Well, those of you who subscribe via email or on a reader will get at least 3 posts today. (Sorry.) I updated about Scout’s condition twice yesterday and now I’m writing the official Monday post. For those of you who haven’t been able to stop by, Scout’s surgery went well. She came home in the late afternoon. But by about 7:00 we were concerned about bleeding. We had been told by the doctor there would be some bleeding occurring because they were unable to tie up the area where they removed the tumor. I don’t understand all of that, but she did bleed. That was okay, however, at one point she bled a lot and passed some clots. She was also agitated and wanted to drink water all of the time and she was breathing heavily. That was probably due to the anesthesia and the pain meds. But since she had not been out of surgery all that long, we spoke to the doctor on call and took Scout back to the hospital to spend the night. She needed to be watched and monitored by the staff.
Hopefully, we can bring her back home today. Poor baby. She’s been through a lot.
Meanwhile, may I take a moment, and only a moment, to say how overwhelmed I am? I was home for a mere 3 minutes when I discovered that Scout was having serious problems and we had to rush her to the doctor’s. On the way home, our car started sounded very noisy and when we pulled up our drive and got out to look, we saw that one end of the muffler had detached. Today we were supposed to get our car inspected. I’m thinking we would not pass that inspection. I’m crossing my fingers that it doesn’t involve a lot of money because we don’t have it. But we sure need a car. Oh, and we have to have the top of our chimney re-bricked, as well as re-flashed, if there is such a word, to the tune of $2000.00. Otherwise, the leaking will continue. On top of all of this, we have to have a big old dead tree taken down and all the trees pruned because of the damage to the maple and the catalpa. Lots more money.
Oh, and a good third of my garden was decimated when the maple limb fell. I have no idea what will come back and what has been damaged beyond repair. It’s heartbreaking. And I can’t get used to the maple without that beautiful limb.
Okay. Now you know what thoughts and worries are playing on an endless loop in my head. Thanks for letting me put that all down on virtual paper. Now I will turn it all over to the Universe/God/Divine Intelligence and trust that we will be provided for. (That isn’t always easy, is it? It’s a constant struggle for me.)
Those flowers are from our local farmer’s market. Don bought them on Friday, posed for a picture holding the bouquet, and emailed it to me with a Happy Opening Night message. I really love them.
It’s a foggy morning. I’m thinking about Scout and hope the bleeding has subsided. Thank you for all of your prayers and messages of support. You are the best.
Happy Monday.
I hope your Scoutie is better this morning. Don’t you just wish they could talk so they could tell you what is wrong?
Poor thing.
Yes, I do!
hugs / hang in there as best you can darlin’ / let us know later about scout :)
I will. She’s home right now and since they gave her a mild sedative, she’s out like a light.
Claudia it sounds like you need a hug from Scout, Don, and a chance to catch your breath.
I am going to look at a few of your older posts, woke up this morning to a bit of tree damage ourselves.
Oh, no. Sorry to hear about any tree damage, Jen. I hope it’s not too bad.
Thinking about Scout and sending her healing messages. Have you ever though about selling the house? It seems to need too much, no?
Of course we have. The market is bad here. The house is worth much less than what we paid for it, so we’d lose money. And we certainly can’t sell it until repairs are made. Our hands are tied.
Hope you hear good news on Scout this morning. Why do things always happen in threes? Or fours or fives?
Fours or Fives in this case, Deb! I’m not sure why that happens, but it sure seems to.
Scout is home. She’s zapped out because they gave her a sedative. But she’s home and that’s the important thing.
It sure seems like the old saying “when it rains, it pours” is true when it comes to financial woes Claudia. I hope things will work out for you and Don and that somehow, someway a blessing will come along to provide for your needs. Hope you girl gets to come home soon and bounces back quickly. Hope you have a good day!
She’s back home, Janie. They gave her a sedative that, unfortunately, knocked her out. That may be a good thing. She’s resting on a bed in the living room. She didn’t even wake up when I vacuumed!
