That’s all I’ve got for you. We woke up at 4:30, which is way too early. I’ll have to watch myself today. I’ve already been ‘prickly’ this morning – a word Don used, and he’s right. I wish I was the sort who could get by on less sleep, but I’ve never been that way. Not even when I was a kid. But I sure wish I was.
Anyway. It’s now 3 hours later and Don is making sugar-free pancakes because we need a treat and then I’ll get ready to take my car to the dealer for two new tires. Don’s car is still in the shop. Hopefully, he’ll get it back today. I spent an inordinate amount of time yesterday trying to figure out the logistics of getting to Hartford, but in the end, I can’t do anything until I see how the weather turns out tomorrow. It’s not looking good. I informed the Stage Manager of my dilemma and she mentioned that if I do indeed end up there on Friday rather than Thursday, I would need to spend the night as there will be no time for me to give notes at the end of the run-through and I’d have to give them on Saturday at rehearsal. It’s all rather complicated at the moment and I’m just going to concentrate on getting the new tires and running a couple of errands today.
We’re watching Collateral on Netflix, a British limited-run series. Very, very good. It’s only four episodes and we’ll watch the last one tonight.
In the past couple of days, I’ve read a couple of posts on IG and Facebook from people I know defending Trump. In one case, I engaged, which is always fruitless. In another I engaged but immediately deleted my post – that was this morning. In all cases, I feel such disappointment that someone I thought I knew and respected would still be supporting – after all we now know – this man. I suppose they feel the same about me. It’s all so disillusioning. As Don says, it’s as if they never read “The Book.” “The Book” is a symbol for how we were raised: how you treat people, what is right and what is wrong, how you address your elders, that it’s wrong to lie, that’s it’s wrong to bully people, that it’s wrong to call people names, that it’s wrong to break the law, that it’s wrong to make fun of the disabled or of anyone, that we are all one, and that it is wrong to treat anyone as ‘less than.’ I was raised by the rules of that book, raised on the Ten Commandments. Yet there are a lot of people supporting and condoning the actions of someone who actively flouts all of those things and is proud of it.
I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s baffling and will remain so. It’s as if everything my parents believed to be true and upright and good and just plain decent behavior has been tossed out the window. Actually, it’s been trampled on. I know I’m tired at the moment I’m writing this, but I felt the same thing yesterday. And every day since 2016. Was I simply naive about the world? I think I must have been.
Anyway, enough. I am always cheered by the goodness I read about every day. That’s what I have to concentrate on. The truly good deeds done on a daily basis. I have to believe that is who we really are. Isn’t there something in the Bible about ‘lost lambs?’ Hopefully, they’ll find their way home.
Much love to you.
Happy Wednesday,
Good morning Claudia. Sorry the day has started out on a tough note. My heart is with you and Don in terms of “the book” and how it is being trampled on. In addition to the things my parents taught me about how to treat people and act human, the Constitution which as been the backbone of our nation is being trampled on and that troubles me just as much if not more. There have always been rotten people, but not so many with so much power. At least I don’t think so. But I have come to believe I too have been extremely naive due to my privilege of being white and lower middle class. If I were Native American I’m sure I would not be surprised by the lies and hatred we are now seeing. I don’t know how to reconcile these feelings, but I do know that what is going on now is wrong and now that we see it so brazen and expansive, it must be stopped. But then…how? I’m hoping the weather will let you get to Hartford safely tomorrow. If you had had better rest, I know you’d be able to figure things out more clearly. Please be kind to yourself and careful. And may you find beauty around and in you that you share with us so often.
Oh the Constitution is an offshoot of The Book. I hate that it is being trampled on. Thank you, Nora.
Must be something in the air. I slept very badly last night which always makes the work day difficult as I have to be “on my game”. I thought Collateral was really good – no spoilers, but the ending left me with “oh!”. I’m not much into pop music, but I watched a clip from Taylor Swift’s new film and I have to give that young woman credit for speaking up. Even if Donald Trump says he now likes her 25% less..
I have seen a clip also and I want to watch it now. Thanks, Barbara.
