This photo is here simply because I love these little pieces of miniature pottery – no other reason.
We came through the big event on Monday with about 15 inches of snow. It was brutal. Very, very cold temperatures coupled with snow that fell constantly overnight and into mid-afternoon. And Don, bless him, did everything. I was still under the weather and simply couldn’t. I can’t help but think about last year at this time when Don was away working and I was facing massive amounts of snow. I’m so grateful that I didn’t have to face all this on my own and with a raging cold, besides. I don’t know what I would have done.
And we didn’t have a snow blower last year.
Thanks, husband! (He’s been taking very good care of me.) I am feeling much better, by the way. Still coughing at times, still a bit stuffy, but the feeling rotten and miserable stage is fading away. Thank goodness.
Yesterday I happened to look out the kitchen window and saw two birds that were unlike any others I usually see around here. They were clearly a pair. One would fly to a branch and soon the other would follow suit. Their feathers were blue, their breasts brown and white. I grabbed my camera. I don’t have a telephoto lens so I had to resort to a good old-fashioned crop when I was editing.
They’re bluebirds! Eastern bluebirds, to be exact. I know they are common in this part of the country, but I never see them. Never. I was so excited! Of course, I ran to my bird books to research them and discovered that they tend to stick around in the winter. The male, of course, has flashier coloring than the female. I loved watching those blue feathers spread as he flew from branch to branch.
This area is right behind the kitchen. It consists of a few young trees (one of them an oak) and lots of brambles. I wage a continual battle with those brambles because I hate them and they obscure my view of the back forty. But I’m reminded at times like these that birds love them. They take shelter there. I see it again and again. So, maybe I have to re-examine my feelings about those brambles. Less of a nuisance and more of a necessity for my beloved birds?
Thank you all for all the links and emails about Harper Lee’s announcement yesterday. I ended up writing a post on Just Let Me Finish This Page, which you may or may not have seen. In it, I share some of my feelings about the announcement. You can read it here. I kept adding to it as the day went on and my unease over the whole thing grew.
I have more than a little trepidation about this announcement. It’s well known that Ms. Lee is in very frail health. She is deaf and nearly blind. She had a stroke in 2007, I believe, and has been in a care facility ever since. Marja Mills, who wrote The Mockingbird Next Door: Life with Harper Lee said that the last time she visited Harper Lee in the facility (I’m paraphrasing here) she was no longer the Harper Lee she knew. None of us can truly know the state of her mind, but I do know that her eldest sister, Alice Lee, who was her lawyer and protector, died last November at the age of 103. Alice practiced law until she was 100 and was as sharp as a tack. Alice’s partner in the law firm now handles Harper Lee’s legal affairs.
It’s not that I doubt that Harper Lee wrote it. It’s more that I wonder just how aware Harper Lee is of what’s going on. Would she truly consent to this manuscript being released as a book when she is incapable of editing something she wrote 60 years ago? Harper Lee, who has always insisted she would never publish another book, who has had nothing to do with the press, who has guarded her privacy zealously, as did Alice, who was the buffer between Lee and the world?
Silly, but I feel very protective of Harper Lee. If you read my post on Just Let Me Finish This Page, you’ll find some links that I think you should read, if you’re at all interested in this.
Another novel by Harper Lee? A potentially wonderful thing.
On the other hand, there is something powerful in one book, one story, one beautiful tale that has captured generations of readers.
Maybe I’m too suspicious. Maybe I’ve read too many mysteries. I just hope Harper Lee is fully behind this. That she knows what’s going on. That, after years and years of guarding her legacy, she has, for some reason, decided to reveal more of herself and her writing to the world.
If that’s the case, then I welcome the new book.
Happy Wednesday.
We have a small farm in northeast Texas, and we have bluebirds as well. We see them in the spring when they nest in the little bird houses made especially for them. They are quite sweet. The interesting thing is that our actual home is an hour away in a northern suburb of Dallas and I have never seen them there. The only bluebirds we have there are bluejays.
You do have to wonder about this book. It may be amazing, but it may also be a disappointment. In a way I kind of like the idea of one iconic book.
I do, too, Shari.
We have a heated birdbath and one winter we had a pair of bluebirds visit. They’re beautiful. Have rarely seen them since. We did have a robin yesterday at the steamy water. Spring just CAN’T be far behind!! Wishful thinking, as more snow is coming to Boston.
We’re getting some snow here today, too. Oh spring, please come soon!