Oh, I just caught up with your posts about Scout. I hope you are all doing well.
Thank you, Sylvia.
Good morning. I saw Scout is home again. I’m so glad to hear that. I so understand your money worries. We’re right there with you. Our car needs major repairs, which is getting done next week and will take a lot of our savings. But, it’s still cheaper than getting a new car. It just keeps getting harder and harder to make ends meet with the cost of food and gas. All we can do is hang in there and be thankful for what we have. Sending healing thoughts to Scout-she’s got a lot of people thinking of her.
I know. Our car is 12 years old, but it’s paid for and we don’t want to have take on the debt of a new car until we absolutely have to. We are indeed grateful for what we have.
So happy to hear that Scout’s surgery went well! I should have checked back yesterday…but got too involved in my own things. I totally understand all the money worries…seems like when it rains it pours, doesn’t it. I just have to have faith…that somehow it will all work out. Take care of yourselves and Scout…hope she is feeling better! ;)
Yes, absolutely, we have to trust that it will all work out and that we will be provided for!
I totally understand your wanting her to spend the night being monitored. We feel so helpless, and it is such a relief when they are being watched over. But, just as do we, our furry kids recuperate so much better in their own surroundings. I love when they are sleeping and they open even one eye, see us there, and then sigh and go back to sleep. I know how anxious you were to be home, and then all of this happening…. overwhelming to say the least. Having your girl with you, Don there, and your yard to walk and work in will all help, I am sure. We are all thinking of you and sending positive energy, prayers, and thoughts of peace your way!
Thank you so much for all your positive thoughts, Chris! They make such a difference!
You and your family(Scout and Don) are still in my thoughts and prayers! Have a day filled with sunshine from middle TN.
The sun just came out after a foggy morning, Carol!
Dearest Claudia, of course you’re feeling overwhelmed, probably sleep deprived, and with worry over Scout, not had a chance to decompress after your work away.All this makes your problems loom even larger than they already are. First things first, dear, take care of Scout, and you and Don take care of yourselves as much as you can. You can only do what you can and the money will only go as far as it goes. Next, when there is time, do things that always lift your spirits and relax you. Often then, we get a new perspective on things or at least a new heart to face the problems, while we’re waiting for answered prayers and doors to open.
And then you just have to channel a little Scarlett O’Hara and say “I won’t think about that today, I’ll think about that tomorrow.”
Love to you all,
Oh, Dewena, thank your for your wise words. They helped me to relax and let go. Bless you.
Scout being home again is great news Claudia. It is indeed quite something to release the overwhelming circumstances we face in different ways and maintain equanimity. Continuing prayers for courage and inner peace.
Thank you, Grace. I so appreciate your prayers.
Claudia I do hope that scout will recover from the tumor. It is awful for a helpless creature to understand what is happening. You need a big hug and a cup of tea in those lovely cups you posted about. Try to relax and think good thoughts. The chimney will get fixed and the muffler too but another day. Valerie
I will be having some herbal tea this very afternoon, Valerie. Thank you.
Sending love from me to you.
I’m so glad that Scout is home and the sedative is probably a good thing because they tend to want to “take care of” their own wounds. I’m glad she made it through the surgery well. Poor baby.
Well, your return home turned out rather crummy. Sometimes everything comes crashing down at once. My kids are going through some seriously hard times with having homes and losing jobs, it keeps me up at night. I just can’t seem to find the right words to say to them. We’ve had our health problems here and it’s worn away at my nerves that sometimes I think that this is just go9ing to be the norm from here on.
I don’t like to push advice, but here’s an idea on the trees. maybe even the chimney. Up in Michigan we find a lot of good folks who are out of work and will take on just about any job you have. We can leave a Help Wanted memo on a board in the grocery store and we have had a lot of luck getting painters and handymen that way. Some people may want the tree job just to get firewood or kindling. There may be a great tuck pointing guy out there down on his luck needing to make some money. You might want to give this a try.
I’m sending off many prayers that Scout makes a great recovery and that you and Don can shift back into a smoother time soon.