Steven Hassan a cult expert recently wrote a book called The Cult of Trump. He explains how ppl are brainwashed and under a cult like spell. He gives advice on how to talk to ppl and help them see the truth. Hope this is helpful. I read you often and always enjoy your posts.
Oh they are indeed brainwashed. And they are a cult. I’ve been saying that for a long time. I’ll check it out, Mary. Thank you.
Love this picture. Cozy at it’s best. I have stopped reading some blogs because they praise this person or have his picture on the blog. I avoid discussing politics but I am with you. Seems we are in the minority. Causes such stress. I do not do Facebook. I have no idea why others are still supporting this kind of behavior. Feel better and good luck on trip.
Thank you, Brenda.
I share your feelings about those who haven’t read The Book on how to treat others. I don’t think that the person in question has read even one whole book. A few weeks ago I decided to worry less about what I can’t do anything about and to find something I CAN do. (My mental health is at stake, after all.) So, I now volunteer at a local food pantry. That little thing (in the scheme of things) is proving to be salve for my troubled soul.
Good for you. I was just passing a Food Pantry the other day and wondered if there was one nearby where I could volunteer. Thanks Linda
I’ve had to unfollow a few friends on FB because of them supporting Trump. I just can’t wrap my head around it. It doesn’t do any good to argue (as I’ve learned).
Well, I hope you get the logistics of your trip figured out. We’re due for snow here tonight into tomorrow, too.
Logistics won’t be figured out until tomorrow just because I have no idea how bad it will be. Thank you, Melanie!
Yeah, I was watching the national weather reports Weds nite (TV) and thinking, oh dear, Claudia is gonna be traveling in that? It looks like Friday is rain, rain, rain. In any event, ‘messy’ travel. I wish Don could accompany you on the trip, go ahead and spend the night together in the hotel even though it was unplanned, have his company; could soothe the nerves with nail-biting driving weather even though I know you’re perfectly capable to work this whole gig, job & travel, on your own, Claudia. Just seems like intimidating weather circumstances! And Don is your comforting presence.
I’m going today and it will be raining all day long. It’s not as bad (sleet wise) as predicted but I’m sleep deprived and this seems like a particularly long day.
I looked it up and it seems that even on a good day, you’ve got a total of about five hours of car time round-trip for these Hartford jobs. So hard to be on the road when you’re very tired; the strain of needing to be alert in rain, etc. You’re a trouper, Claudia! Just look forward to that nice, cozy, warm house and Don when you get back.
Closer to four hours on a good day, Vicki, but it was close to five because of the bad weather.
Good morning all! My small ramble along this line….my husbands mom used to be a no nonsence Dem. When she was younger she read Trumps book and thought he was smart. So when Trump was up for election, she went looney and voted for him. She asked us last week why we think he’s so horrible. We sent her some stories. She admits she doesn’t watch news now because everyone is bad to Trump and doesn’t believe what we sent is true. She is voting for him again because nothing “bad” has happened to her. Some of her other kind views have changed as well. I wonder how she will be when Trumps time is up? Will she be Republican or was it just Trump.? Will I be able to go back to our old relationship? It feels like an alien invasion!
Hope your week improves!
When people vote for him because they’re doing okay, it blows my mind. There’s a whole country out there. Sigh. I know you feel the same way.
Trump is canny, but he isn’t smart! (I’m speaking to your mother-in-law, not you!) Thanks for sharing this, Verna.
I don’t believe it’s your lack of sleep that is making you feel that way. I got a decent night’s sleep, and I’m as befuddled as you are regarding the people who support that man.
My hubby and I were also raised by The Book. Good, honest, decent, truthful, law-abiding, honorable, empathetic…all words from The Book. The Book, to me, is not necessarily based on religion, I was raised Catholic. It’s just the life guide of being a decent, warm, caring human being. How can so many people turn their backs on the way I know they were raised? I am referring to my many republican cousins there. I just don’t understand. So…I remain Befuddled in Wisconsin….maybe I should change my name from Donnamae.
