He has resigned or 2. His has been indicted .
Amen! I’m waiting for that same thing!
May Stella have a safe and swift journey to your cottage. I can’t wait to see pics of it in place. :) I don’t watch the news for that reason, he just makes me want to retch. Have a great week of anticipation. :) Kit
Retch is a good word for it, Kit.
First off, Stella hasn’t got a timer already? I’m stunned. Seemed like there should be one, especially since she was built in 1947. Oh well, maybe I’m just remembering those gleaming surfaces & imagining all kinds of bells & whistles. Secondly, it was great to see your “spot” in the rehearsal room. Please consider posting more photos of your working life in the theater, unless it would disturb things of course. Twould be fun to see how a production is “built.” Have a great Wednesday.
She has a clock, but instead of a timer, she has a ‘cooking guide’ on the left. I sort of love that. She was build in 1954, by the way.
I can only post a few pictures of where I work because what happens in there is private and I also won’t post photos of the actors when they can be recognized.
No kidding? That’s genuinely surprising news to me. I would’ve thought that the one group who wouldn’t mind being posted online would be actors! Live & learn, I guess. That’s why I love the web – I’ve learned things online that there’s NO WAY I ever would have learned otherwise.
And where in the world did I get the idea Stella was built in ’47? I was thinking post-war I guess, just not THAT much post-war. Mea culpa. 🌼
They are in a private rehearsal room, not a public performance space. When they’re working in that room, trying things, wearing their street clothes, they deserve privacy. I was an actor for years and I never, never liked my photograph taken. I still don’t. Neither does Don.
It’s entirely different when you’re in costume, playing a character. That’s public and that’s okay.
Thanks for elaborating, Claudia. These days, no one can be blamed for not wanting photos online. I’m continually stunned by the “celebrities” who still seem to constantly hunger after publicity, considering all the dangers out there. It just seemed so odd to me that actors wouldn’t want publicity, but you explained it very well. Thanks again.
You’re most welcome, Janet! My pleasure.
Nice to be able to enjoy and have fun with one’s work! Enjoy the day and purge him from your thoughts. He makes me retch too.
One nice thing about rehearsals is that I can get a break from thinking about him!
I wish I had a Salvation Army near me. I personally know of someone who, earlier in their life, was greatly helped by the SA; they really follow through and do what they say to help the disadvantaged. Her need was temporary but great and overwhelming.
Early on, I heard a person with good credentials interviewed on one of the news-talk shows…I wish I could recall his name; he was a sane, knowledgeable man, from what I could gather…and he said, basically, that you don’t want to fool around with Robert Mueller because the guy himself doesn’t fool around; that he takes what he does seriously and is effective and he gets the job done…so, I’ve been thinking of that ever since and I think it may be, right now, one of the remaining things keeping ME sane, remembering that piece of information, that little nugget I picked up that night, a beacon of hope to cling to and be grateful for…with this world of ours (both U .S. and abroad) feeling like it’s continually spinning out of control.
I could probably use a vacation. Hawaii sounds nice. Dream on; ain’t gonna happen. Still…
I have been preoccupied at home because of yet something more to make my own small world feel like it’s spinning out of control, and that’s multiple instances of ‘funny business’ going on in my neighborhood to the point where neighbors were standing around in clusters last night, out in our front yards, trying to plot the next course of action, i.e. a Neighborhood Watch and possibly pooling money to hire a private security service to, for a limited period of time, patrol our block if we can just get enough people to pitch in for the cost. One neighbor had put in a super-duper video cam to monitor activity outside his property and he said he can’t quite believe the number of people walking our street in pitch-black/foggy darkness at 4am, 5am—walking dogs, jogging; seemingly harmless, yet…
Yesterday, I believe I was in the middle of a daytime theft and didn’t realize it as my next-door neighbor seems to have had an intruder, in broad daylight, in their rear yard, pilfering a brand-new (sleeps 10), deluxe, tricked-out travel trailer that cost something like $70,000 (long story); we’ve had three car break-ins in less than 2 weeks; a guy in a car has been noticed and may be casing & observing & calculating when residents are coming & going; and, well, just something more to put us all on edge. So, we’re all just trying to be smart and not catastrophize but we were lit up like Christmas trees around here last night, with a lot of us choosing to leave on exterior lights for the overnight. The police continue to say that ‘bad guys’ don’t like lights, alarms…or dogs. We’ve been spared this sort of thing in our neighborhood in large part, so it’s not feeling very good.