Oh, I always appreciate your advice my friend! We thought about that, but they don’t have insurance and these are seriously big, huge old trees. If anything happened, we could be in serious trouble. And the pruning of the catalpa and the maple will have to involve a truck with a bucket, which is what the tree guys use. Plus, we’re trying to save the maple, which looks pretty seriously injured from that fallen limb, and these guys are arborists as well. I think we have to bite the bullet and use someone who knows what they are doing.
I’m so sorry your kids are having tough times and I know you both have been dealing with health problems. I so hope that everything improves for you and your family. xo
Prayers being set to all of you. It’s so hard when something is wrong with our furry family members. It’s not like they can tell us with words what is wrong or how they are feeling. My Great Dane, Bear, had blood vessels that collected on the tip of his penis and they irritated the shaft, causing it to bleed….and he bled a lot after they were removed. So I put him in tightie whities so he wouldn’t get blood everywhere. Yes, he looked ridiculous and you can smile at the picture forming in your head, but they helped.
I’m sorry your tree lost a limb, but at least you still have the tree! Don’t stress about the little stuff..it all seems overwhelming right now because your emotions are high, but just take one day at a time and things will work out.
Thank you, for your wise advice, Cheryl!
As you well know, I too am a victim of “cluster issues”. Where everything that has wheels, motors, electricity and/or is medical all happens within a few days…You just have to breathe, remind yourself of your blessings and rework the budget about a zillion times..or do like I do have another bleepin’ garage sale (in two weeks). sigh. I am sorry you have a cluster right now but it will pass…and you can always drop a few rants into “my bucket” :D
Yes, I’ve been reminding myself of my blessings all day long. One bit of good news, the repair on the car was minor and we passed the inspection!
Oh Claudia, when it rains it pours. I will keep my fingers crossed that you and Don get a “windfall” soon. I am keeping very strong positive energy flowing for sweet Scout. Hang in there.
Thanks so much, Sue!
Thank goodness Scout is home again..she will relax and rest much better being with you and Don..Keep us posted..Hugs
I will, Nancy.
So sorry about less than joyous return home. I have been through the same thing with two girls and one similar situation with a boy dog. My heart is with you and sweet Scout. Thanks for the updates.
You are welcome. Thanks for caring, Lucia.
Claudia – So glad Scout is home and calm. I just pray that the Lord will give you a peace about Scout and money problems. I know it can be so easy to get overwhelmed but we are just human and worry and fret over things we have no control over. I just pray daily that God will grant me the peace and wisdom to handle today – am praying that for you & Don & Scout also.
Love ya,
Me too. Just the peace and wisdom to handle today. I was going to try to call you last week, Judy, but it got away from me. Hopefully, once Scout starts feeling better, we can catch up, my friend. Hang in there.
Why does it all have to happen at one time. That is a lot of expensive things going wrong. I’m sure that Scout’s medical needs are high as well. I have a hard time turning things over to God as well……why is it so hard. Is there anything we can doas a blogging community to help you.
Can you reschedule the car inspection. We don’t have those so I don’t understand how that works.
I know we needed a new roof, we thought, and had estimates of $20,000. Then a kind man my husband knew said he would come take a look.. He repaired around the fireplace flashing and the wood around. It was only $1,000, whew.
Trees are so expensive to maintain and take down. We were lucky when the big one fell down over the road blocking the whole neighborhood. The township came and removed it all. One of the workers was a friends son…..I told him he could have the wood for his parents that only heat with wood. When I returned it was all gone. That would have cost a fortune.
When our late Springer had a huge tumor removed from in front of his leg, his stitches came loose. He had a hole n his body that I could put my fist in. I was beyond upset and furious when I couldn’t get the vet to call me back all week-end. It did heal. Just saying this so you know that an open wound will heal. She made it through all of that and it was cancer and lived for 2 more years .
I will pray for you, Scout and Don…….maybe some luck will come your way….it’s about time. ((((((HUGS))))
No. Car inspections have to be done by a certain time, in our case, by the end of the month of September. The good news is that the repair was relatively minor and we passed the inspection!