Our predicted snow is shifting south…maybe you’ll be lucky, too. Enjoy your day! ;)
It isn’t my lack of sleep that’s making me feel that way but it sure makes me less inclined to edit my thoughts! I agree that it isn’t necessarily based on religion, rather on what everyone knows to be true if we listen to our conscience. May I join you as Bewildered in New York? Thanks, Donnamae!
my brother, sister and i were raised by parents who read and live “the book” … actually, the good book … the bible. i thank God for them all every day.
and i wish (pray) for better days ahead … because right now is really hard.
best wishes and prayers for you getting more sleep, new tires and the other car fixed, for better weather and safe travels to/from hartford, that you and don get all the work you want and mostly for peace of mind.
kathy in iowa
Of course, you know that The Book is based on not only the Bible but all great books of religious and spiritual thought. And a straightforward sense of decency that everyone, regardless of belief or non-belief, knows in their heart of hearts to be the right way to live.
The tires are on the car and it’s driving better. Don’s brakes have been fixed. We’re tired! Thank you, dear Kathy.
I feel like I live in another dimension. When did right become wrong and wrong become right? When did honesty and decency become a memory? Not in my world..
Take Care,
Park City, UT
Not in mine either, Kaye. Thank you.
It’s comforting to know that “my people” are out there. It’s difficult to balance life with all the negative energy and ugliness that’s out there right now. I am trying to find the little things in every day that bring happiness and beauty to life–your blog is one of them!
Oh thank you, Linda. I’m having a real hard time of it at the moment, but I always find a way to eventually see the good. If I can get some sleep, I’ll be on my way to doing that.
Last night on either CNN or MSNBC, one of the panelists said do not try to change the mindset of anyone who supports Trump. It’s a waste of time. Instead, spend your time & effort on encouraging voter registration & getting voters to the polls.
Yes. I believe that’s where we will ultimately have power. Good idea, Mary.
I also feel like the others who have commented on this blog, especially Nora’s comment on the constitution. I really like that your way of coping with it is to continue to look for good and rejoice in it as well as making a conscientious decision to look for ways to do good. However, I am reminded of Martin Luther King Jr.’s quote “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” . We must continue to look for ways to better communicate with those who disagree with us, after all 80% of the population are good and honest people.
I will never be silent, but I’ve tried communicating with those who are full-on Trumpers. It’s fruitless. I liken it to a cult and we all know that once you’re brainwashed it’s extremely hard to change minds. But I’m happy to communicate to those who will keep an open mind, Betsy.
Did you just hear Mitt’s speech. Wow. I was never a Mitt fan, particularly, but I might be more of one now. The first Republican I’ve heard with true, honest integrity, who took his oath seriously, knowing full well the implications of going against Trump and the party. It was a stunning and inspiring speech.
Be careful with travel. I know you will — we’re supposed to get the snow tonight so maybe it will slow down a bit before it gets farther east. Just be prepared to stay over an extra day, no matter what!
I didn’t hear his speech, Jeanie. I’ll try to catch some of it online. Good for him!
I’m so tired today that I’m just letting what happens happen, Jeanie!
Oh, Claudia. We have surely had (too) many ups and downs since 2016, haven’t we? I was so naieve in thinking that good would triumph over evil. That those checks and balances we learned about in Social Studies way back when were a real thing. That being blatantly cruel and stupid wouldn’t be tolerated. Huh……… the worse it gets, the higher his approval ratings go upward. It is beyond baffling to me. Every time he does something so blatantly horrible, I start to think, “ok, THIS is it!!!! Finally it will be over.” Ha!!! I can’t watch the news, and I seldom go on FB unless it is to send someone a long distance BD wish. I do believe what someone else said… don’t engage with someone to try and change their mind about the fool, it is just a journey into high blood pressure ~ close to stroking out. We must encourage voter registration and voting. I never ever thought I would say this, but I don’t see a chance of him NOT being re-elected. The stock market is ensuring that, I am afraid. We know that money is the supreme power and they are all making a lot of it right now. No one wants to upset that buggy. It is totally disheartening. The scariest part is if one reads anything about WWII, the similarities between this regime and Hitler’s is remarkable. It CAN and it HAS happened again. Children in camps, separated from their families, and it is ignored. Who are we and how in the name of all that is good did this happen?
