Insane day yesterday. As I was preparing to transfer all my data to my new computer, I realized that I needed to get an adapter for the new ports on the MacBook Pro (this after a long phone conversation with someone from Apple). I drove – again – to Connecticut, got the adaptor, drove home, started to transfer the info.
And it wouldn’t work. I tried again. It didn’t work. Finally, I called Apple Support and we screen shared and a lovely woman tried to help me with the backup and this went on for about a half an hour until she said she was going to get her supervisor on the line and he came on and we screen shared again, and he came up with this big news: My 15 inch model of the MacBook Pro has half as much storage as my old 13 inch MacBook Pro. So all my photos (of which I had deleted thousands) and Lightroom, etc. were too much for this new model. I never even thought to check that, because why would I expect to have less storage?
Apple: I have a bone to pick with you. Why does my entry level 13 inch MacBook Pro from 2011 have much more storage than the current entry level 13 inch MBPro and the 15 inch MBPro? Are you adding so many bells and whistles that we’re actually paying more money for less storage?
It’s a pain in the ass.
Anyway, Scott from Apple Support said to take it back and then I have to decide whether to get a 13 incher with more storage, which will cost $200 less than I paid for the 15 inch, or get the higher end 15 inch, which will cost $500 more…I think it’s a no-brainer. Back to the 13 inch. Oh well. I had a dream of a 15 inch, but I have to give that one up.
Five morning glories today!
Including this one, hiding amongst the leaves.
I got this in the mail yesterday. I ordered it from Susan’s site, so it includes her autograph:
Thank you, Susan. I can’t wait to read it.
I’m off. Do I drive to Danbury today or do I wait until tomorrow?
Happy Sunday.
Oh, I just hate computer problems! And, for me, getting a new one is the biggest problem of all. Just upgraded to an Iphone and it will probably take me a year to be able to get a phone call, forget about making one or doing anything else on it!
At least you are computer literate. I am in awe of your abilities!
Loved the Susan Branch trilogy—Fine Romance, Fairytale Girl, and MV: Isle of Dreams. Fun mix of pictures and chattiness. Did you read Fairytale Girl first?
I consider myself computer literate until I have to figure out what the guys at Apple are talking about! But they are great at explaining things. I haven’t read Fairytale Girl- I probably will someday, but I was more interested in her adult life. (Now that I’ve read the description of Fairytale Girl, I realize I was wrong. Yes, I will read it!)
Wow, I felt the stress just hearing about your ordeal with Apple. Hope today goes better!
Back from the store, new computer, transferring all my information. Fingers crossed!
I just love that you count your morning glories. You are a fairy tale girl like Susan Branch! I have read all her books and I love her take on life. I wish I had it, but then I think: it’s not too late to try to cultivate her love of life. And now the computer. Just think of having a 13″ computer instead of a 15″ computer is like losing 2″ off of your waist.
She is extraordinary in her love of life and her positive attitude!
I wish this was like losing 2 inches off my waist! In fact, I wish I had lost 2 inches off my waist!
Say hello to Danbury when you’re there – it’s my hometown.
I’ve been there three times in four days, Margaret!
I expect you’d rather say goodbye and hope it sticks.
Yes, indeed!
Get it over with, Claudia! Go today. I absolutely hate dealing with computer issues. We spent three days and at least three hours each day at the Support bar at the Apple store last summer to get my daughter’s MacBook to work again. At one point, the person who was helping us left and when I asked someone else where she went, he person said, “oh, she’s off….”, and I turned to see her wheeling her bike away. Arghhh, I raised such a fuss, that I got someone more efficient than she was.
I did. I decided to go for it and left a note for Don that I was on my way to CT. Everyone at Apple (both the store and on the phone) have been incredibly helpful, as always.
Claudia, wasn’t it possible to just buy additional memory for your 15-inch Mac? That seems incredible, that memory would be reduced in a newer model, even WITH a larger screen. Although if it was, I’m assuming the Apple type would have told you that. I’m lucky to have a VERY savvy nephew who’s had Macs for years – and who’s minoring in IT in college. He gives us all great advice re our computers all the time. He’s “tech support” for the whole family. The minute any of us have an issue, he gets a call! Especially we older relatives who’ll never know what he knows about computers [and aren’t that motivated to learn, either]. A few months ago I was grumbling about how much slower my 3-year old Mac had become, although it’s not really bad, and he ordered something from Amazon for me – only $40 – which he then installed & it has significantly improved processing speed. I think it was additional memory. He gives me all kinds of shortcuts and tips too, things I’d never find out otherwise. Unless I spent all day wandering around the Web at least. I’m always telling Ryan he should go into “computer consulting for older people” – folks who need good solid advice from someone they can trust. Hope everything gets ironed out to your complete satisfaction. For what Apple charges, you’re entitled to that!
I believe memory and storage are two different things, Janet. And new Macs can’t have memory added. It has to be configured at the factory. The old days of adding memory are gone.
I got the 13 inch – with the equivalent amount of storage (actually a bit more) that my older, circa 2011, MacBook had. I’m home now and all my information is transferring as I write this. I asked the guy why we’re getting less storage for the same price point nowadays and it’s all because of their new ‘flash-storage’ which requires more ‘whatever.’ I love that they constantly improve their computers, but if you want or need the same thing you had before, you’re going to have to pay more.