Interesting . I saw the headline today but never would have known of the history or the other side of the story if not for your blog post. I certainly hope that she is not being taken advantage of. It’s really sad what some folks will do for money. I’m going to tag you on some very pretty very blue birds that I saw on someone’s IG account. Your Eastern Bluebirds are very sweet and I’m pretty sure the birds love the brambles. :) Best wishes, Tammy
They do. Good cover from predators. They know what they’re doing!
Oh Claudia, I didn’t know all of that about Miss Harper. When I saw the news yesterday about the book, I was so very excited! Seriously, jumping up and down, shouting, giggling happy! Now I feel like an idiot :( I hope that it is a valid book by Miss Harper. Why would someone else write such a book without Miss Harper’s knowledge? I know the money part and the fame part, but why? I really try to look on the bright side of everything and everyone, but this is an outright SIN if someone did this! I’m talking hell in a handbasket sin! Do you think in the coming months there will be more about this that we, the public, will be told about? I would die if I bought this book and actually enjoyed it, to find out it wasn’t actually written by Miss Harper. Sorry for going on and on about this. I was so looking forward to reading this and now I want to find the low-life creep that may possibly be doing this to Miss Harper! Thoughts Claudia! I really am nice person, this has just riled me up!
Deb, I didn’t say it wasn’t written by her! I’m sure it was. What I did say was that I hoped she was cognizant enough of what was going on and that her approval for the publishing of the book is valid.
I don’t think there is any ‘low-life creep’ at all! I just hope that Ms. Lee is on board, totally and happily.
Love the sweet birds, we have them here all the time. Their vibrant blue is so stunning.
It really is beautiful, Dawn!
Glad you’re feeling better Claudia. You were the first person I thought of when I heard the news about Harper Lee’s new book. I am a bit suspicious of the whole thing myself. Also this morning when I heard about the commuter train accident I thought of you and Don. Our weather is beautiful now but we are expecting rain. Hope you are completely well soon.
We don’t take that train, but know plenty of people who do. What a terrible accident. Simply tragic!
Beautiful birds Claudia. We have had them in our yard a few times…though none in the past year or two that we have noticed. This whole book thing makes one wonder, doesn’t it? I do hope that it is all on the up and up and that someone (anyone) is not taking advantage of Harper Lee. Will be interesting to see what more is written about this event.
Yes, we’ll have to see what ensues, Vera.
I’m with you on being suspicious. I read the book you mentioned and honestly, it seems extremely unlikely she is aware of what’s going on. How was this manuscript found? ??? I think if Harper Lee had wanted to publish this it would have been done long ago. I wonder who’s behind it.
My sister is in Connecticut and says its like the tundra!,, it’s a nice 65 or so in California but we are do for rain and wind on Friday, Saturday and I think sunday. I don’t mind rain, but hate the wind with our huge trees!
It’s endless, this snow! We’re getting more snow tonight, Saturday and Sunday.
Lots of snow, thank you Don for taking care of Claudia!! I read most of the links you put up yesterday concerning Harper Lee’s new book and I agree with you 100%. I guess we will just have to wait and see. Continued healing Claudia and I hope those birds hang around, they are gorgeous.
I hope I see them again today, Linda!
Your bluebirds are lovely! I had the same thoughts when I read about Harper Lee. I hope no one is taking advantage of her!
Me too. Let’s hope she supports this.
I haven’t seen any bluebirds around here…but supposedly they are around. The naturalists for the marsh that we live near….are putting up bluebird houses to attract more I believe….eastern Bluebirds to be exact! So maybe we’ll be serving more. Ever since we’ve put up feeders this year, we’ve had a couple of wuite a few cardinals, warblers, and a few varieties of woodpeckers…it’s been fun to watch! Glad you are feeling better! ;)
I was trying to say quite a few cardinals…guess I didn’t do a good job of proofreading! ;)
Just saw them again, tried to get a photo to no avail! I also saw a woodpecker.
Last night on the news when they said the manuscript was found in the safety deposit box of her sister, attached to the original script of TKAM, I said to my husband, “how does one lose such a thing and not wonder where it went through all the years?” So, after the initial excitement, I was becoming somewhat guarded about it all. This morning on the Today show they said she had actually written this book FIRST, and the editors who originally read it asked her to expand upon the background story which then became TKAM. I don’t know if any of it makes sense, and who actually knows the truth, but again, after that initial happiness I felt, it almost makes my stomach hurt a little bit. I’m sure the stories are going to abound and wonder if we will ever know. I am feeling so sad for Ms. Lee right now and hope this won’t become a circus. (And I seriously HATE circuses ~ both the real ones and those which are construed.)