I agree wholeheartedly, Chris. I don’t recognize this country, but then again, maybe I was naive to think we had moved forward to a positive, inclusive future under Obama. We must get out the vote and turn the tables in November. Thank you!
As a child I read to the blind & fed patients unable to lift a spoon due to infirmity.
In my early 20’s on the liberal west coast I decided by myself to try to expose a group
misusing mentally & physically handicapped young people for cheap labor. And I DID expose that group in a public meeting, to applause from their immigrant families.
In my late 20’s I regularly went into a pitiful part of a large city & volunteered to tutor in a location where I was told “you’re crazy, you will be killed”. That effort connected me to a ministry working to stop human trafficking. I supplied necessities for young girls to be able to walk away from their pimps on a designated night when they were dropped off on their corners, secretly knowing they no longer had to live as captives. They could be free.
Because of that endeavor I met the most devout Christian black woman I have ever known who lived by the words “Lead By Example”. She recently passed which breaks my heart, but I can always try to honor her.
Through merely listening to others I heard of a man slowly dying who hadn’t any family in the state. My husband & I went to that hospital after our work day & held his hand multiple nights. We were with him when he passed. A minister arrived to pray and divulged he had driven many miles that night to get there because that same man had shown him such kindness when his own young son was killed in Afghanistan. He had “led by example”.
More recently I put myself in front of a very dangerous man in a public office in order to shield
innocent people. The police found he was holding runaway children in a homemade dungeon, at gunpoint.
I could write even more shocking truths but clearly this is lost on those of you so set
on hating and branding people purely over political opinion. Every human being is more than their vote.
For you see, I have always been a privileged white woman, raised by conservatives, and I am a conservative. I am keenly aware I will no longer be welcome on this blog so I will leave you with these words. ” LEAD BY EXAMPLE” and may God Shine His Miraculous Light Into Each of Your Hearts.
I fear you have overreacted again. But that’s your choice. I (and everyone else who visits this blog) have done countless things for others over my 67+ years. I just don’t list them here in my posts, because they’re private – between me and those involved. I most admire those who don’t seek recognition, who shy away from it, who simply do what is right, quietly and sincerely.
I see no one here who hates anyone, I do see people who are frustrated and bewildered by the turn this country has taken. And that is NOT a a conservative or liberal issue, nor is it a political issue. It’s an issue of right and wrong. I have plenty of conservative friends who don’t support this administration. But, we are entitled to have feelings and express them, as are you.
And aren’t you doing the same thing you accuse us of? Judging us, branding us, saying you will no longer be welcome on this blog? Saying we’re filled with hate?
You are welcome to disagree. That is your right. But you are not entitled to label the good readers of this blog as haters. That is NOT allowed here. And when you turn the tables and do exactly what you falsely accuse us of…well, no thank you.
Uh, I think you DO hate Trump. I have been reading your blog for many years and that has come across loud and clear. 💖
Sorry to disappoint you, but I don’t hate anyone. There are a lot of other adjectives for how I feel about the actions he has taken, the way he acts and the terrible things he has said.
But hate? He’s not worth it.
I have a spiritual path and one of the tenets is: We Are All One. If we are indeed all one, if I hate anyone, I hate myself. So…NO to hate.
Claudia, it’s okay for you to scold me, I’ve been through so much worse I can take it.
But please I do beg of you, never shame anyone for talking of taking action
against human trafficking, or the misusing of disabled migrant children. Those were public occurrences. I wasn’t relating mere good deeds. Keeping one’s actions
“private” as you stated you prefer, is exactly how we lose awareness and consequently funding ! By hearing the ways in which one person made a difference another person begins to realize perhaps they have the power to help and change starts to take shape.
All of these horrible conditions have been swept under the rug for too long. As women
most of us at this age can relate to when no one freely talked about breast cancer or what they were doing behind the scenes. It’s a perfect example. The movement to effect change started with a few people who bravely spoke up about personal cancer experience. You have pointed out that you drop off books at the library and don’t get a receipt for donations. Is that not sharing something good on your part ? Didn’t it elicit a positive inner response from you when a reader shared that she volunteers at a food pantry ?
