Well, I promised you photos of the Barn Sale at La Maison Rustique and here they are! I have to tell you, I had such fun at this fabulous once-a-month event. If you’ve never been, it is located about an hour north of San Diego in Temecula – wine country. As I drove down the road in Temecula toward the sale, I saw several hot air balloons overhead. I passed winery after winery. It is absolutely beautiful there. The sale is only on two days – Friday and Saturday – and it is very popular. I spoke to a family that had driven from Las Vegas just for the sale. They got up at 4 in the morning and drove 4 hours – one way!
I love the barn that is La Maison Rustique. Isn’t it charming? Linda is the creator of the event – and the barn is hers. There are many talented women behind the scenes, styling, creating, selling – the vignettes they have created are wonderful. As I walked toward the barn, what did I see? Paintings by one of my favorite artists, Christie Repasy. I made a beeline toward them and started speaking with a woman in the booth who I soon discovered was Christie herself. She is a lovely person and I spent quite a bit of time talking to her about her work, what inspires her, her children and her home in Laguna Beach. Her paintings are predominately of roses and other flowers and they are gorgeous. She was so generous with her time. I spent a good long while deciding what painting to buy…I would look at everything, go away, come back, and go away again until I finally decided. I’ll share those with you another time! Here is Christie in her booth, along with some more photos of her work.

There’s much more, but to tell you the truth, I was so busy looking at everything, talking to everyone and enjoying the morning that I had to remind myself to take pictures! I wanted this cupboard, the doors were painted with chalkboard paint – unfortunately, I can’t buy furniture while I’m here. (Sometimes I fantasize about not flying home but renting a van instead and loading all my stuff in it when I leave here. You can bet I would be loading that porch swing right into the van!
I had a great time, met some fascinating women (many of them bloggers) and will definitely go back next month. Hope you enjoyed the show!
Oh My Goodness, what a gorgeous place! If I flew all the way over to see that beautiful place, we would be broke and need a plane with a caboose on the back to take all my new treasures home! lol Happy Blue Monday!
Amanda (aka Cottage Contessa)
Claudia I will take everything really everything. It must be sooo hard to leave things behind.
Come see me I have you featured. Let me know if the pics are ok. I love them
Love Claudie
that place is a treasure by itself! wow! so many beautiful things!
I love Christy Repasy’s work too!!! Have a canvas print of her pink roses…just love it. Sure looks like my kind of show!!! Wish I could have gone too!
Claudia…you won my PINK S & P shakers!!! Send me your address via my email: betzie2@juno.com
Have a great Monday!
GASP!!! that is awesome. thank you for taking pics. i want to go!
This screams “MOM” at me. She would love this barn.
Thanks so much for sharing photos of that beautiful event. Wish I lived closer. Warm wishes, Esther
You are so lucky to have had the chance to go there…I would love to! And how fabulous to meet Christie Repasy to boot! I love everything you have shown!
Thank you also for your very encouraging and uplifting words on my blog post! I am so grateful to have such wonderful support in this community!
I did indeed, and I thank you for taking the time to share all the lovey things you saw with us.
I just saw a porch swing in a magazine photo the other day, that I fell in love with. I wish I had a porch big enough, but I’ll have to make do with my two wicker chairs.
Oh Wow what a wonderful place. Can’t say which picture and stuff I like the most. It must have been hard to choose not too much. LOL
Oh my gosh – I would have gone with you in a heartbeat if I lived out there! What an incredible barn sale! I saw so many things I would love to have brought home – like that birdcage!! ha ha (Like I have room for another bird cage!)… It looks like you had a fantastic time and met some wonderful women! I can’t wait to see what you bought! (Love your pet sidebar links! I may have to ‘borrow’ one or two of yours for my sidebar!!)… Donna @ An Enchanted Cottage
What a wonderful place for a sale & how inviting everything looks!! I’ve decided the luckiest people live in CA!!
Angelic Accents
Wow…what a great place! If someone is willing to drive 4 hrs from LV, it must be worth it. How great that it’s a pretty hour’s drive for you – a nice once a month outing to look forward to.
A van ride home isn’t a bad idea ;-)
Ooooh…what fun!! Now you have me anxious for Stormville! I noticed the ironwork in one of the photos…wonder if anyone will take it home and use it as a valance like I did in V’s room ;-)
Hi Claudia,
just spoke to Christie Repasy and she send me to your blog….thank you for stopping by a la Maison Rustique. Ciao Rita
Hi.. I was great seeing and meeting you @ the barn sale too! Thanks for stopping and sharing!
Got to love those Barn ladies..
such a fun place to shop,chat,take photos and just dream of new design ideas;-)with old treasures…
Hope we bump into each other one of these days out there;-)
Terrific, terrific tour! Thank you!!
What a great place. Next time we go to San Diego we need to consider going there.
What a wonderful group of pictures!!!!!! Clicked on each and every one, careful not to miss any detail.
This looks like a blast! I have a couple of Sherry’s tees and she’s a sweetheart. I have to take a trip down to Temecula one of these days. I don’t know how you decided which paintings you wanted of Christie’s. How wonderful you were able to chat with her for a while. Thank you for sharing your day ;)