I’m trying to really monitor my anxiety level because with everything going on globally and domestically, then at our own home/neighborhood level, I could go into overdrive.
I’m so sorry to hear what has been happening there! Can you do citizen patrols, with two people on for a few hours, then two more, etc? That’s very frightening, Vicki. Hang in there.
Our small town here in SoCalif actually has a citizen patrol to try to help out our spread-too-thin police force, but I don’t think they do nights. We’re just beginning to look into things, but that’s a good suggestion. We’ve got people dug in here who can’t just ‘up & move’ and my husband and I are in that contingent except, clearly, most people can’t just pack a bag and say, “I’m outta here!” (We are almost entirely owner-occupied; approx 50 homes.) We’ll figure it out; a good thing that’s come out of it is that neighbors are talking to neighbors. I have that new neighbor next door which could have quickly continued to fall down a dark hole of never seeing eye-to-eye, but…you were right, Claudia…it got a lot better after we started having a two-way conversation and, frankly, I was so conditioned to having a bad neighbor over there, I was picking up on stuff I didn’t like before I had a chance to get to know them a little more and seeing that there was much TO like.
I’m telling you, one thing for sure: I’m glad I have a dog. It’s almost as if she senses our own unease or something amiss in the environment because she’s been on red alert since yesterday afternoon, and that’s okay by me. Like, my husband is working late tonight…and let’s just say, I’m very glad the dog is by my side (since he can’t be).
My other neighbor, with the incident yesterday which we can’t yet connect all the dots about, was we’re sure saved from a worse loss because of their giant mastiff who rose from sleep on the opposite end of the big rear yard when he heard someone either click open the gate or click open the door to the trailer. Due to a temporary situation, the dog has been confined for a few weeks and I’m betting they still thought he was penned up; they clearly had no idea that he’s back to being loose back there, and I think they got a major surprise (he is a HUGE dog). We’re sure that’s what hastened the exit of somebody who had no business back there…and, see, that’s another good thing, an offshoot of a bad thing – – that this particular neighbor and I have been having a LOT of conversations and I’m getting somewhere with them on this dog, who’s an outside pet I’ve worried about; we’re exchanging some good info about pet care and I was so glad to learn they’re preparing a better winter-rain shelter for him, which is just one example. And I think they’re valuing him more than ever for his protective ‘guard-dog’ qualities.
I’ve been reading you right along and enjoying hearing about your Hartford comings & goings. My husband and I both got sick from a restaurant we visited about 10 days ago, so we’ve been a bit under the weather. Didn’t mean to not share in your excitement about the stove. You of course know that all of your readers can’t wait for this delivery either…and I want to know what the inaugural meal will be (if not Cloud Biscuits, what will Don come up with??!!!)…
Sending positive thoughts to you and your neighbors, Vicki. Feel better! I’m not sure what the inaugural meal will be and I may not be there when it’s made!
Claudia, am I losing my mind…I’d thought it was MHC unless it was another blog(!)…forgive me, I’m a bit distracted(!)…but wasn’t it just inside of two months ago or so, that you were having an ant problem and your readers wrote in with various non-toxic tips? I’m having an ant problem. I need those tips. I went thru your entire June-July-Aug to date archive and I can’t find that discussion. Just off the top of your head, do you recall when this was? There’s more than one blog out there where there have been posts about intrusion of summer ants…I could swear, though, that this I’m thinking of was yours…
It got so bad for one of my neighbors, she had to call an extermination company and they sprayed inside her walls, taking off the electrical plates to do it. I don’t want to be smelling bad stuff.