You may consider me “reprehensible” because of politics. That is your right. Still, I will
not be silent about actions such as one that stopped a man holding runaway children in bondage. The fact is more people should have been speaking loudly. It’s all around us every day and we need to speak through every venue to save lives. Your blog was actually
contributing to a worthy purpose.
I am sorry to hear of the loss of your friend. Surely heaven became a bit more glorious.
I wasn’t shaming you. I was just saying that I tend to keep those things private. Larger issues? I’ve spoken regularly about them on the blog, including bullying, animal cruelty, human trafficking. I’ve been blogging daily for almost 12 years. I’ve covered a lot of issues in that time. I’m sorry you took it that way.
I would like to point out – as someone else did on this blog – that some of the very people you said were “set on hating and branding people…” were the same people who reached out to you with caring comments when you spoke about PTSD. No one on this blog is hateful. I myself do not hate anyone as I believe that we are all one. I can dislike and even despise and, yes, hate their actions. But I don’t hate the person, and neither does anyone else here.
That is why I won’t allow comments like that here. xo
Go back and reread exactly what you initially wrote to me.
You’re a bright woman and nothing you say is unintentional.
Absolutely erase this next part and you will understand why after reading it.
Be very cautious with the phrases “I’m sorry you feel that way” or I”m sorry you took it that way”. I was called about a case where a very good man committed suicide because every time he attempted to be understood he met with that phrase by a well known and deeply misguided psychiatrist. It’s an avoidance / escape phrase. It is received as ” but you’re at fault”. I remain haunted by that event to this day.
You are an expert with words. You have many from which to choose to express genuine regret for any misunderstanding. Thank you.
Respectfully, I am done with this discussion. There’s nothing more to say.
Thank you for replying.
These are dreadful times Claudia but there are, as you say, many good things: for me, your beautiful blog is one of those things. I feel warmth, love , acceptance from being one of your followers ( in a non cult-ish way)
Having just seen JoJoRabbit ( an absolute joy to watch) , perhaps we can start a campaign for Taika Waitiri to make a movie based on current times.
Oh yes, let’s do that. Thank you Siobhan for your kind words. And I really want to see that movie soon!
Taika Waititi has directed movies based in current times – Boy and Hunt for the Wilderpeople. Both are excellent in different ways. If you enjoyed JoJoRabbit I recommend both of these movies. The same messages of acceptance and understanding are threaded through them.
Thanks for sharing those titles with us, Miche.
Yep – watched them all
Also a very very funny What we do in the Shadows- brilliant xx
I’ll be talking to someone somewhere and feel this strange/creepy awareness, acknowledging to myself, “OMG, they support Trump.” And then I try to not visibly recoil, instead finding an excuse to withdraw from the conversation and exit asap. It isn’t worth trying to get in a discussion about it with them; they’ve drunk the Koolaid. They have a surprising level of vehemence. It’s a tragic ‘them/us’ scenario I never thought I’d be in. Like North & South in the Civil War? Really? I don’t know if I figured it out until right now as I write this, but I think Trump supporters actually, more than ever, scare me, like to my core. Serious fear of what’s in their brain; how they are thinking; what is clouding their judgment. I’ve really respected some of these people, heretofore; but, now, there’s no way they share my values and beliefs; the principles by which I try to live; how I was raised (I agree with what you said, Claudia; same here). I can be accepting of a lot of things and other people’s opinions, but not when it comes to DT, who essentially represents everything I abhor…and, yes, fear. The divisiveness he has created in the past four years is so damaging and almost unbelievable…yet believe it; we’re living it. It’s the guy standing behind you at the post office; it’s the woman at the bank counter next to you; it’s another person at the grocery store as your carts pass; the person at the next table in the restaurant, or the one sitting next to you in the doctor’s office lobby. Who ARE these people who aren’t listening to the fact checkers; who aren’t listening to anybody but Trump himself? How did he, all too quickly, get that kind of hold on people? Do I know my own, deeply beloved country anymore? We’re on shaky ground, being dictated to, not led.
I don’t know much about Mitt Romney, but I just listened to his speech about his vote (impeachment debacle) and he sure came up a few notches with me; a man who has definitely wrestled with his conscience before God.