Scout’s bleeding has definitely slowed down a lot. I haven’t seen any since she got home. She’s very out of it due to a sedative that she couldn’t metabolize fast enough. But she’s starting to come around.
Keeping those good wishes and prayers streaming your way….you need some time to yourself soon.
Thanks so much, Donna.
My best for all of you.
Thank you so much, Veronica.
Hi Claudia, I am glad Scout is doing better. Everything will work out and we worry about things that we have no control over. I know it is easier to say but it is true! Take care, Doris
I am so sorry to hear about your circumstances. If I had to choose someone to put my trust in it would be God. He has a way of bringing you the peace you need to make it through times like these. You, Don and Scout are in my prayers today.
All three of you are in my prayers. Shari, in her post to you, said it perfectly – God does bring us the peace we need to make it through tough times.
Most of all, I am just so happy to hear your Scout is doing better. Know that many throughout the blog world are thinking of you and praying for you. Prayer works! We have the testimony in our family to prove that!!
Sending get well wishes from the humans and canines (Toby and Dexter) at our house to Scout!!
Hoping that Scout is doing well today … I know how much you want to have her by your side. Animals have a special way of crawling right inside our hearts and setting up house there.
That letting go stuff with all the other problems is soooooo hard … I don’t care how old we get or how many miracles we’ve already experienced the ones facing us today always seem insurmountable. I’m learning to pray and give it to God to handle; he says He will and I’m learning to trust that He will. Sometimes things don’t work out the way we would like but again it’s a matter of trusting that what God does in our lives is in our best interests (even if it doesn’t feel so a the moment). I hope you find the peace you really need.
A BIG ditto to Ann in the previous post. I could not have said it better myself. Thank you, Ann.
Claudia, think positively. Think of all the good things in your life…….especially having friends thru
a wonderful blog like yours. I think of you as a friend who I will listen to, however long you may
need to say your story, and hopefully it will make things go a bit easier.
Those worries to seem to come in big batches don’t they! You are in my prayers my dear friend. Hope to hear about Scout soon!
Ah, the joys of money issues. I hate that money is always something there is never enough of. You will have some hard decisions on what to fix first and of course the doggie will have to be fixed for certain. When it all settles down I will give you a jingle. I did text today to check on Scout. Continued prayers my friend.
Isn’t it terrible how everything always happens at once. I do hope Scout heals quickly. As for all the other things it so hard to decide what to do first. I guess the biggest and most imminent thing is the car as it has to pass inspection. My thoughts and prayers are with you, Claudia. xo Laura
Last time I was here, I was wishing your father a happy birthday. Wow! A lot has happened since then. Glad you got your thoughts and worries out in virtual blog land. It helps doesn’t it? We all can relate to feeling overwhelmed. During stressful times, it’s not easy to let go and trust but you’ll get there and the thoughts will stop spinning. Glad Scout made it through surgery. She sure is a trooper. You’re in my thoughts and prayers today.
As they say, it never rains but it pours! I hope Scout is doing okay and will be home soon. Also — I have that worry issue too and can get really caught up in it so I do try to let go of the issue as soon as I realize it’s happening. 99.9% of the time its out of my control anyway…
UGH…when it rains it pours! You didn’t even get a chance to sit and rest for a bit! Here’s hoping Scout comes home feeling 100% better. I can relate all too well about all the repairs. Seems like everything needs fixing during the fall and winter. We have to pay to cut down our tree….my favorite tree. Hurricane Sandy proved that the tree just has to go…..if it fell it would cause the whole house to cave in. Good luck with the car and chimney.
Blessings, Joanne
I hope that Scout is home now. It was such a relief to hear her surgery went well.
The good thing in all this is you’re home! Am praying for a full recovery for your precious girl.
By the way, because you’re such a terrific family, you’re at the top of my list when I win the lottery!
jane in tx
Lovely flowers..Hope things are headed in a positive direction now..Have a super day..