Don’t waste time over this; I know you’re busy; just thought you might recall which post?
I did write about ants which were an ongoing problem in May, June and July. I have no idea on what posts, however. You can always do a search on the sidebar for ‘ants.’
Okay, thanks. Your readers were generous with tips. Hate’s a strong word, but I hate ants! I grabbed whatever I had yesterday when they got through a screened window and were inside the shower stall; they got spritzed with hairspray and then were hosed down the drain! I confess; I’m an ant murderer.
Ants seem to be a big problem for a lot of people this year.
I can’t watch or listen to him either….. I find him to be a vulgar man in so many ways, and when anyone I know defends him I lose a bit of respect for them. Sad what he is doing to so many people and relationships. He’s too stupid to really understand that he is his own worst enemy. Wish he would do this country a favor and resign.
Completely vulgar. No class. No awareness of anyone or anything but himself.
HI Claudia,
Glad you are doing well.
I have been “under the weather” for a rather prolonged time for me, so my notes have slacked off!
I too, hope that this national nightmare will soon be taking shape with Mr Meuller making us
know he has found the tool to bring the truth in how all this has happened!
Can you imagine how it must feel to a liberal Southerner who was thankfully born to liberally slanted Democrat parents?! MY home town is dotted with Confederate crap. Fortunately in the RTP area, they are dealing with what to do with these statues with our Democratic elected Governor. You basically had to go to college (thankfully I did) to find out that the South was fighting the US President and oh how “purdy” they dance around the facts. Bless their confederate loving hearts. Born in late 1951 I watched Jim Crow laws in action.
Trust me; we have lots of folks who are arguing like crazy from my Facebook HS group planning our 1970 class party down that way. I am going and I will probably be around maybe 5 more Dems and my partner Gary, ( from Berkley!) is one of them.
NOT to mention the other “sheet”= sp: this crazy man is doing to this country!
You go, Katheryn! Loved the ‘sheet’ reference. All too true. I hope you’re feeling better, my friend!
I’ve said this once before on here but the millions who voted for President Trump had just as much dislike for Barak Obama but we accepted the outcome of the election. Obama is just as offensive to me as President Trump is to you, and I’m not alone by any means. Please act like grown ups and show some respect for our President. And it has absolutely nothing to do with Obama’s race! I would have loved for Ben Carson or Herman Cain to be president!
The office deserves respect but the man occupying the office has to earn respect. This man has done nothing but sully and desecrate the office. He has done nothing to earn my respect.
And being a grown-up means speaking out when wrongs are being committed. It means taking part as a citizen in our democracy. It doesn’t mean being quiet because someone is President. Our forefathers gave us the right to free speech for that reason.
Donald Trump shows alarming signs of narcissistic personality disorder, paranoid personality disorder, and antisocial personality disorder. In short, he is a “malignant narcissist.” He is unstable, and unfit to be commander in chief. Barack Obama led this country for 8 years, and left it better than he found it. Anyone who is offended by that, has some soul searching to do.
Perfect, Sandra.
Oh…I can’t wait to see the timer! As far as the other person…#45…I’m thoroughly disgusted by his words. There is nothing he could say or do to repair the damage that he’s done. We all know what’s in his heart…he’s made that part perfectly clear. The best I can hope for is Robert Murller will find something that makes this nightmare we are living in disappear! Enjoy your day! ;)
Should be Robert Mueller…forgot to proof read! ;)
I hope we can recover once this sorry excuse for a human being is out of office.
Thank you for the picture of the rehearsal room and notebook at the reading table. I’ve never been involved in the process of putting on a play and this 62 year old retired library media specialist finds your blog very interesting!