Beautiful Bluebirds (of happiness). I think they signal that you will begin feeling much better!! It also shows us that things we consider a nuisance, such as the brambles, serve a wonderful place in nature. Everything has a purpose.
So sorry about the snow. We had another 4 inches last night. blah.
Yes, I heard all of that and read some of it yesterday. It makes me very wary, indeed.
I also hate circuses, whether of the media kind or the traveling kind. (I don’t like what they do to animals that should be in the wild.)
I just saw the pair of bluebirds again. Smile.
I lived in the Midwest for many years, and understand what you are feeling about the snow! Here in western Washington where I now live, I dont have to worry about it any longer. As beautiful as the snow could be, it was just a pain which impeded every day activities. I loved seeing your bluebirds; I left those behind as well. You might want to think about putting up a bluebird box or two…you will be rewarded all year round, with little trouble.
I feel the way that you do about the book announcement. I feel emotional attachement to “To Kill a Mockingbird”. I have read it several times, and I rarely re-read anything, as there is so much out there that I have yet to read. It is the only play I have acted in as an adult. (I was Miss Maudie.) I am so worried that maybe the new book won’t be good…and that would be hard to take, like a tarnishing of her first work.
I , too, worry that someone is perhaps taking advantage of her and publishing something not fit to be published, or something that she never wished to publish. This is my pessimistic side, of course. Perhaps it will be a rare and wonderful treat.
Glad you are getting well, and praise for your husband for doing such a stellar job. Happy Wednesday to you!
I think it’s my pessimistic side, too, as well as a dose of the cautiousness that gave me the nickname, “Cautious Claudia.”
How pretty!
It is so cold here that all the birds that didn’t opt to winter in Florida are in hiding.
I’m looking forward to the reappearance of the crows this year – I find them absolutely fascinating to observe. “Nature” (on PBS) did a recent programme about crows which is worth watching.
I was excited to learn of Harper Lee’s new book, but at the same time it does raise a red flag in my mind. I like to think the best of people, so hopefully all is above board.
I see crows around here frequently. Don just saw thousands of Canada geese, what was it – maybe two weeks ago? Maybe they knew the weather was about to turn very, very cold.
The Canada geese are either collecting lots of Airmiles or they’re a lot smarter than I am, escaping the cold. (Probably the latter.)
How on earth did I miss this is very hard to believe after all these years..I would certainly love to read it but if she didn’t approve of would be a bit like invading her privacy..Beautiful little birds..we have them here too..if you want them attract them they love to eat dried meal worms..
It is a little hard to wrap my head around, that’s for sure.
I have a similar relationship with the shrubby plant in my front yard as you do with the brambles. I dislike the shrub intensely. However, the hummingbirds love the little pink flowers, so I keep the shrub. And, I feel similarly as you do with the announcement of a new Harper Lee novel. I was surprised, but gratified, to read an article in my morning newspaper that showed both sides of the story, instead of just heralding the discovery of the “new” manuscript. No doubt the manuscript will be published; probably a two-volume set will eventually be produced. We’ll see how it all plays out.
Yes, we will.
Hi Claudia, today’s post is exactly why I love reading different blogs….a different perspective on something that totally stops me in my tracks and makes me think beyond my first thoughts.
I uncovered a few facts about bluebirds (my favorite – we have multiple clutches throughout the spring and summer in the houses on the tall garden fence posts in our east field)…
Bluebirds are associated with spiritual joy and contentedness; it most often predicts the occurrence of a happy condition or good tidings coming your way. It is symbolic of a transition or spiritual awakening. It may also refer to the craving of an individual for the inner child which would obviously mean innocence. Don’t you love that! xxoo
Oh boy, I hope that’s all true, my friend! I just saw them again today. xo
What I found interesting about the news coverage of Harper Lee’s “new” book [I saw NBC’s] is that no one seemed to be questioning WHY she’s allowing publication now. She went for decades – apparently happily – without publishing anything else. And now, literally just weeks after her sister/lawyer’s death, there’s – surprise! – a brand new book being published? I hope I’m just suspicious too, but it’s a mighty coincidence, IMO.
PS – as a native and lifelong resident of New York State, I’m happy to tell you that the Eastern bluebird is our state bird [I remember this well from second grade]. You are receiving an official state visit!
I agree – quite the coincidence. I’m gathering up a couple more links about the whole thing to share on the book blog tomorrow. Seems we’re not the only ones feeling some unease about the whole thing.