It’s alarmingly close to what happened with Hitler. And though there were those who stepped up and did the right thing, who fought against him, there were far too many who let it happen, who by their very silence, were complicit. Who enabled. That’s what we’re seeing now. I find it very frightening. And although I do believe everyone has a right to speak their beliefs, I don’t believe they have a right to remain willfully ignorant. That’s what I see: willful ignorance, fear, intolerance, racism that was kept under wraps now allowed to be spewed at any and every opportunity, misogyny, name-calling, white supremacy, fascism. All of it encouraged and welcomed by the man who sits in the Oval Office. I will never call him by his ‘title.’ He stole the office and he’ll try to steal it again.
I’m with you Vicki. I don’t believe I know this country anymore. Yet, I do know so many good people, people who fight, who do the right thing. Don has always said that Trump should have been tossed out of the race for making fun of a disabled man. That people support a man who talks that way, who denigrates someone so crudely and in such a vile manner? I would not invite them into my home. I have a disabled nephew. If they think that was okay, I’m not okay with them. xo
Claudia, I hope you are able to travel safely to Hartford. I can only empathise with the Trump situation, it’s been all over the news tonight. Brexit happened here on Friday😬, quieter than expected having been deliberately overshadowed by Meghxit😀, only time will tell whether it was the right decision but when my close friend Christine who is French will now have to register for settlement despite having lived here since 1977, married to an English husband for 40 years and paid taxes & insurance for decades. Originally there was going to be a fee of £65 /($80), but as Christine said in her lovely accent ” I’m bloody well not paying that!”. The Government has back tracked and given refunds to those who had already paid.
I don’t know if I am out of place saying this but I do find it somewhat harsh for someone to say that folk on here are being hateful, when not two days ago, the same readers were sending messages of prayers and kindness after said person’s terrible ordeal.
Happy Wednesday
No, you are not out of place. I think the same thing.
Hear hear Dee Dee ( what a lovely name)
I could not agree with you more
This is a lovely community filled with wonderful, supportive people. Of course we can disagree , hold different views and explore the differences, but we must do do respectfully- Claudia has always done this as have in my experience, most of her followers. I am not trying to provoke a response from anyone, just asking that we be kind , listen ( we don’t have to agree) and respect each other
S xx
Thank you, Siobhan. Your words are much appreciated.
Say it loud . . . say it often . . . LOCK HIM UP!!! History will not be kind to this “first family of morally reprehensible thugs.” And by the way, good luck in Hartford. :)
Thank you, Chris. Reprehensible is the perfect word.
My name is Terri. I have always enjoyed your blog, but I must correct you on your opinion on Trump Supporters.
We are good hard working people who just want to live our lives without the government running it.
We love our President for giving us a voice when no one else has. As far as name calling. we have been called deplorables, nazis ignorant toothless hillbillies on national tv. We have been laughed at scorned, protested, boycotted, assaulted in restaurants for wearing a MAGA hat chased out of restaurants, denied services
We mostly keep our opinions to ourselves when out in public out of fear. No signs in our yards for fear of vandalism.
I know you are a Obama supporter, so can you imagine our school children being able to sing President Trumps praises in school? Or anyone harassing his supporters in the way we have been?
As I recall, he called us “bitter clingers”, told a audience “when they bring a knife, you bring a gun”.
You talk alot about you neighborhood and how peaceful it is where you live. Than’s all we ask for, is to work hard and be left alone.
I know you have your beliefs, but we do as well and I just thought you should hear from a real President Trump supporter and not the stereotype you hear about from Don Lemon or MSNBC
The same can be said of us. I have been called every name in the book and I have been threatened. Yes, we live in a quiet town. But we also live among Trump supporters and many of us do not post signs on our lawn for fear of reprisals. I respect your right to your opinion, but I will never agree with it. Children have been separated from their parents. Many of them will never see their families again. A man who would make fun of a disabled reporter – and don’t forget, I have a disabled nephew – is someone I can never, ever respect, let alone vote for. Every action this man has taken has been to bully and belittle and threaten.
But I know I won’t change your mind, just as you will never change mine.
Thank you for writing. I appreciate your honest response.