As for the office of president of the United States, I don’t know if Robert Mueller will be able to save us. But I do know that we will have another election in three and a half years and we can work to elect another president. My husband and I are not going to sit in our recliners and watch debates next time around! We plan to volunteer next time around and boot the bum out!
He’ll be able to save us in that Trump will be impeached or forced to resign. Trump will also be brought up on charges by the NY Attorney General, i.e., money laundering, etc. But how this country will recover from the damage done at home and to our standing abroad, I don’t know.
I refuse to watch or listen to him as he destroys our country. Like you, I read it the next day, but that sickens me as well. Hope Stella arrives on time. xo Laura
I haven’t been able to listen to him for a long, long time.
Stella of course needs a great timer! You and Don are both so cute. I once again have no words about Trump. He continues to just shame this country. I pray and I pray hard that it will be over sooner then later! Had a fun day antique shopping with a friend. Home and tired, but happy! A few little treasures to share soon. Hugs!
Glad you had a good day, Linda! xo
Revolting. That is all I can say. Does the loser not realize that the pitiful sinful words he utters are recorded on tape and there for us to hear and see? Does he think he can wish them away. I don’t think he cares that we KNOW what he said. He lied his way into office and apparently will continue doing so….and the cult he has created stumbles along behind him.
Completely revolting. I’ve run out of words. I think I’ll have to dream up some new ones.
Happy that Stella is on her way.
Me too!
Hoping you have a great day tomorrow Claudia!
Thank you, Nancy. You too!
Claudia, I used to love coming to your blog each day. I loved the cozy cottage and banter about egg cups and McCoy pottery. I loved the pictures of your flowers, changing seasons, sunsets and dawns and your sweet dogs. I loved hearing about your and Don’s travels and your upcoming jobs and your experiences along the way. I loved the pictures of the miniature house, Hummingbird Cottage, and the studio you built for Don to surprise him. Oh how I loved the pictures of your travels and the cottages and cities you visited. I cried with you when you lost your Scout and cheered with you when your little furry friend reemerged from under the garden shed after a long winter. I worried about you that long winter when you were home alone and Don was away and you had to deal with all that heavy snow on your roof.
Now the constant chatter is hate-filled and ugly with no regard for the people who don’t agree with you and most of your commenters. I unsubscribed to your blog a while back when all the conversation started with the disgusting pussy hat marches. I try to drop in once in a while and hear about the sweet little Z and see the updates about Stella and upcoming jobs and travels and books.
Now, it’s different. Now we don’t seem to have anything in common. Now we are not only on different sides of the political fence, (which, by-the-way, didn’t seem like such a chasm before) but I read the vitriol and I sense the hate for people, like me, who, hoping for a new direction, voted for President Trump . To quote one of your commenters, “I still cannot believe actual somewhat intelligent people voted for him!” Am I to assume that most of the people who read and embrace your blog believe that we “others” are stupid and less than fully intelligent unlike those who agree with you? Nowhere do I see comments from people wanting to give a new president a chance. I see only a mutual admiration society of people agreeing to hate and find fault and, rubbing their hands greedily, waiting for failure and hoping for the very worst to happen to President Trump. I read people’s comments that sound like the very typing of his name is like spit on the sidewalk and they might have to run to the bathroom and vomit if they have to say it. I’m so sorry to lose this enjoyable respite from the daily grind. I will miss the old Mockingbird Hill Cottage. As you have said many times, it’s your blog and you will speak your mind. I wish you well and hope that whatever you get in the end makes you all happy. We all deserve to be happy. Sandra
Interesting. When I read something political in nature that I disagree with on another blog – I quietly move on. I know there is no way to persuade someone who is on the opposite end of the political spectrum to believe what I believe. Their blog. Their right to say how they feel.
Since I have mentioned Trump about 10 or 12 times in the last 8 months – that’s what? 30 days a month on average, so nearly 240 posts – I think ‘constant chatter’ is quite the exaggeration. But I certainly respect your right to disagree with my beliefs and also your right to move on.
All the best,