I just read that NY was the bluebird state yesterday! I had no idea. They stopped by today, too.
Glad that you have bluebirds..I see them almost every day at my feeders..So pretty..
They really are! I’m entranced by them.
Claudia, I thought of you when I saw that about Harper Lee yesterday on the news. :) I love your bluebirds. You will be looking for them more now. We had a pair here this past spring…but I think the other birds ran them off. we had a bluebird house for them. Saw them going in and out many times. We will have that house ready again in early March. I am glad you and Don have a snow blower now. I don’t know how you did without one. Blessings, xoxo,Susie
They are so beautiful, Susie. I saw them again today and sure hope I see them tomorrow!
I love that the birds look so round and chubby! Great pictures.
I completely agree with what you’re saying about Harper Lee. Because of all I’ve read (including information you’ve gathered and shared) about her, it seems VERY suspicious that she is knowingly supporting this. I think there are people who hope to gain a financial windfall for themselves, and I don’t know that I want to contribute to that without feeling better regarding how this has REALLY come about!
I’m glad you are feeling better. (Thank you Don for taking such good care of our dear friend Claudia).
I hope that all has been blessed and okayed by Ms. Lee. We’ll have to hope we can learn more, and not just through quotes from Harper Lee that sound like they were written by lawyer(s). But that may never happen.
Hi Claudia!
Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting – I think you would have enjoyed Early Shaker Spirituals.
Hah! I heard a brief news announcement about the Harper Lee book yesterday and I immediately thought of you. I nearly jumped on the computer and emailed you but then I thought with your being on the east coast, you would have most likely already heard. I simultaneously felt two emotions when I heard – excited and dubious. Wonder what powers were given in her Power of Attorney?? Can’t imagine her giving any person the right to publish after she’s stated she’d never publish again.
Glad you’re feeling on the mend and happy Don was home this year to do the snowplowing. I can remember you plowing last year and your painful back.
Love those birdies, so darling! (I think Royal Copenhagen made/makes china ones?) I had no idea they’re bluebirds either.
Happy Wednesday!
Oh, Royal Copenhagen? Hmmm….I might have to find some!
I googled RC quickly and just see Titmouses, Finches and Robins. Perhaps Bing & Grondahl??? Or maybe I’ve lost my mind — seems to be the usual state of things these days LOL.
I haven’t been commenting because I tend to blog late in the day and wonder if you see late-in-the day comments but I just have been feeling so badly for you that you’re not feeling well in all that cold, severe weather…SO, SO glad you are not alone this year. Loved the bluebirds; you take fantastic photos. Really, really interesting to hear your take on Harper Lee and the new book announcement. I feel you’re on to something there. I hope it’s not another case of elder abuse…abuse which comes in many, many forms and is sometimes very hard to get a finger on the pulse about. I’d like to get a patient advocate in on that…
Have you read over the last few years about what went on with the copper baron’s daughter in NYC, who was nearly lifelong reclusive, and some of the questionable stuff that went on with her money and care (lawyer, accountant, nurse) at the very end of her very long life…Huguette Clarke is I think her name.
I agree with what you’re saying about one great book as a stand-alone achievement. Prequels and sequels can be disasters.
My thoughts exactly! From the biography I saw on PBS, I doubt that she herself is up to this, or maybe she is in her current state of mind? It seems that she did have a first novel that was never published.
I don’t know who is in charge of Ms. Lee, as I’m not sure she is fully able to care for herself in these matters. Don’t you think her sister would have put these matters in the hands of someone they trusted? Speculating, I know. I do hope her wishes have been carried out!
Regardless, this venture will be a commercial success and I will read it. I hope Ms. Lee is in a comfortable place and well taken care of.
p.s. I am excited about your bluebirds!! We have at least 3 couples that come to our feeder here in the Atlanta area. We have so many wonderful varieties of birds. It is a lot of fun feeding them.
We have bluebirds here also but they rarely grace me their presence in our yard. I suppose they must have plenty to eat in the field and wooded area behind the house. I do try to entice them to the feeder with something called “Bluebird Nuggets” but I think the other birds just eat them. We put up a bluebird house last fall in hopes of them nesting in it this coming Spring. So glad you are feeling better.
I am so far behind Claudia, and I apologize. I didn’t know about Harper Lee and a possible new book. I do love your Blue birds. On the rare (very rare) occasion they will flit through my woods in the summer. I had an occasion recently to take photos of 2 Bald Eagles. I wish I could share them with you. Anything and everything in nature is a wonderful photo op.