That’s one of those days for me when I just swear a little, or a lot, and then I get my pj’s back on and curl up with a book. It is the only way for me to stop my head from whirling in frustration. Hope it resolves for you. BTW My daughter has alway had mac laptops and many problems. My son and I have always had tabletops- and no issues..oh dear I had better knock wood.
I’d love a tabletop version, but I’m on the road too much. Maybe someday!
Hi, I can’t say enough about those Apple techs…they have so much patience and try so hard to get things working. I’m glad that you are enjoying Susan Branch’s books, I loved reading all three of them. Her writing and beautiful watercolor paintings that are placed so perfectly throughout the pages of her books bring me to a very peaceful, happy place. Your morning glories are glorious, what a gorgeous blue color. xxoo
I do love them. They are so patient and they really do their best to explain things in a way that make sense to the average computer user.
Bigger screen and less memory…. gotta love it! I do love my MacBook Air, and so far, the Apple support has been great when we have needed them, which has only been once in the past year. Our son is in IT, so he does help, too.
I had TWO MG blooms this morning! I took a picture because I think those days will be far and few between. I then went around the house to see the rogue volunteer which came up this year, and there were 7 blooms on it. Crazy!! I think I would wait til tomorrow to go on your shopping venture, only because Sundays can be so very much more busy. But, I know you would like to get it over with, too. I am thinking you might be on your way home already as I don’t see you have responded to any comments yet!! Either way, hope you have a good Sunday.
Yay! Two blooms! Good for you.
I went today. I was so ‘over’ this whole thing that I just wanted it done. Back home now. So far, so good…
First, the morning glories are beautiful.
Second, Use an external hard drive to store your photos on.
Third, Danbury is the name of the tiny town that is closest to me, It is in Wisconsin.
Yes, I’m probably going to do that. But that means I have to buy another external hard drive and that’s a pain in the tush.
Really…bigger screen, but less memory…what a racket! That is so disappointing. I went to a farmer’s market this morning…really busy. Saw so many trees changing color…I think it’s too early. So…enjoy your morning glories while you can! ;)
It’s because of their new ‘flash storage’ which the guy I spoke to today explained to me, but after a while, my eyes glazed over and I didn’t understand anything more.
Flash storage, huh? I prefer my glaze on doughnuts! ;)
You’re not kidding!
Boy do I understand your pain. My son replaced his apple laptop and experienced the same problem…. So being that I am completely computer illiterate, I took ours into our local apple store and told them that I wanted equal or better than this bottom of the line purchase from 8 years ago. I too got the 13 ” and we are getting along just fine. Susan’s book is a fun read. Enjoy
I’ve had a several Macs over the years, but this is the first time I’ve run up against this sort of change. Ah well, live and learn! The retina display on this new computer is incredible!
Wow!! I feel so lucky to have my daughter handle most of my computer issues! I hope you get it all fixed today!
Well, it’s really not an issue, more of a misunderstanding about the storage on the computer I originally chose. All is well now!
It’s funny you should say that because my son said that he was not at all happy with some of the new Macs that have come out because the updates they have done and things they have taken away do not make it conducive for his video use. I agree who would have thought about the memory.
I bet! You have to spend more now to get the kind of storage needed for videos and gaming. But I really love this new laptop – the display is crystal clear.
You’re going to love this book. I have read all three of Susan’s trilogy with A Fine Romance being my favorite. So sorry about your computer. Enjoy the book!
I just started it this morning, Sharon, but I had to leave it to write a book review. I’ll be back at it later this morning.
I bought the Mac Book 12″ in the new rose gold color in July. So far, I’m really enjoying it. What I’ve come to understand about Apple and their computers is that I have to really do my research beforehand to make sure that I’m getting what I need. There’s quite a bit of variation among the various different models. But I really think the quality and the service is second to none.
I agree. I’ve had Macs for years and years – since my San Diego days – and I wouldn’t use any other brand or operating system. And I’ve worked on my fair share of PCs in various jobs over the years. I don’t like them!
I don’t know a thing about Apple products so I can’t offer any advice..Beautiful morning if you could only be surprised by finding a moon flower bloom!
No advice needed. I just needed to exchange one computer for another and I did. All is well.
sorry you’ve had those computer troubles … ugh … and glad that you persevered and the problem is fixed.
unlike most people in my family, i am not tech-y. at all. i tend to comment here via my phone or (as now) on a break at work. dreading when i will need to buy a computer.
love flowers … and that you generally enjoy the work it takes to make a garden pretty. glad it is paying off for you.
and what a great view of your home in that first photo! you have such a pretty and charming home.
hope you have a wonderful week ahead.
kathy in iowa
Thank you, Kathy!
I keep an external hard drive on my desk that I can transfer my overload of photos to when necessary. The brand name is Lace. We have had it for a number of years so not sure it is made anymore, but it’s something you could certainly check into. Nothing but Apple products in our house as well. xo Glad you got things worked out with your new laptop! xo
I have a Lacie, Diane, but I use it for backing up my entire hard drive. I might buy another one just for photos.